ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

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Does anyone know the actual date when the girls moved into the King residenc? Also, when did BK move to WA? I am having a hard time reconciling the 12 prior drive-bys. Thanks!
Question for the legal eagles among us. Are public defenders given budgets? Since they are appointed to represent "indigent" defendants, who pays for expert witnesses, crime scene analysts, private investigators, etc.?
The county does- though I imagine that smaller counties have limited budgets for defense "extras".

To that end, I once met a man who had the rare job of being an investigator for the public defenders office in socal. Once assigned to a case, his job was to try to confirm alibis, the presence of mitigating circumstances, locate and coax reluctant witnesses to come forward etc. to the benefit of the pubic defender.

He also told me that he had to meticulously record the time he spent on each case, each day. This even included driving times all over the county. This log was to ensure that each defendant he was assigned was given proportional resources. When the time was up, it was up.

He spent alot of time on "wild goose chases" in regards to alibi hunts. Looking for character witnesses could be more productive. Once he got go to a strip joint several times to find a "regular" who was said to have alternate information on a drug deal gone fatally bad. Was reimbursed for the cover, but not the food. The regular, however, never showed.

I dont know if any county funds alternate expert witnesses though.
This is what I suspect more and more. I am anxiously awaiting any news about his writings. As a man in academia and a loner, I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a great deal. JMO. Thoughts?
If he was participating in on Line forums about the case, that really adds credence to this theory, IMO. If that was him posting, he was actually providing info on the murders.
This, actually, looks more like the behavior of someone meeting his dealer nearby. BTW, is there any information that he called the house? Did they have a landline? Or just someone’s number?
If this is true (and to me it isn’t the most likely fit for what is known), what explains his last contact in that area when the murders occurred? It seems too coincidental to me that he would have suddenly quit using at that precise time.
IMO It's irresponsible & unfair to pick apart literally everything a person says or does because they are accused of a crime.
The defendent has a right to defend themselves.
Why not allow the entire process and full story to be told?
In this particular case the defense is saying they look forward to telling their side. It's at the point where they do, when people can make an informative decision on guilt or innocence.
The process is the same whether it's someone accused of speeding or accused of murder.
If the Moscow police were being truthful with their initial release of info, on their website they stated,

"On November 13th, the surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up. At 11:58 a.m., a 911 call requested aid for an unconscious person. The call was made from one of the surviving roommates’ cell phones inside the residence. Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before Moscow Police arrived at the location. Officers entered the residence and found two victims on the second floor and two victims on the third floor." King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID

This states that they called their friends because they thought someone was passed out/unconscious. Which again makes me wonder how they knew someone was passed out. It means someone had to have found the victims or at least one of the victims, right? Or it means DM knew something bad had happened and waited in her room until noon. If DM thought nothing bad happened then what made them call their friends then the police (again unless they found a body.)
This is why many are led to believe that Xana was not “entirely” in her bedroom, she was at least partially visible from DMs room. If they only called to her from down the hall they “may” have assumed she was only unconscious. The affadavit may be deliberately non specific, or the narrative changed slightly to protect the survivors. The call may have gone out as unconsious when the “actual” 911 call stated deceased…if, in fact, they only “called” to Xana as she lay in/near her doorway, well, thats as big a mystery as why 911 was not called sooner..but may well be covered by the same explantions.
Did this supposed person also drive BK’s car and phone to the house 12 times before that night? Because his car and phone were there many times before the murders. This kind of seems like a huge reach…
This is not evidence that he drove to the house. There is evidence that his phone connected to a cell tower within range of the house. However, cell towers have ranges of several miles. So, the cell data indicates he was likely within a range of a mile or so from the home.
HTC found some writings BK did on a forum around 2011. Below is the video where they talk about it and here is a google drive with his writings

There have been other SM posts and other contributions attributed to BK by internet sleuths. AFAIK none have been confirmed as genuine and some have been debunked. I think HTC is a bit premature here. Nowadays rumors are considered content.
IMO It's irresponsible & unfair to pick apart literally everything a person says or does because they are accused of a crime.
The defendent has a right to defend themselves.
Why not allow the entire process and full story to be told?
In this particular case the defense is saying they look forward to telling their side. It's at the point where they do, when people can make an informative decision on guilt or innocence.
The process is the same whether it's someone accused of speeding or accused of murder.

So this forum would exist only for trials?
Ugh IMO, that is some fierce anger on the part of the killer. It’s like the knife had been plunged into her full force, and for what reason? I don’t get it.
No good reason. A lifetime of not belonging and/or not being accepted plus I think there has to be some sort of mental defect. If he’s put to death, I would really really hope they preserve and study his brain. It’s like he couldn’t stop himself. Adrenaline rush likely overtook him. JMO
IMO, It was really Queen Rd and that is confusing because the address of the house is 1122 King Road, but it faces Queen Rd.
Makes perfect sense once you see the map.

Our City Hall takes up an entire block, it has 4 streets bordering it. The front entrance faces and is on one street (North -South), but the actual address is one of the side streets (East- West.)
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Here's a couple of excerpts that stood out to me:

In class, Kohberger mostly came off as professional, Roberts said, although he said he was put off when Kohberger began to consistently show himself to be more forceful and condescending with women during seminar discussions.


After the Nov. 13 knife attacks that left four undergraduates dead about 9 miles east of Pullman in Moscow, neither student recalled Kohberger with any injuries or behaving in any way out of the ordinary, they said. The master’s student who spoke anonymously said they had a class with Kohberger on Nov. 15 and don’t remember anything that stood out.

It's interesting -- we don't know if Ethan regularly spent the night there (I think that his presence was unexpected, whether he spent the night frequently or not) and Kaylee had moved out and was just visiting that weekend to show Maddie her new car.

There was also the roommate who was on the lease but had moved out. I remember that causing somewhat of a stir when that info came out. Anyway, the house may have had only 4 residents sleeping there many nights, or maybe even just the nights BK seemingly surveilled the house? Regardless, he had to have known that the house was known for parties / having people over frequently, so not sure if these details are all that relevant at the end of the day.
This is the first I heard of this theory. What do you think?
If this is true (and to me it isn’t the most likely fit for what is known), what explains his last contact in that area when the murders occurred? It seems too coincidental to me that he would have suddenly quit using at that precise time.
Yeah...I think he was in the area related to this crime or another crime he was planning. The cell data doesn't prove exactly where he was, just the general range. However, since he suddenly avoided SW Moscow or even Moscow itself, after the murders, it points that he was in the area 12 times previously doing something that could be related to planning out this crime. (It doesn't prove it from a legal standpoint though)
HTC found some writings BK did on a forum around 2011. Below is the video where they talk about it and here is a google drive with his writings

This is interesting insight into (possibly) BK’s teen mental health issues. Thank you for sharing.

HTC says in the video it was found through searching on one of BK‘s old email addresses, which provides evidence (to me) that it is likely legit.
I think they have the right guy, but if this goes to trial then Dylan will have some serious explaining because anything that lends itself to her being less than cogent could impeach some or all of her testimony. IMO. But I still want to hear what the defense counters with....
I respectfully disagree. IMO the prosecution has an open and shut case with the knife sheath with BKs DNA. Prosecution does not need her testimony. And they dont need her to identify the bushy browed man in open court. His DNA puts him at the murder scene. She can simply retell her story of seeing a figure clad in black. I can’t see how the defense can destroy her testimony. She saw what she saw. All MOO.
Only because anything is possible. Incredibly, stupendously unlikely . . . but possible.
That is only a thought exercise IMO, in the face of the forensic and phone evidence (no doubt there is more), and BK needs to account for his presence at the scene if the police can establish it in fact (which IMO, based on the PCA and other evidence, they could assert this at court and in interview with BK).

However, it may be possible for BK, or any defendent in a criminal case, to be found not guilty on the basis of not forming the intention to do murder, despite still committing a murder, since the law broadly requires the action AND intention. This would be the only way I believe that BK could avoid the offence.

If his defence were to argue "it wasn't him, he wasn't there at the time of the murders" or similar, I would consider that potentially an act of professional negligence on the part of his legal team, as it does not provide him with the best defence he could have against the death penalty, IMProfessionalO. It is a fanciful argument IMO, and bares no attempt to understand and refute the prosecution's case.

Edit for grammar.
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This is the first I heard of this theory. What do you think?
The way I look at it is it would have been put back in his pocket after he took it off and could have fallen out anywhere. I doubt he would put it on the bed after he removed it the first time because it might be hard to find afterwards.
On Page 4 of the AA it states that DM described the PERP as “not very muscular, but athletically built” (direct quote of the AA, not DM). That seems odd to me. While it certainly is possible that someone could be athletically built but not muscular, it seems like a fine distinction to be made, particularly under the circumstances – in the dark or semi-dark, about a person presumably clothed from head to toe, and, possibly in multiple layers given the weather, and by a frightened 20/21-year-old who only saw the PERP for a few seconds.

I wonder what caused DM to describe the person in this way or that led the LE to summarize it like that.

Good points. Seems likely description of fit runner.

I don't know if he would dressed in many layers. More layers impedes movement and is more blood contaminated clothes to dispose or deal with after the attack. in the military if you are going to send in a small squad to reconnoiter, attack something or someone, etc, they are going to go out with the absolute minimum of anything that will impede them. If I was going to sneak into someone's house for the purpose of killing them with a knife, I would be wearing the absolute minimum, and it would be form fitting as well

As far as what she saw, there is a lot of interesting work on what eyewitnesses see. Professionals are trained to look and note a number of key characteristics. When a cop sees a possible perp they are marking clothes, height, weight/build, hair color/style, footwear, complexion and other key identifiers

Regular people not so much They sometimes get things completely wrong, or fixate on one or two things.
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