ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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I wonder why it was sooo easy for the perp to sneak through the sliding door.
What was wrong with it?

I thought for the owners of the house security of the renters should be priority - alarm, sturdy locks, ring camera.

I live in a college town and rent a home. Over 60% of homes /apartments etc are rentals managed by large property management companies who do NOT have their tenants security as a priority. They work for the owners to receive the most bang for their buck
Ring doorbells or exterior lighting additions or alarm systems are considered properly modifications and strictly NOT allowed
This is an out of state owner of investment property not one of the college kids parents as owners concerned about much other than rent paid on time!

Edit to fix typo
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I wonder if LE discovered the kitchen slider didn't lock reliably and did this to temporarily secure the scene. I lived in a beach house with 3 of the things, and the catches degraded pretty quickly. Replaced all of them over a few years. In a rental that might not have been well-maintained, with tenants who might not have been all that worried about it (especially with individually locking bedrooms), or eager to have the landlord around...
We're likely not going to know for months or years or ever who placed those stools there like that or when or why, but it bothers me. It also bothers me the dog did not start barking until 0417, but that's another story. My opinions only.
MOO The answers to most of this is on line. I am going to address one issue - the trigger.
He was having trouble performing as a TA.
The students were in revolt about his grading and comments. The professor of the class led some kind of mediation between the students and BK.
MOO this is petty major emotional incident for anyone, but especially impactful for a person who is unbalanced in the first place.
I had also thought about the timing. The end of the semester means that the students would be formally evaluating their professor and teaching assistants. I think this was a major concern and could have also caused him to start giving the students 100's with no grading comments.
I swear it was confirmed somewhere that the placement of the stools was in fact LE? If anyone has that on hand feel free to add otherwise I’ll do a deeper dive later… my memory could also be wrong. Either way I get the sense that the back slider door was used quite a bit- almost as a main entrance/exit for friends and guests. I think even if the lock was perfectly fine it may not have been kept locked much. (JMO/speculation of course)
So he knew perfectly well that it was the easiest way to enter the house without any problems.

I’ve seen some videos on YouTube by different people in LE how easy it is to get in a sliding door. Also a chance they didn’t lock doors. Very probably in a college party house.

Owners of house can only do so much, residents may or may not lock doors or use these features. Another report by a friend of students said the code for front door was often disabled.
Latches on sliding doors IMO are not locks, the latches as you say in utube videos are easy to breach. Putting a piece of wood in the floor door channel prevents door from opening.
The witness saw him walk past her and leave the house through a sliding glass door wearing a mask over his mouth and nose. The witness said his clothes were black but the affidavit doesn't say if the mask was black.

All we know for sure is he was wearing a mask that covered his mouth and nose. The witness saw his eyebrows so his eyebrows were not covered.

It is speculation that his mask was black and speculation that maybe the witness also saw his eyes.

I believe LE left out some specific details that only they and prosecutors know. Then if a witness comes forward and knows details that only LE knows, then LE knows they are a credible witness.

LE never reveals all their evidence to the public. It is not necessary to reveal all the evidence in an affidavit. Just enough to get the judge to sign off on it.

I learned this from watching the Rhoden/Gilley murder investigation.
The witness did not see the suspect leave the house, according to the affidavit, but instead walk toward a possible exit.
I have been thinking about where X was. Her and E had to be inside her bedroom with the door closed. When DM woke up I am assuming like everyone else she made a trip to the bathroom. The bathroom door was right beside the door to X's bedroom. She would have had to step over X to get in the bathroom if X was in the hallway. No way she did not notice X on the floor and all the blood if X was in the hallway or if the door to X's bedroom was open.

I too am puzzled why DM did not call 911 when she saw BK. But then it was a party house with people coming and going at all hours.

I also am puzzled why she called friends the next day after she awakened instead of calling 911. But maybe X's door was locked so she just knocked to ask about the crying and the man she saw coming from X's room the night before and got no response. Maybe she knocked several times loud enough it should have awakened the occupants. That could have been the point where she began thinking they were unconscious. But wondering why she didn't go upstairs to try to rouse M&K? Maybe she did and their door was also closed and locked and she got no response. That could have been the point where she started thinking about calling someone (perhaps E's brother or sister or K's brother, all U of I students or X's sister a WSU student.)

A question I have is did she first call her parents and tell them she couldn't get her roommates awake? Wouldn't parents have surely advised her to call 911, not friends? Of course we have no way of knowing exactly who she called except MSM stating she called friends who came over, then called 911.

Just wonderin'

IMO, when DM and BF woke up, they saw the crime scene, most likely Xana's bedroom, which police said the door was open and Xana could be seen on the floor of the bedroom when you are standing in the hallway. Steve Goncalves has said that the two surviving roommates ran out of the house. One passed out and the other tried to call 911, but was hyperventilating so much that the 911 operator couldn't understand her. We don't know for sure that friends were called. I imagine some of the neighbors may have noticed them and came to help out, one of them taking the phone from the hyperventilating roommate and telling the operator about the passed out, unconscious roommate. Link to news story: Steve Goncalves: Surviving roommate passed out | Banfield
Thank you so much for this post. I had never heard of it until I read the Conrad Aikens short story ("Silent Snow, Secret Snow."

I feel as if this particular issue might be much harder to cope with now, in our media-intensive, computer-intensive lifestyle than it was back when Aiken wrote the story (early 20th century) but it was still hard. Still depersonalizing.

It's been a hard time for you, too. I'm glad he's adapting (it reminds me of face blindness, which is awful and can involve depersonalization as well).

Thank you! Sadly, adapting only goes so far: at this point, he's still not sure if he feels comfortable enough to try to learn to drive and get a driver's license. He wants to start community college to become a therapist (after five years of therapy, he has SOME OPINIONS on how therapy should be improved), but he is concerned about the amount of reading/screen time required and if his eyes/brain can handle it.

From what my family has experienced with my son (plus other mental health struggles previous to the visual snow that I won't relate), I feel so much empathy & sympathy for BK's parents. Just from the still frames and descriptions I've seen of the traffic stops, I can't watch the full videos because it seems clear how incredibly proud he is of his son and how he has possibly overcome his struggles and gotten to what feels to Dad like a successful, stable point. I get it--if it wouldn't embarrass the heck out of my kid, I suspect I'd be bragging to grocery store checkers at the slightest provocation about how my kid just got his GED after all these years of h*ll and worrying about suicide and substance abuse. For his family to feel like they can finally breathe and feel proud after possible years of struggles, only to get hit with a SWAT team and the knowledge that their son has been accused of killing 4 beyond devastating.

Of course, if heaven forbid something happened and my son went off the deep end and did something, I can just see what they'd say even though we've spent years and tons of money we didn't even have getting as much help for our kid as was available. "His mom was known to be on several true crime message boards, she discussed true crime cases with him despite him protesting that he didn't care, and they had many true crime books in the house due to her lifelong interest in criminal psychology. It is obvious she never got him the help he needed and in fact, she is responsible for creating a monster."
I was thinking he came in and left through the kitchen slider until I saw this photo. I can't imagine LE did this, so unless one of the survivors placed these chairs in the track after the killer left he couldn't have used this door. My opinion only.

View attachment 393892

I believe jmo that they did, the red tape on the door was sealed previously and was broken to enter again.

What forum is this from?
Tapatalk is the platform, but the forum specifically is a forum for those with "Visual Snow" to discuss their condition. I spent a couple hours last night archiving his whole profile on wayback, and oh boy some of those posts are... sad. Here is the link to his profile if you're interested in clicking around. This one in particular really stood out to me.
BK has a full head of hair. If you watch the video that person is balding in the back.
Take a closer look. That*light area* going across the TOP of his head appears to be an artifact of lighting. If you zoom in, you can see it's not a *spot* at runs along the top of his head. Also, note the EXTENDED HAIR LINE down the BACK (NAPE) of his head down the neck. If you look at other pics of him it's an obvious stand out (*unkept* trim line along back of the head. MOO

Back (NAPE) of head
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We're likely not going to know for months or years or ever who placed those stools there like that or when or why, but it bothers me. It also bothers me the dog did not start barking until 0417, but that's another story. My opinions only.
I have a feeling that dog was used to not having peaceful, silent nights, living in a “party house.” Something eventually set him off, but the initial commotion may have blended in with what he’s used to hearing. MOO
I have been thinking about where X was. Her and E had to be inside her bedroom with the door closed. When DM woke up I am assuming like everyone else she made a trip to the bathroom. The bathroom door was right beside the door to X's bedroom. She would have had to step over X to get in the bathroom if X was in the hallway. No way she did not notice X on the floor and all the blood if X was in the hallway or if the door to X's bedroom was open.

I too am puzzled why DM did not call 911 when she saw BK. But then it was a party house with people coming and going at all hours.

I also am puzzled why she called friends the next day after she awakened instead of calling 911. But maybe X's door was locked so she just knocked to ask about the crying and the man she saw coming from X's room the night before and got no response. Maybe she knocked several times loud enough it should have awakened the occupants. That could have been the point where she began thinking they were unconscious. But wondering why she didn't go upstairs to try to rouse M&K? Maybe she did and their door was also closed and locked and she got no response. That could have been the point where she started thinking about calling someone (perhaps E's brother or sister or K's brother, all U of I students or X's sister a WSU student.)

A question I have is did she first call her parents and tell them she couldn't get her roommates awake? Wouldn't parents have surely advised her to call 911, not friends? Of course we have no way of knowing exactly who she called except MSM stating she called friends who came over, then called 911.

Just wonderin'

She fell asleep at about 4:30 AM after a long day with a football game and partying. It's reasonable that she didn't wake up until 12 noon. I wish people would leave her alone. None of us knows how we would act or react if we were in her shoes.
Take a closer look. That*light area* going across the TOP of his head appears to be an artifact of lighting. If you zoom in, you can see it's not a *spot* at runs along the top of his head. MOO
I agree with you on the bald spot, but that person's hairline is also receding (visible from the side) and BK's hair does not come back from the face in that way. MOO as well - I just don't think it is him but I understand where people see the resemblance
Since this is a PCA with a solo officer recounting his own investigative summaries, I am guessing the DM used the word "bushy."

People use it in various ways. She only caught a glimpse of him. His height and sex were as important as the eyebrows, but obviously, someone with non-prominent or very thin eyebrows wouldn't fit very well. To her, they were the main thing she noticed in her brief glimpse of his partly masked face.

I followed this discussion of eyebrows back and got a chuckle.

Cops writing up reports or affidavits often call witnesses on the phone and read parts back to them to be sure they are accurate, as they are writing based on their notes.
I know this because I was called after a car accident happened right in front of me and I called 911.

So based on this, my guess is she said ‘bushy’ eyebrows.
Kudos to DM for being able to give such distinct description, it is this info with the car that got this caught.

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