ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I’ve been thinking long and hard about his possible motive. Things like what motivated him to select these particular kids or this particular house. Was one victim his target? Two? Or did this particular house provide the simple opportunity to satisfy his urge to kill? All of the things we’ve been speculating about. Then it occurred to me that his motive might be the current “phase” he's in now. The “criminal justice” phase; the arrest and subsequent trial. A trial in which he thinks his expertise in all things having to do with criminology will shine. I think it has more to do with his ego and desire to outwit and show his superiority while actually in the criminal justice system. This is what he planned for. Maybe even his “sloppiness” was part of his plan to be caught, charged, and tried. He had to get caught… if my line of thinking is correct. He could actually believe his academic knowledge coupled with whatever he purposely did to evade or mislead prosecutors will prove superior to everything and everyone else and there will be enough reasonable doubt that he might actually be found not guilty. After all, in his mind he’s been studying this for years. It might have less to do with the actual act of killing (or how he was able to kill 4 kids so stealthy and quickly) and more to do with satisfying his sick ego. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s more like the murders were just a means to this end phase.

Naturally just my opinion.
I had the thought that since he was not hired as a Pullman Washington police officer he would commit these murders, get hired on as a Moscow ID police officer, then shine with a quick rise through the ranks by his brilliant deduction of evidence ect in this crime. Or by solving it, with someone else as the perpetrator of course.

JMO Pure speculation on my part.
I was thinking he came in and left through the kitchen slider until I saw this photo. I can't imagine LE did this, so unless one of the survivors placed these chairs in the track after the killer left he couldn't have used this door. My opinion only.

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I'm fairly certain LE actually did place the stools like that. At this point, they'd moved things around quite a bit, which was really noticeable in the daily news coverage because of the growing mess on the kitchen table. Earlier photos taken in the same location show the doors are clear to enter & exit through. See below photos taken November 14th (I hate to link a Fox article, but I don't want to spend all night searching for the same thing elsewhere!).

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Image 1

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Tapatalk is the platform, but the forum specifically is a forum for those with "Visual Snow" to discuss their condition. I spent a couple hours last night archiving his whole profile on wayback, and oh boy some of those posts are... sad. Here is the link to his profile if you're interested in clicking around. This one in particular really stood out to me.
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Why do people believe this specific profile is BK?
I respectfully disagree. I do think it resembles him.
Count me in the no way it’s him camp. Hairline is receding; nose isn’t prominent. Sideburns are different; hair is lighter and not as curly
I was thinking he came in and left through the kitchen slider until I saw this photo. I can't imagine LE did this, so unless one of the survivors placed these chairs in the track after the killer left he couldn't have used this door. My opinion only.

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le put those stools there.
Tapatalk is the platform, but the forum specifically is a forum for those with "Visual Snow" to discuss their condition. I spent a couple hours last night archiving his whole profile on wayback, and oh boy some of those posts are... sad. Here is the link to his profile if you're interested in clicking around. This one in particular really stood out to me.
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This is heartbreaking honestly. Literally crying out for help. I wonder if efforts were made to see doctors, therapy, etc. This certainly gives some insight into his past struggles, which weren’t currently apparent. It seemed as if he had gotten past some of this and was functioning, going off to college, somewhat successfully etc.
Thank you! Sadly, adapting only goes so far: at this point, he's still not sure if he feels comfortable enough to try to learn to drive and get a driver's license. He wants to start community college to become a therapist (after five years of therapy, he has SOME OPINIONS on how therapy should be improved), but he is concerned about the amount of reading/screen time required and if his eyes/brain can handle it.

From what my family has experienced with my son (plus other mental health struggles previous to the visual snow that I won't relate), I feel so much empathy & sympathy for BK's parents. Just from the still frames and descriptions I've seen of the traffic stops, I can't watch the full videos because it seems clear how incredibly proud he is of his son and how he has possibly overcome his struggles and gotten to what feels to Dad like a successful, stable point. I get it--if it wouldn't embarrass the heck out of my kid, I suspect I'd be bragging to grocery store checkers at the slightest provocation about how my kid just got his GED after all these years of h*ll and worrying about suicide and substance abuse. For his family to feel like they can finally breathe and feel proud after possible years of struggles, only to get hit with a SWAT team and the knowledge that their son has been accused of killing 4 beyond devastating.

Of course, if heaven forbid something happened and my son went off the deep end and did something, I can just see what they'd say even though we've spent years and tons of money we didn't even have getting as much help for our kid as was available. "His mom was known to be on several true crime message boards, she discussed true crime cases with him despite him protesting that he didn't care, and they had many true crime books in the house due to her lifelong interest in criminal psychology. It is obvious she never got him the help he needed and in fact, she is responsible for creating a monster."

The Dad wasn’t previously stable?
Tapatalk is the platform, but the forum specifically is a forum for those with "Visual Snow" to discuss their condition. I spent a couple hours last night archiving his whole profile on wayback, and oh boy some of those posts are... sad. Here is the link to his profile if you're interested in clicking around. This one in particular really stood out to me.
View attachment 393905

Thanks! I have not seen this before.
I had the thought that since he was not hired as a Pullman Washington police officer he would commit these murders, get hired on as a Moscow ID police officer, then shine with a quick rise through the ranks by his brilliant deduction of evidence ect in this crime. Or by solving it, with someone else as the perpetrator of course.

JMO Pure speculation on my part.
Can’t see this. It’s not easy to pin a murder on someone else.
I'm fairly certain LE actually did place the stools like that. At this point, they'd moved things around quite a bit, which was really noticeable in the daily news coverage because of the growing mess on the kitchen table. Earlier photos taken in the same location show the doors are clear to enter & exit through. See below photos taken November 14th (I hate to link a Fox article, but I don't want to spend all night searching for the same thing elsewhere!).

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Image 1

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Image 2
I assume they placed them there after removing the door handle for analysis.
I have a feeling that dog was used to not having peaceful, silent nights, living in a “party house.” Something eventually set him off, but the initial commotion may have blended in with what he’s used to hearing. MOO
I agree. I really think Murphy was just a chill dog around all sorts of people.

I actually think there’s a chance he wasn’t even the barking dog picked up by 1112 King. I’m convinced the loud thud was caused by BK outside somehow after he left the kitchen (jumping down the graded area to get back to the street where his car was parked, throwing the knife in the trunk, running into a trash can or something in the dark, etc.) and then that sound caused a dog nearby to bark (which could have been a dog in 1112 King). I think if the dog barking was Murphy, Dylan would have heard it (especially given everything else she had heard from inside the house). But maybe she did and that detail didn’t make it into the PCA.
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Good thinking hope they are looking at all cell handshake times and gaps in travel.

MOO the other people will testify he was not there. Also if he was there, his touch DNA should be present in many places, not just the sheath of a commando knife.
We only know of one reported DNA source at the scene.
I’ve been thinking long and hard about his possible motive. Things like what motivated him to select these particular kids or this particular house. Was one victim his target? Two? Or did this particular house provide the simple opportunity to satisfy his urge to kill? All of the things we’ve been speculating about. Then it occurred to me that his motive might be the current “phase” he's in now. The “criminal justice” phase; the arrest and subsequent trial. A trial in which he thinks his expertise in all things having to do with criminology will shine. I think it has more to do with his ego and desire to outwit and show his superiority while actually in the criminal justice system. This is what he planned for. Maybe even his “sloppiness” was part of his plan to be caught, charged, and tried. He had to get caught… if my line of thinking is correct. He could actually believe his academic knowledge coupled with whatever he purposely did to evade or mislead prosecutors will prove superior to everything and everyone else and there will be enough reasonable doubt that he might actually be found not guilty. After all, in his mind he’s been studying this for years. It might have less to do with the actual act of killing (or how he was able to kill 4 kids so stealthy and quickly) and more to do with satisfying his sick ego. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s more like the murders were just a means to this end phase.

Naturally just my opinion.

I thought about that being the goal and it still could be. Set himself up and then beat the system by getting over on it. But now I'm leaning toward “visual snow” being at the heart of his actions and losing touch with reality. Reading about what he went thru as a teen and then a poster on here sharing her son's battle with it made me look deeper into it. I had no idea how devastating an affliction it could be and how some sufferers could be so badly affected emotionally and mentally. I've followed many cases and can't remember one where I thought the defendant had lost touch with reality, but I have to consider something like that with BK. IMO his thinking has been skewed to the point of incriminating himself.
I had the thought that since he was not hired as a Pullman Washington police officer he would commit these murders, get hired on as a Moscow ID police officer, then shine with a quick rise through the ranks by his brilliant deduction of evidence ect in this crime. Or by solving it, with someone else as the perpetrator of course.

JMO Pure speculation on my part.

Interesting thought, but I can’t get past the fact that this guy made so many mistakes.
Either he is not nearly the mastermind some thought he was, or he enjoys attention even if it is negative attention.
If his intention was to pull of the perfect murder, and get by with it, that hasn’t happened. I can’t help but be curious as to what he thinks about his crime now.

We will know more if and when this goes to trial. I assume his ego won’t let him admit guilt or take a plea.

I would really, really hope not. Has anyone ever written a sentence using different words from thesaurus? You get a completely different meaning.

Though… I wouldn’t rule out that something like this could’ve occurred. I just really hope it didn’t.

Since this is a PCA with a solo officer recounting his own investigative summaries, I am guessing the DM used the word "bushy."

People use it in various ways. She only caught a glimpse of him. His height and sex were as important as the eyebrows, but obviously, someone with non-prominent or very thin eyebrows wouldn't fit very well. To her, they were the main thing she noticed in her brief glimpse of his partly masked face.

The idea is that the officer who writes this can be asked to come to court for the PCA process and judge can ask him/her what precisely was said. That was likely not needed in this one. More than enough there, with or without DM's eyewitness account.

The footprints in the blood are great evidence, but the DNA on the sheath is of course what pointed directly to BK.
I was thinking he came in and left through the kitchen slider until I saw this photo. I can't imagine LE did this, so unless one of the survivors placed these chairs in the track after the killer left he couldn't have used this door. My opinion only.

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I believe LE put it there after discovering it was not easy to secure the crime scene. I’d have to watch all those early videos again, but it has been discussed here and that’s the conclusion I drew from the series of pictures and statements by LE.
I’ve been thinking long and hard about his possible motive. Things like what motivated him to select these particular kids or this particular house. Was one victim his target? Two? Or did this particular house provide the simple opportunity to satisfy his urge to kill? All of the things we’ve been speculating about. Then it occurred to me that his motive might be the current “phase” he's in now. The “criminal justice” phase; the arrest and subsequent trial. A trial in which he thinks his expertise in all things having to do with criminology will shine. I think it has more to do with his ego and desire to outwit and show his superiority while actually in the criminal justice system. This is what he planned for. Maybe even his “sloppiness” was part of his plan to be caught, charged, and tried. He had to get caught… if my line of thinking is correct. He could actually believe his academic knowledge coupled with whatever he purposely did to evade or mislead prosecutors will prove superior to everything and everyone else and there will be enough reasonable doubt that he might actually be found not guilty. After all, in his mind he’s been studying this for years. It might have less to do with the actual act of killing (or how he was able to kill 4 kids so stealthy and quickly) and more to do with satisfying his sick ego. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s more like the murders were just a means to this end phase.

Naturally just my opinion.

I thought about that being the goal and it still could be. Set himself up and then beat the system by getting over on it. But now I'm leaning toward “visual snow” being at the heart of his actions and losing touch with reality. Reading about what he went thru as a teen and then a poster on here sharing her son's battle with it made me look deeper into it. I had no idea how devastating an affliction it could be and how some sufferers could be so badly affected emotionally and mentally. I've followed many cases and can't remember one where I thought the defendant had lost touch with reality, but I have to consider something like that with BK. IMO his thinking has been skewed to the point of incriminating himself.
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