ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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I'm not from the US nor a lawyer so I don't actually know FACTS but is the affidavit release just as a justification for what they are about to do (i.e charge and incarcerate BK)? Do they need to actually dispose ALL the facts and evidence they have at this document or they can only describe a reasonable mean to why they found that person should be charged?

I’m not a lawyer either, but I’ll say with certainty that all they need to do is convince a judge that it’s appropriate to arrest him. They can leave out as much as they want. (Eventually, the defense will get everything, as ‘discovery.’)

And notice that the judge was fine with their arresting him, the judge agreed to a middle-of-the-night SWAT team arrest, which demanded more evidence, and the judge also said NO BAIL. Understandably so, in my opinion.

I posted on the other thread that was just closed. I did not have time to add this important link so brought my post over to add it:

My post was in response to a poster speculating that BK was wearing a ski mask.

My post:

"Not a ski mask because the witness said it covered his mouth and nose and that he has bushy eyebrows. A ski mask covers the eyebrows and has just holes for eyes.

This is why I think BK shaved his eyebrows after his arrest before showing up in court."

He may have shaved his eyebrows but if he had a ski mask like this one:

...his eyebrows would have easily been noticed. And, maybe it's just me, but something about that ski mask seems to enhance the look of the eyebrows--making them look bigger.
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO

I agree with others that he will not take the stand in his own defense. So, aside from his testimony, what do you think he can introduce to prove these points?

He would have to prove he was there, btw. There's phone ping evidence that he was there in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, there are multiple cameras that caught him driving right up to the driveway of 1122 just before the burglary/murders occurred. He then speeds away (on camera) right after the time of the murders.

So it's not just pings. LE now has way more evidence, namely:

  • Evidence from his car
  • Evidence from his apartment
  • Evidence from his parents' house
  • Evidence from his parents' neighbors' trash
  • An exact DNA match (from his own DNA swabbed at arrest time)
  • Records from all devices he used (FBI can restore a lot of deleted data on phones and computers)
  • Records from Google regarding searches made by his phone and his computer (by device identifiers)
  • GPS records from his phone; he likely used Google Maps
  • Records from other social media sites documenting whether BK is actually Pappa Rodger, InsideLooking and TapaTalk guy (or showing that he is NOT that person)
  • His DNA, now that it is plainly known, will be easier to find on other items than just the sheath
  • Fiber analysis from the crime scene, particularly regarding latent fibers from a 2015 Elantra
  • More latent footprints and visible footprints (obviously, as it's highly unlikely he hopped from place to place on one foot inside the house)
  • Receipts and records of his clothing purchases, any other relevant purposes (they'll eventually get the Albertson's receipts, IMO)
  • Evidence of cleaning car immediately after crime
  • Possible pictures of him wearing Van's pre-murder and not possessing them any longer (every bit of surveillance video of this man will be collected - and is being collected at the current time; also some of his colleagues may have noticed his shoes; they are being trained to be observers, after all.
Further, there are people who are able to report on his behavior pre- and post-murders.

There's camera evidence of him leaving Pullman and arriving Moscow at just before the time of the murders - in the wee hours of the morning.

No other DNA has been reported as found on that sheath, so it's very hard to explain how 4 people were murdered with a knife that goes into that particular sheath (Ka-Bar USMC), with the sheath found right next to one of the murder victims and the only DNA on the sheath is BK's. I assume that the amount of DNA found on the sheath confirms more than one "touch" is fairly plentiful, even though they likely have not tested the whole knife yet (they need to allow the defense to test it too).

IOW, there's a lot more to come. His defense has a major uphill battle. I don't recall another case that poses as many difficulties for the defense as this one - and I"m sure I've totally forgotten some vectors of evidence.
I wonder why it was sooo easy for the perp to sneak through the sliding door.
What was wrong with it?

I thought for the owners of the house security of the renters should be priority - alarm, sturdy locks, ring camera.

I’ve seen some videos on YouTube by different people in LE how easy it is to get in a sliding door. Also a chance they didn’t lock doors. Very probably in a college party house.

Owners of house can only do so much, residents may or may not lock doors or use these features. Another report by a friend of students said the code for front door was often disabled.
I'm not from the US nor a lawyer so I don't actually know FACTS but is the affidavit release just as a justification for what they are about to do (i.e charge and incarcerate BK)? Do they need to actually dispose ALL the facts and evidence they have at this document or they can only describe a reasonable mean to why they found that person should be charged?
Good questions all! I'm not a lawyer and I don't live in ID, but you probably know that American laws vary somewhat from state to state.

As I understand it, all the affidavit needed to establish was probable cause, i.e., it is more likely than not that the accused committed the crime. Sometimes the standard of proof is slightly higher in order to have the defendant held without bail.

Many (maybe all) states now have "reciprocal discovery", by which both sides have to share whatever evidence they have with the other side. But that comes later. I believe it is true in ALL states that the DA must share any exculpatory evidence with the defense; failure to do so often results in a guilty verdict being overturned.

Bottom line: no, the prosecution is not yet required to hand over all its evidence, only that which is necessary to minimally support the charges filed.
Even being there with other people, how did his knife sheath end up on the bed beside one of the victims?
And surely he'd have to name the people he was with. All of them now dead? Hmm goes the jury. Otherwise, he needs a living witness to this middle-of-the-night knife sheath sharing party.
I think the prom date herself would have to come out of the woodwork. I also know a ton of people who just don't go to prom, it's less of a thing than it was 40 years ago with JD.

IMO he might do fine on dating apps on the virtue of being 6' and fairly attractive, but everyone who talks about him seems to say creepy or weird especially towards women. Perhaps he was rejected by a lot of females either on early dates or if he tried to talk to them, hence the hatred toward the pretty, popular sorority girls.
At article just got linked a page or two back that further reiterates his high school friends saying that he never had a girlfriend but that he was always trying to fit in.

Then there was something strange that I had not read before. I’m pretty sure it was from college, grad school, or maybe even his stint at WSU. One acquaintance recalled him saying that he could go in any bar in town and “have any lady he wanted.”

I’m not going to reread it for clarification because I just can’t. But if he was indeed saying that, I bet it was in WA to people who didn’t know him and had no history with him. His friends and acquaintances in PA would’ve known that was absurd.

I think his mental state could’ve been deteriorating those last few years in PA to the point where he was indulging in increasingly violent and sadistic fantasies. And that maybe he was compelled to move across the country where nobody knew him and he could be unencumbered in the pursuit of these all-consuming urges.

It’s so weird how these ideas crystallize in my mind as I think about this guy.
Good thinking hope they are looking at all cell handshake times and gaps in travel.
Police should check the west side of quarry pond on Quarry Lane about 3 miles south of Moscow on west side of Hwy 95 for suspects clothing and weapon.
If he left murder scene at 4:20, then turned cell phone back on at 4:48 near Blaine (6 miles south) that would mean there is about 20 minutes unaccounted for.
Google Earth shows an easy exit and private area to get rid of evidence. If it’s really an old quarry it is likely deep with steep sides.
Allowing a few minutes to feel safe to turn his phone back on makes this a prime spot to look for the missing evidence.
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
MOO the other people will testify he was not there. Also if he was there, his touch DNA should be present in many places, not just the sheath of a commando knife.


Quite honestly, these comments don't stand up well to careful examination, in my opinion. When I was a senior in high school, I was approached by many elite schools. However, I did not apply to any of them. Instead, I went where I could afford to go, which was to a public in-state university that offered me a generous scholarship package. Attending an elite school would have meant taking out student loans.

I went to high school with a number of people who were weaker students than I was but who were able to attend "elite" universities because they had more affluent parents who were able to pay their tuition at those schools.

From what I have seen, attending a lesser-known school generally has far more to do with the income level of one's parents than with intelligence or academic ability. Attempting to determine someone's intelligence based on what colleges he or she has attended is ill considered, in my opinion.

That isn't to say that I think BCK is particularly intelligent. On the contrary, I haven't seen any evidence that he is, and he made numerous sophomoric mistakes in committing this crime. However, his choice of schools proves nothing one way or the other about his intelligence.

Money is definitely a factor in choosing colleges.

But I believe the reason BK studied at DeSales University is because of:

As part of his prior studies at DeSales University, Kohberger worked under the tutelage of BTK expert Dr. Katherine Ramsland, a fact that shocked the infamous serial killer's daughter after news of Kohberger's arrest broke Friday.
I wonder why it was sooo easy for the perp to sneak through the sliding door.
What was wrong with it?

I thought for the owners of the house security of the renters should be priority - alarm, sturdy locks, ring camera.

It's pretty easy to sneak in if the door is unlocked. In one of the cop body cam videos KG comes out of the glass door to talk to police and doesn't have to unlock it.

Ring camera is always a good idea but I don't see many college rentals with them. Especially in a setup like this where this isn't really the main entry. Great news is from the PCA it sounds like at least one neighbor, potentially even 2 neighbors, have video/audio recording of the occurences. If they have the car parking on video, they probably also have video of BK getting out of the car and walking...
My 20 yo son has suffered from visual snow (the focus of that message board that the postings are from) and the resulting depersonalization for over 2 years now. It is hell. He has experienced many of the things in that are listed in what you can see in the video screenshot as a result of the visual snow--depression, SI, feeling a disconnect from emotions or wondering if his emotions are "real", sped up or slowed down perception of time, anxiety, poor self esteem, wondering if he's losing his mind. Visual snow has so much still unknown about it and the recommended treatments/meds are few and are just kinda guessed at by doctors. He's been to eye doctors, neuro ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and had an MRI as well as neuropsych testing, blood work, etc. No medication, eyewear, or therapy has really worked much. At this point, he has grown so accustomed after 2 years of obsessing over it, that he has actually gotten used to it and doesn't register it as much. Luckily that has helped reduce the depersonalization and SI. He had to drop out of high school because it made him unable to function in that environment (despite being an honors student) and finally just took and passed his GEDs last week. In the early days, he tried coping by self medicating with marijuana and alcohol (which only made it worse). It has been a horrible, hard time for him and that was even with him living with us, telling us what was going on while it was going on, and having tons of medical/mental healthcare professionals involved. If this is BK, and he started developing afterimages at AGE NINE as one of those messages says, I can't imagine the damage Visual Snow caused to his mental health during his preteen and teen years. My son barely survived two plus years of it, much less over 10 years.
I am quite unfamiliar with visual snow, but I have a mental health background. I’m sorry for your son, happy he’s seeming to be doing better. But if these posts are BK, they are really concerning to me. This condition clearly triggered or coincided with some psychological issues. He talked about depression, feeling worthless, feeling like a criminal without a conviction, and recognized he felt sorry for treating his great dad poorly.

This can explain the gap after high school if he was dealing with this, as well as some addiction issues. This is all around concerning and sad. If this was him at 15, he was clearly struggling then and could have received some immense help. Curious if he received any therapy or consult.
I'm guessing they're searching or asking people to search in all the areas where there's missing pings from his turned-off cell phone. It is definitely a place that he could have known about. I think he takes his phone with him that day because he's only familiar with a small area of WA/ID and has likely never driven more than a few miles outside of Pullman or Moscow.


There's an email tip line as well - wouldn't hurt to send it in.

The way this comedy of errors on Bk's part has played out I'm surprised he didn't gift wrap the items and present them to LE himself. Why start covering his tracks at this point after the great job he's done of setting himself up. If I sound snarky its because none of his movements make a lick of sense.
I agree with others that he will not take the stand in his own defense. So, aside from his testimony, what do you think he can introduce to prove these points?

He would have to prove he was there, btw. There's phone ping evidence that he was there in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, there are multiple cameras that caught him driving right up to the driveway of 1122 just before the burglary/murders occurred. He then speeds away (on camera) right after the time of the murders.

So it's not just pings. LE now has way more evidence, namely:

  • Evidence from his car
  • Evidence from his apartment
  • Evidence from his parents' house
  • Evidence from his parents' neighbors' trash
  • An exact DNA match (from his own DNA swabbed at arrest time)
  • Records from all devices he used (FBI can restore a lot of deleted data on phones and computers)
  • Records from Google regarding searches made by his phone and his computer (by device identifiers)
  • GPS records from his phone; he likely used Google Maps
  • Records from other social media sites documenting whether BK is actually Pappa Rodger, InsideLooking and TapaTalk guy (or showing that he is NOT that person)
  • His DNA, now that it is plainly known, will be easier to find on other items than just the sheath
  • Fiber analysis from the crime scene, particularly regarding latent fibers from a 2015 Elantra
  • More latent footprints and visible footprints (obviously, as it's highly unlikely he hopped from place to place on one foot inside the house)
  • Receipts and records of his clothing purchases, any other relevant purposes (they'll eventually get the Albertson's receipts, IMO)
  • Evidence of cleaning car immediately after crime
  • Possible pictures of him wearing Van's pre-murder and not possessing them any longer (every bit of surveillance video of this man will be collected - and is being collected at the current time; also some of his colleagues may have noticed his shoes; they are being trained to be observers, after all.
Further, there are people who are able to report on his behavior pre- and post-murders.

There's camera evidence of him leaving Pullman and arriving Moscow at just before the time of the murders - in the wee hours of the morning.

No other DNA has been reported as found on that sheath, so it's very hard to explain how 4 people were murdered with a knife that goes into that particular sheath (Ka-Bar USMC), with the sheath found right next to one of the murder victims and the only DNA on the sheath is BK's. I assume that the amount of DNA found on the sheath confirms more than one "touch" is fairly plentiful, even though they likely have not tested the whole knife yet (they need to allow the defense to test it too).

IOW, there's a lot more to come. His defense has a major uphill battle. I don't recall another case that poses as many difficulties for the defense as this one - and I"m sure I've totally forgotten some vectors of evidence.
This is very insightful. IMO the car will be a very important piece of evidence considering he used it leaving the CS right after the attacks. Considering he disposed his clothes and shoes he didn't do the same with the car. I know we don't have informations if he sent his car to a deep cleaning or something like that.

IMO considering he's a very young person he must have used the internet to acquire a lot of his gear so his computer will also be a damning piece of evidence.
I think the prom date herself would have to come out of the woodwork. I also know a ton of people who just don't go to prom, it's less of a thing than it was 40 years ago with JD.

IMO he might do fine on dating apps on the virtue of being 6' and fairly attractive, but everyone who talks about him seems to say creepy or weird especially towards women. Perhaps he was rejected by a lot of females either on early dates or if he tried to talk to them, hence the hatred toward the pretty, popular sorority girls.

If you dated him would you go to the press or just directly to the FBI/LE?
I think I'd be too ashamed to be associated with him to go to the media.
I think we're all asking about exactly those files - which I have open on Google Drive. Is HTC approved? Since people are referring to it here by acronym, I assume it is.

What do you think? Can we use HTC?
I'm just going to wait til the poster replies with the answer.
I expected that BK would use another forum for his health concerns ( after tapatalk)

SillYbilly y already posted a couple hours ago that HTC is approved ( I didn't know that til now, either)

we can't discuss MH on the main thread though, so I've been avoiding discussing the contents of the HTC YouTube links ( incl the posts within)
Are you sure he’s going to take the stand in his own defence? That opens him up for a lot of questions he may not want to answer.
He doesn’t have to take the stand in his own defense, his defense attorney just has to make reasonable doubt to the jury? JMO
Remember Sleuthers it takes just one person on a jury to vote not guilty for a mistrial!
The Rhoden/Giley murders where investigated for over 2 years before they made an arrest after that the LE was getting evidence 5 years later, just saying that LE has a long way to go still yet!
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