ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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Nice to hear from you Johnny! Please keep posting in the Rhoden thread too!

I never thought about him going out late at night to buy illegal drugs, but I am sure this wasn't any type of drug deal gone bad or BK "messing up" that night.

His car was spotted 12 times in the vicinity of the home and plus he went back between 9:00am and 9:30 am the morning of the murders. I think he may have gone back more than once that morning, need to look it up.

Then on top of this he had his deadly knife with him, was dressed in black clothing, was wearing a mask covering his mouth and nose, and killed 4 people.

It looks like he planned this ahead. Also, I remember reading - wish I had book marked it - that 2 of the girls had a distant type of social media connection to him. Like he knew them on SM but they probably weren't aware of him. Wish I could find this again.

But it is not beyond reason that he was "high" on something that night but I won't speculate further on this because there is no evidence of this plus I don't want to start "rumors" of drug use that isn't documented.

His past drug use is documented to a degree from several witnesses and is mentioned in MSM. But nothing about current drug use.
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
I think that looks correct but I have a question
After 9 am was his phone on or off or periodically off
To me that looks suss turning one’s phone off for a few hours in the day . Rarely do people do that.
I wonder if anyone else’s phone was in the vicinity and meeting him and noticed anything odd because I fit understand his need to drive to three random places on a Sunday if he tries to give an excuse
Also , the LE is now not just keeping things close to their chest , they are gagged from releasing info and I have NO doubt that they are gathering lots . Does anyone know how many officers on the case now ? Tia
It seems to imply on after 4:48am, goes home for a bit and returns at 9am. Then goes to Lewiston, ID (40 min drive) and phone turns off for 3 more hours (5:30-8:30p). Looking at old articles, that seems to be around when the news started getting to MSM outlets, maybe he got an alert and couldn't resist going back to the area 1 more time?
I'm not from the US nor a lawyer so I don't actually know FACTS but is the affidavit release just as a justification for what they are about to do (i.e charge and incarcerate BK)? Do they need to actually dispose ALL the facts and evidence they have at this document or they can only describe a reasonable mean to why they found that person should be charged?
Yes, just enough to obtain the arrest warrant at this stage.
regarding the dumping of incriminating evidence, just noticed this interest in hiking

'In a handful of conversations outside of the classroom with Kohberger, Roberts said that the two talked a little about music and sports, and that Kohberger at one point mentioned he liked to hike.'

Read more at:

PCA - By 12.36pm on 13th Nov his phone is in Clarkston, WA, then by 5.36pm he's in Johnston Idaho and his phone is ' off-grid' for 3 more hours.

The Johnston area would be a good place to bury something or maybe even burn something with a small fire. Perhaps LE has already requested a geofence for this area and just maybe BK just turned the phone off but not the location service or the GPS. I believe a geofence can pin point a location within 100-200 meters and can go back 30 or more days.
I have been thinking about where X was. Her and E had to be inside her bedroom with the door closed. When DM woke up I am assuming like everyone else she made a trip to the bathroom. The bathroom door was right beside the door to X's bedroom. She would have had to step over X to get in the bathroom if X was in the hallway. No way she did not notice X on the floor and all the blood if X was in the hallway or if the door to X's bedroom was open.

I too am puzzled why DM did not call 911 when she saw BK. But then it was a party house with people coming and going at all hours.

I also am puzzled why she called friends the next day after she awakened instead of calling 911. But maybe X's door was locked so she just knocked to ask about the crying and the man she saw coming from X's room the night before and got no response. Maybe she knocked several times loud enough it should have awakened the occupants. That could have been the point where she began thinking they were unconscious. But wondering why she didn't go upstairs to try to rouse M&K? Maybe she did and their door was also closed and locked and she got no response. That could have been the point where she started thinking about calling someone (perhaps E's brother or sister or K's brother, all U of I students or X's sister a WSU student.)

A question I have is did she first call her parents and tell them she couldn't get her roommates awake? Wouldn't parents have surely advised her to call 911, not friends? Of course we have no way of knowing exactly who she called except MSM stating she called friends who came over, then called 911.

Just wonderin'

This has all been discussed before and is speculation on my part but the more we learn, the more I believe this is what happened:

The other surviving roommate (BF) woke up first, went upstairs and saw blood and/or the bloody footprint on the 2nd floor, noticed that the 3rd floor was also eerily quiet and didn’t open any doors but realized something was terribly wrong and freaked out. She called friends to come over to check on things with her before speaking to DM. The friend(s) checked out the house and found the gruesome scene. DM was awakened by loudness of friends talking and/or screaming and felt the traumatized, shocked and frozen feeling all over again when she learned her friends had been murdered it was probably the murderer she had seen in the hallway overnight. DM and BF were too traumatized to call 911, so a friend made the call on one of the surviving roommates phone.

I have felt all along that the 911 call was not released publicly to protect someone or something (evidence that only the killer would know?). I think the surviving roommates and the actual 911 caller’s name are probably documented on the 911 call and it may have also been reported that a perp dressed in black was seen overnight by DM leaving the house. The call was not released publicly to protect the identity of the 911 caller and the surviving roommates while the murderer was on the loose. And also, LE did not want the perp know that there was a witness with a description of him leaving the house.

IMO, I’m not surprised at all that the 911 call wasn’t made until late morning, near noon, or ~8 hrs after DM saw the guy in the hallway. College kids who have been out partying sleep late. They just do. It seems logical that DM probably got only a little bit of sleep from 2-4AM, then heard the commotion upstairs and saw the man dressed in black, and was awake and terrified for several more hours, then fell asleep again in the early morning after being awake most of the night. So it doesn’t seem unusual to me at all that BF and DM were not up until 11-ish. Why didn’t DM call 911 after seeing the perp? First of all, she wasn’t hearing loud, blood curdling screams when she was awoken and she opened her door 3 times but didn’t see or hear anything unusual twice, then saw the guy in black leaving the third time she cracked open the door. The last thing on her mind was thinking 4 homicides had just taken place. Although frightened, she probably talked herself into thinking that one of the roommates invited the guy dressed in black over and she’d find out who he was in the morning. All innocent, and I’m sure if DM is traumatized by survivors guilt and if she could do it all over again, she’d make the 911 call. All speculation.
Police should check the west side of quarry pond on Quarry Lane about 3 miles south of Moscow on west side of Hwy 95 for suspects clothing and weapon.
If he left murder scene at 4:20, then turned cell phone back on at 4:48 near Blaine (6 miles south) that would mean there is about 20 minutes unaccounted for.
Google Earth shows an easy exit and private area to get rid of evidence. If it’s really an old quarry it is likely deep with steep sides.
Allowing a few minutes to feel safe to turn his phone back on makes this a prime spot to look for the missing evidence.
is this what that area looks like Keith ( I haven't gone to Googlemaps yet)

the ponds in the photos
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
I'm just glad that we now all know who almost certainly killed the four students.
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO

Are you sure he’s going to take the stand in his own defence? That opens him up for a lot of questions he may not want to answer.
DM is an eyewitness to at least part of the crimes charged (burglary). I think it was very important to the PCA to snag him on at least burglary.

She may not need to testify at trial (if there is one).

I'm not from the US nor a lawyer so I don't actually know FACTS but is the affidavit release just as a justification for what they are about to do (i.e charge and incarcerate BK)? Do they need to actually dispose ALL the facts and evidence they have at this document or they can only describe a reasonable mean to why they found that person should be charged?
You've got it right.

This was the Probable Cause for Arrest Affidavit (basically, they're called different things in different states).

Next, it goes to Preliminary Hearing (I believe that's scheduled for 1/19). At that hearing, Prosecution needs to show enough evidence that a Judge agrees that the criminal defendant shall be "bound over for trial," meaning the State can retain custody of him (he has lost his freedom and is now in the long process of trying to get it back).

Usually, there's quite a bit more evidence at the Preliminary Hearing.

After that, a formal process called "discovery" begins in which each side organizes all its evidence and obtains more evidence and shares it with the other side. Eventually, there will be in chambers talks with the Judge and open court hearings on what will be allowed into the trial as actual evidence. This phase is the phase that makes a 10 month estimate of when a trial might take place fairly average. Could be longer. For sure this Public Defender will do everything constitutionally necessary to represent her client in as fair a light as possible.
That exposes a lot more than just eyebrows. Eye shape and size, eye color, bridge of nose. If it was pitch black dark, would you even see bushy eyebrows? Maybe her eyes were acclimated to the dark just enough to make out the bushy eyebrows. She nailed the height and build. Athletic build but not muscular. Classic runner frame, lean and athletic but not bulky. There have been multiple accounts of him running up to 6-7 miles at a time.
Somebody on here had mentioned that maybe he did not see DM because of the Good Vibes lit sign hanging near the hallway. Maybe this light cast a shadow on his prominent brow bone and made his eyebrows appear "bushy." MOO
Questions maybe someone can find answers to:
* On what date did BK move to Pullman? (or when can new students there usually move in to student housing of that type?)
* What could have triggered him to act that night?
* How in the name of all holy did he know that his target(s) were home prior to departing from Pullman?
* What could he have been doing all that time after departing and before the murders (ca 1h 15 min inc driving(s))?

Note: He would probably have not recognized KG-s new car, as she had just bought it and had not posted online about it yet (and there is no known information that he followed her in that car at any point after she bought the car). But he would have known ECs car I think given the 12+ previous stalkings. Maybe EC parked at XK's place even if he was staying over at the frat, but that gave me a pause. I don't think it could have been a real surprise to him that EC was there.

Short Timeline (per Affidavit and Maps):
Ca 1.30-1.50 MM & KG were on the food truck video.
2.00 victims were all home.
- a unknown gap -
2.44 BK was seen between his housing and highway 270 (Pullman-Moscow) and at 2.53 on hw 270.
(The drive from 1630 NE Valley Rd, Pullman to King Rd, Moscow takes ca 20-25 minutes via hw 270)
2.47 BK turns off his phone
- a gap of ca 40 - 20-25 = 15-20 minutes -
3:26 BK westbound on 700 Indian Hills Dr., 3:28 BK westbound on Styner Ave and Idaho State 95 - east of King Road
3.29 BK first arrives to the neighbourhood. Second arrival unknown atm.
- a gap of ca 30 minutes -
4.04 BK arrives for the third time. Has parking problems.
4.20 BK leaves the neighbourhood at high speed
(The drive back via hw 95 and Uniontown takes ca 40-60 minutes.)
4.48 BK turns on his phone again on hw 95 near Blaine, ID (Edit: 7-15 minutes drive from King Road)
5.25 BK back in Pullman (might be with a very tiny gap)
- a gap of ca 3h 30 min -
9.00 - 9.30 BK does a quick detour back to King Rd, Moscow, time approximate
- a gap of 3 hours (3h - 40-50m = 2h 10-20m) -
12.36 BK at 810 Port Dr, Clarkston, WA (40-50 minute drive from Pullman)
12.46 BK goes shopping at Albertson's in Clarkston
13.03 BK leaves the shop
- a gap of ca 4h 30 min -
17.32 BK near Johnson, ID per affiidavit (ca 1h 30 min drive, but some thought may be typo for Johnson, WA; 35m drive)
17.36 BK turns off phone
- a gap of almost 3h -
20.30 BK turns phone back on
MOO The answers to most of this is on line. I am going to address one issue - the trigger.
He was having trouble performing as a TA.
The students were in revolt about his grading and comments. The professor of the class led some kind of mediation between the students and BK.
MOO this is petty major emotional incident for anyone, but especially impactful for a person who is unbalanced in the first place.
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I wonder why it was sooo easy for the perp to sneak through the sliding door.
What was wrong with it?

I thought for the owners of the house security of the renters should be priority - alarm, sturdy locks, ring camera.

Is there some reason a hack saw with special blade couldn't have been used to cut the knife in small pieces? Google says it's carbon steel. I asked this yesterday but I don't think anyone answered me. I've used a hacksaw to cut pretty hefty locks open, it takes awhile but he had time and adrenaline.
Battery operated Sawsall.

Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
If we look at the TOTALITY of the evidence in the PCA (which isn't all LE has), such a defense statement is not meaningful, even if true IMO.

Also, I'm not sure it has been established he is so "highly trained" in criminology that he did pull off these crimes without incriminating himself in aggregiously obvious ways.

Opinions may differ as to his skill but he got caught & fairly quickly. At least this time.
Something still is not right, BK is highly trained in criminology, first thing he is going to say that he was there with the other people that morning and that is how his DNA got on the knife case and his finger prints where found, not counting he is going to say he was there during party’s, LE is going to have to find more evidence than his phone trace, JMO
Even being there with other people, how did his knife sheath end up on the bed beside one of the victims?
We're all familiar with the msm publicity around BK's Reddit survey & the interpretations of that.
We also heard in that latest Idaho Statesman link, that when he was with the masters students at WSU that first semester he was still saying that his principle interest was in forensic psychology ( link below)

in one of his first posts, BK uses a survey style to ask if any other people feel this badly. He's 15 ( it's before he studied Psychology at Northampton College)

example questions he asks:
'Do you feel depersonalized?'
'Does time go fast? '
'Do you feel hopeless?'

My 20 yo son has suffered from visual snow (the focus of that message board that the postings are from) and the resulting depersonalization for over 2 years now. It is hell. He has experienced many of the things in that are listed in what you can see in the video screenshot as a result of the visual snow--depression, SI, feeling a disconnect from emotions or wondering if his emotions are "real", sped up or slowed down perception of time, anxiety, poor self esteem, wondering if he's losing his mind. Visual snow has so much still unknown about it and the recommended treatments/meds are few and are just kinda guessed at by doctors. He's been to eye doctors, neuro ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and had an MRI as well as neuropsych testing, blood work, etc. No medication, eyewear, or therapy has really worked much. At this point, he has grown so accustomed after 2 years of obsessing over it, that he has actually gotten used to it and doesn't register it as much. Luckily that has helped reduce the depersonalization and SI. He had to drop out of high school because it made him unable to function in that environment (despite being an honors student) and finally just took and passed his GEDs last week. In the early days, he tried coping by self medicating with marijuana and alcohol (which only made it worse). It has been a horrible, hard time for him and that was even with him living with us, telling us what was going on while it was going on, and having tons of medical/mental healthcare professionals involved. If this is BK, and he started developing afterimages at AGE NINE as one of those messages says, I can't imagine the damage Visual Snow caused to his mental health during his preteen and teen years. My son barely survived two plus years of it, much less over 10 years.


Quite honestly, these comments don't stand up well to careful examination, in my opinion. When I was a senior in high school, I was approached by many elite schools. However, I did not apply to any of them. Instead, I went where I could afford to go, which was to a public in-state university that offered me a generous scholarship package. Attending an elite school would have meant taking out student loans.

I went to high school with a number of people who were weaker students than I was but who were able to attend "elite" universities because they had more affluent parents who were able to pay their tuition at those schools.

From what I have seen, attending a lesser-known school generally has far more to do with the income level of one's parents than with intelligence or academic ability. Attempting to determine someone's intelligence based on what colleges he or she has attended is ill considered, in my opinion.

That isn't to say that I think BCK is particularly intelligent. On the contrary, I haven't seen any evidence that he is, and he made numerous sophomoric mistakes in committing this crime. However, his choice of schools proves nothing one way or the other about his intelligence.

Tend to agree, Oz

The evil coward probably had a pretty high opinion of himself, but he's clearly nothing special.

I believe at least one of his high school classmates called him 'an average student'.

In general, the best and brightest students in this country (or who come to this country for higher education) aren't majoring in criminal justice.

His apparent strong interest in that area, and the relative mediocrity of his peers, allowed him to stand out a bit in college.

But at the end of the day, this guy is just another average joe who, unfortunately, became a homicidal maniac.
Somebody on here had mentioned that maybe he did not see DM because of the Good Vibes lit sign hanging near the hallway. Maybe this light cast a shadow on his prominent brow bone and made his eyebrows appear "bushy." MOO
If anyone one wanted to go to Youtube and look at the traffic stop, I would say he had dark, prominent, and bushy eyebrows.
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