ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 61

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Either the time on one of the cameras is off (remember, we've got the sounds on camera at 4:17 and the car leaving at 4:20; although, we don't know if that was the same camera) and the timeline we're working with isn't entirely correct, or everything happened within a span of just three minutes.

Sunday, November 6th, 2022 time fell back an hour. It's entirely possible the folks at 1112, did not reset their security camera's time to reflect the change within the week. Some folks never do so at all.


The front faces King Rd., and the entrance is on Queen. The audio that was picked up was less than 50' from X's Room, so if any surveillance audio was picked up in front of the home, it is unlikely to be the same audio discussed in Exhibit A.

"The security camera is less than 50' from the west wall of K's bedroom".

The issue of expanding it has become topical in the last few days because too many ' LE sources ' have made their way into the media
( the neighbours' trash bins stories, the glove-wearing in supermarkets, the ' Idaho lawmen' source at the weekend)
I believe it is impossible to expand a gag order to someone who is not a party to the case
It's all good. I went back and checked the PCA, it specifies "a security camera located at I 112 King Road, a residence immediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road". Street view currently blurred out, so no idea where they had the camera mounted - but again just for reference, here's a 54 foot measurement.

View attachment 394473
Thank you, that does help! I think since the PCA talks about crying from XK's room, where we already know both she and E were found, the 50 foot distance thing is simply to point out that the thud heard at 4:17 was likely from X's room. It matches the order the PCA was written, and immediately after this is when DM saw the man in black walking towards her from the direction of X's room. JMO.
From Walela in the last thread: "
Does a true dedicated vegan carry, wear or use leather? IMO, the sheath was left as a possible "couldn't have been me because I wouldn't use anything leather".


Answer: It depends. If they are vegan because they love animals, then no; they wouldn't carry a leather sheath. I don't think he's a vegan because of ethics. Based upon the visual snow forum posts that he allegedly wrote, I think that he thinks a vegan diet helps his VS. Because of this, it's possible he killed animals before moving on to people.

I looked up the knife and it's good for stabbing as well as slashing. Based upon the coroner's comments (?) and Mr. Goncalves, I think Kaylee and maybe others were slashed. Unless it's the throat area, I don't think slashing is probably very common in murders (could be completely wrong), but stabbing is. He could have practiced on animals to use the knife the way he fantasized about killing.

Most vegans probably wouldn't kill humans either. I know I never did.

But yeah, his veganism probably is not based on any moral principle.
Gaslighting. I wonder where he learned it or if he's just special that way.

I find his rude remark about her having birthing hips to be more off-putting than his denial of reality. She wouldn't put out so he tries to humiliate her?

He's twisted in all kinds of ways - I'm thinking biological, neurological, pathological (can't think of any more -cals but I'm sure one of you can).

I sure hope he doesn't have other crime victims in his past but I'm not betting no on that.


I think gaslighting comes a 2 year old. "I didn't do it!" (was holding plate and now contents of plate are dumped on floor). Most of us outgrow up, with a little help from our families (Margaret Mahler called it "good enough" parenting). But some people may be impaired in this form of social learning. So many reasons why he could be this way. Pathological pretty much covers all of them.

I will mention that the "birthing hips" (like the terms "Chad" and "Stacy") are common in the incel community, as a way of negging women but also letting women know what the man thinks their main purpose in life is. Be aware though that if you go to look this up, it is an ugly rabbit hole to go down. My source is a forum I've watched off and on ( Unfortunately, they like to discuss wide hips in both men and women and how men should NOT have them, but women SHOULD have them (but they know that women don't like to be told that, IMO).

Birthing hips means "wider hips" to most people.
Regarding BK potentially training in knife combat/use, I wonder if he ever trained in Krav Maga. If he took boxing or kickboxing, he may have had units that focused on Krav Maga. I am a first degree black belt in Taekwondo, and we had multiple Krav Maga sessions/units over the years when I was active training. Just a thought, as I specifically remember using hard rubber knives to train, and learning (and practicing) where and when to strike or slash, etc. Sorry, not trying to be insensitive. All MOO.

An aside: May be helpful.
"Bullying" seems to be defined in many diffeent ways.
This is what was posted at my last school for students. It's helpful for adults too.

My point is - he represents one family and is speaking on behalf of the other three. It's similar to what SG was doing before he hired the attorney. I find it highly doubtful that the other families said OK SG we'll have your lawyer be our collective spokesperson. If so, that info would've been released or said so far.
Excuse me, please, because this is not a reply, I just have to write it down before I forget. Did you ever have an eureka! moment when, suddenly you realized something amazing? Well, that just happened to me. For a few days, variations of this story have been going around: FBI denies it was the agency that asked cops to pull over Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger I was puzzled, why do they want to look at his hands? Oh sure, to see if he was injured in his knife attack, right? A few moments ago, another reason hit me like a ton of bricks: maybe his skin was found under one or more victim fingernails? If so, that would be some indisputable dna. I think that's possible. If I were in those victim's position, my dying act would be to try and identify my attacker. Thank you for the space.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on the affidavit. Your comments are quite helpful. And, I'm relieved that you think that he'll be convicted fairly easily.

BCK saying “I’m going to help you” and then further slashing/stabbing Kernoble is absolutely horrific. Especially disturbing since I believe the BTK killer in Kansas also used these words immediately prior to finishing his murder of at least one victim.

Calling his motive a "thrill kill" seems a perfect way to describe this horrible mass murder. I also believe that he has been fantasizing for years about committing a gruesome, horrific mass murder.

Thanks again for your thoughts on the affidavit.
Agreed. minor4th outlined it very well, imo.
Thank you! I stand corrected as I overlooked it due to the similarity to 1122 King Rd! I don't understand then, because if on the opposite side of the house from X's bedroom, how can they be sure where the noise is coming from within that house, and why emphasize the less than 50 feet from X's bedroom wall? I must be missing something.
IMO, they did not specify where the sounds came from. They cannot specify the dog barking on the camera recording was Murphy. It could have been some other dog somewhere, in fact. They can, and do, imply that these sounds are all linked to the murders and also imo imply that because it was so close to the house the sounds are linked to the house. If you take everything separate that is within the PCA, it doesn't really point to BK (a good defense attorney could tear each individual thing apart). This is a Probable Cause Affidavit. Because of all these things, we have reason to believe that this person was involved in some way with this crime. IMO until they got the DNA from the trash, they didn't have enough to arrest him at all.

There is no way they could win in court with only the PCA, IMO. It's just the minimum they needed to get the arrest warrant without tipping what else they might have, again IMO.
I'm confused by so much attention focused on the best way to stab someone to death. Wouldn't slitting their throats (particularly if asleep?) be the optimal route to go? Now if the person was awake or there was combat taking place, I can see how some knowledge of placement would be advantageous, but not really, as precision really wouldn't be something one could expect when engaging in combat. My guess is he simply meant to slit at least one person in the throat while sleeping (likely was able to accomplish this upstairs with both girls still hopefully asleep through it all) and wasn't expecting the whole situation with X & E and it took more sheer luck and adrenaline that he was able to kill them both.

Also - quick question - has it ever been determine what X ordered from DD? Just wondering if it was a meal for one or two, which would help indicate whether or not E was up the whole time or not.
She got Jack-in-Box and the bag was on a counter in the kitchen, according to the New York Post, which published this photo at this link. You can see her name on it and that is was opened.



  • xana-meal-089.jpg
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Sunday, November 6th, 2022 time fell back an hour. It's entirely possible the folks at 1112, did not reset their security camera's time to reflect the change within the week. Some folks never do so at all.


The front faces King Rd., and the entrance is on Queen. The audio that was picked up was less than 50' from X's Room, so if any surveillance audio was picked up in front of the home, it is unlikely to be the same audio discussed in Exhibit A.

"The security camera is less than 50' from the west wall of K's bedroom".

I could be wrong (as I often am) but I don't think the camera in question is necessarily on the front of the house at 1112. And I don't think the time change is an issue. In the DVR setup, one simply sets the time zone and it changes automatically.
NBC News

1/9/2023: Video short for upcoming Dateline show

A former Desales University classmate of Bryan Kohnberger, the suspect in the murders of four University of Idaho students, speaks with Dateline this Friday at 9/8c.

"Former Classmate of University of Idaho Murders Suspect Bryan Kohberger Speaks with Dateline

When this mugshot of Bryan was released after his arrest, the former classmate, named Madison, struggled to recognize him. She studied criminal justice with him at Desales University, a small private Catholic College in Central, PA. “He had a lot more hair, and he was thinner than I remembered.” Last time she saw him was in 2020. They had taken a criminology course together in her junior year. That was in 2018. What stuck with her was how Brian always had to let everyone in class know he knew his stuff. Which she said became annoying whenever he raised his hand. “He definitely took it upon himself to answer the question, but yet then give every single detail that he possibly could. To help further his point. It was always like ‘Ohhh, Bryan’s answering this question. This is gonna take up the whole entire class.” There was something else, she said. Not quite creepy, but odd. “He would stare at us whenever me and my friends would kind of like look over to the side. I would always catch him staring at us."

Former Classmate of University of Idaho Murders Suspect Bryan Kohberger Speaks with Dateline
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I think gaslighting comes a 2 year old. "I didn't do it!" (was holding plate and now contents of plate are dumped on floor). Most of us outgrow up, with a little help from our families (Margaret Mahler called it "good enough" parenting). But some people may be impaired in this form of social learning. So many reasons why he could be this way. Pathological pretty much covers all of them.

I will mention that the "birthing hips" (like the terms "Chad" and "Stacy") are common in the incel community, as a way of negging women but also letting women know what the man thinks their main purpose in life is. Be aware though that if you go to look this up, it is an ugly rabbit hole to go down. My source is a forum I've watched off and on ( Unfortunately, they like to discuss wide hips in both men and women and how men should NOT have them, but women SHOULD have them (but they know that women don't like to be told that, IMO).

Birthing hips means "wider hips" to most people.
Well my experience was a good 20 years ago. He was just a jerk. Lol. As he said in a heated email exchange "I happen to be a professor, so I'm well educated". So? Ha ha. Him = professor, Kohberger = working on PhD. Maybe there is something to really smart, no common sense. JMO
SO creepy! Do scientists ever study the brains of deceased serial and thrill killers? I ask because I have a family member who just always seemed a little off. He lived a normal life, but there was just something not quite right. When he was a young adult he was in a car accident and had to undergo brain surgery. During that surgery they found that part of his brain hadn’t developed properly, and it was an aha moment for all of us. (I don’t know specifics about what part of the brain or anything).
This kind of denial/gaslighting and complete lack of understanding social cues just makes me wonder what the heck is going on in that brain! I know that’s the million dollar question, and nobody knows. I am just curious if studying brains of these monsters is a thing that is done.
As an aside, I just learned recently there is a way to donate your brain for research, but you have to actively set it up while still alive b/c it has to be harvested immediately and it’s not included in regular organ donation that you sign up for. I am planning to do that because I have migraine disease. They need healthy brains as well as ones w/neurological disease. Just FYI for everyone.
I found John Wayne Gacy's brain under study:

It was preserved and was no longer its initial dimensions, but the brain morphology was still there. However, at the time of its dissection, science didn't have the powerful techniques it has now for looking deep into the neurons, so it wasn't very helpful.

Scientists use the next best thing (S.P.E.C.T. analysis, which is a kind of MRI). And there, we do find differences between serial killers (usually in prison for life or on death row, they consent to these studies) and the rest of us.

Ted Bundy's brain was given over for study, but I can't find anything scholarly published about it (or in reputable newspapers, for that matter). If anyone finds anything, please post. What they did find, of course, was that MRI and other brain scans showed an abnormal brain (it's probably the physiology as much as the anatomy and things like S.P.E.C.T. can help figure that out - we didn't have S.P.E.C.T. back then, but there were CAT-Scans and maybe MRI's (not sure).

Here's an article on what the scanning data seem to show:

The actual academic literature on this topic just gets bigger every year. Right pre-frontal cortex, hippocampus and the amygdala all seem to operate differently in the convicted killers (and for the last two structures, the differences are very small on gross examination, but show up when the brain is in action).
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