ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 61

DNA Solves
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I keep circling back to the timeline.

4am. 4:04. 4:12. 4:17. 4:20.

What we know for almost-sure is that BK and X were both awake and moving into and out of the same general areas at the same general time. That IS the stuff of nightmares.

Is it possible, in an all-quiet house, with everyone else asleep -- and no way to know that BK and his Elantra had been circling --that X waited downstairs for her food (as a courtesy to her housemates -- no doorbell, no knock, no voices so as not to wake or disturb anyone, including Murphy)? Is there an eating area downstairs? Could she have sat down, even on the stairs, eating her food, tik-toking -- and came upstairs with her food, to wash her hands maybe -- and noticed something out of order? The door. Something. Something that made her go toward Ethan, saying that someone is there, not alarmed as much as weirded out... and that's when BK emerged from the shadows. We just don't know when X went into her room, whether she went in, then back out. We just know she was awake and it is such spine-tingling in a living Jason (the movie) sort of way how close she was to Death before Death struck.

If she ate her door dash food in the room, she probably had some kind of light on. We haven't heard if D heard X's tiktok so maybe X had earbuds in.... muting ambient noise .... if X ate in the kitchen, BK could have been right at the door.

The autopsy showed whether she ate or not. I think she did. I think BK slipped past her and murdered M and K while X was eating, unaware. And possibly on the lowest level.

I really want to know, when LE descended upon X's bedroom midday, if the light was on. When BK emerged from that room, was he back-lit? That may explain how D could see him but he didn't see her...

All told, house of horrors.

If only it were a movie, and I could just be sorry I watched it.

And we could have four beautiful lives back.

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It is so easy to stalk someone online, even for a regular person. You can learn their names just by listening how other people call them in public. Then you go to IG, search any name with U of Idaho tag or stuff like that, it shows the girls photo, you follow them and their friends. You have a sense of their schedule like how late they sleep by when they interact with other people in IG, such as liking a picture, make a comments, in other words, when they are awake. you can even like their pictures, the girl will send you a heart or thank you message in return, now you know when they are active. You go to LinkedIn to find their major, their high school. Or just google people finder and immediately their addresses, phone numbers, even political party if you registered before will show up. If their sisters, parents, cousins are active online, you even know about the victims' family, their home address, when they bought the house, how much they bought it. BK may entered the house before to know the room plan, he might, but he doesn't have to, as the room photos are usually online for students to see and rent.
But the case I’m making is that he would not only know their lifestyle, he would know exactly what they are doing. Like when they order Door Dash.
He showed malice aforethought, IMO, which is directly related to things like having ill will, hatred, animosity, just downright evil feelings towards someone(s). When you hate so strongly, there must be anger about something at the root.
I see this differently. I get the sense that it was the opposite of angry or hateful; that it was more clinical/cold/sterile—an exercise in something, mission-focused (I’m sure there’s a better way to say it but I’m still half asleep lol). I think his calculus is different from most people’s; anger as a root cause makes sense to most of us because we’re familiar with and influenced by our emotions. I’m not sure it works that way for him. I think he tries to find emotions, or to approximate them, but I don’t get the sense that they drive his behavior. JMO of course.
website now says 6am-10pm

I looked it up earlier in one of the threads on this topic and it was 24 hrs....maybe it changes based on the school calendar or maybe no one wanted to be open late any more?
Someone reported many threads back that the Jack In The Box in Pullman did have a closure time for inside orders, but offered delivery 24 hrs.
Are we sure she ordered Jack-in-the-Box? Their website shows no location in Moscow, and one location in Pullman, open from 6AM to 12AM.
Someone brought this up a few days ago. Their info shows dining room 6 am - 10 pm, drive thru to midnight, and 24 hour delivery. Past their online info, I have no idea. JMO



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Long post incoming, but it’s late at night here and I’ve been racking my brain about a few points I just can’t wrap my head round and figured we could all drive ourselves crazy together!

I’m sure this has been discussed, but does anyone have any thoughts on why BK chose to drive only approximately 10 miles crossing State lines into a state that has the death penalty to commit his crime when that state he was in doesn’t have it? Seems like an extremely risky move.

Also, I can’t get my head around his stupidity/laziness/boldness/carelessness/I-can’t-decide-on-which-of-the-above regarding his phone usage in the lead up and on the day of the murders. IMO most people with basic understanding or interest in true crime I would think know that your phone is very easily tracked if it needs to be, and even turning it off and back on raises a whole other set of red flags in itself. Regardless of whether or not BK was a ‘good’ student or not, it has to be assumed he has more than a basic knowledge of how this stuff works given his area of studies. Even if he was a terrible student, I would think he would still know more than the average person regarding this, and IMO the average person knows enough to not do any of what he did! I know we all have this same question about everything in this case, but why, why, whyyyyyy??

People keep talking about how they believe he was so confident in his abilities that he never expected to be caught, but regardless of that, why would he not at least control the things he could control - not taking your phone to the scene of a major crime EVER would be one of those things I would think? Burner phone? No phone at all? Get into a habit of turning your phone off at bed time and back on at sunrise each morning as a future cover as to why it was off that night? Anything would’ve been better than what he did.

Also, I may be wrong with this, but if genetic forensic analysis was used on the knife sheath to link BK, is it not the case that doing so uses up that DNA sample? I could be wrong and I’m happy to be corrected, but I feel like I’ve read cold cases where they’ve been hesitant to go down the genetic testing route because they had limited DNA samples remaining and didn’t want to rush into it if a) technology would improve over the years allowing LE to use the DNA Sample in other ways and/or b) Le didn’t want to rush in and use up the sample if waiting another say 5 years could return better results and matches.

IF that is correct and the case, IMO LE has a significant amount of DNA evidence from the killer to give them the confidence to go straight into genetic testing while the case is still so hot.

The reason I bring the DNA into this post is because if BK did leave a scene with his DNA all over it, it means he couldn’t have thought his careful planning to not leave DNA was enough to get him by and allow him to bring his phone to the scene on multiple occasions.

So again… why? I’m going round in circles and nothing makes sense.
We’re all assuming it was planned - I really think all these “mistakes” lead me to believe this wasn’t as planned in advance as we think it was. Sure he was stalking them, for reasons we don’t quite know yet. But I actually don’t think the thought of murder went through his head until possibly even that very night, like a spur of the moment kind of thing. It’s the only explanation that explains his sloppiness prior to the crime.

It’s also quite telling how he was taking his phone with him in these 12 occasions before the murder, but after the murder, (and after the 9.12-9.20am ping) his phone never contacted to a cell tower that provides service to Moscow again.
He never went back there, or if he did, he was smart enough this time not to take his phone with him.

I don’t know what went through his head that night, but anyone who’s watched a 45 minuite episode of law and order knows not to make the mistakes he did, and that includes in the months prior to the crime. It goes against his intelligence and rational thinking imo.
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Long post incoming, but it’s late at night here and I’ve been racking my brain about a few points I just can’t wrap my head round and figured we could all drive ourselves crazy together!

I’m sure this has been discussed, but does anyone have any thoughts on why BK chose to drive only approximately 10 miles crossing State lines into a state that has the death penalty to commit his crime when that state he was in doesn’t have it? Seems like an extremely risky move.

Also, I can’t get my head around his stupidity/laziness/boldness/carelessness/I-can’t-decide-on-which-of-the-above regarding his phone usage in the lead up and on the day of the murders. IMO most people with basic understanding or interest in true crime I would think know that your phone is very easily tracked if it needs to be, and even turning it off and back on raises a whole other set of red flags in itself. Regardless of whether or not BK was a ‘good’ student or not, it has to be assumed he has more than a basic knowledge of how this stuff works given his area of studies. Even if he was a terrible student, I would think he would still know more than the average person regarding this, and IMO the average person knows enough to not do any of what he did! I know we all have this same question about everything in this case, but why, why, whyyyyyy??

People keep talking about how they believe he was so confident in his abilities that he never expected to be caught, but regardless of that, why would he not at least control the things he could control - not taking your phone to the scene of a major crime EVER would be one of those things I would think? Burner phone? No phone at all? Get into a habit of turning your phone off at bed time and back on at sunrise each morning as a future cover as to why it was off that night? Anything would’ve been better than what he did.

Also, I may be wrong with this, but if genetic forensic analysis was used on the knife sheath to link BK, is it not the case that doing so uses up that DNA sample? I could be wrong and I’m happy to be corrected, but I feel like I’ve read cold cases where they’ve been hesitant to go down the genetic testing route because they had limited DNA samples remaining and didn’t want to rush into it if a) technology would improve over the years allowing LE to use the DNA Sample in other ways and/or b) Le didn’t want to rush in and use up the sample if waiting another say 5 years could return better results and matches.

IF that is correct and the case, IMO LE has a significant amount of DNA evidence from the killer to give them the confidence to go straight into genetic testing while the case is still so hot.

The reason I bring the DNA into this post is because if BK did leave a scene with his DNA all over it, it means he couldn’t have thought his careful planning to not leave DNA was enough to get him by and allow him to bring his phone to the scene on multiple occasions.

So again… why? I’m going round in circles and nothing makes sense.
IMO With the evidence available so far, I believe that someone needing help called him out there (dont worry I'm gonna help you) and/or to specifically set him up (sheath). I also believe he knows who did it.

I do leave open the possibility that he was involved (sheath), but that currently does not fit with his choices of taking his phone, taking his car, and multiple passes (4) in his car by the house before parking. If he was stalking them, he would have known the roads and where to park to get a good look at what was going on in the house. JMO

So, was he just trying to be funny in his own awkward way? (Please don't get the wrong idea, I'm not making excuses, I just sounded funny when you add the Dwight Schrute comment)
I really doubt he was joking. The term “birthing hips” has been around long before The Office. I remember discussing it in a sociology class in the early 1990’s and how it it could be used by men to put women in their place. It is not a compliment, and I don’t think he meant it as funny, but who knows.
Early on, I found Xana's older FB page with a few pictures of her gymnastics. Did you all know about her being a gymnast? I just found this. It's worth clicking for cute videos of her.

, An Apollo Beach father said the loss of Xana Kernodle, one of the Idaho students stabbed to death, was like losing his own daughter. He used to live in Idaho, and Xana was one of his daughter's best friends. Local father honors Xana Kernodle's legacy
I asked this before but didn’t get any responses. Does anyone else think it seems to stand out in the pca the attention to the bathrooms and their locations. There weren’t really any other things pointed out so directly like that. Ie upstairs pointing out that the bathroom shares a wall with m bedroom
I’m new here but have followed the threads intensely. The thing I wonder about is, how is it not one of them got off a loud scream, especially X?

they say people who talk to themselves are of higher intelligence, not sure he is a genius but he might be rather IQ smart and common sense dumb

Let's go with this -- all of us who talk to ourselves are, in fact, geniuses! Cannot wait to tell my adult children!!
My ex-husband talked to himself it concerned me so I looked it up because he had whole conversations with himself and that's how I found out smart people do this. I must admit I do it but more so as positive affirmations trying to keep the good juju around lol.
This thought is such a nice
IMO, he's cubing. Excellent read about it here on BTK.
Miss Jennifer's link above on BTK's cubing is quite relevant, I think, to understanding BTK and other serial killers. Excellent article. Written by his professor in his master's program who wrote a book on BTK.

On an aside, I thought I'd read on another thread that Katherine Ramsland was in her 30s and this above article stated she was the author of 69 books. I looked her up on Wikipedia and she was actually born in January 1953 so she just turned 70. Just FYI.

As I mentioned on this thread last night, BFCK's adolescent heroin addiction likely permanently stunted his emotional growth and IMO he never developed the other frames or cubes that enabled him to function well in social relationships.

Like BTK, IMO, BCK had been fantasizing about committing horrific and monstrous mass murders for a long time. Fortunately, with the technology available to us in today's world and excellent work by LE, State Police in ID and PA and FBI, BCK was caught in his late 20s before (hopefully) he had committed additional horrific mass murders.
I really doubt he was joking. The term “birthing hips” has been around long before The Office. I remember discussing it in a sociology class in the early 1990’s and how it it could be used by men to put women in their place. It is not a compliment, and I don’t think he meant it as funny, but who knows.
I certainly didn't appreciate being reduced to a brood mare when it was said to me. JMO
Well, back in the early days, SG may have revealed that he paid for the cremation and burial expenses of both girls. He talks about bringing "them" back.

At one point, SG said he had two urns of ashes in his home. So it's not like he just alluded to it one time.

I have never heard that SG paid for the cremation and burial of Maddie or that they have two urns in his home... @10ofRods if ya have it handy can ya please post a link to SG saying these things? I would like to see that entire video/statement.
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I really doubt he was joking. The term “birthing hips” has been around long before The Office. I remember discussing it in a sociology class in the early 1990’s and how it it could be used by men to put women in their place. It is not a compliment, and I don’t think he meant it as funny, but who knows.
I'm a woman and women I know used to joke about it well before the Office, with & about each other.

I think big hips & big bum is a compliment post Kardashians .
Hard to say whether he was deliberately trying to insult her or whether he just doesn't understand how to relate to women on a date ( We've been told he had difficulty around women & girls and some extended that to fitting- in with people in general)
I wonder why November 13th? Had his other travels to the same area been aborted attempts? Did he calculate that an early Sunday morning provided his best opportunity? Why was he ready to do it then?
IMO With the evidence available so far, I believe that someone needing help called him out there (dont worry I'm gonna help you) and/or to specifically set him up (sheath). I also believe he knows who did it.

I do leave open the possibility that he was involved (sheath), but that currently does not fit with his choices of taking his phone, taking his car, and multiple passes (4) in his car by the house before parking. If he was stalking them, he would have known the roads and where to park to get a good look at what was going on in the house. JMO

I think it is highly unlikely that someone else committed the murders, no camera evidence per neighbors cameras, no physical evidence that we know of as of now that links anyone else to the murders. From what we know now, nobody in that house had any link to him or friends of his, no reason to call him for help. IMO, his mistakes were due to his ego about his intelligence (per acquaintances stating he had to let you know how smart he was), mistaking book smart for common sense, because his mind works differently than most, him viewing his actions as well thought out and thinking others will view it the same when to most others they are obvious miscalculations. Leaving the sheath was a mistake in the adrenaline/emotion of the moment. MOO
I asked this before but didn’t get any responses. Does anyone else think it seems to stand out in the pca the attention to the bathrooms and their locations. There weren’t really any other things pointed out so directly like that. Ie upstairs pointing out that the bathroom shares a wall with m bedroom
I thought of it as kind of a written tour. Could be wrong. JMO
LOL between the 3 of us, I was responding to @TL4S who thought X's bedroom was below M's, thought I could answer on my way out the door but apparently didn't finish my sentence, I'm sorry.

Looks like others helped, I see a floor plan since I left. The thing that helped me in floor plans because I've seen them from both the front and the back of the house is

K's room and kitchen are on the back east side. Facing back yard.

M's room over DM's are on the back west side. Facing back yard.

X's room and living room are over the bedrooms on the bottom floor. Facing driveway.
Thanks. I didn’t realize the question was even about whose room was what- I thought it was about which house had the camera- may have been both. The old ‘ who’s on first.’
But, eventually I got it and realized I was in the correct lane all along . Geez haha.
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