ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 62

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm not the one who snipped your post..... but I think the point is that the receptionist violated HIPAA by informing the media that he attended a medical appointment. She disclosed his name , which is PII and a part of PHI, to the media. A HIPAA covered entity can't disclose to the public that Joe Smith was scheduled for a medical appointment, attended a medical appointment, etc.
Well, that's why I criticized HIPPA. Constricting free speech to that degree is absurd in my view.

Anyway, the debate is an interesting one, whatever one's viewpoint. Don't want to get the thread off topic, though :)
I find it interesting when I hear the statements about how this was meticulously planned. I don’t think it was at all.

There is no way a careful plan for a hands on murder lands a calculated killer in a house full of people.

I get the impression he had been itching to do it and was scoping for a good time to do it. That’s it. Any “good time” and he’d try it. I also think he had his gear with him on multiple other trips to Idaho and decided against it . I would guess he’s travelled to the house at other times with his phone off with plans of doing the deed (that LE hasn’t detected yet or told us about).

There were just too many tenants there for him to find an opportune time to do it. And this was almost always the case. The night he did it was the best he could do and it failed because again, any planning exercise would have told him to try somewhere less populated.
One reason, IMO, it would seem that this was meticulously planned is bc of the layout of the house and the fact that he killed 4 people on 2 different floors in a 6 bedroom house within 15 to 20 minutes, in the dark or with minimal lighting. That would be impossible for someone to accomplish by just "winging" it.
A few thoughts on familial DNA evidence. Only and handful of states explicitly allow it, last I checked (though list is old) Idaho and Pennsylvania weren't on it. In fact,"...genealogical evidence has never been used in Idaho during a conviction in court."
It is a controversial topic both scientifically and due to civil liberty issues. There's a reason it wasn't overtly mentioned in the PCA.
Not saying it will but there is also a real chance it gets tossed. Without it, and 'poisoned fruit' there might be serious issues in getting a conviction.
If the accused is convicted and the DNA evidence is part of the case then imho there will be many years of appeals possibly to the highest level of state and even federal courts.

Familial DNA...
First, we do not know that it was even used in this investigation. The fact that MSM outlets publish information from unnamed sources doesn't make that information factual.

Second, if familial DNA was used to narrow down the pool of suspects, it wasn't used to identify this suspect. The PCA laid out the evidence used to identify this suspect, and, as everyone knows, there is no mention of familial DNA there. The same probable cause that allowed his arrest will undoubtedly allow a warrant to get a mouth swab (which I'm certain they have already done.)

Third, a direct match between the DNA from the mouth swab and the DNA found on the sheath requires no familial DNA evidence to be presented in court, no "poisoned fruit", therefore there is nothing to toss out.

I'm open to correction here. What have I gotten wrong?
Familial DNA...
First, we do not know that it was even used in this investigation. The fact that MSM outlets publish information from unnamed sources doesn't make that information factual.

Second, if familial DNA was used to narrow down the pool of suspects, it wasn't used to identify this suspect. The PCA laid out the evidence used to identify this suspect, and, as everyone knows, there is no mention of familial DNA there. The same probable cause that allowed his arrest will undoubtedly allow a warrant to get a mouth swab (which I'm certain they have already done.)

Third, a direct match between the DNA from the mouth swab and the DNA found on the sheath requires no familial DNA evidence to be presented in court, no "poisoned fruit", therefore there is nothing to toss out.

I'm open to correction here. What have I gotten wrong?
I reckon you nailed it.
Several media outlets went with that story.
Betcha they never retracted either.
IMO, so he started becoming friendlier, chatty, less uptight, was distant or introverted, he let it all hangout and stopped being a harsh grader. What does that tell us? Maybe that has something to do with the murders? Could someone have killed the roommates on BKs behalf, unknown to him, maybe someone who worked at WSU (TA, Prof, student) or somebody at WSU who didn’t like him?
All the more chatty/less chatty stuff coming out of the woodwork is just hearsay IMO. IDK maybe the defense might call on a witness to state this as opinin in a court but, really, whose to say wtf it means even if, somehow, the defense di manage to paint a picture where it would seem probab;e that BK was "more chatty" post murders (which I totally doubt would be possible). Noise IMO.

ETA, Second sentence above, I meant to write "...maybe the prosecution [not the defense] might call on a witness (etc).
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IMO, so he started becoming friendlier, chatty, less uptight, was distant or introverted, he let it all hangout and stopped being a harsh grader. What does that tell us? Maybe that has something to do with the murders? Could someone have killed the roommates on BKs behalf, unknown to him, maybe someone who worked at WSU (TA, Prof, student) or somebody at WSU who didn’t like him?
I think him taking less care of himself, growing out his facial hair (which could have just been done to change his appearance, kind of like how he conveniently registered his car to WA state around the same time as the murders), changing the way he graded, etc, is a better indicator that he did it than the changes you mentioned.... or maybe in addition to. People normally don't change like that, or to such an extent, for no reason. JMO.

I don't think someone, or anyone, else killed them on his behalf.
I imagine they have a lot more than that, at least enough to prove he acquired it at some stage.
But it was single source DNA on that one spot and with no reports of his DNA being present, even as a mixed on any other part of that sheath..
And if he took pains to wipe it prior to bringing it, just omitted that one section and if he didn't actually wear gloves though I think he must have, why unless he intended leaving it as a calling card?
They traced it to his father through Genealogy....but it's now a forgone conclusion they now have HIS actual DNA linked to sheath. MOO
Yes, that is true. But I can’t resolve him being a bright, very intelligent teen according to friends, soon to be considered brilliant by a professor, but only went to high school part time while enrolled in a HVAC Vocational Training program instead of college prep coursework, as far as I understand.
He was in some kind of supposed junior LE club in 2011 and at the same professed an interest in becoming an Army Ranger all while allegedly posting of profound disturbances in VS, allegedly.

All while enrolled in a blue collar job training program at 16, allegedly using heroin, allegedly doing rehab, getting a school guard job only to then begin zipping through two degrees with honors?!?!
Is that not all a very peculiar path and trajectory? MOO
Some states entitle students with serious behavioral issues to specialized instruction. I don't now if Idaho is among those states or if BCK had behavioral issues. I'm more inclined to think he was earning work study credits. MOO
One reason, IMO, it would seem that this was meticulously planned is bc of the layout of the house and the fact that he killed 4 people on 2 different floors in a 6 bedroom house within 15 to 20 minutes, in the dark or with minimal lighting. That would be impossible for someone to accomplish by just "winging" it.
And that time frame included gaining entry .I think he possibly carried tools in case they would be needed.
I think him taking less care of himself, growing out his facial hair (which could have just been done to change his appearance, kind of like how he conveniently registered his car to WA state around the same time as the murders), changing the way he graded, etc, is a better indicator that he did it than the changes you mentioned.... or maybe in addition to. People normally don't change like that, or to such an extent, for no reason. JMO.

I don't think someone, or anyone, else killed them on his behalf.
My understanding is he licensed the car because he had a birthday coming up and he had to legally do so. At least that's how it works in my home state. Changing it to WA makes sense because he would be living there for the next three or more years. MOO
Try this.
I'm him.
'I saw that sheath or one very similar at a market , in the past, I even considered purchasing it, I actually even put it on my belt, using the button.
I decided against it though.
And that was about a year ago'
(for good measure)
But how to explain the eyewitness, D.M? Or the fact that the knife wounds match the type of knife that typically goes with that type of sheath? How to explain the Elantra being seen on camera the morning of the murders or BKs cellphone pinging from the tower closest to the house?

I can wait :cool:
Good questions.

I think he didn't really care and does not currently care about getting away with it. He felt cowmpelled to do it and while he did not want to be caught, it wasn't his top priority.

I think he wants the notoriety (he thinks academia awards fame and fortune, as that's what he's seen in some of his prior experiences, but in fact, it's just a long hard grind to get a public job as a criminologist - or an academic job; to my knowledge, there are no freelance criminologists who haven't already written books and sold scripts, etc).

I think he knew he'd caught and prepared for this phase of defending himself in advance.

Why? I have two theories. Either part of him realized he really needs to be caught and he's daring Society to catch him (meaning: he knows he can't control himself and that he's a monster, so we need to stop him).

OR, he is hoping merely for book deals and fame, as you suggest. Maybe both theories can be right at the same time.

I want to add that many criminals express some degree of relief at being contained and prevented from any further evil actions. This is usually only one of the things they tell themselves.

In a weird way, we're seeing a generational shift in how mass murder/potential serial killing works or gets set into motion. "You're okay, you're fine" as his mantra (if true) is not what Random Maniac Murderers were saying to themselves back in the 1950's, as far as I can tell. He's something like Attias or Rodger (and he knows this). It's not a suicide-by-cop situation, it's a "containment by state prison" kind of situation.
I think he recognized and then resigned himself along the road to depersonalization and consciously refined his ignoble goals towards his slot in the hall of monsters.
A big I told you so to all those he tricked, who did not, could not comprehend, heal or fathom him over the past 15 years. He was and is self- aware, IMO. He decided to became a bizarre mass murderer and multiple family annihilator. He may have also committed a gender based hate crime.
I agree with others in that the debate over his grading style may have set him spiraling. What did he have to lose? He was undoubtedly humiliated and thrust back into his earlier years. Who knows what his final semester final paper looked like. Would it pass?
He gave up trying for any sane aspirations, gave out go to hell 100’s, and caved in to his heinous fantasies. JMO
Surely we can prevent these causes of loss of life by better early intervention, better resources for mental health support.
I can’t imagine what interacting with him must be like for his attorney. IMO.
Defense attorneys are not all awful and disrespectful. They are a very important part of our justice system. The idea that a defense attorney would claim a victim in this case is the real killer is preposterous in my opinion.

I agree with preposterous unless there is actual evidence beyond a parked car (and I don't think there's so much as a speck....) Defense attorneys need to zealously defend their client but shredding the brother of a victim will most likely end up alienating many or all of the jurists. MOO
The more I think of the evidence that is present the more it looks to me like one or more of these situations-

- BK didn’t care if he got caught, as he was eager to seek the fame and live the life of a killer, so while he deliberately did not place evidence, he was not as diligent as we would expect him to be

- BK obsessed over some details of the crime planning, and failed to consider some details that were vitally important to preventing forensic evidence

- BK placed evidence on purpose thinking LE would need a hand, and they located him quicker than he expected

- BK is not at all as bright as people think, he has some book knowledge that seems a smoke screen for his lack of common sense, scatterbrained ness, and mental health issues that prevent high order detailed/ focused planning for that day as well as broad planning in time.
For instance- why turn your phone off only during the short time near the deaths If normally you do not turn your phone off at all?

IMO, I remember when OJ was arrested for the murders of NBS and RG, I intuitively knew he did it. With this case, I don’t have that overwhelming sense of BKs guilt. I have a lot of reasonable doubt. I often wonder why BK is so pensive and introverted. It’s almost like he’s trying to figure out who did it in his head. LE/MSM said the crime scene was sloppy and to me that reeks of a young immature male or student who did it to get back at BK. All BK has to do is go back in his mind and figure out who might have done it-some student he peed off, some student who got a bad grade. BK was a teacher, why does anyone think that he would want to kill students? Unless…… there were some unhappy students who perhaps wanted to get him fired or had threatened to do so. Unfortunately, some tough teachers make enemies of students.
During being stabbed with an 8" kabar? i think that is doubtful. More likely, if able to move at all, they are grabbing at knife. and what does "that close up" mean? He has longer arms than three of the victims.

I think some peopel are understandably projecting what they imagine a strangulations would be like, not a strike with a large combat knife
It is actually a HIPAA violation to discuss both his attendance and his demeanour.
Just acknowledging BCK was there for an appointment is lawsuit material with regard to HIPAA.
Yes, that is true. But I can’t resolve him being a bright, very intelligent teen according to friends, soon to be considered brilliant by a professor, but only went to high school part time while enrolled in a HVAC Vocational Training program instead of college prep coursework, as far as I understand.
He was in some kind of supposed junior LE club in 2011 and at the same professed an interest in becoming an Army Ranger all while allegedly posting of profound disturbances in VS, allegedly.

All while enrolled in a blue collar job training program at 16, allegedly using heroin, allegedly doing rehab, getting a school guard job only to then begin zipping through two degrees with honors?!?!
Is that not all a very peculiar path and trajectory? MOO
The vocational program requires a half day of classes since students spend a half day at the program. Imo.

Was he a senior at the time? It's possible he didn't have enough credits to take college classes.

Also, most rehabilitation facilities allow students to continue their studies so he'd likely still be able to complete his coursework at rehab.

Didn't he work as security in the school after he had done rehab and finished high school?

I don't think he zipped through two degrees. He first started at a community College before continuing on to Lasalle. If he went to college for four years and then straight to graduate school, he should have been finished by the age of 24. Imo
Apparently lived alone in a 'family' apartment.
I saw no reports of a partner of any description on gender.
I meant to check Tinder after Tiktok girl described a date with him but I think that was a few years ago..
He could have advanced to more 'specific' dating sites in the interim.
I imagine his profiles have all been removed by either LE or the sites, if they existed, by now..
Thanks IMO
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