ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022 ****Media Thread**** NO DISCUSSION

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Interview with Kaylee's mom and dad.

20th November.

Reporter - We are joined by the parent's of Kaylee Goncalves, one of the victim's of this tragedy, C and S Goncalves, thank you so much for joining us and we're so sorry for your loss. C and S, can you tell me about your daughter, tonight?

Dad - Our daughter was super driven, she was a 3x deans list member. Her grades were amazing, she competed with everybody. She loved competing. She was just a highly driven person who...

Mom - Had many goals in life.

Dad - She had an internship that she was offered a full time position and we've worked with them and they've been great with us, this whole time. Yeah, she was driven and she was gonna go somewhere in life and a great member of society and that's what we wanted.

Reporter - You all have to be so proud of her and she was taken away from us far too soon. Can you tell us what the authorities have been telling you? We want to do anything that we can to help you to get justice for your daughter and the rest of the victims. What are they telling you?

Dad - They're telling us that there's so much evidence that it's gonna take a lot of time to process it all. This wasn't like a pinpoint crime. This person was sloppy. He did whatever he... when I say he, obviously you can't say that, that's just me, but he made a mess and there's a mess there and they're gonna have to go through that point by point and that's gonna take a lot of time. That's why they reached out to other facilities to help them with that lab work.

Mom - They do have a mobile unit on site. That they said they were able to really expedite things with this mobile unit. Hopefully, they're reaching out to other DNA, processing companies, such as, (??) to get involved. They have not confirmed that they have DNA from this person, they just said that they have a tonne of evidence. And evidently, today, with the new FBI task force on site and the FBI (??) and the Idaho State police said they were able to pull a tonne of evidence from the house today and they're processing that. It just takes time.

Reporter - We've only heard positive stories about your daughter, and the other victims out there. We couldn't find anybody to say anything about them. It's only been that they were givers, they loved everyone on campus. You see the videos on social media of them being so happy. Did you all have any clue? I mean, there hasn't been a murder, you guys, since 2015. Did you have any clue that they may be unsafe on the campus? Was there any indication?

Mom - Absolutely not. And if there were then we would have told Kaylee to come home immediately and same with Maddie. Maddie's family is our family. I know Maddie's.. we're very close with them. They are not speaking out, they choose not to speak out and they have asked us to please go ahead and speak on behalf of Maddie. They were best friends, from little girls. She was part of our family Kaylee's part of their family and absolutely not. Our son went to that college. No, no, absolutely not.

Dad - My daughter was aware of an environment.

Mom - Very aware.

Dad - She'd turn her camera on. She would film when she thought somebody was following her out of a mall parking lot or a grocery store. She was very aware that, she was a pretty girl, and that could attract some problems. So, she was alert. She was a streetwise child.

Mom - She herself was a web sleuth. Literally through and through which is just so ironic and just so surreal and all of it, you know? Just very sad for families when she'd hear about this type of stuff happening, like, 'Mom, did you hear bout that or mom, did you hear about that? She was very well of her surroundings, very well. I mean, she would think somebody was following her and she would call me, 'Mom, I think there's somebody following me', and I'm like 'well, Kaylee, call the police', then she'd say 'oh never mind, they just turned into 711'. I mean, she was aware, very aware and she locked her doors at night and she locked her car.

Kaylee was home, had just been home, so we were so thankful that she's been home for a week and a half. She just bought a brand new vehicle for herself, her first vehicle. She had planned a trip. She was planning on backpacking across Europe for the month of January. Starting her new job in February with this internship so that she... wound up offering her a full-time, very well paid position, that she was very excited to take. And she was with us for the last week and a half. She went home on Friday to literally go show off her new vehicle. She was like 'Maddie has to see my new ride, like she has to see this'. And she was talking to Maddie the whole time, going back and forth between the car she was buying and said 'I'm not going to tell you, you're just gonna see me pull up and wait to see what I pull up in'. And that was Friday and we spoke to Kaylee on Saturday and she sent me pictures of... all of the pictures that are online. And they were both of our girls.

Reporter - When was the last time y'all spoke? What was that conversation like? Was it just like you described?

Mom - Kaylee called me on Saturday, my birthday was earlier in the week and I didn't get anything for my birthday, boohoo. She was like, you know, it was not a big deal, but Kaylee called me on Saturday and said 'mum I'll be home on Tuesday and I'm going to take you out to breakfast, lunch and dinner and it's all on me, all on me, and we'll celebrate your birthday', and I said 'well, I don't know if I believe that', meaning she'd pay, but 'that sounds great, Kaylee, and I'll see you on Tuesday, honey'. And then she sent me a couple of pictures of her and Maddie, and that was on Saturday afternoon around 3.

Reporter - Have you had the opportunity to talk with any other victim's family members? I know you all are grieving together.

Mom - Only Maddie's.

Dad - They were just over our house a couple of hours ago.

Mom - We've just had Maddie's mother and father here. They were here for a couple... and it was very emotional for us today. That was the first time that we had gotten together. And just sad. Sad beyond belief. Just beyond anybody's worst nightmare. I'm sure you could. only fathom. It's heart breaking. Maddie was an only child, but like I said, she was our child as well, and even if you asked Kaylee how many siblings she had, she would always say five. 'five sisters and a brother' and that was always Maddie. Maddie was in our oldest daughters wedding. She said 'all of my sisters are my bridesmaids', and Maddie was one of those bridesmaids and it was all of O (Maddie's sister) sisters, including Maddie. Every time we travelled out of the country or went on vacation, Maddie went with us. So, this is both of our girls and we will never stop looking for who killed them.

Reporter - We want to do everything that we can do in our power to get justice for your daughter. We keep hearing this name, Jack, and phone calls going back and forth there. Can you tell us anything about that?

Mom - We love Jack. Absolutely love Jack. We stand by Jack 1000%. Jack was Kaylee's boyfriend for many years. They just recently broke up. There is no animosity at all. It was a break up on Kaylee's point. It was not... they still talked every single day. Kaylee just thought that she needed a little break. They were on the mends of getting back together. Kaylee talked to Jack the whole time she was here for that week and a half.

Dad - One of her messages, one of her last messages - she reached out to Jack and said 'Jack, get back to me' and then she goes 'we share a dog together', which they did, she's like 'you need to reach out to me', so..

Mom - 'Please come over'. She was wanting Jack to come over there. Jack is not.. they're wasting their time with Jack and Jack is just as distraught as we are. Jack is our family. Jack is 1000%, 2000%, our family and Jack is with us and we stand behind him 100%. We're supporting him and we know in our hearts and our minds and our souls, in the depths of our souls. Jack is hurting and.. Kaylee and Jack would have eventually been married. They would eventually had children together. So, to say ex-boyfriend.. it was Kaylee just being a brat, you know, being like 'I just need a break', but Jack was in her heart and they were close to getting back together, and that was just Kaylee being Kaylee. So, absolutely, Jack is..

Dad - We don't think he's a suspect.

Mom - At all.

Reporter - Ma'am, can you tell me about what the mood is like in the town. You guys have been so brave to come on the programme tonight and talk about your daughter, talk about the other victims, talk about the investigation. But a lot of people that weren't even, I mean, it was your daughter that was murdered, they are afraid to come on air because they feel like they could be next. Are you hearing the same thing in the town?

Dad - I don't like the fear. I wanna share my address and give it to you to share with them. I have no fear whatsoever of this individual. I almost welcome him to come to my house. This community has been amazing. Everyday we wake up with more food than we can ever eat, doughnuts, things. People are giving, the whole communities crying. Everyone is hurting. Everyone feels the pain of this. I mean, one shining thing out of all of this is, I've never realised how beautiful my community is and how much love there is there for people. We just have one bad person and we have to find that guy.

Mom - Like my husband said - if he would like our address we'll gladly give it to him. We'd love for him to show up.

Dad - We're not running, I'm not hiding myself online, it's there, you can look me up.

Mom - We can't speak for the other families

Reporter - We continue to support you guys and we wanna remember your daughters legacy tonight. What can we do, in this stage of the investigation, to help our audiences?. We'll put the tip line number up, but what can we do right now to get you guys answers?

Mom - I think we need to post this timeline (the timeline was provided in one of the press releases) because it's a small community. This is like 6-7,000 people. We need to put a timeline out there, where random people can just look there. People don't know, but their Tesla's are filming 24/7, 7 days a week, so, there could be somebody who doesn't realise that they have evidence.

Mom - Their ring cams, their phones. They were out and they were recording and, you know what, they look and 'who what's that shady person.. look at that guy that just run back across the camera' and it's all those little things.

Dad - Did you get gas at the time this activity was going on.

Mom - Gas stations - somebody going and buying candies. Obviously, they're checking hospitals for somebody going in and.. 'where was he when this person was wounded?, where was this person when this person got hurt in this struggle and altercation that took place that night'. You know, they probably need stitches or, you know, going to Walgreens at three in the morning getting band-aids, anything.

Dad - We'll get you that timeline, you post it on your site and that should help.

Reporter - We have that timeline. We will post it up. Anyone, if you see something, anything minor, call the tip line, if you were there in that area, any little piece of evidence can help the authorities. I want to give you one last moment to tell our audience anything else.

Dad - My last thing is, if you have a daughter or even a son in that area, turn on a tracker app. Share that information with your family. Don't walk around that town without everyone knowing who you are. You have to protect yourself. We have somebody lose. I don't wanna create a panic. I don't want to do anything like that but we know what we know. There's somebody out there. He's a psycho and your daughter needs to share her address with you. She might not like that, but that's what you do in times like this.

Reporter - That's right, C, S, before I let you go, because you have been talking with the investigators, what piece of information do you all feel is most important that could break this case wide open?

Mom - It's all digital, digital information, phone pinging off of their residence, somebody's ring cam and they're combing through that. And, obviously, physical evidence from inside the house.

Dad - If you have a router and you know you're within walking distance of this address and this happened, turn that into the evidence. Don't make them go find it. You give it to them. You reach out to them.

Mom - Your neighbour, because if he had his phone in his pocket walking, their phones... are so close, their phone was trying to connect to the Internet as he's walking through. If he had his phone, he/she, we're just assuming it's a he. Just let people know. Let the authorities know - 'my WI-FI is available to you, if you wanna search'. Don't make it hard, don't make it difficult. Don't make search warrants have to be gotten and to search for this. Just say 'hey I'm Kaylee, Maddie's neighbour, check my Wi-Fi, check my spectrum account, my Verizon account, whatever'.

Dad - You could be the key. You really could be the key.

Mom - I would think that the FBI's doing that, but, you know, we...

Dad - But it takes time and if you volunteer it instantly..

Reporter - C and S, you have been so kind and you have poured your heart out to our audience and we stand with you and the rest of the victim's families. Thank you all and we continue to pray for you guys. Thank you so much for joining me tonight.
Layout by @Garshin, via @BeSweets in case not posted:

Press release update 11/20/22
Wow - New Update to Press Conference - Surviving roommates called friends to residence and none are suspects.

Moscow Homicide Update November 20, 2022
MOSCOW, Idaho – The Moscow Police Department is providing the following information to update the public on the known facts surrounding the four murders that occurred on November 13th in Moscow, Idaho.
Updated Information:
  •  Detectives are releasing that on the morning of November 13th, the surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up. At 11:58 a.m., a 911 call requested aid for an unconscious person. The call originated from inside the residence on one of the surviving roommates’ cell phone. Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before a Moscow Police officer arrived at the location. Officers entered the residence and found the four victims on the second and third floors.
  •  At this time in the investigation, detectives do not believe any individual at the residence, when 911 was called, is involved in this crime.
  •  Rumors and speculation continue circulating about the ongoing investigation. MPD cautions the public not to rely on rumors and remains committed to keeping the public informed. We urge reliance on official channels for accurate information.
  •  TIPS: Detectives are looking for context to the events and people involved in these murders. Anyone who observed notable behavior, has video surveillance, or can provide relevant information is asked to call the Tip Line at 208-883-7180 or email
Moscow, ID | Official Website

EC = Ethan Chapin [IG / FB], a 20-year-old from Conway, Washington [1]; freshman, member of Sigma Chi fraternity majoring in recreation, sport and tourism management in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. [7]; school indicates hometown was Mount Vernon, WA [9]; one of triplets that all attended UofI[36]; staying overnight with his girlfriend XK [39][59] ("lived with" XK according to XK's family [56])

XK = Xana Kernodle [IG / TikTok / FB], 20, from Avondale, Arizona [1]; junior from Post Falls majoring in marketing in the College of Business and Economics, member of Pi Beta Phi sorority [7]; dating EC, worked as server at Mad Greek restaurant [36]

MM = Madison Mogen [IG / TikTok / FB], a 21-year-old from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho [1]; senior majoring in marketing in the College of Business and Economics, member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority [7]; worked as server at Mad Greek restaurant [36]; planned to move to Boise after graduation in spring [53]
FAMILY has asked Goncalves family to speak on their behalf [63@2:45]

KG = Kaylee Goncalves [IG / TikTok / FB], 21, from Rathdrum, Idaho [1]; senior majoring in general studies in the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, member of the Alpha Phi sorority [7]; middle of five children, owner of a dog named Murphy [31], was going to start a new tech job in TX in Jan
(Feb [63])[36]; had recently purchased a 2016 Range Rover; planned to travel to Europe next year (in January [63])[53]
FAMILY INTERVIEWS: NOV 15 | NOV 16 | NOV 19 | NOV 20 (transcribed by @Allabouttrial HERE)



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~LATE 2021 ("about a year, give or take")

EC and XK begin relationship [56]

AUG 16
MM posts a "meet the roommates" image on IG [12]

AUG 22
MM posts a "first day of school" image on IG [11]

SEP 12
POSSIBLY UNRELATED: man threatened students on UofI campus with a knife [35]; students were walking to Greek Row, non-student flashed a knife to threaten students, turned self into law enforcement; cannot say whether it is connected [47]

KG supposedly complained to a friend about a stalker [62]

OCT 21
POSSIBLY UNREALTED: Moscow resident's mini Australian shepherd discovered killed and skinned shortly after 2AM; skinned rabbit had been found days prior [64]

OCT 29
XK's final IG post, wishing EC a happy birthday [13]

~EARLY NOV ("about a week and a half)
  • KG had been home with family [63@4:15]
F NOV 11
  • MM's final IG post [10]
  • KG returns to campus for the weekend to show off her new vehicle [63@4:45]
  • KG's final texts with her sister [31]
Sa NOV 12
  • ~3PM - KG's final phone call with mother - intended to return home on Tuesday [63@5:30]
  • KG's final IG post w roommates [15]
  • EC attends a dance at his sister's sorority as her date; his other triplet brother went with his sister's roommate [53]
  • PM - neighbors hear loud music from somewhere "in the neighborhood"; did NOT hear screaming or gunshots [33]
  • PM - neighbors report "hearing noise from the house Saturday evening but said it sounded like a party rather than an altercation." [40]; Rumor debunked: Moscow PD states there is no indication of party at the residence [47]
  • 8PM-9PM - EC & XK attend party at Sigma Chi house (735 Nez Perce Dr [59])[58]
  • 10PM - 1:30AM - MM & KG at The Corner Club bar downtown [58]; took an Uber to get there [43@0:45]
  • ~12PM - XK last contact with family [56]

day 1 of investigation at residence

  • 1AM - surviving roommates BF & DM each arrive home from separate locations [58]
  • 1:33AM - 1:53AM [41] - MM & KG seen on Twitch video from Grub Truck food truck [38] located at 318 S. Main Street [58], where they order pasta; manager states they were "slightly intoxicated" [41] - VIDEO from Gray Hughes Investigates
  • ~1:45AM - EC & XK arrived home from Sigma Chi party [47]
  • after 1:45AM (1:59AM, according to KG's family [63@1:23]) - MM & KG arrived home from a bar [47]; MM & KG took Uber (or "private party" [58]) home, let dog out, locked house up [43@0:45]
  • ISP stated (cf Nov 17) that they believe suspect came in through sliding glass door [55]
  • 2:26AM-2:44AM - KG phones "Jack" six times [58] (family clarifies that "Jack" is KG's exbf, KG had wanted Jack to come over, family does not believe he is involved, that they were going to get back together [63@7:30])
  • 2:44AM-252AM - MM phones KG's "Jack" three times [58]
  • 2:52AM - KG phones "Jack" a final time [58]
  • 2AM-5AM - updated estimated TIME OF DEATH [58] (3AM-4AM - estimated time of death [9])
  • EC's mother states that "roommates heard something" but did not get into details [58]
  • [TIME?] - BODIES DISCOVERED - a surviving roommate summoned friends to residence bc they "believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up" [61]; according to EC's mother, bodies were found by "a friend" [32] who does not live in the house [39]
  • 11:58AM [20] - 911 CALL - LE respond to "a report of an unconscious person" (later verified to be one of the deceased [30]); multiple people spoke with dispatch before LE arrival [61]
  • [TIME?] - FIRST RESPONDERS ARRIVE - First responders "discovered four individuals who were deceased" [20] - EC was found on floor of second level [36]; two victims found on 2nd floor; two on 3rd floor [60@5:29]; officers describe a bloody crime scene, "especially on upper floors of the house" [37]; fire and EMS were also on scene but did not go into residence or transport anyone out[1]
  • ~12PM - coroner informed of 4 homicides [45@0:15]
  • 2:16 PM - UofI FB post advises students to shelter in place due to investigation of homicide on King St [3]
  • 2:51 PM - UofI FB post lifts shelter-in-place, states that LE are still investigating death of 4 people but do not believe there is an active threat [4]
  • ~5PM - 5:30PM - coroner arrives on scene [45@0:30]
  • 5:25PM - UofI FB post states that LE is still investigating, but there is no ongoing threat [5]
  • 9:17 PM - University president posts on FB about deaths, cancels class for M Nov 14, offers counseling resources [6]
  • PM - neighbors state they saw police, "group of women crying while draped in emergency blankets" [33]

day 2 of investigation at residence

  • online and in-person classes at University canceled [1]

  • [TIME?] LE questioned manager of Moscow Building Supply about whether they carry KA-BAR knives, which they do not [44]
  • 12:50 PM - MSM reports that 4 students found dead near campus [1]
  • 12:21 PM - UofI FB posts identities of victims [7], states "Moscow police do not believe there is an ongoing community risk based on information gathered during the preliminary investigation" [8]
  • 1:31 PM - search dogs at scene [29]
  • 1:49 PM - MSM reports that it is being treated as homicide investigation [2]
  • PM - Rumor debunked: LE verifies that none of the deceased students are believed to be responsible for the deaths. [9], Rumor debunked: county coroner verifies it was NOT a murder-suicide [17]
  • 5:56PM - Mayor refuses to confirm NYT's "crime of passion" description [21], states it is one possibility [32]
  • PM - media tries to canvas neighbors, who decline to make a comment, "most" stating that they didn't really know the victims; state that police had previously canvassed neighborhood as well [32]

day 3 of investigation at residence

  • Moscow PD release statement - "Evidence indicates that this was a targeted attack." [16]
  • Some students, feeling unsafe, leave early for Thanksgiving break [18]
  • Coroner calls the scene "gruesome" [34] (comment possibly taken out of context[see 45@3:45]); does not believe toxicology report will be relevant [45@3:00]; did not know timeframe of death [45@3:00]; declines to comment on where bodies were found [45@4:20]
  • DailyMail (TABLOID) posts image they claim is blood "oozing" out of residence; state that scene was "the worst [police] had ever seen; "there was blood everywhere;" "have never seen anything like this"; trash taken to garbage depot [36]
  • KG's family interview states that door had a keypad code [42@1:45]

  • 8:36AM - vigil postponed until after Thanksgiving [28] - cf W Nov 16
  • 11:24AM - LE press release states they are still searching for "an edged weapon such as a knife" that was used in attack [27]
  • 2:07PM - LE stop garbage truck from leaving residence, as they have not recovered weapon [26]
  • 2:40PM - bodies in Spokane County, autopsies to take place on Wed; preliminary findings show stabbing as cause of death; "a lot of blood;" [25] Rumor debunked: no indication of substance use [25]
  • 4:25PM - confirmed that FBI is working with local LE [19]
  • 6:36PM - county prosecutor states there is a sealed warrant issued at residence; "a handful of other warrants" in the works [24]
  • 7:11PM - Families of MM & KG release statement calling for justice [23]

day 4 of investigation at residence

  • AM - Video shared online of MM & KG at Grub Truck food truck [38] - cf Su NOV 13
  • Parents speak out against LE & school for "lack of information [40]
  • Manager of Moscow Building Supply states that LE questioned them "more than once" about whether they carry KA-BAR knives, including on M Nov 14; he states they do not [44] - cf M NOV 14

  • 3:30PM - news conference planned by ISP & Moscow PD [22] - transcribed by @Allabouttrial HERE
    • Moscow PD chief speaks
      • victims arrived home after 1:45 AM from party (EC & XK) and bar (MM & KG) [47] - cf Su Nov 13
      • no sign of forced entry - no damage to anything; door was open when LE arrived [47]
      • autopsies taking place today [47]
      • reviewing crime scene evidence, video, etc [47]
      • do not have a suspect, weapon, or clothing of suspect at this time - cannot say there is no threat to community [47]
      • Rumor debunked: no indication of party at the residence [47] - cf Sa Nov 12
      • there were ("we believe 2") other people (roommates) home at the time of the attack; was not a hostage situation and were not injured; they were present at residence when LE arrived; declines to comment on what they have stated [47]
      • declines to comment on who the 911 caller was [47]
      • has not identified anything missing/stolen from the residence [47]
      • declines to comment on location of bodies within the residence [47]
      • Sep 12 incident - students were walking to Greek Row, non-student flashed a knife to threaten students, turned self into law enforcement; cannot say whether it is connected [47] - cf Sep 12
  • 5PM - vigil held in Coeur d' Alene, ID [46]
  • 5PM - vigil planned on University's Administration Lawn [9] - vigil postponed as of T NOV 15 [28] rescheduled to NOV 30 [34]

day 5 of investigation at residence

  • Rumor debunked: KTVB reporter verifies that there have been no record of KG calling police between Jan1-Nov13 [48]
  • ISP patrolling near Moscow schools Th & Fri; "no need to be alarmed" [49]
  • increased LE activity noted at residence; increased number of tips coming in [50]; LE confirms they are canvassing area for fixed-blade weapon purchases [48]
  • phones of victims still being held as evidence [53]
  • KG's dog Murphy has been returned to secondary owner [54]
  • ISP stated that they believe suspect came in through sliding glass door [55] - cf Su Nov 13
  • [TIME?] autopsies completed and bodies released to victims' families [51]
  • PM - coroner's report released confirming official cause of death: homicide-murder / manner of death: stabbing with "large knife"; DNA samples (including those on "bedding") still being tested; some wounds may have been defensive [52] - cf [56 & 57]
  • PM - family states XK had "bruises, torn by the knife" that would indicate that she fought back [56] - cf [52 & 57]
  • PM - other source cites same coroner stating that "They have not yet determined whether there were defensive wounds"; each victim stabbed multiple times; no indication of sexual assault [57] - cf [52 & 56]

F NOV 18
  • Moscow PD press release
    • states that four victims were "likely asleep" at time of attack; some had defensive wounds [59]
    • Rumor debunked: LE do not believe man at Grub Hub truck is involved [59]
    • Rumor debunked: LE do not believe surviving roommates are involved [59]
    • Rumor debunked: victims were not tied or gagged [59]
    • no suspects in custody, no weapon found [59]

Sa NOV 19

Su NOV 20

  • 3PM - Moscow PD press conference - transcribed by @Allabouttrial HERE
    • received 646 tips, done over 90 interviews [60@1:40]
    • 911 call originated within residence from a surviving roommate's phone [60@5:19]
    • two victims found on 2nd floor; two on 3rd floor [60@5:29]
    • Rumor debunked: LE do not believe the "private party" who drove MM & KG home is involved [60@7:20]
    • Rumor debunked: LE do not believe the 911 caller is involved [60@19:07]
    • LE seized contents of three dumpsters on King St but did not find anything of note [60@8:15]
    • LE verifies that 911 caller was one of roommates' "other friends that had arrived at the location; not sure how many of these other friends were there [60@21:00]
    • no suspects in custody, no weapon found [60@8:40]
  • 8PM - Moscow police release social media update stating on S Nov 13, a surviving roommate summoned friends to residence bc they "believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up" [61] - cf S NOV 13
  • KG's family states in interview that "this person was sloppy... he made a mess" [63@1:15]
  • KG & MM's families met together [63@6:30]
  • DailyMail (TABLOID) reports on attack on dog Oct 21 near university campus [64] - cf Oct 21

[1] 4 University of Idaho students found dead near campus - 6ABC - Nov 14
[2] Four university students found dead near campus - MirrorUK - Nov 14
[3] UofI FB - Nov 13
[4] UofI FB - Nov 13
[5] UofI FB - Nov 13
[6] UofI FB - Nov 13
[7] UofI FB - Nov 14
[8] UofI FB - Nov 14
[9] 4 Slain University of Idaho students are victims - ElkoDaily - Nov 14
[10] MM Instagram - Nov 11
[11] MM Instagram - Aug 22
[12] MM Instagram - Aug 16
[13] XK Instagram - Oct 29
[14] EC Instagram - May 13
[15] KG Instagram - Nov 12
[16] Moscow PD - Nov 15
[17] @NickAtNews (NYT) tweet - Nov 14
[18] @NickAtNews (NYT) tweet THREAD - Nov 15
[19] @NickAtNews (NYT) tweet - Nov 15
[20] Four university of Idaho Students discovered dead - Law&Crime - Nov 15
[21] @AndrewBaertlein (KTVB) tweet - Nov 14
[22] @AndrewBaertlein (KTVB) tweet - Nov 16
[23] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 15
[24] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 15
[25] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet THREAD - Nov 15
[26] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet THREAD - Nov 15
[27] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet THREAD - Nov 15
[28] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 15
[29] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 14
[30] @dugganreports (KTVB) tweet - Nov 15
[31] Family of alleged Moscow homicide victim remembers - Nov 14
[32] Suspect sought in U of I deaths - Idaho Statesman - Nov 15
[33] Four U of I students died in senseless act of violence - LM Tribute - Nov 14
[34] Homicide investigation underway - KHQ - Nov 15
[35] Man reportedly threatened students with knife - ISJ - Sep 15
[36] Blood oozes through walls of home - DailyMail (TABLOID) - Nov 15
[37] University of Idaho homicide victims - FoxNews - Nov 15
[38] @johnwebbtv (KHQ-TV) - Nov 16
[39] 4 Idaho students killed in 'targeted attack' - ABCNews - Nov 16
[40] Slain university of Idaho victims' parents frustrated - ABCNews - Nov 16
[41] Chilling video shows 2 of the 4 - DailyMail (TABLOID) - Nov 16
[42] Extended interview with the family of Kaylee Goncalves VIDEO - KHQ - Nov 15
[43] Idaho College Students murdered in 'Crime of Passion' VIDEO - Inside Edition - Nov 16
[44] Police investigation narrows to search for combat-style knife - Idaho Statesman - Nov 16
[45] Latah County Coroner says all four students killed near University of Idaho were victims - KREM - Nov 15
[46] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 16
[47] Moscow Police Dept Press Conference - Nov 16
[48] @dugganreports (KTVB) tweet THREAD - Nov 17
[49] @AbbyDavisKTVB tweet - Nov 17
[50] @esterbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 17
[51] Mystery surrounds stabbing deaths - WTOP - Nov 17
[52] Autopsies confirm cause of death for UofI students - - Nov 17
[53] Slain Idaho students leave behind bright memories... - AP News - Nov 17
[54] @KREMAmandaRoley tweet - Nov 17
[55] @KREMAmandaRoley tweet - Nov 17
[56] She's a tough kid... - AZFamily - Nov 17
[57] @estherbower_TV (KXLY) tweet - Nov 17
[58] A timeline of events - Idaho Statesman - Nov 20
[59] Moscow PD FB - Nov 18
[60] Moscow PD press conference - YouTube VIDEO - Nov 20
[61] Moscow PD FB - Nov 20
[62] Victim reportedly spoke of stalker - Inside Edition - Nov 18
[63] Family of Moscow homicide victim continues to speak out VIDEO - KHQ - Nov 19
[64] Woman who lives near scene of Idaho murders... - DailyMail (TABLOID) - Nov 20


Here is what else is known about the killings.

Two roommates survived the attack.​

The police said that while the four friends were being killed, two other female roommates were in the house but were not attacked.

Investigators suggested that they had slept through the killings. The house has six bedrooms, with two on each floor. The police said the victims were found on the second and third floors.

The police said that, when the roommates woke up, they called some of their friends to the house because they believed one of the stabbing victims on the second floor “had passed out and was not waking up.” Once the friends arrived, someone from the group called 911 just before noon, and police arrived and found the additional victims.

The police said they did not believe anyone who was in the house when the 911 call was placed was involved in the crime.


The police said the two surviving roommates had each been out of town, separately, on Saturday and returned to the home by about 1 a.m., before the four victims had arrived back from a night out.

Cathy Mabbutt, the Latah County coroner, said the victims all appeared to have been stabbed multiple times with a large knife, though no weapon has been recovered.

Ms. Mabbutt said she believed at least one victim, and possibly more, had tried to fight off the attacker.


None of the victims showed signs of sexual assault, Ms. Mabbutt said, and toxicology reports have not been completed.


Two victims’ phones were used to call a friend early in the morning.​

There were seven unanswered phone calls made from the phone of one of the victims, Ms. Goncalves, to her former longtime boyfriend in the early morning hours on Sunday, according to her older sister, Alivea Goncalves, based on phone logs she was able to download from the phone provider. The police said that Ms. Mogen had also made calls to the same number.

The first call to the man, Jack DuCoeur, was at 2:26 a.m., and there were six more over the next 26 minutes, with the final one at 2:52, Ms. Goncalves said. She said that Mr. DuCoeur, also a student at the university, had missed the calls because he was sleeping, and that her sister’s phone account did not show any other calls.


The victims had spent the night socializing.​


All four friends returned to the rental home, south of campus, at roughly 1:45 a.m., the police said.


No one has been arrested.​

There have been no arrests, though the police appear to have ruled several people out.

Those ruled out include a man seen in the video footage at the food truck, the man who gave Ms. Goncalves and Ms. Mogen a ride home, the two roommates who were in the house during the attack, the friends the roommates called to the home in the morning and Ms. Goncalves’s former longtime boyfriend.

Chief Fry said on Sunday that he also could not say whether the killer was still in town or had fled.


"Kaylee called me on Saturday, my birthday was earlier in the week," Kristi Goncalves added.

"And [she] said, 'Mom, I'll be home on Tuesday, and I'm going to take you out to breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it's all on me, all on me, and we'll celebrate your birthday.'"



Local police are working with other law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, in investigating the brutal murders. Kaylee’s parents said during the Fox News interview that the investigation will take time due to the amount of evidence police have collected from the crime scene.


MOSCOW, Idaho -- More than 100 investigators, officers and support staff have fielded about 600 tips since the murders last week of four University of Idaho students, officials said on Sunday.


ABC News contributor and former FBI agent Brad Garrett told "Good Morning America" on Monday that the killer or killers may have been familiar with the layout of the house.

"It tells me that someone came into the house with a comfort level -- that they probably knew their way around the house," Garrett said.


The FBI sent 22 investigators to Moscow, according to the local police. Another 20 agents were working on the case but located in Treasure Valley, Idaho; Salt Lake City, Utah; and West Virginia. Two members of an FBI behavior analysis unit were also working on the case, police said.

Investigators also said a 911 call came from inside the residence and was made on one of the surviving roommates' cellphones. They initially told authorities that someone was passed out and wouldn't wake up, officials said.

"Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before a Moscow Police officer arrived at the location," officials said. "Officers entered the residence and found the four victims on the second and third floors."

Garrett said investigators should be broadening their search outside the victims' immediate circle of friends and family.

"You're going to have to start spreading out to people they had just a casual relationship with," he said.


Police in Moscow, Idaho, said Sunday that other friends were in the house when a 911 call was made following the fatal stabbings of four University of Idaho students a week ago, but couldn't say how many.

The 911 call was placed last Sunday at 11:58 a.m. reporting an unconscious person, police said. Two victims were found on the second floor and two on the third floor, according to police.

Two female surviving roommates were at the house at the time and were not hurt, Moscow Police Chief James Fry has said. Police said Friday that they don't believe the two surviving roommates are involved in the crime, which authorities reiterated Sunday.


Police have said the victims were likely sleeping at the time of the attack, and each was stabbed multiple times, citing the coroner. Some victims had defensive wounds, but there were no signs of sexual assault, police said.

University of Idaho President Scott Green on Sunday addressed safety in the wake of the horrific incident, saying they have ramped up security and are working to accommodate students who don't feel safe on campus.


MOSCOW, Idaho -- More than 100 investigators, officers and support staff have fielded about 600 tips since the murders last week of four University of Idaho students, officials said on Sunday.


ABC News contributor and former FBI agent Brad Garrett told "Good Morning America" on Monday that the killer or killers may have been familiar with the layout of the house.

"It tells me that someone came into the house with a comfort level -- that they probably knew their way around the house," Garrett said.


The FBI sent 22 investigators to Moscow, according to the local police. Another 20 agents were working on the case but located in Treasure Valley, Idaho; Salt Lake City, Utah; and West Virginia. Two members of an FBI behavior analysis unit were also working on the case, police said.

Investigators also said a 911 call came from inside the residence and was made on one of the surviving roommates' cellphones. They initially told authorities that someone was passed out and wouldn't wake up, officials said.

"Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before a Moscow Police officer arrived at the location," officials said. "Officers entered the residence and found the four victims on the second and third floors."

Garrett said investigators should be broadening their search outside the victims' immediate circle of friends and family.

"You're going to have to start spreading out to people they had just a casual relationship with," he said.


One week after the the bodies of four University of Idaho students were discovered in their shared off-campus home in the town of Moscow, authorities do not have a suspect in custody nor has a weapon been found, according to Moscow Police Captain Roger Lanier.

Updated Nov. 20, 2022 at 6:46 pm

Moscow police and state investigators denied online rumors about the homicides of four University of Idaho students during a news conference Sunday afternoon, urging members of the public to rely on official sources for information about the slayings.


The four victims are freshman Ethan Chapin, 20, of Conway, Skagit County; seniors Madison Mogen, 21, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, of Rathdrum, Idaho; and junior Xana Kernodle, 20, of Post Falls, Idaho. The women were housemates, and Chapin was dating Kernodle. All four were members of fraternities and sororities.


The initial 911 call was placed from inside the house at 11:58 a.m. on King Road from the cellphone of one of two surviving roommates, the Moscow Police Department announced Saturday evening. The call requested aid for an unconscious person.

Moscow Police Captain Roger Lanier reiterated that the department ruled out several individuals as potential suspects that had been circulating online: the two surviving roommates, a man seen at the food truck when Mogen and Goncalves were recorded at shortly before 2 a.m., and a private party who gave Mogen and Goncalves a ride home.

He said any information about the identify of the 911 caller is speculation, and any online reports that the victims had been tied and gagged are untrue.
NewsNation Nov 21, 2022 Former FBI Agent Interview
Investigators Have No Suspects
There could be “Nuggets of information in 911 call that the public doesn’t need to know”

Sally Krutzig

NEW: Moscow police give more info on 911 call: Surviving University of Idaho roommates summoned friends to home because they believed one of the 2nd floor victims had passed out and wasn't waking up. 911 was then called. Multiple people talked w/ dispatcher before police arrived

6:20 PM · Nov 20, 2022

Sally Krutzig

Police: "At this time in the investigation, detectives do not believe any individual at the residence, when 911 was called, is involved in this crime."

6:25 PM · Nov 20, 2022·
Last edited:
Dog skinned Oct 21, 3 miles north of King Street home
Here is info, scroll down you can see the owners, pictures of the dog Buddy in life and a map of proximity of Buddy’s home to 5 girls‘ home on King
Map is sideways- note the football field. Left on the map is N

Daily Mail- photos as source not so much article
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