ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 43

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I hope BK’s defense doesn’t use SG’s comment of a “connection” between the two as an explanation for his DNA being at the house. Her dad is grieving, and I can’t even begin to imagine what he is going through, but not sure comments like these will help the case.

The threads are moving so fast that this is sort of old news now (lol), but going back to the link to the frat house and parties. I’m a TA myself, and the joke around my department is that once you become a TA, you immediately lose access to any bar known as an undergrad hotspot. I’m not a bar frequenter myself, but apparently seeing your TA sucks the life right out the room . That lengthy diatribe is just to say, not really sure BK would have frequented a lot of undergrad frat soirées and met the victims there. MOO.

I'm not an expert in serial killers, so my opinion is formed from news, plus maybe watching Dexter and Silence of the Lambs, etc. In thinking about this case, it struck me that many (most?) serial killers don't seek to be known. They are hunters and they want to continue to hunt, so they want to stay under the radar screen. Their compulsion doesn't necessarily include a desire to do something so brazen, something that is by its very nature will draw an immense amount of attention and create a level of risk of being caught that is so high. IMO, BK thought he was going to be the most clever serial killer ever, that his studies and his intellect (in his own mind) would allow him to pull off the most public and sensational and violent and brutal murder. Such hubris, such an unfathomably high opinion of his own abilities. IMO. (He studied under a famed serial killer expert which is what makes me think that he thought he knew enough to get away with it all.) I hope this makes sense...
Of course we can't be sure, but I also don't know if he can feel shame or embarrassment.

Just from what we can glean so far, I think he possibly may feel anger and disgust that his "perfect crime" failed insofar as he didn't get away with it.

I think he would internalize that, though, and perhaps not allow it to show. Maybe he would just sit through a trial without visible affect.

I'm basing this on his steely-eyed appearance when he received his diploma. I've handed out many a graduation diploma on stage, and rarely have I seen such lack of eye contact and lack of enthusiasm from a student. He did mutter "thank you" with pursed lips.

Also, his alleged “blank stare” when arrested, despite what I’d presume would be chaos in his family at that moment.

IMO: No doubt that he is going to enjoy the show. This is his Phase 2 of the crime -torturing the families, friends, and social group in general. And, continuing to demonstrate his “knowledge and skills”. I am certain that he is “eager” for this performance.
I am sorry. The discussion was closed so I just copied everything and am posting it here. Hope it is not a horrible deviation from the "forum finesse".

I doubt. This guy, BK, has thought about many things. (I think he was, ultimately, a loner, so had to rely on own car, and that was a mistake).

I think he tried to put ten degrees of separation between himself and the victims.

I would not be surprised if he targeted several houses with single women around, but maybe chose the one that had no cameras. JMO - one wonders if what made him leave was the presence of a man as killing a man was unplanned.

I would be incredibly surprised if he had a live helper. His "others" would probably mean, either his family, or an online group, or just serve as the way to deflect.

I would not be surprised if he tries to turn "others" into "voices" in his head, pretending incapable to stand the trial, but his meticulous planning and behavior after the murders indicates that he understood what he was doing, the consequences and the choice.

He is a hedonistic murderer who did it for self-satisfaction, thinking of no one, even own parents, and the sooner he is extradited to Idaho, the better.

Again, good luck and happy NY to MPD, Idaho police, FBI, pathologists, journalists, and everyone involved in this hard case. Happy NY to Pennsylvania police, too.

Best of luck to the relatives of the victims, may they all stay healthy and resilient in the forthcoming year, and may their immense courage stay with them.

I am intrigued with your 10 degrees of separation theory, which changes the victimology on this case quite a bit and actually adds to the strangeness of this crime. I was thinking more like 3-4 degrees at most, when I wrote my profile of him the day before he was captured. But you may well be right. It makes all kinds of sense. He was thinking that would add a lot to his "I don't want to be caught" pile. Chilling to think he intended to go ahead and collect his Ph.D. and then - what? Work for the FBI? Work at a university teaching criminology? Yikes.

I don't think he'll get away with an insanity plea, but you're right - he may try one. He's certain to be seen by a psychiatrist as part of his booking process in Moscow, but it may evolve into a situation where the court orders him to be observed psychiatrically.

It's amazing how he has morphed physically over the years. To my way of thinking, he turned himself into a scary looking person. Appears to have no close friends, no mention of a girlfriend at all by anyone so far.

I'll add to the list of factors that he had on his checklist of "not getting caught" that he killed outside his residential jurisdiction and then fled to yet another jurisdiction. I believe he had no pre-murder accomplices whatsoever. He had every reason to be talking about crime to others, and he may have sought advice in that matter or vetted his theories with other students, under the guise of discussing a particular case. He may have been involved in online forums regarding crime (in fact, I would assume he was).

What grandiosity this dum-dum had. I do wonder what his thought processes were like as he realized, from across the nation, that MPD and the FBI were onto him, major league, big time onto him.

I love that the FBI and PA LE got a warrant, broke a window in a door, and entered the house at 3 am.

(Brian Entin reports that).
Thanks @NeverPersonal Kohberger's darkness reminds me so much of Israel Keyes. From your link:

"'I suspect that Kohberger was well aware of his dark nature and homicidal ideation and endeavored to discover more about himself through his studies,' said Enzo Yaksic, a criminal profiler and founder of the Atypical Homicide Research Group in Boston, in an email to

'But pursuing an advanced degree to become a better murderer is a foolhardy exercise,' he added, 'as nothing more is learned about such tactics and strategies than can be found on a popular podcast or true crime book.

'If Kohberger is an aspiring serial murderer who desired to commit the perfect murder, he quickly learned what many have discovered in the modern-age: it is far more difficult to get away with serial killing today than when Ted Bundy was active.'
I have a feeling he listens to the True Crime BSPodcast…
I don’t understand the attorneys point when he refers to where BK was that night since they likely have data showing the border of Idaho/Washington. What does that mean and why would he say this in an interview with a reporter? Why would he even ask that Q? He won’t be defending BK in a murder trial. Confused.

My understanding is the only extradition issue is whether he is, in fact, the individual named in the fugitive warrant.
I wonder if BK has a history of spice use? His age group had to face spice in their teens. I hear it has been said there was a heroin thing but personally I'm more inclined to think it was spice. I would bet heroin use among teenagers was very uncommon, especially in small town PA, back in say 2010. I bet you could get spice at every corner c-store though. My opinion (based upon knowing a few late 20s folks who were affected by spice use in their teens).
I wonder if BK has a history of spice use? His age group had to face spice in their teens. I hear it has been said there was a heroin thing but personally I'm more inclined to think it was spice. I would bet heroin use among teenagers was very uncommon, especially in small town PA, back in say 2010. I bet you could get spice at every corner c-store though. My opinion.
His new photos do have that look.
I think the profilers and internet speculators are missing the mark here on this guy. I think there’s something that separates him from your usual suspects that will make this a relatively quiet conclusion. Feel free to skip down to my TLDR for my quick summary take.

Like other killers BK likely put time into physical preparation and planning. Enhanced by all that he knew about the criminal justice system. Likely surveilling and watching. Noticing surroundings, lighting. Shaving body. Carefully selecting clothing. Having disposal means and location of clothing and weapon. Wrapped his feet etc. Knowing that the use of a knife would point to someone in the inner circle. Likely left red herrings behind.

But BK recognized something else that most other killers don’t recognize. The importance of mental preparation and conditioning. And I think it’s likely he thought this would give him an advantage.

He recognized that as soon as he walked through that sliding door he would lose control. And that no matter how much work he did to prepare…there was no way he could anticipate what would happen in that house. So he did his homework and prepared mentally. He recognized that killers make mistakes in the moment because of unanticipated feelings, thoughts, reactions to unanticipated victim behavior…and he tried to account for all of that with the survey. I’m not sure I’ve read about anything like this before with any other killers. This level of mental work. And I bet he thought this would be what would separate him from other killers who were caught.

By all indicators he had been preparing for that moment for years. Laid out what he thought was the perfect plan. A plan informed by his studies, studies that would surely propel him to the highest academic achievement you can receive in his chosen field.

This is a person who seemed to beat addiction by becoming ruthlessly disciplined. Focused all of his energy into his studies (and as a result this crime). There are not many indications that he was operating by instinct like other killers people here keep comparing him to.

All of that just for me to say that he flipped the 50/50 murder coin and failed. He acknowledged and accounted for the unanticipated moments where others didnt. He was a few years from being at the academic pinnacle in his field. and he FAILED.

If this was a Dunning Kruger suffering narcissist who operated most out of instinct and his likely above average (but overestimated on his part) intelligence I’d agree and say …”ya, this guy is going to make a big spectacle at trial on in some grandiose confession” but I don’t think this is that guy.

I think BK is ashamed, confused, embarrassed and likely doesn’t want to relive or face the reality of any of his failed plan. If he doesn’t plead guilty to avoid the death penalty and coming to terms with his failure (and his family and friends learning first hand of it). He’ll sit there in his chair during trial and not utter a word. We’ll likely never hear his side of the story.


TLDR; BK invested a lot of time and energy into planning. And they still caught him. He’ll go out ashamed and with a whimper.
Shaving his body, you wrote. Many people here commented that the DNA could be his hair falling on one of the victims.

On his mugshot his hair is relatively long, been growing for few months, so was thinking since yesterday why he did not shave his head, hair is an obvious source of DNA. He could have started shaving his head months earlier, for example in May when he published his survey. Is hair another of his miscalculations?
Just out of curiosity……

Does anyone else think it’s highly likely that one of the other criminology PHD students (only 8 miles and 10-15 minute drive from the murders)…. Could have been who initially tipped off LE to BK as possible suspect?

I mean I’d hope that the professor and other criminology PHD students had a discussion in class about the horrific murders that took place just 8 miles away at neighboring university. I’d think this is something those students would discuss and that they themselves would be invested in trying to find who committed the murders.

Yes! Because he drives a white Elantra. And I assume he was suddenly nowhere to be found after the murders. Probably told everyone he was traveling for Thanksgiving or something but I suspect he was driving across the country and never returned to Pullman.
This thread is moving WAY too fast to keep up but Glumlibrarian & Normancita pointed this out & I concur that it’s his REAL Instagram account in his full name bc of 10/8 posting of 1994 Beastie Boys song “Sabotage” in video.
Did he add his own mix of that graphic violence?
He is following Maddie btw- so yikes.
That one had no posts previously, it’s fake.
IMHO Well, for all the smart, controlled, deliberate, premeditated, extensive planning that likely went into BK's tragic crime, he managed to somehow leave his DNA behind, possibly be seen in his car leaving scene, and driving over 2000 miles (while being watched by LE). Rule number 1 When committing a crime one is likely to intentionally/unintentionally LEAVE BEHIND evidence and TAKE AWAY evidence.
Big question is why he did it. We may never know but hopefully he will never see sunsets again.
Big win for LE and Big zero for BK
I hope BK’s defense doesn’t use SG’s comment of a “connection” between the two as an explanation for his DNA being at the house. Her dad is grieving, and I can’t even begin to imagine what he is going through, but not sure comments like these will help the case.

The threads are moving so fast that this is sort of old news now (lol), but going back to the link to the frat house and parties. I’m a TA myself, and the joke around my department is that once you become a TA, you immediately lose access to any bar known as an undergrad hotspot. I’m not a bar frequenter myself, but apparently seeing your TA sucks the life right out the room . That lengthy diatribe is just to say, not really sure BK would have frequented a lot of undergrad frat soirées and met the victims there. MOO.

Well, there is probably little need to worry about her dad's comment, because if there is a connection the defense will surely figure it out
Does anyone else think he will give a full confession next week once he is presented with the evidence that will prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? He will be spared the death penalty and avoid dragging his parents through a long drawn out trial that will be painful and embarrassing. I think he will be rather proud to tell his story before America although he will avoid revealing the more painful and ego-bruising aspects he's been suppressing his whole life. I think he will plead guilty and spend the rest of his days working on his memoirs that no one will read or be interested in.
Agree for the most part
I am the person that person was replying to, and yes cell phone data was what I had in mind rather than car based GPS.

I can't wait to find out how and where he used his phone. Surely he had one? And surely he took it across country with him. Did he keep turning it off? Did he delete all mapping apps and anything related to Google/Chrome? I wonder if there are search results on his computer and what his computer security settings were? Did he delete all history every single day? Every hour?

I wonder if this guy is talking. Yes, acted alone is something that can be based on countless things, but he could be a talker. He’s done.

I wonder the same thing. He certainly isn't having lots of friendly conversations with the lawyer assigned by PA to represent him in the extradition (apparently he has waived those proceedings).

So he sits there in a cell, for the first time in his life. He may desperately crave information and want to sit in an interrogation room on the view that he can tell, from the questions they're asking, what they know about him.
IMHO Well, for all the smart, controlled, deliberate, premeditated, extensive planning that likely went into BK's tragic crime, he managed to somehow leave his DNA behind, possibly be seen in his car leaving scene, and driving over 2000 miles (while being watched by LE). Rule number 1 When committing a crime one is likely to intentionally/unintentionally LEAVE BEHIND evidence and TAKE AWAY evidence.
Big question is why he did it. We may never know but hopefully he will never see sunsets again.
Big win for LE and Big zero for BK
Well, agree with your points about evidence. But, sadly, I think BK got exactly what he really wanted. Getting away would have just been gravy (IMO)

And, P.S., Yes, I wish I could downvote myself for making this point
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