ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 43

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I'm not an expert in serial killers, so my opinion is formed from news, plus maybe watching Dexter and Silence of the Lambs, etc. In thinking about this case, it struck me that many (most?) serial killers don't seek to be known. They are hunters and they want to continue to hunt, so they want to stay under the radar screen. Their compulsion doesn't necessarily include a desire to do something so brazen, something that is by its very nature will draw an immense amount of attention and create a level of risk of being caught that is so high. IMO, BK thought he was going to be the most clever serial killer ever, that his studies and his intellect (in his own mind) would allow him to pull off the most public and sensational and violent and brutal murder. Such hubris, such an unfathomably high opinion of his own abilities. IMO. (He studied under a famed serial killer expert which is what makes me think that he thought he knew enough to get away with it all.) I hope this makes sense...
This is very interesting to me. His academic work.
I think of Copycat that movie with actress Sigourney Weaver, she’s an expert in serial killers and is giving a lecture in an auditorium to her students, she calls out specific traits, and students start sitting down, because they are eliminated. What’s left is who’s standing the students that share traits of serial killers.
He did study under a famed serial killer expert.
It does appear to be his actual Instagram as it follows family members that are private (needing to approve followers). The video was shocking and so was the comment about the online serial role playing community. I believe someone on this site alluded to the suspect potentially living out his own game. It appears they may be on to something. All my opinion.
As for me, I'm not on IG so I'm very curious as to what is WOW. Can anyone describe what you are seeing or hearing and why it rings a bell in this case~~TIA
I’ve thought a lot about this. PHD candidates aren’t a massive group on campus, regardless of field. The criminal justice candidates would be familiar with each other, even after one semester. They’d have similar schedules and likely cross paths walking in and out of the same buildings. Someone in his peer group knew he drove a white Elantra. Everyone within 100 miles driving one should have expected to be interviewed. Given the steady drip of comments regarding his behavior, I’d be stunned if LE had NOT been contacted by someone in his PHD circle. Would be interesting to know exactly if and when the alleged class discussion regarding the murders took place… did LE already have an eye on him? Could they have recordings? Interested to know how much the university knew/when they knew it and if there was any cooperation on their part.

Maybe. I mean, surely no one drives their car to class at WSU. And I doubt this guy joined in pizza parties or invited people over to his house (although they have vegan pizza in Pullman, it isn't cooked on a pan that's never touched an animal product).

We had a similar student in my grad program (detached, loner, felt he was superior, found a way of distracting the department admin while he went through our files and got our GPA's and GRE scores). He went on to commit major ethical violations in our discipline and is the only person dismissed from graduate work at my university for ethical violations. He never got his doctorate, and is now (with his master's) the head of a major, highly ideologically driven "think tank." I found out he was lying about being married (he was married, lied and said he was single and was dating) because I lived in married student housing - and so did he. When I mentioned this to him, he insisted he wasn't really married to the woman he lived with (but she said they were in fact married, because otherwise she could not have traveled to the US). If he wasn't really married, then he was ineligible for married student housing, so he said he lied just to obtain that housing. Great fellow. His "dates" were almost all one time experiences and often with non-students (waitresses, young university employees). He was a jerk. And he rarely did his homework. His story (of getting kicked out of the program) involved an international incident and made major newspapers. He never attended our little parties, never invited people over (we all rotated hosting little gatherings, not him) and was openly rude/insulting to the other men in the program, but apparently didn't think we women were worth his time to talk to - although he did hit on 2 of the women in a way that today would be considered close to sexual harassment. I learned about his theft of student information when he decided to ask me some questions about my favorite topic - research methods. So lower level rule-breaking led to higher level rule-breaking in his case and I've often wondered what the rest of his life was like. Turns out he has a Wikipedia - the only one of my grad school cohort who has one. He has been married 3 times now, and has 9 children. As an aside, his wife at the time I knew him also did some of his homework, especially the bits that qualified his projects as master's level.
This may have been mentioned before but threads are scrolling quickly. Right now there has been nothing stated as to BK's relation to any of the victims (friend, acquaintance, attended a party, etc.). There had to be some connection if he was able to get into the house without actually breaking in....unless they left the sliding door unlocked, but then he would have to know they left the door(s) frequently unlocked. Will be interesting to hear the entire story once it finally comes out.

EDIT: Just saw that one of the victim's family members said she had a connection to BK.
Just out of curiosity……

Does anyone else think it’s highly likely that one of the other criminology PHD students (only 8 miles and 10-15 minute drive from the murders)…. Could have been who initially tipped off LE to BK as possible suspect?

I mean I’d hope that the professor and other criminology PHD students had a discussion in class about the horrific murders that took place just 8 miles away at neighboring university. I’d think this is something those students would discuss and that they themselves would be invested in trying to find who committed the murders.
Yes, but they reported because of the Hyundai.
Half of people are
pretty observant notice things like the Elantra in the lot, know it belongs to a male in such and such apartment.
IMO the connection between KG and BK is going to be because he ate at her place of employment all the time. I sure hope so because I bet they'll have it on camera maybe. I would imagine he could glean mucho information about all of them from being a regular customer. Maybe he talked about veganism with them. What did the girls order from the grub truck that night? Pasta?
Kaylee did not work at MG
The thing is, that account might indeed follow his family members and the victims—but none of them follow his account back, which indicates it’s fake. Though that account posted the disturbing video in October, the user could’ve changed their profile name and started following those accounts yesterday.

I don't know how IG works, can you change your whole username?
Does anyone else think he will give a full confession next week once he is presented with the evidence that will prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? He will be spared the death penalty and avoid dragging his parents through a long drawn out trial that will be painful and embarrassing. I think he will be rather proud to tell his story before America although he will avoid revealing the more painful and ego-bruising aspects he's been suppressing his whole life. I think he will plead guilty and spend the rest of his days working on his memoirs that no one will read or be interested in.
I think he may ultimately plead guilty, but I am guessing at this point he's "calm" because he thinks he can still outsmart the justice system. MOO
The article states BK's father flew out to Idaho and accompanied BK back on the drive to PA, arriving in PA around December 17, according to BK's public defender. The article notes that police closely followed the vehicle on the drive back to PA. MOO- this indicates the police before around December 14 (assuming 3 day drive to PA) already knew BK was the POI/suspect. Likely were hoping to find him disposing of the knife at some point, IMO. It appears the police were surveilling BK for almost 3 weeks before the arrest-JMO. Kudos to LE for holding their cards very close, despite the Public hue and cry...really well done on the part of LE.

I wonder why his father would fly out to drive cross country with him? Why NOT pay to fly out your son for a Christmas break, wouldn't that be cheaper, faster, and safer? Avoid winter storms?
Honestly asking. You don’t think a family member would block a friend that changed their name to the accused killer?
Edited for further clarification: if the account is private then the person would have to approve someone that started to follow the account yesterday.

Good point.
IMHO Well, for all the smart, controlled, deliberate, premeditated, extensive planning that likely went into BK's tragic crime, he managed to somehow leave his DNA behind, possibly be seen in his car leaving scene, and driving over 2000 miles (while being watched by LE). Rule number 1 When committing a crime one is likely to intentionally/unintentionally LEAVE BEHIND evidence and TAKE AWAY evidence.
Big question is why he did it. We may never know but hopefully he will never see sunsets again.
Big win for LE and Big zero for BK

That's exactly what i'm saying. He wasn't a sophisticated, hardened criminal. And like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if this was his first and only crime above getting a parking ticket and doing heroin.
Odd that his father flew out and drove home with him. Pricey and time-consuming option, vs. BK just flying home on his own. I guess he just needed to get that car in PA? MOO.
I find this interesting too. Did he plan to leave the car with his parents and then fly back for classes in January? Why?
I don't understand the logic behind a long road trip with Dad, only to stay a short time to drive all the way in Winter storms.
I'm curious about this road trip. Did he ask Dad for advice? help? Did he confess to him?
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