ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 45

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I bring this up because I have known a number of people who seem to stay in school because they aren't ready for the real world. Most people I know with PhD's had a goal in mind before staring those programs. I wonder what his long-term plan was? Did he even have one.
He said to a witness (published in MSM) that he planned to become a criminology professor.

ETA: source

The suspect reportedly told the person he wanted to go into the field of behavioral criminal justice and become a professor.

This article makes me sad. If person or persons who witnessed all of this cruel and anti-social behavior toward another human being would have tried, in some small way, to mitigate these events, perhaps many many lives could have been changed and saved. I'm aware these sentiments apply to all tragedies of this ilk but am specifically speaking to the Moscow murders.
But no one ever really thinks guys like this that they know, are threats. I have a neighbor whose 31 year old nephew lives with her. He is a complete loser, holds down a PT job, which kind of amazes me. He still cannot drive and he is obsessed with Pokémon. He is socially inept. Doesn't date at all. Yet he seems to think his life is perfectly normal and clearly has no intention of changing. But, I would never think he would be violent. So, how on earth do you separate weird from dangerous? Unless they discuss or post about acts of violence, I don't really think you can.
She did not, thankfully and we subsequently shared many fast food meals, my favourite!
She stuck it out for almost a year far as I remember, her skin was glowing but she was almost in tears at mealtimes.. it did look pretty grim, I wouldn't have been able to do it.
His diet may have changed around that Summer he lost all the weight, allegedly did a rehab programme and returned to school with alpha male tendencies.
It makes me wonder at the type of rehab programme he undertook, sounded to me more like a bootcamp type exercise... Might be some clues there.. not sure until a few facts are released... in a few years time..

Reposting as I think it is important.

So far, no witnesses came along to say that BK was knife combat trained. So, where and when he pracriced knife fighting?

As mentioned in the post above,

'It makes me wonder at the type of rehab programme he undertook, sounded to me more like a bootcamp type exercise...'

So,where did BK go in the summer just before his senior year at school? Rehab?. Bootcamp? That was the summer he shed 30 kg weight and became very aggressive.

That event may have to be digged a little by LE, i think.
Snipped for focus.

I think you're using older stats. This wasn't true in 2022. As someone affiliated with a med school, I know our average age and the average age of med students nationwide is trending older. Same is true of graduate students in general.

Based on the above and what I've also linked below, it seems students take some time off before going to graduate school. I know this is true for med school. Some reasons, IMO, is work experience, paying off some undergraduate loans, getting started in their career field, starting a family, etc.

In BK's case, it could just be that he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. But I think he was likely surrounded by his peers age-wise in graduate school. He isn't behind by any means, according to the stats.

"According to research from the Council of Graduate Schools, the average age of graduate students in the U.S. is 33 years old. This number has remained stagnant over the past few decades, going back to the ’90s. Their study shows that 22% of graduate students are over 40 years old; of this number, 14% are between the ages of 40 and 50, while 8% are older than 50 years old."

Grad students in the sciences and premeds cannot be compared to the social sciences
degrees of BA and MA cannot be compared to BS and MS degrees
One reason- the labs take up a huge amount of time, another is the courses of math and science required are challenging and competitive

JMO- having earned a BS, and MS, and PhD in the sciences
The suspect seems to be what I think of as a "professional student".

His undergrad path seems fairly normal. Then he obtains a masters degree right after that, also fairly normal. Then, he immediately enters a PhD program. Why not go straight to the PhD program and skip the masters? At no time during his journey did he seem to get any real world experience in criminal justice (at least not until last week). I doubt a school security guard really counts as criminal justice experience.

I bring this up because I have known a number of people who seem to stay in school because they aren't ready for the real world. Most people I know with PhD's had a goal in mind before staring those programs. I wonder what his long-term plan was? Did he even have one.

He seems to be smart enough to progress through school, but I have seen nothing so far to suggest he is a criminal mastermind or genius. I have yet to see any peer-reviewed articles listing him as an author/co-author.
I was thinking the very same thing. My ex was one of these “professional students” and it was his way of avoiding having to get a job. He lived on financial aid and government funding so he could avoid getting a “real job.”

In BK’s case it makes sense because he probably couldn’t deal with working and having a boss or anyone superior to him. I’m surprised he was ok with having professors.
Remember the HVAC company at the house? Also didn’t BK go to some kind of HVAC program years ago?

That attorney sure is chatty.
Yeah the public defender is talking more then I would expect. I'm no expert but I can't imagine that's he is doing so without his client knowing and agreeing with the communication being provided to MSM and the public.

MOO is that the attorney is providing some details of the trip to minimize or avoid public scrutiny about the Father... Whether he knew something, or was aiding in some way, etc.

I'm not suggesting there would be any reason at all to draw interest towards BKs father or question his involvement but I bet there are certainly a lot of others that intend on doing just that. Very unfortunate.
According to this , non salubrious publication alleged killer tended to stay up late at night.
Probably another piece of useless information but I now have something in common with him.

The neighbour, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: "He’s normally a very late-night person, going to the bathroom and vacuuming at 1 or 12 in the morning.

"I have kids, so sometimes I thought of speaking to him or complaining, but never did.

"It seemed like he never slept because he was always doing something all night."
such serial killer vibes. Russel Williams never slept either! And some others. Makes me think psychopaths don’t need sleep like the rest of us.
Where is "Attorney / Client Priveledge". Lebar sure seems to be talking an aweful lot.
I think he's actually being a good advance defense attorney. Laying some groundwork and trying to get some good PR out there for his temporary client. Bk's new PD in Idaho can just step right in. It's absolutely critical BK have good and capable representation. JMO. Mentioning a couple of potential traffic violations during a road trip has no bearing on his murder trial, IMO.

BTW I looked on Indiana mycase and don't see any tickets. Not every county participates in mycase.
Has it been confirmed that BK did go to to rehab? Could someone post a link to that?

just Casey Arntz saying that BK told her that when they reconnected after HS

Arntz said he cut off his friendship with Kohberger because of the incessant bullying. He said Kohberger's father, a maintenance worker, and mother, a substitute teacher, were “genuinely kind people.” Arntz’s sister, Casey, said Kohberger told her after graduating that he had entered rehab.
‘Detached’ Suspect in Idaho Murders Studied Under Famed Criminologist

but no confirmation from any other source if that's true or not.
There’s a lot of chat about him being smart or not, and using his age to take away from his education. IMO, anyone who gets a masters degree is intelligent, as it is not easy. Same with a PHD.

Not trying to defend him at ALL but people graduate and go to school at all different timelines. I would hate that someone thought less of me because I finished my masters at 26 (like I did) instead of 23.
bolding mine.
You bring up some interesting points !

I'd prefer that LE say they're cooperating ... and not BK's hired atty. alone.
Just saying.
I think this is just standard stuff. This lawyer is just BK’s Pennsylvania representative regarding extradition/rendition. Becauase BK is not fighting rendition, the lawyer is just there to see that the process is done according to statute and BK’s legal rights aren’t violated. He will likely play no role in any further defense. No doubt reporters are clamoring for him and for the family to speak about the arrest, etc. Giving such a statement is just a way to keep the press at bay, to the degree that is possible. Saying that the family is “cooperating” likely means that they are putting up no legal barriers to searches and allowing themselves to be interviewed. It’s possible that they know nothing that will help investigators or prosecutors. They may be entirely innocent and nothing they say will help either side in a trial.

Law enforcement is not going to make any such statement about cooperation because it can come back to bite prosecutors If it turns out that family members are subpoenaed to testify.
But no one ever really thinks guys like this that they know, are threats. I have a neighbor whose 31 year old nephew lives with her. He is a complete loser, holds down a PT job, which kind of amazes me. He still cannot drive and he is obsessed with Pokémon. He is socially inept. Doesn't date at all. Yet he seems to think his life is perfectly normal and clearly has no intention of changing. But, I would never think he would be violent. So, how on earth do you separate weird from dangerous? Unless they discuss or post about acts of violence, I don't really think you can.

You also have to account for the fact that what some people call weird is actually neurodevelopmentally delayed, meaning they have a medical or neurological cause for their delayed or regressed development. We don't know enough about BK to make that claim for him, but just based on his progression through academia, I think he likely is fine. He may be socially awkward, but I haven't seen anything suggesting he's behind in any other way really.
Is it wrong I find it hilarious how upset some of the internet sleuths are that they had no idea who this guy was and are still in denial

Regarding the murder weapon, could it be found by retracing his locations from his phone data?
Grad students in the sciences and premeds cannot be compared to the social sciences
degrees of BA and MA cannot be compared to BS and MS degrees
One reason- the labs take up a huge amount of time, another is the courses of math and science required are challenging and competitive

JMO- having earned a BS, and MS, and PhD in the sciences

It's the same for graduate school across the board. Short of going to individual schools, I'm looking for MSM links that show there's no distinction, but many MSMs don't do stories on this. So here's one from the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a social science.

"* The median age of psychology PhDs was 32.1 years old--about a year less than the all-discipline median of 33.3 years old."

And another from 2017:

"Median age at doctorate for psychology was 31.3, younger than doctorates in social sciences, education and humanities, but older than doctorates in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering."

BK's age is irrelevant as a matter of evaluating his intelligence or academic progression, IMO.
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Supposedly he’s been “on the ground, facing the wall, not talking” — it will be interesting to see how this plays out when he gets to Idaho.

ETA: I wonder if the theatrics are because he is upset he got caught or if they are part of some plan he has (either to maintain his innocence or to try and gain notoriety).

I think he has a superiority complex. He believes he is much smarter and wiser than the correctional officers keeping watch over him. I suspect they are checking on him very frequently and he is just giving them <modsnip> by ignoring them and not looking at them. He's not speaking to them because the expert PhD criminologist wants-to-be is much wiser and smarter than some "peon correctional jail guards"-(in his mind this is how he probably sees them). Plus he wants to control. IMO
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One of the suspect's acquaintances said in a news article that last time she saw and spoke with the suspect was in 2017 and he had been recently clean from heroin. I'm thinking that could have been the time he decided to go vegan, which a lot of people perceive to be a healthy diet. Some people who are getting off drugs or alcohol also drastically change their diets in an attempt to improve their health. I think it gives them something to focus on (and maybe obsess about) to keep their minds distracted from relapsing back into drug or alcohol use.
Snipped for focus.

I think you're using older stats. This wasn't true in 2022. As someone affiliated with a med school, I know our average age and the average age of med students nationwide is trending older. Same is true of graduate students in general.

Based on the above and what I've also linked below, it seems students take some time off before going to graduate school. I know this is true for med school. Some reasons, IMO, is work experience, paying off some undergraduate loans, getting started in their career field, starting a family, etc.

In BK's case, it could just be that he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. But I think he was likely surrounded by his peers age-wise in graduate school. He isn't behind by any means, according to the stats.

"According to research from the Council of Graduate Schools, the average age of graduate students in the U.S. is 33 years old. This number has remained stagnant over the past few decades, going back to the ’90s. Their study shows that 22% of graduate students are over 40 years old; of this number, 14% are between the ages of 40 and 50, while 8% are older than 50 years old."
similar in the UK.
Average is 25-30 for student commencing PhD
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