ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 45

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Maybe ISP pulled them over just to get a better look at the inside of the car and its occupants.

Another possibility - getting him stirred up and worried to prompt him to ditch the weapon or any other evidence he might have had with him. I'm guessing LE (FBI/Idaho SP) was following the car carefully, most likely with multiple vehicles. They probably had a plan in the event he threw something out of the car, for one car to stop and look while the others continued to trail him.

In the recent trial for George Wagner IV for the murder of the Rhoden family, it was revealed the police planted a mic device in George and his brother's big rig. They then texted a photo of one of the murder weapons to George's brother. They both hit the panic button and went on a yelling rampage that lasted over an hour, all recorded on the recording device.
This is why I tend to believe there was a heroin addiction. Self medication may have been his way to gain relief from his obsessive thinking if any. And imo there was some.
I think perhaps the boxing, the running, late night vacuuming, pouring himself into the singular focus of education were all his attempts to control a lot of inner turmoil and inappropriate thoughts and impulses. He lived with his parents up until last August so there was at least some safety and regimen perhaps in the family unit and familiarity.
Once he got away from the nest, maybe it all started unraveling imo. Hard to say just my thoughts at the moment. All Imo
BBM - Is that an assumption or a known fact?

Has he never lived on his own or with a college roommate?

If not, he has missed out on a significant rite of passage IMO.

Perhaps he was unravelling fast once he was on his own. No one to put on a facade for anymore.

I see that WSU has a motor pool for WSU employees to use for WSU-related purposes. I wonder if TA's can rent vehicles in the fleet.

If so, BK could have used such a vehicle in multiple ways to avoid detection in relation to the crime:
  • As a vehicle he sometimes used to scout out the area in advance of the crime (so his own vehicle wouldn't be repeatedly spotted in the area).
  • As a vehicle he returned to immediately after the murders to avoid transferring any blood, fiber, DNA, or other evidence from the scene into his own vehicle.
  • As the vehicle he uses to take the knife/clothing/any other evidence to a location for dumping after the murders.

Where I work, it takes SO much paperwork (required by university liability policy) to check out one of those vehicles. I can't imagine that a bigger/better university like U of Idaho wouldn't have a risk management department heavily supervising access to and use to such cars. They have tons of online documents about minute aspects of risk management.

We have to specify the purpose and the curriculum has to be written in such a way as to make use of the vehicle *essential* to the class. Now, I teach in a field that does field trips, but I never use college vehicles because I have to provide about 6 different documents to do so. I'd have to provide an annual DMV record and proof of my own automobile insurance. I have to quote the actual curriculum document that says this particular fieldtrip is REQUIRED and not optional. So, I am in competition with all the athletics teams, the geologists, the botanists, the marine studies program, the nursing program and many others. My chances of getting a car, even after all that are low. And I have to be a fingerprinted employee - NO students are ever allowed to drive these cars - ever! All of this is kept in a digital database. All of our cars have dash cams now (but a few of the vans are just getting dash cams this year - those vans were put out of use for transporting students until they could be retrofitted),

So, I use the simpler, one-document process that is for an *optional* field trip, with students providing their own transportation. I have to choose places that are accessible by public transportation, which isn't too hard. RIght now, it's best practice to put into a syllabus that if a student chooses to use their own transportation, they must make sure they are properly licensed and insured. That's the degree to which most public universities attempt to micromanage risk.

No way a first semester grad student was allowed such a vehicle, IMO.

As far as I know, the police have not said exactly how they determined a 2011-13 Elantra was what they are looking for (video? Photo? Tip? Something else?) And we do not know how BKs car may differ from a stock Elantra. Say for example the hubcaps aren't right - maybe BK replaced the hubcaps at some point with aftermarket hubcaps that resemble earlier models.

IMO it's not a serious error if there is other evidence tying him to the crime. But I do think this concern over the potential error and what it means proves that the police would not put out erroneous info on purpose to trick the POI because it just raises doubts.

“ Tips and leads have led investigators to look for additional information about a vehicle being in the immediate area of the King Street residence during the early morning hours of November 13th “

This is why I tend to believe there was a heroin addiction. Self medication may have been his way to gain relief from his obsessive thinking if any. And imo there was some.
I think perhaps the boxing, the running, late night vacuuming, pouring himself into the singular focus of education were all his attempts to control a lot of inner turmoil and inappropriate thoughts and impulses. He lived with his parents up until last August so there was at least some safety and regimen perhaps in the family unit and familiarity.
Once he got away from the nest, maybe it all started unraveling imo. Hard to say just my thoughts at the moment. All Imo

Couldn’t formulate it better, and agree x 5
I was just thinking a few minutes ago about where I’d hide a weapon. My first thoughts were to duct tape it somewhere that’s not even really hidden. Like on the inside top of my dresser drawer. Or on top of ceiling fan blade. Lol.I
IMO Threw it out on the way home. 10 miles to dispose of. Might turn up in the next few years.
I wonder if BK refuses to fly? Maybe a phobia?
Moo- I was just thinking about the flying aspect and feel stupid I never thought of this before!

If he knew that the police had identified the car… and there was a massive manhunt out for it…

Maybe he did begin to worry he was being followed and knew that many criminals get picked up at airports trying to get out of the area.

He’d be trapped at an place to escape quickly.

And would have had to dispose of the car locally.

His dad may have offered to fly out and drive with him when he insisted on driving home. Just to be nice and spend quality time together.

Again. All MOO
Im sure they have a camera on him recording 24 hours a day, so maybe he is just facing away from the camera to be defiant or he thinks thats in his best interest. And "not talking" certainly is in his own best interest...
It’s possible BK is planning an insanity plea, IMO
Keeping in mind that he is sick enough to murder four people…maybe it is this part of the process that he is really after. The challenge of going through this phase. Every day is a new game for him and inside he’s excited to deal with what the day brings because (in his sick mind) he is going to show just how smart he is when it comes to criminology and be found not guilty.
I totally agree. I have my popcorn ready; as we experience the inside mind of yet another SK. BK may be a person who has little empathy, a narcissist IMO.
My heart hurts for these victims, their family, friends, classmates & the community; it’s a Horrendous crime
there have been a lot of theories posted on this thread and those of yesterday. The only one I can sympathize with is that he, or his parents, wanted use of the car for the time he would be back there. Also I wonder if he wanted to get rid of the car back east, I think his family member would have had to sign to sell it(?) Some posters think it natural that a parent would want to spend 4-5 days in the car, in the winter, with the son. But if it were my own trip, I would have just done it myself.

Maybe BCK is used to having others make decisions for him.
I wonder similar as well as would have made the trip solo too. But in 3 days max at that age. I80 has 75 mph, I'd imagine similar on I90
I am rarely caught up enough to post on this tread but here I am. I keep having this thought.....if LE was on to BK before the cross country road trip with dad, how sure could they be that dad was safe? I keep getting the heebeegeebies thinking about them in a hotel together. I mean....I know it is his dad but kids do bad things to their parents.
it just all sits bad with me. MOO but I am guessing the 2 stops by LE on the way were welfare checks? But how could that ensure dad's safety? I literally get creeped out thinking of his dad sleeping next to him in a hotel room. Yikes. MOO
I guess when driving back with his Dad he still thought he’d get away with it so would not draw attention to himself by harming his Dad, also I assume his motivation to murder would not include his own family as he could have done that at any time.
Do we know if there will be cameras?
It seems to me that pursuant to Rule 1910. Broadcasting, Recording and Photography in the Courtroom, PA is similar to CO where there's a general statutory prohibition for cameras (live coverage) without advance permission by the court.

To my knowledge, there have been no motions by MSM filed or granted for expanded media coverage for the Tuesday hearing.

Nonetheless, we know that reporter Brian Entin is in PA and I'm sure that reporters will be present to report/Tweet details following the proceedings. MOO

There is no insanity defense in Idaho.

And any criminal defense (public or otherwise) attorney signaling culpability of a defendant or injecting personal opinions pro-guilt or responsibility is going to be subject to potential censure or disbarment, as it would potentially be a violation of any state's professional responsibility rules around advocacy.

The statement was [likely] meant to address to Kohberer's current capacity to make his apparent decision not to fight extradition. As well, it counters speculation that BCK is suicidal (which is often interpreted by the public as another suggestion of guilt). This reading is supported by LeBar's added statement that BCK believes he will be exonerated.
Agreed and a solid point and observation.

It looks like his classmate may have been referring to an adult learning course post high school, or they may have been in a half day vocational program during high school. Depends on how old BK was when he graduated. At any rate, adding this link to yours, as this is the regional public trade school I believe his classmate mentions:

Thanks for this. It does say that Monroe Career and Technical Institute offers these learning programs to students IN high school.

It still begs the questions though. If this kid was so smart, as people have said, why would he even be on a voc-tech track? That is not a statement of judgment, just a statement of probability.
Random but I can’t imagine how difficult it was to find meals for a strict vegan on this road trip. I’ve driven a similar xcountry route and the food options are slim

Vegans and vegetarians and others with special food requirements usually carry their own food. We don't like road trip foot options much, and I have a wonderful stash of recipes and grocery lists for cross-country trips. Not only easy, but cheaper and tastier. Can be done with or without cooler. We take our own food on airplanes, too.

For all we know, he's the kind of vegan who lives off green drinks fortified with plant protein. I had a student (vegan) who ate nothing but peanut butter (and only once a day, after his 2-3 hour workouts at the gym - he needed the protein and got protein fortified peanut butter, which now I also buy and still use to this day).

When we are on road trips, our goal is to *not* stop for food, but then our goal is almost always a national park or other natural wonder. I will buy a coffee or diet coke to get access to restrooms if that is needed (tons of rest stops got closed during COVID).
I think the obsession with one or more of the victims was present, but I think it was triggered by KG being in town. Either he saw her, found out through her social media or whatever means, he knew that was the time to put his plan into action.
That is what I've thought since the beginning
Suddenly, in the summer before his senior year, he went on an extreme mission and lost almost 100 lbs, by running and taking boxing lessons. He did begin taking care of himself physically by running and working out---but he also became angry and aggressive, even towards his friends.
But what about all the reports of heroin use being the reason, or contributing to, the extreme weight loss? Has that been discounted? I thought it was AFTER he lost the weight is when he changed 180° with his attitude and started doing the running, boxing, and even the bullying, no?
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