ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 47

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Although this lame brained criminal (BCK) had the police following him all the way to his family home in PA and, perhaps, even collecting trash from his father's meals. There were *so* many vectors by which they could have done genealogical DNA analysis to find him - I"m just glad they used GEDMatch early on, and that they *could* use it, as it means they have very good samples of his DNA.

Which does indeed puzzle me and I can't wait to find out what other mistakes he made (or how clever the forensics were).
Is there a source for them using Gedmatch? I've somehow missed that. TIA.
The car appears to be manual transmission. It looks like the top part of the shifter is crushed-- I don't think that means anything; it's just strange. View attachment 392122
But this does show his right hand closer. Doesn’t appear to be a shadow- IMO. Makes me wonder for starters -1-what did he tell dad about this? 2-can we see it in other photos/videos from recent days 3-did LE look into if he had seen anyone for injuries-if this is showing after 7 wks-what did it look like earlier-if related? 4-is he right handed?
It's very interesting the PA State Police stated they are still working with Idaho LE in getting information (that they may have) on when BK was "in the Commonwealth" before and after the murders.
I'm thinking they must be looking at their own murder and other applicable types of cases BK might have been involved in, there in PA.

I apologize for not being able to provide a link, as the press release via podcast is still live. But that link (to the live podcast) is PAcast
What murder is that? Sorry. I was in court most of today.
It's true, not everybody follows the news or crimes like we do. It dawned on me that it is possible his parents weren't following the news about what happened in Idaho, or the be-on-the-lookout for this kind of car. I saw so much media about these horrible crimes on the news, online articles, tv shows, but maybe his parents really didn't. What a shock to first have LE come down on your home, arrest your son, then have to be told about these horrific murders you hadn't heard about perhaps. I guess it's possible. His mother cried in the courtroom and sister had to comfort her... his family are victims too. ALL MOO
So I am tired and worked all day, so thank you for this!
I do not believe this statement he made is a fact that is solid and definitely think this tactic to inflate confidence in the arrest but IF this is true where in the legal world would the information on it be? What is the legal code or statue that makes this a thing? (for learning purposes)
Love always!

I'm not sure if the warrants had to follow PA law (as the arrest and search raid happened in PA) but this PA lawyer's website says that .....

"Search warrants must be executed between 6AM and 10PM at night ...... If police want to search a property outside of this time frame they must provide the judge issuing the warrant with additional justifications for a “night time search”. In these situations police must show not only probable cause for the warrant but also a “reasonable justification” for a nighttime search."


"There are, however, exceptions to the “knock and announce” rule.

Those exceptions are as follows:
3) the police have reason to believe that an announcement prior entry would impair their safety"

Hope they bring in an out-of-state team (pro hac vice) Idaho, Oregon legal is too local. The best of the best is needed in this particular case (we must protect our youth!!!) Maybe they could be second chair, but guiding hand.
Why would you want someone from another state who is not well versed in Idaho laws and statutes?

Thompson has been in his position for 30+ years and was at the crime scene every day for the first week while CSI was processing the evidence.
JMO he’s more than qualified to handle this case.
I've experienced a police 'raid' (looking for a family member who was later charged for the crime). 3 police cars worth of policemen (so idk, at least 8 of them?) coming into my house. It was absolutely terrifying.

In my own experience the police knocked on the door and were let in at 7am and that was traumatising enough, I can't imagine how awful it would at 3am, and in that way.
If this is how they arrested him, then it is clearly way over the top. He did not have weapon, neither his dad, they are not terrorists, fgs, why demolishing half of the house where his parents live?
The car appears to be manual transmission. It looks like the top part of the shifter is crushed-- I don't think that means anything; it's just strange. View attachment 392122
<Waiting patiently for the bombardment of posts w/ zoomed in photos and comments such as "OMG!! Are my eyes deceiving me? Are those blood droplets?".> :p MOO
J/K :cool:
You just know he was shaking in his boots when he got pulled over by LE.

He looks nothing like dad.

IMOO - his license plate was caught on camera, traced to a Kohberger in PA. LE investigated the names of students enrolled at both universities and voila', they had a name, address, telephone number and he was from PA. Since he didn't come forward to explain why he was in that area at that time red flags were flying and he was on their radar within days. The DNA from the scene was found in places where it can not be explained by casual contact, but the results had not come back by the time he left ID so they tracked him across the country. The genetic match came back to a male Kohberger and there is only one son. FBI had him under surveillance and when the match was made, LE got the warrant, orchestrated the 3 am SWAT and here we are.

He knew his DNA was not in any database but did not know that someone in his family was in a database somewhere.
But this does show his right hand closer. Doesn’t appear to be a shadow- IMO. Makes me wonder for starters -1-what did he tell dad about this? 2-can we see it in other photos/videos from recent days 3-did LE look into if he had seen anyone for injuries-if this is showing after 7 wks-what did it look like earlier-if related? 4-is he right handed?
Good question, is he right or left handed. Anyone know?

Imagine what he was thinking when he was pulled over. Driving that white Elantra no less.
It's true, not everybody follows the news or crimes like we do. It dawned on me that it is possible his parents weren't following the news about what happened in Idaho, or the be-on-the-lookout for this kind of car. I saw so much media about these horrible crimes on the news, online articles, tv shows, but maybe his parents really didn't. What a shock to first have LE come down on your home, arrest your son, then have to be told about these horrific murders. His family are victims too. ALL MOO
The odds are the parents knew about the murders, but likely didn't make the connection to his vehicle. I have a white subaru. Trust me, I'm glad it has handicapped plates (I don't park in handicapped spots though) because I constantly lose it in Walmart parking lots because there are so many white subarus. And that's just one Walmart parking lot!

It's extremely common to have another white subaru parked right next to it.

So if there are that many in my neighborhood......
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