ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 48

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I understand that. But his parents likely didn’t know that and they’re innocent in the matter until we are told otherwise. Therefore I still feel for them.
At this stage, BK’s arrest may have prevented more killings IMO. No one knows what he is capable of doing; his Nov. 13 actions proved that. I believe the traffic stops were welfare stops to make sure Daddy-O safe. I wouldn’t want to be alone with BK. I feel for his parents, it’s a sad situation. IMHO
Do you see "deer in the headlights" in his booking photo? I don't. I see someone stubborn and slightly calculating, someone whose look is not for a booking photo, but for his public image. I think it's a highly rehearsed look and no deer involved.

If I had to choose an animal, I'm not sure I could think of one, but it does remind me of some primate dominance behavior (the "primate stare" of challenge).

Oh, and the post just upthread about his dirty car made me think maybe they'll find some specific microbes that are endemic to the soils of King and Queen Road on his car, as he clearly was afraid to wash it or take it to a car wash. Looks like at least a month of build-up there. Of course, the roads have been wet and stuff, so maybe my estimate is wrong.

He could have taken it a car wash in Indiana and no one would have recognized him. I wonder if he thought he was being followed (probably).
Wolf :) JMO
Nice to see empathy expressed in these threads. I believe the entire event is a tragedy. I wonder if an element of mental illness could be thrown in on BK's behalf. At least he could get treatment in a mental health facility. Fr I'm m an early age, a system of has failed to catch his condition before it happens.

I understand your angle, and am usually trying to empathise with all, but having thought a lot about this - mental illness doesn't plan and carry out this kind of horror.

Impulsivity, yes. Curl up in the corner, yes. Premeditate going into a house in the middle of the night and ending four lives of people you don't know - with a knife, which would take persistence and effort - then carrying on with your life - hell NO.
So, someone mentioned near the end of the last thread that it's peculiar indeed that BK didn't go in and talk to the police about his Elantra, before the PCA.

I mean, I bet other people had turned his Elantra in to campus police and Moscow PD. I bet they got a few mentions of that car, looked him up, had his name and then put the pressure on - that most of us will remember. "Will whoever has a White Elantra in the area please come and talk to us." An innocent person would come in and talk.

LEO's that I know say that this raises a big red flag: when a fairly small area is told over and over to please contact LE about a White Elantra (and we all know that only a handful of people can tell the year of the car by looking at it - so I imagine a ton of Elantras of all ages were photographed and sent to LE among those 12,000 or more tips).

So they knew the name of the criminology grad student (criminology!) who was 10 miles away, had an Elantra but did NOT contact police. They may even have figured out that the case was being discussed in his actual classes. And he STILL did NOT do what LE expects an innocent person to do (come in and clear themselves).

That made them look much harder at him, which was the intent of the whole exercise. Then, of course, they had the pings from his phone by the time (Dec 7) that they announced about the Elantra. I believe they had his name by that time.

What they didn't have yet was the kind of DNA analysis that was convincing. Or all the video analyzed. All in all, really a rapidly processed case, considering it appears to be a stranger who killed these four lovely people in cold blood. Or near stranger. I am not into the theory that he actually approached and was rejected by any of the young women until there's evidence of that.

I think he was a marginal loner who couldn't fit in at WSU with his grad student cohort (most of whom already had significant others, spouses or friends), didn't have close friends back home to chat with online, etc. He knew his social skills weren't the best, and resented people whose social skills were better. His internal desire to kill is similar to that of serial killers, so by studying them, he felt a little kinship.

I don’t see anything suspicious about that—specially if someone is a literal-minded non-nervous type. “They want 2011-13 Elantras. Mine is a 2015. Wouldn’t want to waste their time!”

I'm going to get roasted for this but I don't think he looks weird or crazy at all. He looks like half the lawyers walking the halls of corporate law firms.

I think that makes this whole thing even scarier. With Manson, Adam Lanza, Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart), the Colorado shooter, they all looked bonkers. This guy looks like a mildly attractive accountant.
Honestly if you passed him in the street I don’t think you would give him a second glance tbh. Looks like a regular guy. Nothing stands out. But because we know what he has been accused of our minds start to attach negative connotations on him.
No roast from me. I don't find him particularly "creepy" or "evil" or noteworthy in any way, really. He looks like a typical white collar office worker of some kind. He's clean cut, in good shape, takes great care of his skin and appears to be quite composed given the circumstances. Nothing about his physical appearance or demeanor in the videos I've seen rings any alarm bells to me. My opinion only.

He does have quite piercing eyes. When he was thinner, he did come across as malnourished. His face looks more filled out now than it did in his DeSales photo. His DeSale's photo was a bit red flaggy for me.
Wondering whether a close relative of BCK - someone knowledgeable about mental health disorders - might have recognized that BCK checked some troubling personality trait boxes, lived in proximity & drove the type of vehicle sought by LE. Rather than directly contacting LE, this person could have decided to submit their DNA to one of the more LE friendly genetic sites, keeping fingers crossed that there'd be no relevant match to murder scene evidence.
I don’t think the timelines would fit. Elantra news was released on or about Dec 7th. If no special handling, the DNA processing would take longer than the roughly 3 weeks from the release of that Elantra news to the time he was apprehended. I’ve done DNA testing with Ancestry, 23andMe, FTDNA and LivingDNA, all took 4 weeks or more to process my autosomal DNA.
Hello. MOO-

I tend to agree with you that the officers who stopped him did not know. I also do not believe that there were current specific lookout alerts or warrants for him in the national / state police databases despite the likelihood he was already being tracked and followed and investigated.
Snipped for focus.

Is it possible the officers didn’t know because MPD had told everyone to be on the lookout for model years 2011-2013 of white Elantras rather than the 2015 he was driving?
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Is the inside dirty, too? I'm not connecting here lol.
What did KG’s dad say? Something like “he was sloppy, he left a mess of evidence in the crime scene” I can’t remember exact words but it was something along the lines of that.

Let’s just pray his inside cleaning skills are as good as the outside of the car cleaning skills.
Thanks !
Even though you weren't replying to moi.

The residence warrant would cover any phones/electronics in the house, correct ?
Asking generally ... as it can vary from state to state, akaik ?
It would not necessarily. Warrants have to be c are fully tailored to describe exactly what they’re looking for and why there is probable cause to believe the items could be there and would be relevant to proving a crime occurred, in essence.
I'm going to get roasted for this but I don't think he looks weird or crazy at all. He looks like half the lawyers walking the halls of corporate law firms.

I think that makes this whole thing even scarier. With Manson, Adam Lanza, Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart), the Colorado shooter, they all looked bonkers. This guy looks like a mildly attractive accountant.

He looks Italian, lean, dark-haired and rather attractive. Which doesn't make him less scary, especially given his facial expression. But having looked at several pictures of him now, I remember his classmates mentioning how something happened to him in high school. This is when he lost weight, took to kickboxing, and his character changed. Looking at his eyes that appear anatomically unusual, I wonder if something is wrong with his thyroid. It is not often checked in teenagers. (Just an idea, we have discussed everything here). This widely opened eyes are seen in all pictures, except for him in middle school.
I'm going to get roasted for this but I don't think he looks weird or crazy at all. He looks like half the lawyers walking the halls of corporate law firms.

I think that makes this whole thing even scarier. With Manson, Adam Lanza, Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart), the Colorado shooter, they all looked bonkers. This guy looks like a mildly attractive accountant.
I mean yeah. He looks fairly normal in most photos. We see him as scary and/or deranged because we know what he allegedly did.

But of course we always try to see signs that someone like this is a psychopath or whatever. Because it’s exactly what you said. It’s not as scary if we can convince ourselves that we would be able to identify a potential monster in our midst.
Is the inside dirty, too? I'm not connecting here lol.

Most criminologists would be aware that soil evidence on their car could tie them to a crime. And it can. I'm pretty sure that the soils in that little neighborhood have unique markers, as most dirt does. LE appears to think they have tire tracks as well.

Right now, they're going to sample all that dirt, in layers, and reconstruct some of where that car has been. It's possible he got it that dirty in just 3-4 days of travel and that it was (relatively) clean before, but gosh, that dirt really looked ancient to me, as if it had gone through several cycles of damp and dry and was basically baked on there. And I know something about having a dirty car, that's for sure.

LE was checking with local carwashes regularly, so he would have had to organize his own car exterior clean-up (he might have, we don't know). Hard to say about the interior. I would love to see the state of the trunk, but that cheery task goes to the investigators in PA.

I am guessing the car will stay in PA and eventually be returned to its owner(s), but it could provide good evidence that he'd been over in Moscow quite a bit and even specific evidence that he had parked near that house with its specific soil profile. That's bad news for him, on top of everything else.
Hello. MOO-

I tend to agree with you that the officers who stopped him did not know. I also do not believe that there were current specific lookout alerts or warrants for him in the national / state police databases despite the likelihood he was already being tracked and followed and investigated.

If you watched the Pennsylvania news conference after the hearing today (going to attach the link skip to 19:25 minutes into interview) a reporter asked if they were worried about him being tipped off by someone in the days leading up to the arrest and how long they had been conducting surveillance. State police officer says “a period of time” will not give exact date of notification they began to watch him and assist Idaho LE and FBI in investigation.

however he says in the days prior to acquiring the warrants for arrest and tactical/swat team prep planning which began during those 2 - 3 days before….

That before that point only 7-10 people (Pennsylvania LE) total had been working on the case with the FBI and Idaho police.

MOO- So based off of this answer alone… I think it is safe to assume… due to fear from LE (Idaho police as well as FBI) that he would get spooked or destroy evidence or get angered thinking he’s being followed… due to the potential of any of those possibilities he could become a danger to others… etc.

They did not want anyone knowing what they knew until the time was right to protect the investigation. The risks were too high to have all of Pennsylvanias police force monitoring him or knowing he was the prime suspect.

Keeping the information tight… between just 7-10 trusted LE significantly increased the chances of a safe and successful arrest while waiting for what I’m assuming was forensic evidence to get back to them. The Idaho LE said a dozen times. We don’t want just an arrest, we want a conviction.

I believe keeping this information of the prime suspect very close to the vest during this time period was very smart of LE.

So yes, I get why it’s frustrating to the public to see a quadruple homicide murderer pulled over twice, back to back and him not be arrested sooner… but we have to be patient and understanding and remember… LE had a plan. They know what they are doing.

This is why I believe the highway patrol more than likely did not know who they pulled over. Do I think they received a phone call from fbi right after to ask questions about the stop… very possible.

Link below for press conference. Play at 19:25 into interview.

And they may have been waiting for their warrants.
I don’t see anything suspicious about that—specially if someone is a literal-minded non-nervous type. “They want 2011-13 Elantras. Mine is a 2015. Wouldn’t want to waste their time!”


Me. If it's not in the range, it's not in the range. I'm thinking the whole time that they actually had a specific date range due to a better screen grab or eyewitness, b/c grills, hubcaps, fender scoop, antenna placement, brake lights, head lights, etc... Those can change with models/years.
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