ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 11

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How did the killer subdue and stab 4 people? I was just studying other such cases. When Richard Speck killed 8 nurses with a knife, he had a pistol. While he did not use it, he apparently used it to control the victims while he took each from the room and killed them with a knife. Makes me wonder if the Moscow killer had a firearm that he did not use in addition to the knife.
Well in these case the students were apparently sleeping when each was attacked, and some were drunk. So I don't think the gun was necessary.
How did the killer subdue and stab 4 people? I was just studying other such cases. When Richard Speck killed 8 nurses with a knife, he had a pistol. While he did not use it, he apparently used it to control the victims while he took each from the room and killed them with a knife. Makes me wonder if the Moscow killer had a firearm that he did not use in addition to the knife.
This sounds horrible, but to be honest, college girls are not exactly as, how do I say it, not responsible but shall we say level headed as they used to be, society isn't. 18 year olds 40 years ago were quite maturity wise advanced compared to todays late teens and early twenties folks. Hence, calling a friend thinking they were passed out. I doubt that. I have teenage girls. I would suspect they realized what happened, freaked out, one of them was already on the phone when they realized it, as they freaked out the other individuals came to the house and called police. That's just my mom gut.
Let me tell you. I lived through the Baton Rouge serial killer years and it was absolutely unnerving, especially when he was known to be in areas I drive through or visited or had friends there, etc. He chose black and white women, older and younger etc. It made no sense who he was going to grab next. Then they said he was driving a white van (truck maybe.. fuzzy memory) and then you realize how many of those are around.

I feel very sad for everyone in the area. It’s a psychological terror (if not a physical one also).
I know this isn’t the same, but I was in college during the DC sniper attacks and I remember taking my smoke breaks in my car with the drivers seat all the way reclined. It was so scary and that was before social media.
If these blue prints are entirely correct then the killer would have no stairs to access the third floor from the second.

I noticed that as well. <modsnip>address search (zillow and rentalcollegepads) gives good pics and proper layout of the house. It helped me get my mind around exactly what the layout looks like.

<modsnip - not an approved source>

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You know, if your the perp and you're watching the house, you would think he would want to see when the lights go out so that he can get an idea of how much time has passed before he can feel confident that the victims are sleeping. I mean he wouldn't just assume because they were drinking they'd go to sleep pretty quickly. Before he enters that house, he wants to feel assured that they are indeed asleep. So how much time does he give? Some people take awhile to go to sleep. Or does he simply not care? He may have a gun and if things get out of control he falls back on the gun? He'd prefer them to be sound asleep though I would think in order to prevent a struggle or a victim getting free or yelling and sound the alarm.

If the last call out of that house was from one of the victims and it's at 2:52am and we assume they start the process of sleeping soon after, I can't imagine the killer going into that house too soon. Maybe he plays it safe and waits an hour which would put the attacks around 4 am if we are too asume
Just because there are defensive wounds on the victim doesn’t mean the assailant was injured, especially with a sharp knife.
Especially a sharp combat knife with a front guard/quillion to prevent your hand from slipping up onto the blade.

I have always thought they cleaned up before leaving. Esp if they didn’t know or expect the other two would be at home. Remember they were “out of town” earlier in the day…if this was someone they knew and he was told they were out of town…….
Killer left house when it was dark before the sun rose. The only visible evidence would be footprints with blood on the porch. And hand prints Maybe the killer didn't have blood on their shoes? Killer could have wiped blood from hands and shoes inside the house. (Just grab a towel) If perp lives alone, who would notice? If perp has roommates, they may have been asleep...
I’ve taken some days off from this case as we’re all spinning our wheels and getting nowhere here.
And to put things in perspective, here in Virginia in the last ten days, we’ve had a mass shooting at UVA, a mother and her three children killed in their home by her boyfriend, and now the mass shooting in the Chesapeake Walmart. It’s real, you know?
These shootings were ‘solved’ so I guess that’s why they don’t get as much attention. I’m just tired. Sick of the killing in this country. Nobody is safe.
I can’t believe the Idaho case will go’s unimaginable in this day and age. Anyways.
Where in VA are you? The mass shooting at Walmart today had my gf worried but I’m no where near that area.

I’ve recently learned that there have been unidentified bodies found on this one road near me for years and no one knows anything about them. And I’m in a very small town in the northern neck.

Sorry for OT
I agree that it makes it much less likely, but I’ve encountered a lot of heavy sleepers in my time. Plus, maybe the house doesn’t conduct sound well. I’ve lived in an old house where I never heard what was going on downstairs from my bedroom with a closed door.
In college my roommates and I went out drinking one night, came home and passed out. The next morning police were pounding on our door because someone had been mugged and shot on the sidewalk directly in front of our house. And these are tiny city lots where the sidewalk is 10’ from our house. We had all the windows open and my bedroom faced the sidewalk where it happened. None of the 5 of us woke up nor heard a thing. It’s totally possible to sleep through this.
You know, if your the perp and you're watching the house, you would think he would want to see when the lights go out so that he can get an idea of how much time has passed before he can feel confident that the victims are sleeping. I mean he wouldn't just assume because they were drinking they'd go to sleep pretty quickly. Before he enters that house, he wants to feel assured that they are indeed asleep. So how much time does he give? Some people take awhile to go to sleep. Or does he simply not care? He may have a gun and if things get out of control he falls back on the gun? He'd prefer them to be sound asleep though I would think in order to prevent a struggle or a victim getting free or yelling and sound the alarm.

If the last call out of that house was from one of the victims and it's at 2:52am and we assume they start the process of sleeping soon after, I can't imagine the killer going into that house too soon. Maybe he plays it safe and waits an hour which would put the attacks around 4 am if we are too asume
I think the killer might have waited if he were outside. Some posters have suggested that he may have already been inside, laying in wait.
Interesting comment early on about "what you don't see" in "a photo or video" could be as important as what is visible

Long time lurker of the forum, first time poster.

I agree with the posters who thought it was an odd statement from the press conference. It was along the lines of "what is not in a photo can be is as important as what it shows". (paraphrasing here, not a direct quote).

I wonder if a crime scene photo shows something is missing from the apartment? Maybe an item that belonged to one of the victims was taken as a sort of trophy?

Here is another thing that might not be in a photo or video that maybe should be: An item or items belonging to the killer. Imagine if someone had a "large knife" in a stand on a shelf, but it's no longer there. Or ANYTHING for that matter. Suppose LE found something at the scene?

If I knew person A normally kept something somewhere or had something (think picture on a wall, lucky charm, etc) and that something was no longer there and I reported it to LE, they might just look at their clues and say "Wait, person A is missing their lucky rabbit foot and we FOUND a rabbit foot." Lead.
Saw someone comment on previous thread about how terrifying it is that the killer may have showered there and cleaned themselves up.

My question is what do you think is more risky/likely for them to have done?

Stayed and showered risking running into someone or someone potentially having heard and called 911.


Left covered in blood or at least with their bloody clothes in tow and risk being discovered with evidence on them, or leaving a trail of blood/scent?

I am at a loss.
It says something about their mindset if they could overcome the urge to flee and had the patience to clean up before leaving. That's a rareity of cold that most do not possess.
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A man that was at the Corner Club shares his perceptions of the women there that night, and how they seemed to catch a lot of attention from men there. One visibly drunk. I imagine the club has cameras and LE obtained the footage.

Read what he says here:

This whole thing is interesting in the sense that when I watched the food truck footage I thought KG didn’t seem very intoxicated. Yes she walked up and was the one ordering and she thought she had some points/discount but didn’t seem too visibly drunk by any means. MM was stumbling around almost rocking at some points seemingly trying to keep from falling to the point that she went and leaned against the truck the whole time after they ordered as if she couldn’t stand well on her own. No judgement that was me in college all the time.

But the two things that stood out to me were that KG was on her phone literally the entire time stopping texting to take some pics but other than that was glued to it. I also found it weird that an Uber driver would get out of the car and yell to get in considering you’d think he didn’t know what his passengers looked like.

And then also why say they gave them random food without paying bc they had to leave? They paid after they ordered food bless I missed that and it didn’t seem like there was much discussion between them and food truck workers as in saying they had to go and asking for food but again maybe I missed that.

Not that it leads me to believe anything but just interesting what someone else observed in person vs what I noticed on footage when I watched days ago?
I’ve taken some days off from this case as we’re all spinning our wheels and getting nowhere here.
And to put things in perspective, here in Virginia in the last ten days, we’ve had a mass shooting at UVA, a mother and her three children killed in their home by her boyfriend, and now the mass shooting in the Chesapeake Walmart. It’s real, you know?
These shootings were ‘solved’ so I guess that’s why they don’t get as much attention. I’m just tired. Sick of the killing in this country. Nobody is safe.
I can’t believe the Idaho case will go’s unimaginable in this day and age. Anyways.
As bad as things are please try to remember you are living in one of the safest times in American history. Imagine living in the wild west. Or before DNA or security cameras. Or the times during the serial killer "Golden Era", which I have and you may have also lived during. Things could be better but yet they are not as bad as they have been. I empathize with you because sometimes it gets me down to.
I think also living in the 24hr news cycle times we get info we never would have even heard about 35yr ago, is now reported world wide within minutes. Sometimes I step away from the tv and phone and computer and hit the woods for a week or so. I hope you have or find someway to unplug for a bit at least a couple times a year. Wishing you well.
I think the killer might have waited if he were outside. Some posters have suggested that he may have already been inside, laying in wait.

That just seems so risky. If he's inside waiting, how's he to know that they aren't bringing girlfriends who in turn are bringing their boyfriends to the house? He has no way for sure to know that. Then he's stuck in an untenable situation.
Wow.. so the only bit of information provided today was the amount of evidence they’ve taken from the crime scene. Here’s what I gathered from the press conference.

1. They are NOT going to shed any sort of light on why they believe the victims were targeted.
2. They will NOT share how they believe the perp entered the home.
3. The 9-1-1 Phone call is also off limits it seems for the foreseeable future.( who made the call, what did they say, etc )
4. the only thing I did find interesting was when asked if the perp entered the surviving roommates room, he seemed reluctant to answer. That could be just following the theme of the rest of the presser by using evasive words, or could be a tea leaf that points to why they are so certain it was targeted.

I feel we may be a long way from answers to this case, hope I’m wrong.
I feel since at 4 AM it is still dark, they would leave the house as soon as possible. Showering makes them vulnerable! Someone in the house on the 1st floor hears and calls 911.
But apparently the people on the first floor didn't hear anything. And even if they did hear the shower running, they might have thought that it was one of the other 4 taking a shower
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