ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 13

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On November 13th, the surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up. At 11:58 a.m., a 911 call requested aid for an unconscious person. The call was made from one of the surviving roommates’ cell phones inside the residence. Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before Moscow Police arrived at the location. Officers entered the residence and found two victims on the second floor and two victims on the third floor.

This is the first time I've seen the chain of events for the morning of the 13th laid out officially like this and it's sort of making my head spin. Like others I wrote off the "unconscious person" report in the beginning, thinking that was simply the phrasing of the 911 operator, but after reading the newest presser it seems to have been more than that.

I don't understand how there could have been that much uncertainty and back-and-forth about whether someone was "passed out" when it's been confirmed (also in the above link) that ALL the victims had MULTIPLE stab wounds. Did anyone even see the bodies before LE got there? As unlikely as it seems I'm starting to wonder if the killer DID somehow lock the bedroom doors behind him or the victims were otherwise hidden from view. Perhaps- as someone here suggested previously- there was an alarm going off in one of the bedrooms continuously and that alerted the survivors' that something was wrong, rather than discovering one of the bodies?

To be clear, I do NOT think the surviving roommates were involved in any way and am not insinuating such at all. Please snip/delete my post if it comes off that way because I really feel for those girls and am dismayed by how their names & faces have been made so public!
My questions are more about how the killer could possibly have left the scene (location of bodies etc..) that whether the victims were alive or not seems to have been up for such debate. I feel like I've not made myself super clear (it's so early!) but did anyone else think similarly after reading that?
I always figured from the beginning that the roommates and the friends that were called down did NOT see the bodies until authorities got there. I don’t see how they could have seen the bodies and not see the blood and stab wounds, unless the bodies were covered up to hide that evidence. Wouldn’t that much blood also start to smell though? Plus, it’s been reported that it was a messy crime scene. I can’t imagine there wasn’t blood on surrounding objects, walls, etc. This is what leads me to believe the people that called 911 never actually saw the bodies. They just knew they were in the house because the cars were there, maybe a phone alarm was going off or it was ringing and no one is picking up, etc. They knew they were in the room but they weren’t responding, hence the “unconscious person”.
What I DON’T understand is why was it phrased as a singular unconscious person? The 911 call was about the 2nd floor roommate. But there were 2 other roommates (K & M) on the 3rd floor. Did they not see that their cars were also there and did they not try to knock on their door or call them and see that they also weren’t responding?
I maintain my belief from the beginning of these threads ie) The murderer was known to one or more of the deceased. There probably wasn’t a close relationship but there was some kind of previous contact with one or more. Additionally, one or more of the deceased gave him the brush off or rebuffed him in some manner. IMO, the killer is male and around the same age of the housemates.

All my opinion
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“On the night of the incident, officers located a dog at the residence. The dog was unharmed and turned over to Animal Services and later released to a responsible party.”
King Road Homicide Moscow, ID

They will end up fixing this as it adds additional confusion, unless it is accurate??
It implies officers were present at the residence on the night of the incident, rather than showing up the next day when 911 was called.
So, were they called about a stray dog that happened to be Murphy?? And responded to that call and took him to Animal Services, and then later arrived to the 911 call?
If so, there should be a log entry Nov 12 or Nov 13 that says they responded to a call of a stray dog near that address and took it to Animal Services.

I read through, unless the dog had wandered and was not at the residence, there is no log entry for them finding Murphy.

Agree, For Pete’s sake why don’t they just tell everyone where/when they found the dog??

I hope before handing over the dog, he was checked for DNA. Human DNA collection from police dogs: technique and application - Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology
Dog initially taken to animal services because they were interviewing Jack. MOO
I really think they had tunnel vision on J from the very beginning, and this was the source of all the "targeted" and "community is not in danger" statements. They cleared J at almost the same time they walked those statements back. Coincidence?
No, just no. Unless they were sleepwalking.

If they were all asleep from start to finish, why did the coroner say "some had defensive wounds..." (CBS) At least 2 of the victims would've been woken up by the attack in order to defend themselves, no? How else would they get those wounds? (edited for clarity)
Something I just thought of ….K bought a new car prior to the murders. Does anyone know if it was purchased from an individual or a dealership? Is it possible someone could have put AirTags in her new car to track her ? Or is it possible that someone put AirTags in one of the victims purses to track them back home?
Disclaimer: I am NOT technically savvy whatsoever so if this theory is not plausible at all - I’m sorry in advance!
The Range Rover is out the front of the property with dealer plates on it. You can see it in the pics of the scene.
I think they were all initially attacked while asleep in their beds but one or more made it out of their beds after being attacked before succumbing to their injuries. That’s my interpretation of the seemingly contradictory statements but I could be wrong.
This is what I think, too. And I also think that one of the second story victims (I believe E) succumbed to his wounds and bled out on the floor next to the short wall of the bedroom, which would correspond to the red drips on the house exterior.

Sorry to be so graphic- couldn’t think of a softer way to word it. :(

Eta: used wrong word
Yes, I got that impression from K's family interviews also; so if only four housemates were actually living there then it narrows down the perps motive/ 'target' to:
1) either X or M?? (E + K in the wrong place at the wrong time) then it was potentially a planned murder
2) either E or K (X or M collateral damage) then it was possibly a revenge murder
The Johhny Laws video suggests that either way the prep knew the house layout and entered+exited through the second level patio door???
I too got the impression K was already moved out and back for the weekend leaving me to believe K was the target and the perp knew she was back in town… ? IMO
If they were all asleep from start to finish, why did the coroner say "some had defensive wounds..." (CBS)At least 2 of the victims would've been awake in order to defend themselves, no? How else would they get those wounds?
I think they were asleep when the attack started but woke up and tried to fight back as maybe they didn’t die as fast as the other victims? I hate even talking like that but that’s my thoughts… also, I believe if you had drank more, fell asleep before the other victims that would more than likely change what stage of sleep you were in. Maybe K and M didn’t wake up and fight back as they were “more asleep” or, their first stab wounds were more fatal? Again, me just theorizing!
I agree, the girls did not go to sleep with the dog lost outside.
If the dog was outside and lost- could that be the reason for the calls to JD?
Where was the dog during the attacks?
Why was he taken to Animal Services rather than be taken by surviving roommate?
When was he taken to Animal Services?
Why does the PD log say the dog was found on the ”night of the incident” yet PD did not arrive on scene of homicide until about noon Nov 13?

Trying to make it all make sense, lost in the rabbit hole
If the incident occurred between 3-4am on 11/13, it was already technically morning, which means finding the dog at night of the 13th COULD make sense.
I think they were asleep when the attack started but woke up and tried to fight back as maybe they didn’t die as fast as the other victims? I hate even talking like that but that’s my thoughts… also, I believe if you had drank more, fell asleep before the other victims that would more than likely change what stage of sleep you were in. Maybe K and M didn’t wake up and fight back as they were “more asleep” or, their first stab wounds were more fatal? Again, me just theorizing!
Agreed! If any of them were in a deep stage iv sleep, wouldn’t be as likely to wake up right away.
I maintain my belief from the beginning of these threads ie) The murderer was known to one or more of the deceased. There probably wasn’t a close relationship but there was some kind of previous contact with one or more of the deceased. Additionally, one or more of the deceased gave him the brush off or rebuffed him in some manner. IMO, the killer is male and around the same age of the housemates.

All my opinion

I think you're right; the suspect is young, around the same age. And if they have the suspect's DNA (which I believe they do), it could be difficult to match because the suspect hasn't committed any crimes or submitted DNA to 23andMe or any other ancestry databases, for that matter.

I'm 36 and did my genetic testing with 23andMe at 27. Are younger generations using genetic testing services? It was all the rage with my generation.
I think you're right; the suspect is young, around the same age. And if they have the suspect's DNA (which I believe they do), it could be difficult to match because the suspect hasn't committed any crimes or submitted DNA to 23andMe or any other ancestry databases, for that matter.

I'm 36 and did my genetic testing with 23andMe at 27. Are younger generations using genetic testing services? It was all the rage with my generation.
Exactly re your first paragraph.
Regarding young people and genetic testing, I think many are paranoid about having their DNA out there. MOO.
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