ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 20

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Moscow PD has been very forthcoming. They have said they don’t know who did it, that they have no POI’s, and they don’t know why it happened to these particular people in this particular house. They have told everyone what they are doing to solve this crime, who is helping, who they don’t think is involved, (at this time), and they update this information every few days as new information comes to light.
You believe that Moscow PD is unreliable by default.
I don't think people believe Moscow PD is unreliable, more that faith is being lost in them. The FBI and other out of state agencies are helping, yet still nothing.
Was this killer so professional he has out-foxed everyone?
The town is petrified a mass killer is on the loose. And rightly so.
I guess it might be something more simple.
That they've been led to believe - from pretty baseless comments - things like ' there is a 50% chance that the perp will attend' a public gathering ( vigil, funeral)

There's one on this page. If you look at it, you'll see the profiler says 50% and then in same article reverts to ' some' ( some chance of a perp attending)

I doubt that the evidential sample for this conclusion is statistically small or not based on any stats

I also think that the mass media attention to this case, along with the websleuthing world being involved makes it less likely for someone to be as brazen as to show up at one or more funerals - especially since it has been reported that the killer would likely do so.

That’s a an entirely different level of brazen (or stupidity)
Definitely eerie. I read the article, but Fox gave no indication where this handprint may have been, do you have any idea which window this was?

pure guess but recall all the photos of multiple forensics staff at the kitchen window? when they were dusting that kitchen window for prints and in another shot, illuminating the print with a hand torch so as to get a good photo of it?

guess it's that window

edited to add - by chance, somebody just posted a photo of it
I'd add- and I am a professional - the BFs of the 2 girls may also have a very hard time the rest of their lives as far as they may never go on to fall in love, get married and have children.
Yes. Very sad. The boyfriends may have the “failed to protect her by being there” guilt, and any innocent roommates will be scarred by Survivor’s Guilt and the feeling of a near- miss, and wondering if someone is still after them. The whole thing is so tragic. So many people are devastated by this. (I almost hate to say that online because of the feeling that the killer will get pleasure from the devastation…)
I just listened to the Ashley Banfield phone call with X's mother. During the conversation, different photos were on rotation, and one of the photos showed a lock on the outside of what I am guessing is a bedroom door. If this is correct, and there is a lock on the outside of the door, how was it breached? Who had the code? Was it a former boyfriend? Was the door left cracked open? Was it a locksmith? Just thinking out loud.
It sounds like we are dealing with and talking about a person functioning under some type of extreme desperation.

I wonder if the killer in question went so off piste because they didn’t actually have any idea how many people lived in the house?

it also sounds possibly like some Golden State Killer type of super scary boldness, the part where he would hang out eating food at his victims' houses.

this person seems to have been less than tremendously worried about discovery.
I just listened to the Ashley Banfield phone call with X's mother. During the conversation, different photos were on rotation, and one of the photos showed a lock on the outside of what I am guessing is a bedroom door. If this is correct, and there is a lock on the outside of the door, how was it breached? Who had the code? Was it a former boyfriend? Was the door left cracked open? Was it a locksmith? Just thinking out loud.
I think if Ethan opened it to check out a noise that would explain how the killer got in? jmo
I also think that the mass media attention to this case, along with the websleuthing world being involved makes it less likely for someone to be as brazen as to show up at one or more funerals - especially since it has been reported that the killer would likely do so.

That’s a an entirely different level of brazen (or stupidity)
Yes, but if the killer were close to one or more victims, it would be weird if he/ she were NOT there. Reminds me of that LE saying, “it’s not what you see, but what you don’t see”.

I hope this link works, it was provided to us by @thatssoamy on the previous thread. It is a link to the memorial service that was held yesterday for the victims of the murder and was organized by Xana's family.

I am reposting it on this new thread in case anyone wants to watch it. The first speaker, after the pastor, is Maddie's boyfriend, Jake. Xana's father, sister, and aunt also spoke at the service. The last speaker was Ethan's best friend, Hunter J. Sounds like he and his girlfriend, E, were very close to Ethan and Xana and spent a lot of time together.

After Hunter J. spoke, the pastor read two letters written by the surviving roommates. Each one of the surviving roommates talked about each of the victims and what they meant to her. IMO, it showed how close the personal relationships were with all of the members of the house, how deeply engaged each one of them were with one another, and how much each member of the house loved one another. Their heartfelt remarks really shed light on how integrated the lives of the 5 young women were, and also with Ethan.

JMO. And thanks to @thatssoamy for contacting the church and getting this link for us, so that those of us who missed the live ceremony could watch the video.

Edited to add:
Pastor reads surviving roommates' letters around the 2:57:24 mark.

Also added last name initial for speaker that was Ethan's best friend, Hunter J. who spoke at the service, so as not to confuse him with Ethan's sibling who has same first name).
The friends speeches are all so heartfelt and they did a great job
So my original question was - Is it likely that delaying the funeral until someone is arrested in this case will prolong the grieving process? Thanks

Not if that’s what the family feels is best. The grieving process is long and complicated for families of murder victims.

The investigation, arrest and trial start it over again. Or at least based on my own experience, it does.
If they had the killer’s DNA then they could have a physical description of the killer as well. Makes me wonder if he left DNA.

“Chief scientist Ellen Greytak says that from the swab, their imagery can display information like eye color, skin color, hair color and the shape of their face.”

So my original question was - Is it likely that delaying the funeral until someone is arrested in this case will prolong the grieving process? Thanks
Good question - hard to answer but I'd say there have been 2 memorial type services which may serve as partial closure and time/place for grieving with family and friends. Also although we all grieve differently it is really honestly very early in grieving process & they do have the urns.. My thinking it doesn't prolong grieving and is part of their shared family thinking and process
Maybe X didn’t want people using her things or crashing in her room if she was out. She also needed a place to keep valuables. If this was a party house I can see that happening.

I think it's wise even if it wasn't a "party" house.

In a video of the victims posted in an early thread, they were doing imitations of each other. If I remember correctly, someone imitating X had her being concerned whether everyone had done their assigned chores that day and was holding a broom or mop. It made me think that X was likely an organized and tidy person.

As for someone asking why X's dad would have installed a new lock vs. a landlord taking care of it, my opinion is dad probably was going to do a better, faster job because it was for someone he loves vs. a rental company that would probably put it on a to-do list and might get around to it someday. It's also possible the rental company told them they could do it and submit a receipt for the new lock to them for reimbursement.

All MOO.
I just listened to the Ashley Banfield phone call with X's mother. During the conversation, different photos were on rotation, and one of the photos showed a lock on the outside of what I am guessing is a bedroom door. If this is correct, and there is a lock on the outside of the door, how was it breached? Who had the code? Was it a former boyfriend? Was the door left cracked open? Was it a locksmith? Just thinking out loud.
My experience with my DD and young women in off campus housing is most only locked their doors when they left the house to prevent theft. My DD did lock hers when she went to bed, and tried to keep the slider and front door locked. But that was near impossible with 3 other roommates and their friends coming and going at all hours. Imo.
I think it's wise even if it wasn't a "party" house.

In a video of the victims posted in an early thread, they were doing imitations of each other. If I remember correctly, someone imitating X had her being concerned whether everyone had done their assigned chores that day and was holding a broom or mop. It made me think that X was likely an organized and tidy person.

As for someone asking why X's dad would have installed a new lock vs. a landlord taking care of it, my opinion is dad probably was going to do a better, faster job because it was for someone he loves vs. a rental company that would probably put it on a to-do list and might get around to it someday. It's also possible the rental company told them they could do it and submit a receipt for the new lock to them for reimbursement.

All MOO.
Agree about the lock. The weekend before was parents weekend so he possibly replaced it voluntarily for any number of innocent reasons.
Interesting new video on YouTube speaking to XK's mum.

Link to Watch
After listening to this it occurred to me that even though any of the locks on any particular doors may be visible, we’re they actually checked as if to they were operable?
I’m sure LE would have fingerprinted them or checked them for DNA but were the locks actually working - could they have been disabled - since they were electronic or mechanical, it seems they could have been rendered inoperable in an undetectable way to the user.
For instance, a door with a doorknob lock can be fixed so that it doesn’t ‘catch’ when shut and the door can be pushed open without turning the knob, even though visually it looks as if the lock is turned horizontally in the locked position.
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