ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Not open for further replies. you all think LE has a clue or not? At first I did. Now I am worried that they do not.
JMO even though they say no one has been ruled in or out, they are looking at many possibles and a few more likelys or probables. With all the people who interacted with the victims, they've got a slew of stuff to go through. They can't zero in on just 1 or 2 probables without thoroughly investigating every possible IMO.

Also keep in mind that in many cases we hear how someone is cooperating and an hour later, they are arrested.

IMO the perp would have to have at least minor injuries on their hands, wrists or arms.
Yes, that's it, thank you!

Considering the notoriety this case has already achieved, plus the impact on the entire University, I'm wondering if someone with a little more pull than the coroner can fast-track any analyses which can be "fast-tracked". Who that person might be I don't know: Idaho Senators or Governor?

Who knows, maybe a relative of the killer did the 23andMe thing. Or aren't there some companies doing characterizations based on DNA?

It might be useful to turn up the wick a bit, rather than just say tests take several (4-6?) weeks and then we'll see. Moo.
I am a Forensic Analyst and before a case can be considered for Forensic Genetic Genealogy it must meet several criteria. Crucially all investigative leads by Law Enforcement must be exhausted and no hits present for the unknown donor in CODIS. I am assuming that FBI/ISP are currently evaluating the crime scene evidence while simultaneously collecting reference standards to exclude (or include) any potential profiles. If an unknown male or female donor profile is developed and there is NO hit in CODIS for the aforementioned unknown donor(s) and they exhaust all of their investigative leads then this could potentially move to FGG as a "hot case". New evidence would need to be submitted for an FGG profile for sequencing to a 3rd party lab with the turnaround time expected between 5-8 weeks. Once it is released from the lab and uploaded to the genealogical platforms that are available for law enforcement matching (more on that below) a lead (suspect name) can be delivered in as little as 24 hours. It comes down to the strength of the Unknown Donor's matches and the skill of the Forensic Analyst.

Platforms that allow Law Enforcement Matching:
GEDmatch and FTDNA users who have OPTED IN for law enforcement matching can be used in FGG.

Platforms that do NOT participate with FGG or Law Enforcement Matching:
AncestryDNA, 23andMe and MyHeritageDNA
Layout of house.

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I noticed the description says each floor has two bedrooms and a bath. It has such a design for privacy. 1122 King Road Apartments in Moscow, ID 83843 - Zumper
Two beds and a bathroom per floor. Im wondering if the survivors were in basement? Maybe if Ethan ran after the attacker he fell face down near entrance. Bled out there but made the murderer flee before completing the murders. Then perhaps if he fell face down that is why caller said “unconscious” the did not see stab wound on chest or upper body just blood.
This is a really weird thing to say about the roommates. Especially since they specifically are saying the hoodie guy is NOT a suspect or POI at this time. Huh.
VERY weird. Possible the roommates had a guest or guests with them? Were involved in something that meant unsavory folks might be around?
I've lurked this site for years but never joined as I didn't feel I had anything to contribute; at least not until now.

IMHO several things about the lack of clear blood trail from suspect got me thinking about how this could happen.

IMO, the easiest answer could be to utilize PPE like <modsnip> in the hospitals. Pre-Covid, all the surgical PPE was back in the OR and more difficult for a random employee to take home. Post-Covid, it became more acceptable to leave surgical PPE on the hospital floor or to see someone pop into the OR to grab a suit, gown and hood before heading back out to the floor.

The suspect could have used the following PPE to make for a fast and easy escape.
-Biohazard body suit (we call them bunny suits)
-Surgical gown
-Shoe covers (extend up to. the knee)
-Surgical helmet (basically a hood with built in face shield that tucks into bodysuit.
-double gloved hands in surgical gloves.
-securely tape seams where: pants of jumpsuit meet top of shoe cover, gloves meet sleeves, helmet may or may not need tape.

This can all be gotten for free from a hospital if he were to work at one. One could also buy the pieces online. A lower quality (but still effective) kit could range from $100-$300. Could even be found cheaper perhaps.

So,the perp could have come dressed in PPE, or, they could have come in normal clothes and then dressed the PPE over their "getaway" clothes. Once dressed, he goes in and commits the crimes. Blood is everywhere. He pulls PPE off, bags it up, and walks out in normal clothes without any blood on him. The PPE would also prevent his hair and skin from being found at the crime scene. He may have a bruise if someone fought back, but would likely not have any cuts, scratches, etc. so I would expect minimal DNA evidence to be found.

This is all only my opinion of course. It would require some planning to pull off. It could just as easy be a psychopath who just undressed prior to the murders then showered, got dressed and left without any blood trail.

Hopefully for the families they get their answers soon .
Is it specifically quoted that there was not a blood trail?
Previous reporting indicated the victims were found on the second and third floors. This article cites a previous tenant who basically confirms that it makes sense that the survivors didn't hear anything if they were located on the first floor.

The source said that around 20 feet from the slider door, near the kitchen, is a bedroom, then stairs to third floor is close by. The slider door leads out to a backyard that backs up to a remote area.

It would be hard to hear anything from the bottom level, he said. In his time living there, downstairs roommates often had parties or music turned up loud because they are below the living room, towards the front end of the house, the source said.
The other two girls are slim and petite and this would take brute force.

I just don't see it, at all. I think they are deeply, deeply traumatized. To lose your three roommates and the boyfriend of one would be traumatic even if they'd died in a car accident. To know that they were murdered, murdered while you were present, murdered and you could've been next--I'd be catatonic.


Another Idaho murder - and one in my hometown at the time - involved a High School girl, Sarah Johnson, who enlisted her BF to help kill her parents. Granted they were shot. But I do find it very peculiar that LE is currently casting suspicion on the survivors in such explicit words. I understand that sometimes LE will do such things as a strategy, but I just can't imagine they would do it to these two young women after surviving something this horrible and in a community so confused and fraught with fear. So it makes me think maybe LE really is looking at those two girls and those they know. There must be something there, a fight, an argument, a text message, weird behavior, idk. I would chalk it up to LE miscommunication as has been constant in this case so far, but it was the ISP comms expert Snell who said this, right? So less likely a case of misspeaking.
I feel as if it should be abundantly clear by now that the surviving roommates are either suspects or not -- they might know important details about the crime, though, or perhaps LE is ruling out any known associates / acquaintances of the roommates that had access to the house. JMO
I just posted this thought about the roommates' friends. It's the only thing I can think of at this point.

EXCLUSIVE: 'There is no viable suspect and no evidence that could lead to one': Idaho prosecutor reveals cops are stumped in search for killer who knifed four students to death in their beds

  • Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson tells that authorities have 'no viable suspect' in the murders of four University of Idaho students
  • Speaking in an exclusive interview with, Thompson said: 'I have heard nothing to indicate they have identified a viable suspect'
  • He added, 'It could very well be [a lengthy investigation] – I think that all depends on the answers they're able to find'
  • The investigation has been hampered by Thanksgiving because many potential witnesses are students who have already left the college town for the break
  • Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin, both 20, and Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves, both 21, were killed in the early hours of Sunday morning
I am a Forensic Analyst and before a case can be considered for Forensic Genetic Genealogy it must meet several criteria. Crucially all investigative leads by Law Enforcement must be exhausted and no hits present for the unknown donor in CODIS. I am assuming that FBI/ISP are currently evaluating the crime scene evidence while simultaneously collecting reference standards to exclude (or include) any potential profiles. If an unknown male or female donor profile is developed and there is NO hit in CODIS for the aforementioned unknown donor(s) and they exhaust all of their investigative leads then this could potentially move to FGG as a "hot case". New evidence would need to be submitted for an FGG profile for sequencing to a 3rd party lab with the turnaround time expected between 5-8 weeks. Once it is released from the lab and uploaded to the genealogical platforms that are available for law enforcement matching (more on that below) a lead (suspect name) can be delivered in as little as 24 hours. It comes down to the strength of the Unknown Donor's matches and the skill of the Forensic Analyst.

Platforms that allow Law Enforcement Matching:
GEDmatch and FTDNA users who have OPTED IN for law enforcement matching can be used in FGG.

Platforms that do NOT participate with FGG or Law Enforcement Matching:
AncestryDNA, 23andMe and MyHeritageDNA
I think the chances, is any, will be a mixed sample unfortunately.
Previous reporting indicated the victims were found on the second and third floors. This article cites a previous tenant who basically confirms that it makes sense that the survivors didn't hear anything if they were located on the first floor.

The source said that around 20 feet from the slider door, near the kitchen, is a bedroom, then stairs to third floor is close by. The slider door leads out to a backyard that backs up to a remote area.

It would be hard to hear anything from the bottom level, he said. In his time living there, downstairs roommates often had parties or music turned up loud because they are below the living room, towards the front end of the house, the source said.
Yes! Thats what I was looking at! Each floor had two bedrooms and a bath. I was thinking even if perhaps the killer started on third floor then went to second and a person ran after him and fell. Towards door. Then whomever called 911 saw a victim facedown but could not see stab wounds on chest. That may have stopped the others from being murdered as well. Imo
I am not ready to decide how I feel on that yet, I have noticed recently it seems to take longer for info and arrests, and I think this partly may be them trying to get good solid evidence and facts in place to make an arrest and to make it stick. I think LE now looks at the prospect of everything holding up in court, I think they are under a lot of scru

I am not ready to decide how I feel on that yet, I have noticed recently it seems to take longer for info and arrests, and I think this partly may be them trying to get good solid evidence and facts in place to make an arrest and to make it stick. I think LE now looks at the prospect of everything holding up in court, I think they are under a lot of scrutiny and pressure.
I agree 100%!
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