ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #3

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I’m starting to think this was more random then we think . Maybe it was some sick serial killer type that did it just to do it . So ALL were found in beds ? I thought someone had mentioned Ethan bieng on the floor ? If all were in beds with stab wounds to the chest makes me think they literally went in to kill all of them one by one , meaning Ethan didn’t exactly get in the way he was just there sleeping like the others .
I was thinking their throats were cut making it easy for the killer to silently kill Ethan and Xana (picturing that they were in bed together, but maybe they weren't?). With the latest interview saying they were stabbed in the chests, I'm wondering if Ethan slept on the couch? He entered, killed Ethan on the couch, he ended up on the floor, then Xana, then upstairs to the bedrooms. It seems difficult to imagine stabbing 2 people to death in bed together- unless this person was very skilled or there were multiple people.

IMO, MOO speculating....
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Unbelievable. I’m totally amazed that she is allowed to speak on this, nothing against her, releasing this info seems against what LE has been doing. Why not just release the whole report? Do they not run things by eachother? Did they want her to leak where the mortal wound was?
Maybe ... LE are right in sync with CM and letting the killer know they not only have this information but more ?
As in, you won't get away with this, we're coming for you ?

What in Heaven's name is this coroner doing, playing 20 questions with the likes of Banfield? (Side note: in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Ashley Banfield stopped a worker at ground zero. He was carrying a 5 gallon bucket. She asked him point blank, "Are those body parts in that bucket?" He gave her a stare of astonishment and contempt I'll never forget. Moo.

Anyway, seems like the coroner is way out of her league fielding questions from some of the reporters out there. She should clam up and let the ISP PIO handle media interface. Single point of contact was emphasized in PIO classes, and giving out details in this manner serves no useful purpose. IMO.

Apologies, but when I see Cuomo's and Banfield trying to use the case for ratings, I'm less than pleased. JMO.
Hello everyone, I hope you don't mind yet another new member chime in with their theories. So to be clear this is entirely IMO or MOO!

<modsnip >

Lastly, as someone who recently graduated from university I have heard several stories of friends waking up to find a homeless/transient passed out on their couch or front porch. They simply just stumbled into their house for a place to sleep out of the cold because the front door was unlocked. And not to stereotype but I could imagine an older homeless man carrying that type of knife on him for various reasons (food, self protection, etc.). So I guess that's the theory I'm going with. An older, likely mentally-ill, transient who was drunk or on drugs found his way into the house. Maybe Ethan awoke and confronted him and he pulled a knife out and went crazy. College towns seem to unfortunately be popular among that type of person. I lost count of the number of homeless people I would see sleeping in the library or harassing people for money around campus.
Moscow is a small town in a very rural area. There are some unhoused people, as there are all over, but not many. I don't think it's a popular spot for transient folks like, say nearby Spokane. Also, this area of the University is rather far from the churches and shelters and places that offer support to those who need it. It's not the area they'd hand out, IMO. (Fyi this is my hometown and my alma mater.)
I do think it's a stretch to pin such a grisly, utterly violent crime on an unhoused person with mental illness. Besides Moscow not having a huge transient population, many statistics indicate that unhoused people and those with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violent crimes than perpetrators. People with mental illness don't necessary harm others in such drastic ways, either, or of they do, it is rare. Such people may be struggling and desperate, but these murders were heinous acts.

From this article:

Myth: People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable.​

Fact: The vast majority of people with mental health problems are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. Most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. In fact, people with severe mental illnesses are over 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population. You probably know someone with a mental health problem and don't even realize it, because many people with mental health problems are highly active and productive members of our communities.
I personally sleep with my AirPods in and YouTube premium running most nights.
I sometimes wear a SleepPhones headband (a cotton headband w/ tiny Bluetooth wire speakers embedded inside) if I can’t sleep. I’ll throw on the podcast Sleep With Me and be down for the count!

(In the podcast—the host narrates a story that doesn’t make a lick of sense in a deep, sonorous voice. He basically just strings a bunch of nonsensical sentences together. Like “My mom walked thru a winding field of Barbie doll cats today and met a friend named Long Neck Spotted Giraffe.” Crap like that. If the “story” actually made any sense, it might distract you and keep you awake. Anyway, it’s amazing how quickly and deeply this cures my insomnia. I doubt I’d hear much of anything wearing those.)
Was thinking about possible music playing, and if it drowned out anything else ?

Also, real life is not like a movie.
There wouldn't necessarily been screaming from the victims.

Graphic :

This doesn't mean one or more of them didn't put up a heck of a fight !
If someone is stabbing and slashing at you, you're trying to deflect and maybe grab the arm that's holding the weapon, in this case a knife ?
So it could have been mostly quiet, except for guttural sounds of terror.
You might not have breath to scream, but only to struggle.

I'm angry that their last moments were filled with fear and pain.

Waiting impatiently for news of an arrest.
This perp needs to be caught, soon !
I recently saw footage of a fight at my local train station, small guy with a knife dancing around poking out with the knife whilst walking backwards, the bigger guy was walking towards him (They were both heading for the train platforms), little guy with the knife was just jabbing in a forward motion & upwards because the other guy was taller, little guy connected with the knife (Into tall guy’s neck) it was so quick that I didn’t realise tall guy had been hit, he raised his hand to his neck, then fell on the ground & bled out in literally 20 seconds - Seeing this footage shocked me & made me realise how fragile we really are & how easy it is to die.
Maybe ... LE are right in sync with CM and letting the killer know they not only have this information but more ?
As in, you won't get away with this, we're coming for you ?
If I had sensed confidence in her tone, I might agree. In this case, I just don’t. I think the killer knows where they stabbed.

Curious though, does this change the profile of the killer in anyones mind? Multiple stab wounds, defense wounds, nothing sounds quick and quiet, yet…..?
Don’t want to go against guidelines so forgive me if this isnt supposed to be talked about— but a look at Maddie’s Insta and we can see probably who the hooded bystander is. I do think it is interesting not much has been said about him or his name. But I suspect him and many others knew the key code. So it could’ve been anyone in a large circle of people or the person could’ve been let it.
There haven’t been many MSM articles specific to Maddie but this one quotes her boyfriend’s mom.

Around here, they stopped putting sliding glass doors in houses, probably 25 years ago. I’m sure you could probably request one, in a custom build, but I never see builders installing those. There are more secure options available.

I rented an apartment, with a sliding glass door, about 30 years ago. Even then, there was some sort of a long, steel, locking bar, on the door and another device, that was a lock of sorts, with a pin , that went through both doors. These were in addition to the lock that was installed on the sliding door, when it was manufactured.
I never was just real comfortable with that sliding glass door, even with three locking devices on it. What I see today is more of a traditional style door, with double pane glass, in the center of the door, leading to patios and balconies. That’s not the most secure option, but I certainly think it’s better than a sliding glass door.

I don’t know how old the house in Idaho is. I’m going to speculate that it’s probably an older home, that was remodeled, at sone point and the sliding glass door was left in place. Again, that’s just my opinion
I live in the west coast somewhere, on a base somewhere, and the houses here have two sets, each. Very old, government built housing. I have a wooden bar I put in the bottom of the non moving side.
To my eye the white object in that picture is a Tyvek type suit on a crime scene tech (woman with a brown topknot) not a comforter

Or possibly Tyvek on (blonde?) tech right behind person wearing forensics jacket.

Coroner interviewed by Ashleigh Banfield

“Were they found in beds?” “Yes”

Coroner also says though multiple stab wounds on all victims each had a main stab wound in chest or upper body area

Were they ALL found in beds? We’ve read many times that Ethan was on the floor.

This is the worst way to be murdered, IMO. I can’t fathom the pain and fear these kids endured.

Even a paper cut stings, and I can’t get this gory image out of my mind of how it would be to be relentlessly stabbed to death.

Please let this brutal killer be found quickly and put away forever.
Around here, they stopped putting sliding glass doors in houses, probably 25 years ago. I’m sure you could probably request one, in a custom build, but I never see builders installing those. There are more secure options available.

I rented an apartment, with a sliding glass door, about 30 years ago. Even then, there was some sort of a long, steel, locking bar, on the door and another device, that was a lock of sorts, with a pin , that went through both doors. These were in addition to the lock that was installed on the sliding door, when it was manufactured.
I never was just real comfortable with that sliding glass door, even with three locking devices on it. What I see today is more of a traditional style door, with double pane glass, in the center of the door, leading to patios and balconies. That’s not the most secure option, but I certainly think it’s better than a sliding glass door.

I don’t know how old the house in Idaho is. I’m going to speculate that it’s probably an older home, that was remodeled, at sone point and the sliding glass door was left in place. Again, that’s just my opinion.

All the new houses in our region are still being built with sliding patio doors, including high end homes.
Unbelievable. I’m totally amazed that she is allowed to speak on this, nothing against her, releasing this info seems against what LE has been doing. Why not just release the whole report? Do they not run things by eachother? Did they want her to leak where the mortal wound was?
No I think this lady is NOT supposed to be talking about this and if so is compromising the investigation. Police specifically said during press conference yesterday that there was going to be one point person for all PR and public statements for all the involved entities. If true they need to put this lady on leave.
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