ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 31

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"The general public doesn’t have any idea the scope of this investigation, the number of people involved. Not just here in Moscow.”

I think this will end up being much bigger than anything we may have envisioned.
I was about to say the same thing!!! If you were innocent, would you want to bring yourself forward to clear your name, or would you want to sit back and wait for LE to come to you as you know even if you are innocent, you will be harassed and ridiculed by the public if they find out you are being questioned or talked to… if you are guilty, do you sit back and wait for them to find you and question you or do you jump on the opportunity to make yourself not look guilty?
Gonna be completely honest here, if I needed to engage in this case, with the attention focused on it & the magnitude of the crime I’d lawyer up first. Of course, I’d want to assist LE in weeding out info, but I’d cover my butt too.
I think it will be faster as too many people are interested in the same. Unless he is totally unknown SK.
I hope it's faster. I hope they arrest whoever did this, today. That goes without saying.

What I'm curious about is how long of a grace period do they get before it's OK to begin to question what they are doing. They can never release any details of their investigation if they choose not to.

To be clear I am not saying the people investigating this are doing anything than their very best to catch the killer. I assume they want the killer in custody as much as anyone.

I think between the enormity of the task and the amount of pressure these people are under to solve this it's easy for things to get lost in the shuffle.

For instance, earlier in the thread I read they are looking at a list of elantra's that has 22,000 vehicles on it. I'm guessing they have multiple agents investigating all these cars. It's very possible something slips through the cracks and one agent thinks a different agent is vetting something when they are not and it never gets pursued.
I think the girls pull the dog in the other bedroom so while they were gone it would not get into stuff. Wonder if they let it out when they got home. It was a young dog which takes time outside ???
Gonna be completely honest here, if I needed to engage in this case, with the attention focused on it & the magnitude of the crime I’d lawyer up first. Of course, I’d want to assist LE in weeding out info, but I’d cover my butt too.
Absolutely! And when you lawyer you are even more guilty to the average, everyday outsider looking in!
I hope it's faster. I hope they arrest whoever did this, today. That goes without saying.

What I'm curious about is how long of a grace period do they get before it's OK to begin to question what they are doing. They can never release any details of their investigation if they choose not to.

To be clear I am not saying the people investigating this are doing anything than their very best to catch the killer. I assume they want the killer in custody as much as anyone.

I think between the enormity of the task and the amount of pressure these people are under to solve this it's easy for things to get lost in the shuffle.

For instance, earlier in the thread I read they are looking at a list of elantra's that has 22,000 vehicles on it. I'm guessing they have multiple agents investigating all these cars. It's very possible something slips through the cracks and one agent thinks a different agent is vetting something when they are not and it never gets pursued.
I’m actually really confident he said they have a “team” working on it. To me, a team implies coordination vs random LE assigned to simply follow up. Imo
The police are under no obligation to tell faMiley members anything. With four victims and scores of relatives who would soon learn through the family grapevine nothing good would come out of sharing anything with the families. Especially the loud mouthed father of one of the girls.

I will say that when there is one victim and that I’ve gotten to know a family member pretty well I have shared things in confidenice.

One thing that hasn’t been said and never goes over well is that this crime is not a crime against the families. It’s a crime against the State of Idaho.
Thank you! The 'fraught' situation in this case between LE and 1 of the families makes a lot more sense to me now with this clarification.
They have been very vocal that the occupant(s) of this vehicle have important information. I does not seem to be any sort of "hail mary" claim.

Today's video they released from Captain Lanier he makes note of "patterns" they noticed, and that led them to believe the people in that vehicle know something critical.
They couch their sentences with ambiguous terms. Saying They believe is not the same as them saying the occupants do have critical information.

I have read a lot of people speculate that this car was how the killer escaped the scene of the crime but the police have not said that. In fact they have not said anything to indicate why they believe that car is involved somehow. It's possible they want to locate the occupants to eliminate some of the possibilities they are looking at.
It was just pointed out to me that Operations Captain Lanier and Police Chief Fry are two different people.
If one drives a white Hyundai Elantra sedan and the other drives a white Nissan Sentra sedan my head is going to explode.
I find it hard to believe that LE doesn't have some kind of information on this car by now. It's not as if this is a small story where people aren't hearing anything. Surely someone, if not the occupants, or someone aware of the car have come forward. If the occupants have direct knowledge of the crime, unless they were involved, you would think they would have come forward. If they were involved, then someone who knows them would have come forward with knowledge of the car?
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