ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 33

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I’m actually amazed online sleuths don’t need any information whatsoever regarding the whereabouts or happenings of E/X that night (morning of) at Sigma Chi and other possible locations to determine their final product.

IMO, the lack of internet sleuthing on both M and X is bizarre. I think it's unlikely E was the "target" and the other three girls were just collateral damage, so I get the lack of focus on him. Although it could be someone connected to E who targeted one or more of the girls, so sleuthing him should also be a priority. But both M and X or all three of the girls combined could be the one(s) targeted.

I get that we have the most info about K because of her family's media approach, but that doesn't mean much in terms of who and what to investigate.
I’m actually amazed online sleuths don’t need any information whatsoever regarding the whereabouts or happenings of E/X that night (morning of) at Sigma Chi and other possible locations to determine their final product.
Is this sarcasm? Hopefully, since it’s been discussed quite thoroughly here.
I don't know how to multiquote, lol!

Yes, I think the couple that was attacked (while their cat sitter was in another room of the house) and stabbed numerous times is probably done by the same perp. Travis died from the attack.

Sandra Ladd was the year before that. All on the same day of the month as the Idaho students being killed

View attachment 388643
Very interesting imo. 1 person the 1st yr 2 the next.. And maybe they only expected 3 this time but ended up being 4.
what's worse is that people are tagging the girls in their photos that have no relevance to them. it will be a person reading a book on a mountainside and have KG/XK/MM tagged. it's gross.
I'm reminded of my mom instructing me to never leave the house unless I'm wearing clean underwear. The inference is that if you are found dead, you don't want everybody looking at your dirty laundry.

I think internet hygiene should be a required course in grade school nowadays.

Is this sarcasm? Hopefully, since it’s been discussed quite thoroughly here.
We’ve been discussing online sleuthing in general. Also, IMO, K has been far more of a topic for sleuthing than the other three even on WS. So no, it’s not sarcasm…
It amazes me that folks think details of this case is not anyones business. If you are a citizen of the united States and the FBI is involved then it is 100% your business. Moreover, if you are an adult and have public social media accounts then those accounts are also 100% the public’s business. At least SG will see to it that this case gets appropriate attention with his PI. IMhOO.
It is not our business as citizens of the US to have details of this case before the investigation is complete and I am not sure what has led you to that conclusion.
"Can I obtain detailed information about a current FBI investigation that I see in the news?

No. Such information is protected from public disclosure, in accordance with current law and Department of Justice and FBI policy. This policy preserves the integrity of the investigation and the privacy of individuals involved in the investigation prior to any public charging for violations of the law. It also serves to protect the rights of people not yet charged with a crime"

If this brutal crime had happened to someone in my family, I 100% would not want details released to the public (including me) for everyone to pick apart, come up with their own theories, and point fingers at people. What I would do, however, is 1) hire an attorney, and 2) hire a private investigator.
It amazes me that folks think details of this case is not anyones business. If you are a citizen of the united States and the FBI is involved then it is 100% your business. Moreover, if you are an adult and have public social media accounts then those accounts are also 100% the public’s business. At least SG will see to it that this case gets appropriate attention with his PI. IMhOO.

Actually the goal of law enforcement in an ongoing investigation is to find the perp, and collect evidence that will be turned over to a judge for an arrest warrant and then to the district attorney for a conviction.
Anything released to the public is also released to the perp that is at large.
My questions and curiosity are not as important as the victims’ rights to have this perp caught, arrested, and convicted So they get justice.

While I understand that SG wants answers, he does not want the killer to go free. He as a father feels impotent, he cannot help and he doubts anyone would work harder for the justice of his daughter than he would. I get that. Still he needs to understand the process.
Info released to the press that helps the killer know what LE has on him is a problem.

Many citizens do not understand that there are limitations to all of our rights, including the Freedom of Information Act.
An ongoing investigation would fall under Exemption 6 and 7 among many others

This FOIA site describes the exemptions
The nine exemptions are described below.
  • Exemption 1: Information that is classified to protect national security.
  • Exemption 2: Information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.
  • Exemption 3: Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law.
  • Exemption 4: Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is confidential or privileged.
  • Exemption 5:Privileged communications within or between agencies, including those protected by the:
    1. Deliberative Process Privilege (provided the records were created less than 25 years before the date on which they were requested)
    2. Attorney-Work Product Privilege
    3. Attorney-Client Privilege
  • Exemption 6: Information that, if disclosed, would invade another individual’s personal privacy.
  • Exemption 7:Information compiled for law enforcement purposes that:
    • 7(A). Could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings
    • 7(B). Would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication
    • 7(C). Could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy
    • 7(D). Could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source
    • 7(E). Would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law
    • 7(F). Could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual
  • Exemption 8: Information that concerns the supervision of financial institutions.
  • Exemption 9: Geological information on wells.

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It is not our business of citizens of the US to have details of this case before the investigation is complete and I am not sure what has led you to that conclusion.
Probably the fact that the FBI being government workers that US citizens pay their salary. I agree with your comment.
Here's a link from the NYP where you can see the Jack in the Box bag with Xana's name on it (scroll down). No date or time or receipt is visible. I attached a screen grab here as well.
View attachment 388674
I wondered if this explains the missing time?
Maybe they drove to Pullman to get hamburgers?

Regarding the question Kaylee asked Maddie in that video, what if that was why they tried to get a hold of Kaylee's ex so many times that morning. Maybe there was something that Kaylee didn't want her ex to know and was afraid that whatever Maddie had told Andy would get back to him? Just a thought.
Okay bear with me here. What if this was a murder suicide? What if one of the victim's killed the other 3 and then killed themself. The problem with that theory, the murder weapon was never found. But, what if one of the people that morning that was either in the house or called to the house took the knife because they didn't want that person found to be responsible? Highly unlikely, but still a theory. MOO
Or even turned into scrap metal at this point in time.
It’s very difficult to dispose of or hide a car unless it was obtained for just this purpose because family, neighbors, friends , co workers would note your car had changed. And a missing white Elentra would be extremely suspicious at this point.
Okay bear with me here. What if this was a murder suicide? What if one of the victim's killed the other 3 and then killed themself. The problem with that theory, the murder weapon was never found. But, what if one of the people that morning that was either in the house or called to the house took the knife because they didn't want that person found to be responsible? Highly unlikely, but still a theory. MOO
so unlikely that we can freely cross that version
Okay bear with me here. What if this was a murder suicide? What if one of the victim's killed the other 3 and then killed themself. The problem with that theory, the murder weapon was never found. But, what if one of the people that morning that was either in the house or called to the house took the knife because they didn't want that person found to be responsible? Highly unlikely, but still a theory. MOO
Not a theory at all. It has already been stated by LE that this is not the case.

ETA - adding a link Idaho student killings: Coroner releases autopsy findings
I think they are talking about this one Lily....You will see the white car enter a car bay behind a guy in a bw shirt. Then you will see the cars lights flash like its being locked. The car stays in this parking bay for around 15 minutes. I don't believe this is a Elantra as it doesn't have the strip break lights on the rear bumper.

screen grab from grubtruck...
As bad as I hate to:( I guess I'll watch the video again and try to spot it. Thanks.
Imo, LE is spending a lot of man hours for this to be just a witness.

I agree. I’ve tried to think of a way that LE would be ‘confident’ that ‘just a witness’ could have critical information—and my mind is totally blank.

Hmmm, unless they have security footage of supposed perp and Elantra on the street at the same time? With perp footage far too blurry to be helpful, but the hope that the driver of the Elantra may have seen something distinctive?

Not even my opinion, just wild speculation.
More premeditated definitely if the route was planned to avoid cameras. That might though mean he drove about looking for the cameras at one point so that might be filmed. Did I read something about those cameras’ film not being saved though?

If so premeditated then KG being there for just a day means not the target or someone knew she’d be home or someone who was just looking for victims that eve.
Couldn’t agree more!!!

And will add my own speculation all strictly IMHO:
This perp targeted this particular house or maybe this house within a group of similar nearby houses he originally was considering.
He went there strictly to murder innocents with a big knife.
It was a premeditated, preplanned crime and he came prepared to kill and went to great pre-planning lengths in order to not leave his DNA behind.
He didn’t know before or care about the number of victims he would leave in his wake.
He did NOT target a specific person.
All he knew was that a bunch of girls lived in this house. This is DAHMER in the Chi O house all over again but in a much more sophisticated way.
This is a SAVAGE, VICIOUS murderer with a high IQ.
That is what is so horrifyingly chilling about this.
This is why the only clue is a cheap, plentiful car that had doctored license plates.
Detectives are desperate to find this “needle in a haystack” car because it’s all they have at this point.
I don’t think this perp left a digital footprint. I don’t think he knew the names of his victims or saw their social media prior to this killing rampage.
Well-seasoned and highly intelligent police detectives and FBI agents are stumped.
THIS is the stuff of horror movies.
He’s anonymous and could strike ANYWHERE next and maybe get away with it again.
He did his homework and did it really well.
This is an older guy 30-50 who scoped out this target house at some point prior to this crime.
He‘s not local and likely was never local- he visited & stayed with a friend or relative in the area once- maybe years ago. Or he simply picked a college LIKE DAHMER and then did his homework. My best guess is that his regular residence is 4 hours or more away from Moscow, Idaho.
I credit this killer with being smart enough to NOT have local ties. He may have the monetary means to be more transient like Dahmer.
I also think this guy admires Dahmer, has studied Dahmer and is narcissistic enough to believe he’s better than Dahmer and God forbid maybe he is.
I agree with this line of thought.
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