ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 34

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I don’t know if Kaylee’s window had curtains originally, but I believe as it stands now it doesn’t have any window coverings -no blinds or anything else. Here’s the thing, in my book: “Young people”, ahem, that definition keeps changing as the years go by- often don’t really think about those kinds of things. I’ve noticed it in myself. You don’t have curtains moving in, then time goes by and you haven’t gotten around to buying any. Then, well, more time goes by and you’ve just gotten used to it. You tell yourself things like “with all these windows around, I’m sure no one even notices. Then you just forget all about it.

If this were the case, though -yes. And someone has a habit of observing some very attractive women, their daily patterns, The layout of the house, etc…
the female owner is not believed to have any relation to any property in Moscow, Idaho or the ongoing murder investigations. The public is asked to stop contacting the owner.

King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID

Why in earth have enough people been contacting the owner that MPD has to ask them to stop?!

The next time finds it suspicious that the survivors aren’t talking, I hope they think about the harassment that’s happening to people.

Really awful public behavior that makes me sad.
i have been reluctant to jump in with my theory on things because I dont feel that I know any better than anyone else. But thinking toningt, I had an over whelming feeling of Holly Bobo. I know everyone will point out the obvious, but remember the beginning, and how that started. Her poor brother and all the else. Mean while it Was people she knew, they all knew. Very awful. I sure hope it’s not the case, I hope it’s somebody none of them have met, but my gut tells me this is not some one from a foreign land. I have a hard time believing some nut looking them up on line climbed a tree in their back yard; not that it doesn’t happen. I think it’s close to home, somebody’s who crazy , that’s has been able to be hidden bc he’s been basically ignored all along. Idk, I know I’m going off but I just think he’s sitting right there like a statue , watching everyone scramble.
MOO- Is anyone else kind of questioning the “actual” relevancy of some of the video releases? They seem like speculation-fuel to me.

The alcohol stop on the night of the murders & the girls “conversation” about Adam in particular. Have we come away with anything meaningful from these? My main takeaway has been that this is a college drinking town. I’m sure I’m missing some nuances; thoughts?

ETA: I’m not questioning the quality of LE tactics & obviously I’m as curious as anyone about this case. I’ll take any additional info that is available but personally they don’t add much more than maybe context (and at worse, doxxing potentially innocent people) to me. JMHO
I think there are possibly LEO'S involved in this case that are within the various social media threads; Twitter, tik tok, reddit, FB, YT, 4chan, etc. that release just enough info to redirect the public opinion in order to control the narrative. Not saying there's anything wrong with that, in fact I would welcome it to reduce puttting unnecessary heat on unrelated people and places.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

Farm animals were killed with a quick slice to the neck by knives before modern human means came along.
I’m not sure how we could know if this perp had killed before, but I’m guessing they have.
Problem is, the descriptions of how farm animals were killed compared to we know here are not the same, and not manners typically used for animals or for quick murder.
To me this means this perp had some understanding of the human body, and what may happen if a person was stabbed quickly deep into the chest.
I have knowledge of human anatomy/physiology but could not guess how a person would respond during or after such a stabbing- I’ve not seen it
If each of these four victims were killed using the same sort of few quick stabs to vitals, I would guess this person had seen what would happen, and what happened was what they expected- little resistance from the victim.

How could a person gain such knowledge- how to stab a human in the torso so they were unable to defend themselves?
- Reading about how to use a bayonet for close combat during war?
- Experience in the med field seeing victims of war?
- Reading/ studying the actions of killers who use knives? and their victims’ reactions?

Consider all of these choices that are high risk
- entering a home at night with unknown state of occupants, locations, awake or sleep?
- four, actually 6 occupants, and possibly visitors with the survivors would be 8!
- knife choice vs. a gun
- choosing to stab torso rather than cut arteries in the neck
How did they manage all of these high risks, and do so by choice rather than as a reaction to an unknown Or unexpected reaction by one of the victims?

Preparation! To minimize the risk of each choice and all of them together.
Our expectations of what they dealt with are not accurate- as it seems their prep for each of these risks Worked. Their expertise, drive, focus, knowledge is beyond any we can see

As more time passes without this perp being caught I think more and more of a highly prepared body and mind- no hesitation, glitch, error, misstep, fumble, or slip up- it seems.
A killing machine

If the stabbing of four young people isn’t horrific enough, the thought that these murders were the result of a well planned and executed operation by a cold blooded killing machine is terrifying!
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<Mod Note: Please note that the following is member opinion>

the killer wanted the least resistance and so wanted to commit the crime when victims were asleep. I venture to guess the killer knows the area, or is acquainted with the area at some point in their life. Either they had gone to idaho college before and lived on the outside campus, or has surveyed the area several times to gain familiarity (with the houses and/or the victims). This was a killer who has a understanding of the layout of the house, knowing which rooms to go to and the staircase that would lead him to the third floor. He knew where and how to get into the house, and after commiting his crime, already mapped out his exit - his prior reconnaisance of the area.

this was personal, a vendetta of some sort, a violent jealous rage. The killings were savage, quick, and done with a hunting style knife. and so i do not believe this was a sexually motivated crime. he would have toyed with his victims otherwise and exert more control.

possible motives: a) stalker b) incel c) jealousy

suspect could be a complete stranger, but had probably met in brief passing several or some of the victims via at the workplace, idaho university, one of these house parties, or the corner club.

one witness said that that night was "unusually quiet" because he was use to the fact that there are often house parties blasting music. creepy to think that the killer waited for this "unusually quiet" night to commit his murder spree.

Do they already know who the suspect is? Are they just trying to collect evidence at this point? I'm still waiting on news from the forensics lab about some dna unrelated to the victims. Plus the murder weapon is still missing.
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I don’t know if Kaylee’s window had curtains originally, but I believe as it stands now it doesn’t have any window coverings -no blinds or anything else. Here’s the thing, in my book: “Young people”, ahem, that definition keeps changing as the years go by- often don’t really think about those kinds of things. I’ve noticed it in myself. You don’t have curtains moving in, then time goes by and you haven’t gotten around to buying any. Then, well, more time goes by and you’ve just gotten used to it. You tell yourself things like “with all these windows around, I’m sure no one even notices. Then you just forget all about it.

If this were the case, though -yes. And someone has a habit of observing some very attractive women, their daily patterns, The layout of the house, etc…

The sliding door in KG’s room did have drapes. You can see them in her TikTok video with Murphy. (See link below.)

New York Post Article with the TikTok referenced above
Hi all- great work with this case. I can't keep up with the threads but two things are coming up for me (apologies if redundant).
1. I was a poor college student at one time and arranged for my room to be rented when I moved out, maybe 12/1? Curious if there was someone on deck to move into KG's room.
2. Was XK calling her dad at midnight normal behavior or was there an incident? I'm not sure how we would know this or if her father spoke on it.

Thanks for all you do. Was hoping this case would be solved by holidays for the poor families.
Someone had mentioned wet suits and I explained why in my personal noncriminal aquatic experience, they wouldn't be a good choice. Someone else suggest this sort of green-screen suit would be a better weight, which reminded me of this criminal event near me. I don't think the killer(s) were dressed like this though.
I agree with AngTxGal, on every point. Right down to the nearby residence of the killer. Within the line of sight. I also believe he wore a full body covering of some type. Over the shoes, hands, head and face. Like a nylon stocking covering every part of him. It’s actually advantageous for a myriad of reasons. It’s definitely frightening and adds to the TERROR factor. When every part of you is covered - it leaves little risk of leaving any evidence. It’s also difficult to be UNMASKED (if he wore a hat or baklava type of mask), which is of great risk when struggling with four different people. Easy to move in such a suit. If someone used pepper spray, particulate matter would not affect the eyes, etc. There are numerous upsides to donning the Dexter suit. JMOO.
8 hours is a pretty good distance away. I'm leaning towards this being just a colossally weird coincidence.
I hope the homeless man sleeping in the car was at least given a hotel for the time homeless person's shelter is being looked at. I tend to think killer is living local in Moscow community who had some sort of grudge or fascination with roommates at 1122 King.
I agree with AngTxGal, on every point. Right down to the nearby residence of the killer. Within the line of sight. I also believe he wore a full body covering of some type. Over the shoes, hands, head and face. Like a nylon stocking covering every part of him. It’s actually advantageous for a myriad of reasons. It’s definitely frightening and adds to the TERROR factor. When every part of you is covered - it leaves little risk of leaving any evidence. It’s also difficult to be UNMASKED (if he wore a hat or baklava type of mask), which is of great risk when struggling with four different people. Easy to move in such a suit. If someone used pepper spray, particulate matter would not affect the eyes, etc. There are numerous upsides to donning the Dexter suit. JMOO.
If killer wore a full body covering, I tend to think killer was familar with house and roommates weekend behavior, got access to house around time roommates came home, maybe even was welcomed as partier, and after killings, I would think killer took off body covering prior to leaving 1122 King Road house.
I hope the homeless man sleeping in the car was at least given a hotel for the time homeless person's shelter is being looked at. I tend to think killer is living local in Moscow community who had some sort of grudge or fascination with roommates at 1122 King.
Agreed. Local and within the LOS (Line of Sight) of 1122 king rd. Jmoo
If killer wore a full body covering, I tend to think killer was familar with house and roommates weekend behavior, got access to house around time roommates came home, maybe even was welcomed as partier, and after killings, I would think killer took off body covering prior to leaving 1122 King Road house.
My belief as well. Perhaps he carried the “kill kit” into the home and placed it on the kitchen counter or table. Could have even set it down just outside the back slider threshold. Committed the quadruple homicide in some type of a full body cover suit, before pulling out one of those large potty training pads for dogs, and stepping onto it - and slowly peeling off the bloody outer kill suit (rolling it down from the head/face covering inside out). Wrap it all up in the puppy potty pad and stuff it back into the backpack before heading out. I believe this killer wasn’t in the house that long. I believe this unfolded almost exactly as he envisioned.

Yet the manner in which he killed still reflects the heart of a coward. Lying in wait under the cover of darkness well past the midnight hour. Entering the home where the victims are all fast asleep (not to mention exhausted, full from their pasta carbonara, inebriated…and possibly even high), to creep in undetected and attack them at their MOST vulnerable (while asleep and prone in bed, unaware, unprepared). This type of murder is akin to Jack-lighting or hunting from a tree stand. The deck was unfairly stacked in his favor. The playing field was anything BUT level. Jmoho
Muddying the waters and poisoning the well in the process. A media circus almost always acts as a catalyst and magnet for this fringe element.
Car not involved period......Indeed...lets move on....!
The specific car they found in Oregon is not thought to be involved----but was that the same car they saw on video footage near the crime scene?

I think not. So possible connection still to a white Elantra, but they just haven't found that exact vehicle yet. JMO
I agree.

Not only do I believe he has killed before based from the rationales you provide but you can also reasonably determine from the circumstances that this killer more than likely planned the attack. To get away from authorities for this long considering the scope of the crime is not something that was enabled by chance. In order to pull something like this off in with what little we know of the crime scene and considering the rather condensed area of houses and college aged kids roaming around took efforts that were predetermined in my view.

I understand it was night as well as the vulnerable state of the victims but that only strengthens the argument. We do not know if any DNA from the killer was left but the fact remains that even if it was, he has still alluded LE.
Yes but, there was a mass exodus from Moscow after the killings, there could be a chance that the killer took part in the exodus.
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