ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 40 *ARREST*

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Thanks , I corrected the post from college to school.

The state requires ALL security guard to be licensed, thus the fingerprints being on file.

He would still be in the PA State police data base. State data bases are used frequently. There is a movement to combine the state data bases, of the states that agree into a master file, patterned from CODIS. Moo
no problem at all. ( threads move too fast to keep up with what's already been linked to )

It's interesting to hear about the database. Next, am looking forward to hearing what regular criminal record checks are undertaken by WSU for individuals who also act as teaching assistants because I recall this being raised at the outset.

Alternatively he has no criminal record at all - equally possible.
I wonder how much of his choice of area of study was intended to quell (or indulge, without actually acting out) those urges, and whether the "survey" was intended to give him ideas and/or to help him make sure he covered all bases for his own crime/s.

Do we know how long that survey had been up?

snipped a little
Someone knows how long the survey had been up - but the professor who approved it has spoken out. This article doesn't mention when BK left the program, and says "late 2010's" but another article (which I can't find right now, so MOO) says BK left DeSales in 2014 (there's a video of his graduation event - it's been posted several times).

ANYWAY, yes, I DO believe his program of study was designed to both indulge and quell his inner life. Initially, by studying psychology and trying to be a psychologist (community college level), he was hoping to fix himself. But it turns out to be very difficult for anyone (including psychologists) to "fix themselves" when they have a seriously disordered brain/mind.

I do hope someone studies this guy. I think he's the type who would love to write a book in prison (ghost written).

It's still absolutely bizarre that he killed four students to whom he had to have been either a stranger or almost a stranger. I think there's some kind of message in his crime. I can't even imagine the interior of his mind, though.
The police first asked public for help on or around 7th of December and for a week there were plenty of theories, web cam video, gas station video etc coming out . After tracing the car to Troy and Kendrick, around 14th of December, LE just stopped asking for help anymore. I assumed that they got the Elanta then, perhaps they got a video or a record of its registeation plate soon after 14th and since then were connecting the dots linking the car to Pullman WA and Moscow ID.

If the reports from last hour, confirming that FBI was following BK for almost а week before his arrest today are to be believed, then all fits well within this timelinen. I would say that LE knew who is their guy since 14-15th of December. JMO
That would coincide with about the time that Chief Fry seemed to start being more relaxed and happy in interviews.
This case is a reminder that people like Ted Bundy exist in our society. Despite all the technology we have, humans with these traits/desires are born every day.

I actually feel bad for the faculty at the universities he was associated with. All of them must feel absolutely sick at this moment. Being a nerdy, odd person is not a reason to suspect a grad student will commit a quadruple homicide with a knife.
I agree. Being odd and strange isn’t an indicator of a criminal mind, he just happens to have those qualities attached to the monster he is, these killers come in all shapes and sizes and the desire/urge to kill maybe the only thing that seems to link them, until, they reveal themselves in journals, manifestos, police interrogation or to a psychiatrist or psychologist.
This is where the outwardly charming or awkwardly strange murderers have common traits like, arrogance, entitlement, grandiosity, no empathy, self righteousness, pathologically envious, sadistic etc.

Just my musings and opinion.
Yep, I didn't think he'd still be in school. I figured he'd be a grad student who might be "in and out" of his unit-bearing program (but BK was registered at a different school during Fall and had registered for Spring). My point was that he was "interstitial" or "liminal" to U of I - and I was right about that. I was also picking that age group (grad student age group/passing as grad student) because that's where my own theories led me.

And, I didn't want to accuse all grad students, anywhere. I still think we'll find that he was on the campus of U of I several times and my theory that he was not a student there is correct. I wonder if he was able, in any form, to meet U of I students. While my theory included the idea that he might be living surreptitiously on campus of U of I (totally wrong there), I also theorized that he would be using the U of I library, its computers, perhaps sports facilities, etc., in an effort to hang out with younger students. I also theorized that he'd attempt to use his status as an older student to influence/get to know younger students in some way (hang out at their parties, talk to them at the gym, go to the bars in town). And I theorized that he would eventually be shown to have committed other, more minor crimes (but that he has no criminal record).

IOW, he was a lurker at U of I. And at WSU, he was probably engaged in lots of thinking about his future crime - but he chose to do it away from his primary place of residents. Frankly, he made enough mistakes that I think he wasn't quite paying attention to his criminology classes (although, as far as we know, his undergrad degree was in something else, maybe psychology).

AFAIK, DeSales has no program in criminology and his advisors there were in the department psychology.

There is a MA in Criminal Justice program at DeSales. I don't know what department or division it's housed in, or whether it's free-standing.

"strange/ocd eating habits" according to a relative

From the above link:

"...“His aunt and uncle had to buy new pots and pans because he would not eat from anything that had ever had meat cooked in them. He seemed very OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder]...

So much for the rampant speculation about him being a hunter.
security guard at a school afaik but resigned from Mount Pleasant school district in 2021

If you type those into twitter he will come up ( have posted the links on the last thread)

nonetheless if the school boards in PA also asks for prints that's still interesting
State law in PA requires 3 checks to be processed for people to work in public schools”
1. Department of Human Child Abuse History Clearance
2. PA state police request for criminal records
3. Federal Criminal History Record Information, which requires electronic fingerprinting (since 2017). But fed background checks have been required since 2006.

So unless someone in his PA district dropped the ball, the suspect’s fingerprints are in the system.
I wonder if he had fingerprints on file required by his program. I’m a professional student and we were all required to complete a federal background check including finger printing before starting classes. And my program has nothing to do with crime or security clearances (vet med/DVM)

What is a professional student? And what program are you in that requires a federal background check? That is unusual, to put it mildly.
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