ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 41 *ARREST*

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And that may be true but driving your car to the murder scene?

criminal justice majors should know about cameras. They would know that LE would comb through the idaho campus and WSU campus looking for any student registering a Hyundai Elantra.

But I suppose it's like any other field. You have your top doctors and then you have your d list doctors. a list attorneys and d list attorneys so on and so forth.

Eh, we have no idea what led him to commit the act, whether it was planned or spontaneous.
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Prodromal just means the stages between early to full onset. In schizophrenia, some prodromal symptoms/markers (e.g. OCD) can even occur in the early teens before full onset in mid to late 20s.

My opinion.
He seems to be deeply disturbed/mentally unstable individual.

Leaving DNA, driving his own car near the crime scene and later when the car was sought by LE, obsessions - all are symptoms IMO.

He might even spend the rest of his life in some mental institution.

I just saw some stuff taken from a feed that was posted by an Anon poster. It had a date of Dec 12. If it was truly him who posted, OMG.

Interesting article from the Daily Beast
Great article. Thank you! I'll be interested in what Ramsland has to say if she ever says anything.
It's possible he gets a Chris Watts type deal where it's plead guilty to murder and get a mandatory sentence of life w/o parole since Idaho has the DP. Saves the county a bunch of money and the families a long painful trial.
Then BK needs to make d*mn fine allocution that includes motive, method and accomplice(s).
I just saw some stuff taken from a feed that was posted by an Anon poster. It had a date of Dec 12. If it was truly him who posted, OMG.

Interesting article from the Daily Beast

It's possible BK told the police something only the killer would know ?
Thanks for the link !
That is not an anti-stab vest. It is an anti-suicide gown. I posted that on the last thread. I also posted that he is high profile. He will be in a high security cell in solitary under suicide watch. He will be on camera and also Officers will have to perform suicide checks for mental health and security checks in one of these durations;

Constant suicide checks where Officer's are stationed to observe 24/7.
15 minute checks
1/2 hour checks or 1 hour checks.

Due to the fact that he is high profile, he will be on constant or 15 minute checks.
I have done hundreds upon hundreds of those checks throughout my career.
I hope he doesn’t commit suicide, formthe families to have some sense of justice. Didn’t Epstein manage to do this while being watched every 15 and on camera though? By the way, does any one have a legit verified source about BK‘s childhood or whether he was thrown out of the bar that night? Thank you. He has very intense eyes.
Quick question... can I post a link to a FB news video on here? I've read all the rules & additional additional content specific posts but I'm still unclear on some news sources.....(I blame the blonde in my hair for that!).

What I'm wanting to post is a link to a news story posted on FB that has some additional info about the suspect arrested for this crime (including an interview with an acquaintance).

Figured I'd ask now, instead of taking a gamble by posting anyway & creating more work for the mods if not allowed.
I think we'll out he's a loner, not socially active. Maybe spends a lot of his time online, typical profile of these coward killers.

Wedding on both.
And that may be true but driving your car to the murder scene?

criminal justice majors should know about cameras. They would know that LE would comb through the idaho campus and WSU campus looking for any student registering a Hyundai Elantra.

But I suppose it's like any other field. You have your top doctors and then you have your d list doctors. a list attorneys and d list attorneys so on and so forth.

Eh, we have no idea what led him to commit the act, whether it was planned or spontaneous.
That's another layer here. This happened near where their son/brother lives and works. You'd think it would be of interest - even neighbors saying, "Oh no, did you hear about the murder near where Bryan lives? Is he okay? Did he know them?" Etc etc.

I don't buy that no one in his family knew. Not in today's world.

It happened ‘in a different state.’ That’s another reason they might not have put two and two together.
Quick question... can I post a link to a FB news video on here? I've read all the rules & additional additional content specific posts but I'm still unclear on some news sources.....(I blame the blonde in my hair for that!).

What I'm wanting to post is a link to a news story posted on FB that has some additional info about the suspect arrested for this crime (including an interview with an acquaintance).

Figured I'd ask now, instead of taking a gamble by posting anyway & creating more work for the mods if not allowed.
"Slavishly follow the news."

Do you guys really never have conversations with other people in the world about current events? Do you really never speak about your lives to anyone else? I find this fascinating. My parents' friends and neighbors ask about my brother and I all the time. How's Alethea doing up in Boston, how's Alethea's brother doing down in Atlanta? Did you hear about the snow in Buffalo? Did you see there was another shooting, so sad. These are normal things that normal people talk about.

The idea that not one person in BK's family's social circle has ever watched the news and connected that their son is at school 10 minutes from the most-covered crime story in 6 months is just wild.

I can totally see this:

1. I know very few people who literally watch news - my parents and a few people in their 70s and up. If you’ve cut the cord, you have to intentionally add a news app and then intentionally watch it; there’s no mindless TV in the background.

2. Major political things, noteworthy obituaries, and mass shootings are the things that tend to get pushed as phone alerts.

3. Users can select their news sources on Twitter; I did see NYT & CNN mention this case today…but I’m sure there are lots of people who limit their Twitter to local news or even no news.

4. If this case made magazines (I don’t know if it did), lots of people do curbside/delivery - so no reading at grocery check-out.

5. A lot of people just stream podcasts/music in car - no turning on the radio.
As they say, denial is a helluva drug.

Isn't it? Plus, these killers (and rapists and others) keep on such a mask. They are good (maybe not excellent) observers, who are able to mimic being normal. And they probably try to convince themselves they are going to become normal.

I am guessing there are precipitating factors in this murderer's final breakdown. Such as poor grades, having to attend a real university with actual fellow students, living away from parental support, having his ideas challenged by someone, being in a position to continue some of his earlier behaviors (that are not legal) into a new situation.

Parents had no clue how far he could go. No one did.
Very interesting post and ideas.

My 5p take on the "survey" was that it read as oddly amateurish and poorly-constructed for generating useful qualitative content. I'm a bit surprised that something like it would be approved for post-graduate release and am not sure how it would have passed required ethics boards or been deployed within subject populations (source: I research, teach and supervise at an R15 uni).

BK is likely IMO to a planning thrill-killer a la Stephen McDaniel, someone who sees himself though a Nietzschean and/or fanfiction lens, and for whom the act of murder is a heroic act of self-knowing, and the ultimate subversion of stuffy social moresm blah blah blah.

It's all boll*cks of course, and he will also be the guy who gets het up about someone queue-jumping at an ice-cream stand, but my guess is that when the truth of his "** why ** emerges, it will be sad, stupid and self-glorifying, and won't enlarge human knowledge one whit.

And it was the white Elantra, after all. Fine work by LE and I look forward to the day when we can all forget BK and remember the dead.

Well yes. But have you heard professors writing and speaking about this very problem? First of all, his was not the most rigorous course of study (and he was still in school at 28 and we have only that survey as evidence of his "research.")

Oddly amateurish? Yes, but with good professors, that wouldn't have happened, IMO. And with a strong university that has a human subjects protocol, he'd have never gotten anywhere near using that survey.

I think we'll find some ideological component to these crimes. And it won't enlarge our understanding of humans-in-general at all, but might make some people - especially college students - more suspicious of the people around them (not necessarily a good thing).

What this case does do is reinforce that LE, with its techniques, knows what it's doing after all.
Right you are! I'm local (I live in the same state 300 miles away) so I'm seeing it not only on national news, but our local news every day. My husband, who couldn't care less about crime, had no idea what I was talking about when I told him today that they arrested someone for these murders.
World New Tonight/David Muir has been updating on this crime from the start.
Cesaretti stood in shock in the driveway of her home in the private, gated community, Indian Mountain Lakes, looking at the residence across the street where police say they had just caught one of the nation's most wanted mass killers.

"You'll never guess Ralph, Bryan was arrested," Cesaretti shouted to her husband. "Guess what for? The Idaho murders."

I don't think he's capable of doing something like this. I pray to God he's innocent," Cesaretti said…

One passerby was Schuyler Jacobson, 29, a high school classmate of Kohberger at Pleasant Valley High School.
"I'm in disbelief this is who they say did it, right here. I can't believe he came back here, not in a million years," Jacobson said, noting he's been following the Idaho murder case for weeks…

I was hoping to see your name, I have a question. Will they question him immediately..or wait until he gets back to Idaho? I wonder if extradition comes first then the nit and gritty, if it's a legal thing, just in general how it will work from here. (If I'm allowed). Just wondering for many MMO's. Thank you.
Moscow PD will be waiting for him back in Idaho. If the FBI was at the actual arrest in PA they may have tried to speak to him (depending on their agreement with Moscow PD). But everything will also depend on if he asked for an attorney. If he declined to speak to LE and invoked his right to counsel, they have to wait and speak to his counsel. He'll have counsel in PA to advise him on the extradition and then counsel in Idaho to answer the charges.

Even though this case was very widely reported and Moscow PD/FBI were eager to make an arrest, the crime is "over" in the sense that there isn't a missing child or something to track down where you would want to question him immediately because someone's life could depend on it. So they will almost certainly just let the legal process play out now.
Interesting that Bryan Kohberger has a history of bullying. An all too common problem and characteristics in mass killers, school shooters, and sexual predators.
So is he an incel or a bully can he be both ? Do the labels even matter ? Guess I missed the link to the bullying , and the links supporting your comment.
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