ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 41 *ARREST*

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Did LE order the creating or were they just going to release the house and owner was going to have it cleaned?

It may be different everywhere but here in AZ, the house belonging to a close friend of mine had a horrible and atrocious crime occur inside of it. One the investigation was over, LE basically release the house back to her and it was thru victim services she found a company who specialized in cleaning up crime scenes; at which point she contacted & scheduled. She had to pay for it out of her own pocket though.
With crime rates these days, they should sell that as a rider on insurance policies. It's getting downright scary, no matter where ones lives. MOO
I think it's strange that after 6 weeks of talking about this case and about the murderer that in my mind I envisioned some monster that had a crazed look, and was kind of like Hannibal Lecter or had the crazy eyes of Charles Manson. But then you see the mugshot and he looks like a normal guy. Which is scary in it's own right. A normal looking guy that allegdely committed four gruesome murders. He may look normal on the outside, but he is far from normal on the inside.
This thread is moving fast and furiously so this question may have been answered. The murders occurred before Thanksgiving break, then it is my understanding students returned after Thanksgiving break until Christmas break, is this correct? Because although it seems like he beelined it out of the area after the murders, he would have had to have returned after Thanksgiving and was there until Christmas break. I am curious. If he did not return after Thanksgiving that would be interesting to note. But if he did, that too would be interesting to note for other reasons. Just wondering.
Other students on his program mentioned he went to all his classes this semester, but seemed more tired recently and started coming late at times. But he stayed there and must have went home for Christmas break
No surprise -- AB trying to put clickbait words in BE's mouth i.e., "all the windows were broken" NOT!! BE states a window was broken (the peep window on the front door).
Yeah I’m sure they knocked in the front door and made entry there. Kind of weird though. Most of these guys you want to take in a traffic stop. I guess it was because he didn’t use a gun, and I’d imagine didn’t have one registered to him.
He must have a really good game face if his entire family works in mental health per this article and no one had a clue. He almost seems to have different personalities. Reminds me a bit of Russel Williams.

I wonder if he was on anti psychotics or something similar, that caused the personality change and weight loss.

IMO, it was not psychiatrically prescribed drugs. I'm sticking to my theory about his involvement with major illegal substances, for at least certain periods in his life.

Is a start. I think more will come out.
I hope people step back and realize it has been 1.5 months. What a record. What an achievement for such a bizarre crime. Bravo to the new, young, detective leading the case.
I couldn't agree more. And I believe I've heard more than one person in LE say that it's much harder to solve a crime if there is no connection between the perp and the victim(s). It sounds like that may be the case here, so my hat is off to them.
So sad, but such an uplifting little community.

All gone, for no reason other than what's in that twisted mind of his. He likely won't get to watch the memorial now.
Darn./s I have a feeling he would have watched if not caught today.
IMO the memorial has been waiting for an arrest. The G family has been outspoken about waiting, so the killer cannot attend.
I’ve been on here reading, since this happened. Only chimed in a couple of times. At the end of November, someone was posting, and their tone just struck me as odd. They deactivated after only a couple days. Screen name was “Operationcatchthug.” I made screenshots of some posts, so I wouldn’t forget. Knowing where this is now, I think my hunches were right. Interested if anyone that reads them, might feel the same way? You can search from top right by screen name, and still pulls up a list.
We were on the same page!! I remember seeing that profile name and I too thought it was an odd name And odd type posts. I did check his join date as well. I forgot all about it until you mentioned it now.
IS BK's SURVEY considered RESEARCH???
@rsd1200 Not caught up on all today's posts, and not having read thru BK's entire reddit questionnaire, I may be jumping the gun w this post on a matter already discussed. Hope not.

Can someone in the world of academia pls tell me whether a student (in undergrad or masters program at DeSales, amirite?) could be given COURSE CREDIT for "research" like this --- anonymous survey on social media like reddit?

IIUC (not saying I do) all participants could have been people:
--- who have never received so much as a parking ticket?
--- who have lots of spare time to practice fiction writing on SM surveys?
--- ________?
Any data (like criminal conviction) verified from these anonymous participants?

Having last been at uni when dinosaurs roamed the earth, just curious. Thx in Adv.

As a person who has worked in academia for decades and been involved in research using survey data, this could not have been peer reviewed original research. Surveys must be validated before results collected can be considered ‘research’. The process of writing and validating a survey takes a great deal of time and expertise.
Using survey online with anonymous individuals would be weak. I can’t see that he would get approval from a research committee.
BK may have used a survey he wrote as part of a research methods course, but not as his MS thesis.
If he graduated May 2022, his masters thesis should be published online through his school’s library.

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who thinks BK has already lawyered up & is ' No Comment' to all questions?

or who thinks that FBI's finest are already building up a rapport with him?
He has a public defender:
"Records show Kohberger was arraigned Friday morning in Pennsylvania, and he has a court hearing on extradition January 3. Thompson said the suspect is being held without bail, and he is being represented while in Pennsylvania by a public defender."
Other students on his program mentioned he went to all his classes this semester, but seemed more tired recently and started coming late at times. But he stayed there and must have went home for Christmas break
I wonder if this case was in any class discussion and if so, what the participation was like?
I’ve been on here reading, since this happened. Only chimed in a couple of times. At the end of November, someone was posting, and their tone just struck me as odd. They deactivated after only a couple days. Screen name was “Operationcatchthug.” I made screenshots of some posts, so I wouldn’t forget. Knowing where this is now, I think my hunches were right. Interested if anyone that reads them, might feel the same way? You can search from top right by screen name, and still pulls up a list.
I posted that, but not my screen name. Was in regards to KG asking MM what she told adam.
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