ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 8

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This says quarterly maintenance inspections.

Property manager references "frequent inspections" that she performed.

Rather than the maintenance "inspector," I'd be more inclined to think the person who did the actual repairs and maintenance might be a concern. There was a series of in-home sexual assaults in the university district around University of Washington (Seattle) in 2014 or 2015. Eventually, an undocumented independent contractor who performed repairs and maintenance for landlords at off-campus homes was arrested.

My nephew's girlfriend lived with my nephew and some of his fraternity brothers in an off-campus house there at that time. She said she got the creeps whenever this guy visited and would lock herself in the bedroom until he left.

She said police told her the guy had a past record. I can't remember if she said that was undetected because he used a different name or because the property managers hadn't performed background checks. None of the press articles I could find now mention the past record.

There are questions at the end of the last thread regarding which floor is which. There are three floors in the house. The second floor would be considered the main floor, since the kitchen, living, dining spaces are on that floor. There is no basement. From the front of the house, we see three floors. From the back of the house, we see two.

I have added labels to the front and side of the house as: first, second and third, so we can share a common language when discussing the floors. If the floors should have different labels, such as parking floor, main floor and upstairs floor, I'll be happy to make that change.

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This map shows the property boundary (red line). The blue lines are elevation lines. Each line represents a 10 foot increase in elevation. We can see that there is a 30-40 foot difference in elevation from the front of the property to the raod/parking behind the property. It would be easy for someone to sit in the trees at the back of the property and look directly into the windows at the back of the house.

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Sorry - new to the forum. What do the various numbers on the floor layouts represent and why are some numbers missing? Thanks!
Anyone else find it troubling when neighbors talking about seeing people in windows in the house often?It sure would have been easy for someone with bad intentions to watch and learn their routine.
I wonder if they had blinds on that kitchen sliding door. And the many many many pictures on their different social media posts, I do not think that was smart, or being safe. Did they think about locking doors, windows etc. at night? Or if they weren’t home?
It is creepy. And occurs routinely in the United States. Main reason I bought a house!

Landlords are supposed to give 72 hour notice, but I have seen them state "routine maintenance", and storm in, basically spying.
This has literally happened to me. Just showed up and was opening the door when I was getting out of the shower.
I am not sure I’m completely on board with the killer being paramilitary, or experienced assassin, super strong, wearing coveralls etc. Jodi Arias killed Travis while he was wide awake. And she managed to contain the bloodbath to just the bedroom.
Yep. That exact scenario happened to me in my 20s. Maintenance guy’s roommate (who had access to keys) had been coming into my apt when I was gone. I started sensing something, but couldn’t put my fingers on it. One day I asked a coworker to accompany me home and walk me inside (during the day, not my regular end of work day). When we walked inside, he was there. Naked with a knife. We ran out to a neighbors apt and called police. In the meantime, landscapers and other neighbors tackled him when he tried to flee. He was arrested but charges were later dropped (?). He somehow went on to do it again. I did sue the apt complex and had a favorable outcome.

I assume LE is looking at all these angles. Looking at anybody who has had access to the apt. Maintenance, pest control, AC/heating, etc.
I attended WSU over 30 years ago, which is just a few miles away. I came home one night, alone, went to sleep and woke up with a man sittting on my bed. Turns out he was stalking me, and had come into my apartment while I wasn’t home through a back alley door I didn’t even know existed until I watched him leave that way.

Is it possible the person was inside the home, waiting?
Who has a good theory on who the perpetrator is? Charicteristically speaking, no specific person.
Here goes. MOO of course, I'm not a professional investigator or anything.

The unsub is in his mid 20s to mid 30s. He is physically fit but insecure in his appearance. He doesn't do well socially. He is an avid gamer and knife collector. He is into the "kit" so to speak. Meaning things like which knife he will use, what LED headlamp might he use, which gloves etc. He has google earthed this neighborhood for a while now and has carefully picked his route in and out of the area. He might have went to the college but he didn't finish. He has feelings of jealousy/rage towards people like the victims. They post their "perfect" lives everyday on social media and it's the sort of life he knows he could never have but wants. He might have found the girls through social media then started hanging out in the same places they go to. He probably visited the restaurant where they worked and the girls might have served him. He probably did some peeping from the trees behind the house a few times before he carried out the attack. I don't think he expected the male to be there that night and that might have ruined his planned SA of one of the girls. Right now he is enjoying the media coverage and thinks he got a way with it.
"someone close to the investigation." The third year student with long hair who lives down the street?

Fuhrman has an alternative take; that is, they are staying tight lipped as investigation progresses: Mark Fuhrman: Idaho investigators have 'stayed on point'

I do agree there was some bungling, but don't think they bungled the entire investigation.

I don't think there is even one investigation that has been done "perfectly". But, everyone wants headlines...i.e. MSM. And juries want hard evidence.
Well, according to the Behavior Science Unit of the FBI, you start with victimology such as whether the victims had led a low or high risk lifestyle, use of alcohol and drugs, etc. This gives the profiler clues as to whether a particular killer is an organized vs disorganized individual. I'm leaning towards a disorganized type due to the early description of the crime scene described as messy, chaotic, and sloppy but OTOH, I wonder if these words weren't intentionally used by the FBI in order to send the killer a message. Trying to draw him out. They may have wanted to use such a ploy as a way to criticize and anger the killer into making a huge mistake by contacting LE and boasting about the crime. (its just as likely that I have an overactive imagination too, Lol)

I hope that white suit also came in black. Lol
In my theory the suit would be wadded up and put into a pocket on the way. Once ready to enter it would be taken out and put on just before entering. Once done it would be removed right after exiting. Like literally 5 to 10 ft outside the door. Take it off in an inside out fashion if you know what I mean, then stuff back into pocket. SOME blood would be on the killer but not drenched in it. The color wouldn't mattter. It could also easily be dyed if the killer wanted to go that far. Just my theory. Just my opinion.
Well something did leak out and it could as easily be blood as anything else. I have cleaned up enough blood that it looks like blood to me. And it looks fresh. The fact is though no one knows what it is. And imo, that house is not built well. The way that front door sits right on the ground was my first clue. Whatever it is, nothing should have leaked there. I'm going to guess that the foundation is missing a gasket. Or the gasket has failed somehow. Imo.
I don't believe I have any gasket or sealing. I can put a piece of paper under the baseboard and it will come out on the outside. I live in Texas and that say, "Don't caulk the bottom siding because it will seal moisture in" (I'm obviously not construction savvy and don't know the terms)

I would have loved to seal the bottom of the siding, but that's what I've heard. So, it isn't sealed.
Could someone point me to the original picture/article/source that contains the picture of the substance on the exterior of the house? Checked the media thread and could t find it.

TIA :)
Is there a way to see the admin update posts? I missed an entire thread from yesterday afternoon to today lol.

<modsnip - off topic unrelated local story>

Also not sure if Moscow is this way, but a lot of smaller rural/hunting communities, most men (usually men) know what type of guns/knives/weapons people have. It's kind of a hobby thing. So the fact that no one has come forward to mention that they know someone (or someone's grandkid, etc.) that has that type of knife leads me to believe they're not a hunter. Unless obviously such tips have come in that LE are not releasing yet.

Last thought - if the perp was someone that was part of the campus or Moscow community (whether a student, person who worked in the area), it seems like they would have enough info to ID them. This was my first thought, that it was someone they knew or knew of them in the community. But bringing in the FBI and not appearing to have any leads me to think it's more of a random/transient/serial type. But it will be interesting to hear the next presser tomorrow.
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I know that statistically, this is a male perpetrator. But I think that we need to have an open mind about a potential female perpetrator. Hoping LEO thinks about that too, rather than laser in on some guy.
Is it possible that someone was parking in the parking lot at 1122 occasionally maybe blocking cars or inadvertently causing inconvenience and this got reported. So the perp could have been someone who now has to park on the side street adjacent to the home, is angry about it and decided to teach someone a lesson. I’m guess I’m saying an angry student
I am not sure I’m completely on board with the killer being paramilitary, or experienced assassin, super strong, wearing coveralls etc. Jodi Arias killed Travis while he was wide awake. And she managed to contain the bloodbath to just the bedroom.
I agree with you but if I remember correctly in the Arias crime scene there was blood in the bathroom, hallway outside bathroom and the closet. I may be misremembering tho.
Well, according to the Behavior Science Unit of the FBI, you start with victimology such as whether the victims had led a low or high risk lifestyle, use of alcohol and drugs, etc. This gives the profiler clues as to whether a particular killer is an organized vs disorganized individual. I'm leaning towards a disorganized type due to the early description of the crime scene described as messy, chaotic, and sloppy but OTOH, I wonder if these words weren't intentionally used by the FBI in order to send the killer a message. Trying to draw him out. They may have wanted to use such a ploy as a way to criticize and anger the killer into making a huge mistake by contacting LE and boasting about the crime. (its just as likely that I have an overactive imagination too, Lol)

I hope that white suit also came in black. Lol
They do, you can get them in different colors
<snipped for focus>. What I'm getting at is this killer may have been very proud of his knife and was proud to show it off to family and friends. Someone other than the killer has seen this knife.

One major exception, I believe: what if the killer already had evil thoughts, before acquiring the knife? Perhaps they were even the reason for acquiring the knife. In that case, I think it might have been very carefully hidden.

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