ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #16

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Marking my spot. I stepped back a long time ago because I was frustrated. Then I got caught up on other cases, and life kept getting in the way. I'm so far behind but I have tried to keep an eye out for updates. Hoping to finally have answers, and hopefully justice for sweet little DeOrr.
I don't know why, but I do know back in the beginning, they weren't sealed. Maybe when the investigation turned? Maybe when the FBI got involved?
They became sealed a couple days before we got word that the FBI was involved. Hopefully they will become "unsealed" again soon.
Oooh, didn't see that coming! I look forward to hearing what he has to say.
(and yes, over sensationalised in that clip, this is a missing baby not a movie)

I wonder if this is a wise move for IR... I doubt his lawyer approves. But it will be very interesting see what he says - most importantly, he will be able to say whether he definitely saw DeOrr at the campsite or not.
I don't see it this way at all. We ALL care about DeOrr, Jr.

Each and EVERY one of us has aired their OPINIONS so let's not laud the kettle for calling out the pot.


I meant the editing and music in the "teaser" trailer for the interview with IR, not anything that's been said here, just to clarify :)
Interview with IR coming up soon.

Can I just say, I find the sensationalism here to be disgusting :mad: this is a little boy's life we are talking about, not some lighthearted entertainment. JMO.

I haven't followed this case here, like you all have. I've read some of the news articles but I'm sure (after all these threads) there are tons of details I know nothing about. What I do know however, is that is truly is disgusting the way this news station has hyped this like it's some sort of epic, movie of the week. This is a missing baby, for crying out loud. I'd be furious if this were my child and this is the way the news station was treating this. :gaah:
I haven't followed this case here, like you all have. I've read some of the news articles but I'm sure (after all these threads) there are tons of details I know nothing about. What I do know however, is that is truly is disgusting the way this news station has hyped this like it's some sort of epic, movie of the week. This is a missing baby, for crying out loud. I'd be furious if this were my child and this is the way the news station was treating this. :gaah:

As a state local who has watched this case closely from day one, I would have to say that East Idaho News has been more than fair to the family. They have aired several stories re: this case. In fact, if it wasn't for them, public interest in this case likely would have died out long ago.
As a state local who has watched this case closely from day one, I would have to say that East Idaho News has been more than fair to the family. They have aired several stories re: this case. In fact, if it wasn't for them, public interest in this case likely would have died out long ago.

Well I don't know about all that, but in THIS case, they get an epic fail from me. And clearly, others. Obviously, moo.
Marking my spot. I stepped back a long time ago because I was frustrated. Then I got caught up on other cases, and life kept getting in the way. I'm so far behind but I have tried to keep an eye out for updates. Hoping to finally have answers, and hopefully justice for sweet little DeOrr.

You're not that far behind, Skibs. Not much happened in threads 2-14, then Klein put out their damning report last week, we had a few days debating the content of that and then BOOM, the Sheriff said his piece yesterday.

Nice to see you :wave:

EDIT - I mean "not much happened" in terms of actual law stuff / leads / news. There was plenty of top sleuthing going on, just not much to get our teeth into!
Interview with IR coming up soon.

Can I just say, I find the sensationalism here to be disgusting :mad: this is a little boy's life we are talking about, not some lighthearted entertainment. JMO.

I agree with the sensationalism but, sadly, this is the way we report news in the U.S. Just think back to last week with all of the news stories leading up to the blizzard on the East Coast. Those stories, too, had impending doom type music as a lead up. That's the way we do it here. 'Merica!

My husband is from Europe (that's where we met and lived for the first few years of our marriage). When he first visited the U.S., it was during the time of the Oklahoma federal building bombing and CNN had a lead up with scary music and "TERROR IN THE HEARTLAND" plastered across the screen. My husband was confused and asked me, "Is this a movie or the news?" Yeah, we've been "reporting" news like this a long time here.
For me, it is strange that this case is still playing out on Facebook. Nearly anyone can comment, including the family, friends, foes and strangers on public fb groups, personal profiles as well as the news stations which first post "teasers" on facebook and not on their official news site. It's good that social media allows his face and name to be spread quickly over a large audience, but the fighting between the families and other people is bizarre. And it's like all of Idaho Falls knows the family! It's almost as if it somehow got branched off as a social experiment. I guess I don't follow missing people cases on facebook close enough to see how often it is used this way. If it helps find the baby...
Jessica Lyn (Birch) Mitchell b. 1990 is DeOrr's mom.


DeOrr's mom, Jessica Lyn Birch, was charged with Driving Without Privileges on 12/08/2015, and her case is still pending. She plead not guilty and there is a pretrial conference scheduled for 02/11/2016. It's interesting that it's under Birch and not Mitchell - is she still going by the name Birch?

ETA: The three sealed cases are <modsnip> not DeOrr's mom.
Yeah... (modsnip). And that at the very least, his parents were negligent by leaving him at the campsite to go off exploring/ fishing for 4 to 45 minutes (the time kept changing), without making sure he was being properly supervised.

They just assumed he had stayed with ggp. They just assumed ggp knew he was supposed to be watching him. They just assumed that ggp was physically and mentally capable of taking care of a 2 year old in the woods for however long they decided to explore/ fish for.

I'm sorry, but you don't make assumptions like that when you have a two year old next to a creek, with wild animals running around. And if you think "There but for the grace of God go I" then I really think you should reassess your parenting choices. Kids need constant supervision around water, everyone knows that. Parents have been prosecuted for just being distracted for a few minutes whilst their kid drowned in a pond in the backyard, never mind leaving your toddler unsupervised whilst you go off fishing in the woods.

Wow, it's so nice to be able to get that off my chest at last! Even if their version of events is true, I think that they are responsible for DeOrr's disappearance by not supervising him. And in this case, I don't think that losing a child is punishment enough for what they did (not least because they don't seem all that upset about it), and I don't think it's mean or cruel to point out that even if their story is true, DeOrr would be alive and well today if they had bothered to watch him properly.

All just MOO. :moo:
I would NEVER leave my kid in a situation like that, and I guess that's what bothered me from the start. I read in the beginning something along the lines of "we thought he was with ggp and ggp thought he was with us." It, IMO, goes against your instincts as a parent. And even if the parents turn out to be innocent, that situation will always bother me because children depend on parents to make it safe choices for them, to leave them in safe situations. I wouldn't leave a toddler with someone with dementia or on an oxygen tank. They're too crazy and all over the place. It just breaks my heart for that sweet, sweet little boy.

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Just saw the latest re the parents on facebook. Kinda lost for words, but not surprised. Hopefully this leads to this wee beaut being found, off to waken and cuddle my wee babies
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