ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #19

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After this Q and A, I sadly do not believe anything that has come from the suspects or the POI's........ I no longer believe Deorr jr. was seen alive at 1:30.
And for Klien to respond , " none of them", rather than no comment says alot, when asked if little Deorr was seen alive by family prior to this trip.

TC never saw him, the Aunt and Uncles, their brother and sister? NO ONE in the large extended groups of family and friends saw baby Deoor since what day is what I want to know!
I don't think little DeOrr left home alive.

My personal opinion is that the entire camping trip was an elaborately staged distraction
and that at the outset perhaps, IR and GGP weren't aware (maybe) - he could quite easily have "slept" the entire trip but all 4 colluded once at the camp site. Or maybe they WERE aware - even more horrific that 4 adults - people who were supposed to love and protect him - well 3 of them anyway - have let him down. Poor, poor little DeOrr. RIP Angel xxxx


I have to agree at this point. I just have not seen or read anything that makes me think the boy even made it to the campsite.

Which is really going to make it tough on LE + FBI + Klein. They may have to keep bumping the timeline back even further and further until someone can pinpoint when he was last seen alive.
Yes a nighttime camp fire wouldn't arouse suspicion as could ostensibly go all night. Don't know how to word this delicately but don't think smell etc would be of concern where campers cook meat. Really sorry. RIP sweet boy. I have a just turned 3 year old so none of this is easy to write.

The smell would be a concern. Anyone near them would smell it and know it was more than just a fire or someone cooking meat.
That's what I mean. The crime happened maybe at home in Idaho Falls and the disposal up at the campsite. Maybe the trip was planned, or maybe it wasn't.

I really even hate to speculate, but after today's Q&A with Klein, all sorts of ideas are coming into my head.

You really want to know what I think? The ONLY way these 4 adults could be in cahoots together in a cover up is if their was molestation going on. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR FEELING LIKE I NEED TO SAY THIS, BUT...could the feds be involved because the crime involved a molestation ring and these 4 were involved? It makes me sick even typing that...God, no. :-(

TBH if I wanted to dispose of a body if think long and hard where to take it. Not locally to where I lived - too many chances of people I knew bumping into me - people who knew my routine - neighbours, work colleagues, family and friends. No - I'd want to go somewhere remote where the disposal would not arouse suspicion and where there were few prying eyes...
TC never saw him, the Aunt and Uncles, their brother and sister? NO ONE in the large extended groups of family and friends saw baby Deoor since what day is what I want to know!

SB wouldn't answer that question either! :mad:

I have to agree at this point. I just have not seen or read anything that makes me think the boy even made it to the campsite.

Which is really going to make it tough on LE + FBI + Klein. They may have to keep bumping the timeline back even further and further until someone can pinpoint when he was last seen alive.

SB did say he believes little DeOrr was at the campsite. He just doesn't ever confirm if he made it there alive or not...
This thread has taken a turn towards the gruesome... Morbid... Horrific.
TBH if I wanted to dispose of a body if think long and hard where to take it. Not locally to where I lived - too many chances of people I knew bumping into me - people who knew my routine - neighbours, work colleagues, family and friends. No - I'd want to go somewhere remote where the disposal would not arouse suspicion and where there were few prying eyes...

^^^ Exactly ^^^
Anybody have an theorys about what they think may have happened? I have my own
Another thought in light of the revelations today is what were the drones recording back at the end of July? It was so odd that they talked of trials back then.
TC never saw him, the Aunt and Uncles, their brother and sister? NO ONE in the large extended groups of family and friends saw baby Deoor since what day is what I want to know!

And it's usually one of the FIRST things that is reported by the news in the case of a missing person. "He/she was last seen alive on *such-and-such date* and at *such-and-such time*" Even in the case of missing children they report that. But I guess in this case, since the story has always been that they took DeOrr camping with them, there was no need to report who saw him alive last (beside his own parents). :gaah:
My theory is this: Deorr was killed at home would be my guess and they took his things to make it seem like he was there when he really was not and they disposed of evidence and/or his body at the campsite(s). JMO
I hope the parents are shaking in their boots.... Waiting for a knock on the door.
Anybody have an theorys about what they think may have happened? I have my own

I don't think I want to right now......... but honestly I don't know where to start now. Until today I really did think there was an accident and they stupidly covered it up and it got to the point of no return.

It now looks to be something far more sinister and thought out. I hope I'm wrong.
Hopefully I have got everything from the Q&A and managed to omit all names and this helps those without access to FB :)

Q: = Question
C: = Comment (name deleted as per TOS)
X = Name of person included in comment
KIC: = Reply by Mr Klein of Klein Investigations and Consulting
(All copied from FB page at 19:30ish on Tuesday 2nd February 2016. Typo’s are not mine.)

Facebook Page: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children
31 January at 01:13
UPDATE: Mr.Klein will get started shortly and the way we plan on this working is for him to reply to each persons question under this post.

Update: Questions will be answered on this thread beginning at 12(noon) CST.

Good evening everyone. As we previously posted we reached out to Klein Investigations and Consulting and asked that they do a question and answer session with our followers. The agency has responded and agreed. We wanted to ask that you post questions for the investigators under this post (in comments). This post will be designed so that Mr.Klein and the agency can reply. We would like for everyone to consider that some questions may not be answered due to this being an active investigation. The reason we asked for this question and answer session is to clear up speculation and rumors about the case. Please feel free to go ahead and start posting questions under this thread and when Mr.Klein agrees and is able to respond he will do so. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Never Forget Me if you all have any questions to add, please feel free to comment also.
UPDATE: Mr.Klein will get started shortly and the way we plan on this working is for him to reply to each persons question in comments.
#‎bellasfriends #‎deorrkunzjr #‎idaho #‎leadore #‎lehmi #‎finddeorr #‎kleininvestigations #‎deorrkunz #‎jessicamitchell #‎issacreinwald #‎deorr

Q: If they suspect one or both parents, why hasn't there yet been an arrest?
31 January at 01:18
C: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Q, I'm gonna allow Mr.Klein(when he can)to answer this but I wanted to just say that one reason is because they are trying to build a solid case to prevent a possible double jeopardy situation.
31 January at 01:22
C: I think the grandpa is the one who needs to be interrogated. Because he doesn't want to take a fall for what his son did.
31 January at 02:13
C: That and they have been less than truthful when asked if they know where deorr is and what happened. Plus inconsistencies in their stories
11 hrs
KIC: LE will charge when they are ready. This is a complex legal situation - I do anticipate charges. I do not know when.
1 hr

Q: My question is what shoe size is DeOrr and what size were his boots? I've never seen it asked or answered
31 January at 01:54
C: I believe he wore a size 5 but the boots he was wearing were a size 7. That came from his grandmother about a month after he disappeared.
31 January at 02:01
KIC: The boots were three sizes larger than his foot.
1 hr
C: That is bizarre. As a mother of 2, the last thing I would put on my kids for camping in rocky mountainous terrain are shoes 3x too big. Wow.
28 mins
C: Regardless, if he ran off.... they would have fallen off or toppled him over.
11 mins

Q: Mr. Klein, when you stated the 17 minute window of the parents being gone to the creek has expanded to more like 4 hours, what exactly do you mean? Was he left with his grandfather for more like 4 hours or do you mean he was missing for 4 hours before the 911 call?
C: I'm not sure if you seen the Sheriff's last interview, but he answers your question. He also said he feels it's more like 3 hours, not 4.
Yesterday at 15:47
C: I am interested in hearing Klein's answer to your question and why he feels it's closer to 4 hours.
Yesterday at 15:52
KIC: Very good question. We answered that in one of the many interviews - and I will got over it again. When we first started this case we thought we had the timeline down pretty tight - however - now we have four more witnesses that open the timeline to an extended period. That timeline is now 8 a.m. to 2:26 pm.
1 hr
C: Thank you for clearing that up.
1 hr
C: Mr. Klein, why 8am? If the timeline you are trying to piece together is from 8am to 2:26 are we safe to assume 8am is the last time anyone seen little DeOrr? Does this mean you do not believe Isaac or great grandpa seen him after they returned from the store?
56 mins

Q: Is there any physical evidence to prove he's no longer here or is that assumed the only possibility due to ruling out animal attack and forced abduction?
31 January at 02:28
C: I would like to know as well. Is there ANY possibility he may still be alive? Has kidnapping or him being given away been 100% ruled out by evidence?
1 hr
KIC: Yes. We cannot release that at this time. Due to prosecution issues.
1 hr
C: Thank you
1 hr
C: Klein Investigations and Consulting I knew this already from your previous statement but reading it again, breaks my heart.

Q: Mr.Klein,,, have any other witnesses come foward? How many witnesses gave you information that was useful?
31 January at 03:24
KIC: Yes. A total of 9 with very firm information.
1 hr
C: Thank you Mr.Klein

Q: Is there any chance that anyone else besides the 4 at the campsite could be involved?
Like · Reply · 9 · 31 January at 03:26
KIC: No not that we can see at this time.
1 hr
C: Thank you
1 hr

Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Note: Remember we are asking
for these questions to answered by Mr. Klein. We aren't positive he will answer them tonight or Monday or if he will be able to really find time to come in and answer them all. As we stated we are just posting this to be prepared for if he is able to.
31 January at 03:41
Q: Was the parents being named as suspects a result of the private investigators findings? It seemed they were not suspects until the PI made a statement regarding his investigation into the case. Also, were they (Klein Investigations) aware of the letter the first PI wrote explaining the parents were not cooperating and not being truthful w/ him at the time of their investigation?
31 January at 04:20
KIC: We were not aware of Mr. Vilt's letter. We see that as a side show - we are focused on Deorr and finding him.
1 hr

Q: What vehicles were at the campsite when law enforcement arrived on July 10th. Were any of the vehicles diesel? Was diesel fuel purchased?
31 January at 04:27
KIC: This goes to evidence - and we will not comment. We will say yes on the diesel fuel purchase.
1 hr
C: I'm pretty sure the Sheriff answered what vehicles in one of his interviews. I'll try to find it.
Like · Reply · 1 · 55 mins
C: Yes, this one:
Around 26:48. A suburban and a pick-up truck and a camping trailer. The pick-up was DeOrr's Sr. Suburban was driven by Grandpa w/ Isaac. No make/model on the truck that I have seen.
49 mins
C: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children: We posted links in comments of the interviews recently done with KID radio and Mr.Klein as well as Sheriff Bowerman's recent interview.

Q: Was this case treated at all like a possible crime scene on the day of the alleged disapperance? If no, do you think this case would have benefited greatly had it been? Do you feel any important evidence could have been destroyed purposefully or by accident in the first few days?
31 January at 04:30
KIC: No. I cannot and will not comment on the LE decisions that day. Hindsight in all of our lives would make things better. LE has done a great job in the team's opinion - I concure.

Q: When it's said that Vernal DeOrr Kunz went up above the campsite on a road to make his 911 call, is it the road to the south of the campsite clearly seen on maps or did he go above on the north side on a smaller road not seen well from maps?
31 January at 04:33
and transmissions of the cell phones.jpg
KIC: I will only say that LE and now our firm has reviewed the "pings" and transmissions of the cell phones. We again come to the same conclusion. I cannot give details.
2 hrs

Q: It's been heard that Isaac has intellectual disabilities. His LDT came back inconclusive. What are the specific questions that were asked? Does Isaac get a 'get out of jail' free card? Is there strong evidence that makes Isaac innocent?
31 January at 05:10
C: Expanding on this question - did Isaac pass the control questions on the polygraph?
31 January at 06:06
C: Why does it seem like isaac is getting a free pass
31 January at 12:33
C: Did he pass the two questions the parents failed, know what happened and where he is, or was did that come back as inconclusive due to his disabilities? Is that the same for the grandpa?
11 hrs
KIC: Isaac in our teams opinion is a person of interest with "direct knowledge".
59 mins
KIC: he did not pass.
58 mins
KIC: he is not.
58 mins
KIC: he did not.
58 mins

Q: Is it true that Isaac did a factory reset on his cell phone before giving to LE?
31 January at 05:06
C: Great question.
15 hrs
C: Even if he did factor reset his phone le can go to the phone company and get his phone records
4 hrs
KIC: We cannot comment on this. It goes to the prosecution side of this case.

Q: Did you realize the latest interview with Sheriff Bowerman on East Idaho News was very contradicting what he said on TrueCrime Radio?
31 January at 05:14
Q: The store clerk DID see a child with Jessica and Deorr on July 10th and 2. There were 'a couple' of hits at the campground by the search dogs. Can Klein confirm these two things that Bowerman contradicted his earlier statements about?
31 January at 06:07
C: The "hits" were after someone had spread ashes of a deceased loved one, if you follow the entire case.
18 mins
C: They were of no significance as well to the case, mo evidence found.
11 hrs
Q: At first the clerk didn't even know who they were until deorr sr went in to hound her about then, then she said she remembered him but wasn't positive if she saw a kid and if it was a boy or girl.
11 hrs
KIC: Sheriff Bowerman in our opinion has been very clear in his statements. Please listen to them again and you will understand that this case is in progress. Things change by the hour right now.
57 mins
KIC: There were no hits by the dogs. We will not comment on witness statements as they are now part of the prosectuional issues.
56 mins
KIC: We cannot commment on this.

Q: Why hasn't there been an Official Press Conference by LE?
31 January at 05:17
KIC: There will be in due time. Everyone is working very hard right now on this case. Give them some room and let them do their jobs. As with us.

Q: Sheriff Bowerman's reason for naming them as suspects seems to hinge entirely on the inconclusive polygraph results. Has Klein performed an independent polygraph or would he consider doing so?
31 January at 06:41
C: I believe it was said the FBI also done their own on them too.
31 January at 13:44
C: The FBI went over all the evidence Lemhi had and that's when they told the sheriff they definitely were being untruthful about multiple things
31 January at 17:48
C: It seemed to me that Bowerman wasn't willing to go all the way with his languge in describing the polygraph results. "Less than truthful" in polygrapher terms isn't quite 'deceptive'. Why won't he use the words 'deceptive', 'lie', etc. It seems like he's doing a little CYA by choosing the language he's using.
31 January at 18:24
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children: We posted an interview he did with KID radio where he explains why he changed the terms he used for the lie detector. In short he said that only parts of the lie detector were untruthful. Deceptive would be used if they failed the entire test.
31 January at 18:58
C: And they can't say too much, they want to have stuff to use as evidence, of course they aren't going to release much to the public at the risk of messing up their investigation
31 January at 19:00
C: Bowerman did correct his self. He said the questions that were untruthful were, 1. Do you know what happened to DeOrr? 2. Do you know where he is? He did also say that not all questions showed deception but the 2 above did. I can't say if it was more questions showing deception or not. Those above are what he stated.
31 January at 19:04
C: True, but in his interview with True Crime Radio he used the terminology in reference to two specific questions. They were 'less than truthful' on those two questions. Polygraphs have measurable results for each question. Truthful, deceptive and then something in between. My trust level of Bowerman's statements dropped after TCR interview because of things like him saying the clerk did remember a child which directly contradict his prior statements. If he exaggerated, manipulated the facts or even outright lied before why should we believe what he's saying now?
31 January at 19:06
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children
That post explains things a little more about why he changed it..and also goes into the store clerk changing what he said. Apparently, the clerk at first said he didn't even remember seeing Jessica or Deorr Sr and then changed it after speaking with Deorr Sr and stated he did remember seeing them and "and child but didn't remember if it was a girl or a boy. "
31 January at 19:33
C: Bowerman's earlier statements were that there was no child in the store. He even went into detail that someone thought there may have seen a child in the truck outside but they weren't sure. Now we hear the clerk remembered a child being with Jessica and Deorr in the store. I realize the clerk changed after seeing and talking to Deorr sr. but that was a couple of days in. Bowerman telling people nobody saw little Deorr at the store was well after that.
31 January at 19:50
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children: Thank you X I didn't remember him saying that specifically but I will look into that and try to find an article.
31 January at 20:31
C: you are correct he did say that early on. He said the clerk didn't see either the parents or child. Then after the father and mother stopped by there she remembered seeing the parents but no child. Now it's she remembers seeing the parents and a child but couldn't remember if it was a boy or girl.
31 January at 21:33
C: He hasn't contradicted himself
11 hrs
C: Maybe he doesn't put too much faith in the clerk possibly remembering a child because she only "remembered" it after one of the suspects went in there and "quizzed" her about it until she changed her story. Just an idea.
6 hrs
C: Bowerman has contradicted himself on multiple things now. Agree, or don't. All his public statements are there to review. I'm not going to argue about it.
3 hrs
KIC: Let's be clear - there has been 9 polygraph tests given to the parents, and four to the other two on the camp grounds. There has NEVER been any contradiction in this. As well, the parents have given over 11 statements to LE, FBI and our firm. Any other polygraph tests at this point would be a waste of time.

Q: I just really want to know how long was his parents gone for when they went for a walk and also did they just wonder of without even asking grandfather to look after baby Deorr
31 January at 08:35
KIC: Your question is under false pretence. The senario you lay out is myth.
53 mins
C: Okay thankyou it's just what I was reading on a page but just can't remember which group

Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Right now it looks like he won't be able to get to answering until some time Monday. Just wanted to keep everyone updated. Thanks
31 January at 12:55

Q: We're drugs involved?
20 hrs
C: Why did this ? get skipped?
43 mins
C: .....
25 mins

Q: Mr Klein ,,, LE said they expected Isacc's polygraph would come out inconclusive because of his mental state, they also said his story has been consistent,,So is he reliable or not? And what does his mental state have anything to do with committing a crime? I'm confused,,,
16 hrs
KIC: Isacc in our opinion is a person of interest with "direct knowledge." We can say no more regarding this.
53 mins
C: Thank you
51 mins

Q: Did Isaac confirm that he did see DeOrr alive at the camp site at any time and specifically after the trip to the store?
16 hrs
KIC: This goes to direct testimony. The only comment we will make at this point is that : "It depends on which statement you want to believe that came from Isaac."
52 mins
C: Klein Investigations and Consulting I thought about that afterward and figured you couldn't answer but I do appreciate the information provided!
52 mins
C: According to SB Isaac has been the most consistent, and his stories haven't changed. Is that untrue? Has he actually told multiple stories?
40 mins
C: That is a good point, a very good point!
39 mins

Q: Who made the 3rd phone call to 911. Was there a disposable phone in the hands of anyone while camping?
15 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Great question.
15 hrs
C: It has already been reported that the grandfather made the 3rd call.
14 hrs
C: when was it reported and by who? A few days ago people were still asking so just curious if I missed something....
14 hrs
KIC: There were three calls made to 911. First, Vernal. Second, Jessica. Third, the grandfather.
52 mins

Q: Did any, or all, of the adults go to the Silver Dollar Restaurant and Bar in Leadore on Thursday, July 9th?
15 hrs
KIC: As this is in the timeline - and outside any prosecutional questions - the answer is yes.
53 mins
C: Was DeOrr with them?
40 mins

Q: Did Jessica's mom arrive at the campground before Search & Rescue and/or Law Enforcement?
15 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children: That is one of the questions I had because in one interview I believe with the past investigator he stated she did. We have that interview somewhere on the page.
15 hrs
KIC: Mrs. Clegg is not a suspect in this matter. Her arrival is in "other evidence" that is being placed into the timeline. Thus - we cannot comment.
52 mins

Q: Mr Klein, you have stated that you have new physical evidence yet sheriff Bowerman said there is no physical evidence. Can you elaborate on this? Or was the evidence you referred to the polygraph information?
15 hrs
KIC: Again - from the time of that statement to the flux of the case daily - we have turned over items to the FBI and it is being looked at in Q Virginia. We will not comment on what that is.
51 mins

Q: Is there any chance at all this little one might be alive?
15 hrs
KIC: No - not in our opinion.
51 mins

Q: Why weren't the parents suspects from day 1? Not that Klein Investigations had anything to do with it at that point, but do you know why law enforcement ruled them out?
15 hrs
KIC: We cannot answer that. We have only had the case since November 28, 2015. We are not prevy to that information and we consider it a side show. We have only one focus.
50 mins

Q: So the pictures of the 2 boys thay everyone says is 1 deorr and the other is not him. Thay boy in California I believe. .was dna done to prove he wasn't deorr and if not why not
15 hrs
C: The boy in California was claimed by a spainish women???
At Stanton police department doesn't make since ! I live 1 mile from this motel,
2 hrs
C: X hummmm
1 hr
KIC: We have asked and answered this over 10 times. Cali LE did their jobs. It is not Deorr.
50 mins
C: Thank you
49 mins

Q: Was dna done to prove there not the same if not why not and how come it's not being done now
Was dna done to prove there not the same.jpg
15 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children: I believe law enforcement has ruled this out.
7 hrs
C: Yes LE ruled it out,, but how,,, what was it that made them 100% sure this boy wasn't DeOrr????
2 hrs
C: Law enforcement has retracted alot of whay they said to began wirh
1 hr
C: I agree X. On the Q&A on their page, they said that LE ruled it out and that is all they know. Someone else said it was reported that LE was very familiar with the family (in Cali) so they knew it wasn't DeOrr. I still would think you would do DNA to be sure. Truth is stranger than fiction.
1 hr
C: Thankyou..I just need validation so I can get over it
1 hr
C: X Same here. I always think it could be him in the back of my mind.
1 hr
C: I don't ever get the feeling deorr is dead..maybe it's hopes of innocents..
1 hr
KIC: Again - they did their jobs. It is not Deorr.
50 mins
C: I'm very curious why no one will simply answer: Was DNA done or not. I've seen that get asked every time this child in California gets brought up and nobody answers it.
49 mins
C: Klein Investigations and Consulting thankyou!..
48 mins

Q: Mr Klein, do you consider Isaac to be a suspect along with the parents?
14 hrs
KIC: Issac is a person of interest with "direct knowledge."
50 mins

Q: Mr.Klein, if I remember correctly, there was something mentioned about someone dumping ashes in the area of the search, during the search. Were those ashes ever tested? Is there any possibility this is somehow linked?
14 hrs
KIC: We have found the link to the ashes. It is of no relationship to this case.

Q: Can you clear up the Disneyland rumor? Did Jessica and Deorr Sr. go to Disneyland shortly after little Deorr's disappearance?
14 hrs
KIC: We have no knowledge of this. Again - this is a side show and we don't have time for rumors.

Q: Was it considered that they could have burned baby DeOorr?
14 hrs
KIC: No comment.
56 mins

Q: Did investigators find anything of Deorr's at the campground? ( A bag packed with clothes, toys, etc. stuff you would pack for a two year old going on a camping trip.) Why won't Issac say what Deorr was doing when he last saw him? ( playing, sleeping, eating) I don't see how that has anything to do with the timeline. I just want to know what he was doing?
14 hrs
C: They said they had his blanket, sippy cup and monkey in the car. But if his blanket was at the campsite, why didn't LE seize it as evidence?
2 hrs
C: Wow! I know when my children were younger and we went camping I practically packed up the whole house( extra socks, shoes, jackets) stuff that I knew would get dirty fast. I've read two different stories.
1-It was a last min camping trip.
2- They new a week in advance.
1 hr
C: Exactly i pack the House as well toys bikes liFe jackets sand toys just stuff for a child to do they bore easy and i heard both of those stories as well.
1 hr
KIC: We cannot comment on evidence that has been obtained.
56 mins

Q: DK Sr. mistakenly referred to Snake River a couple of times and I'm wondering if that would be considered leakage. I'm wondering if there's any chance they were at another location when the incident occurred and they may have buried the body in another location or put it in the Snake River.
13 hrs
C: There is a Snake River Search n Rescue. I think he was mistaken with Salmon Search and Rescue. I honesly believe, because of what he was saying at the time, was truly mis commuicaton
56 mins
KIC: Mr. Kunz (the grandfather) is not involved in any portion of this case. He has been very helpful with information to our team as well as LE. He is a distraught grandfather and I hope the public has some type of feeling for that. To answer the "Snake River" question - we have no evidence to indicate this. Again - a rumor.
54 mins
C: Thank you for replying. I was referring to Vernal Deorr Kunz in this post, little Deorr's father.
50 mins

Q: Why isn't there more emphasis being put on Great Grandpa? Was he really supposed to be watching little Deorr? Or is this entire bizarre story a complete sham they have concocted to make an abduction/wild animal theory sound plausible? Everything about their behavior screams guilty to me.
13 hrs
KIC: X - we feel your pain. In due time the story will come out. Today we cannot comment on this. As well - to all - we have ruled out abduction and wild animal beyond a doubt.
53 mins
C: Klein Investigations and Consulting my heart aches everytime I think of that little boy frown emoticon
43 mins

Q: Do we see a end in sight for the Molly Miller and Colt Haynes case?
Like · Reply · 7 · 13 hrs
KIC: The Molly Miller and Colt Haynes case is still ongoing. We can announce there will be an operation in Oklahoma using specialized dogs in the near future. We will announce that when the operation begins as we do not need crowds (as we have had to deal with) out there while these dogs work.
52 mins
C: Thanks for replying.
24 mins

Q: One more - I've been reading about statement analysis and how it could lead to clues about what happened and where Deorr could be. Do you put stock in this method? The analysis on their first interview has been very interesting.
13 hrs
KIC: Please do not believe everything on the internet.
52 mins

Q: Mr Klein, do you share your findings with X? I am aware she paid your retainer fee, however I thought it was Dennis Deorr Kunz who signed the contract. X seems to allude to the fact that you are sharing your findings with her in many of her posts, so I was wondering why she would be privy to information when she is not in contract with you? I'm just really confused on this.
11 hrs
C: Great Question!
9 hrs
C: As well as X who continues to speak as if he knows all details and is family. These 2 are complete strangers to the family until this tragedy occurred.
6 hrs
C: To add on that why is X so involved if he isn't even family and doesn't even know Deorr or his family before this happened?
2 hrs
C: Just to add on here I never let anyone know anything that's told to me that I am not allowed to share and X is well aware of that. But thanks for being so interested in me everyone
Also it was not just me who paid the retainer fee as my Canadian dollars ended up being 2000 short and that was paid for by a group of wonderful people
As much as everyone has heard such lovely things about me I can assure you that most of that is false. I was just a regular DeOrr Junior supporter until I got Klein hired and then I became under attack by trolls on a daily basis. And yes I apologize I use profanity, I use profanity a lot on a daily basis I shoe horses I'm a redneck I could care less about the feelings of people that are only out to crucify someone without evidence.
I've always been a helper I've always had a way of making people laugh and feel better but I can tell you honestly that I do not get f*cked with whether that be in person or on the Internet.
1 hr
C: I think alot of people would like that answered.
1 hr
KIC: This is a side show. We do not comment on this. We have one focus. To take time to even talk about it (like now) is a waste of time.
52 mins
C: Hopefully once it's answered you guys can go find someone else to go on about. Honestly I don't think it's anyone's business who Klein shares their information with.
52 mins

Q: Mr Klein, in you opinion have the parents lied to law enforcement and/ or to your team?
7 hrs
KIC: X - you just asked the 1 million dollar question. No comment at this time.
51 mins
C: On the flip side, do you feel great grandpa has been truthful in all statements?
46 mins

Q: Thank you Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children for doing this. It does seem there are some "questions" on here by an individual that are not so much as a question, but an agenda. That is JMO
5 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Thank you! Sadly, we expected those.
4 hrs
KIC: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children X - you bring up a great point. There are some which have created web sites, some that have created web pages, and some that simply talk to here themselves talk. We call these folks "hangers" that seemingly thing they know what they know based upon what they think. Let's be clear - there are now five groups that know the true story : LE, FBI, USDOJ Prosecutors, County Prosecutors (2 counties) and our firm. Anything other - is simple rumor. I have promised before and I know in our meetings with LE - when the time comes you all will hear the story. Right now we are all working.
49 mins
C: If everyone in LE knows the true story, then I expect the agencies know exactly where to recover DeOrr once snow conditions allow?
37 mins
C: *
36 mins
C: *
33 mins

Q: Can you explain how poligraphs work and the possibilities for incosistancies? Can we expect the forensic evidence aquired recently and sent off to take as long as the inital items sent?
4 hrs
KIC: I am not a poly guy - but the basis is simple. The machine creates a graph based upon sweat, blood pressure, and heart rate. There are control questions asked in the middle of all questioning - they rate the basis on a 1-99.9 scale. As stated in a question above - the number of polygraphs in this case is huge. Second part, you will hear nothing about the results until the FBI and LE want you to know. We will not comment as well.
46 mins

Q: I would like to ask for an update on Molly Millers case, please.
4 hrs
C: And are the investigators still present in Love/Carter County?
49 mins
KIC: Thanks X for your question - please see above. An operation will be undertaken with dogs being flown in from Georgia very soon. We do not want to annouce it. LE and our firm will be there. No public - and we do not need help regarding this one - we will be working with specialized dogs.
45 mins

Q: Is he (Klien) still doing the QA at 12:00 today? That's what it states on his FB page but I don't see it on here.
4 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Yes, that is correct.
3 hrs
C: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Thank you !
4 hrs
KIC: Again - I apologize I was caught in an investigators conference call.
45 mins

Q: Is it true that JM’s mom disposed of a soiled diaper at the camp ground and was it ever found?
3 hrs
C: Yes it is. No it wasnt
1 hr
KIC: This is part of the timeline. We cannot comment.
44 mins
C: Thank you
39 mins

Q: Why is Sheriff Bowerman saying there is no physical evidence while KIC is stating there is? Why such major discrepancies if they are all working so closely together?
3 hrs
KIC: X - as we have stated - this case is moving very fast. You need to go back and read again what the Sheriff said. What is said today is changing tomorrow as now witnesses continue to come foward and evidence is being processed.
44 mins
C: Mr Klein, I have read and listened to the interviews multiple times. That is why this question puzzles me.... but thank you. My question has been answered.
41 mins

Q: I have read all the questions I don't see this one if its been asked I apologize I would like to know if on the lie director test if they were asked if little deorr is alive? Its a hard questions to ask but important I feel.
3 hrs
KIC: We will leave that to the FBI and LE to announce.
44 mins
C: That just made me sick to my stomach.
23 mins
C: Thank you it was hard for me to ask I understand thank you for taking the time to do this!
22 mins

Q: Mr. Klein, can you tell us if there has been any recent movement in the Molly Miller case, and if so, do you anticipate any news in the near future?
3 hrs
KIC: Yes. Again - this case is still very fluid. Please see my comments above.
43 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Per Mr. Kleins answer above: An operation will be undertaken with dogs being flown in from Georgia very soon. We do not want to annouce it. LE and our firm will be there. No public - and we do not need help regarding this one - we will be working with specialized dogs.
41 mins

Q: Is there anything reason to believe PI Vilt's adoption theory?
3 hrs
KIC: In our opinion - none.
43 mins
C: last shred of hope
37 mins
C: ��
24 mins
C: So heartbreaking
21 mins
C: Highly unlikely. Something happened to that child there that these ADULTS aren't coming forward about, accidental or not.
1 min

Q: Do you think something happened to DeOrr before or after the time stamp on the store receipt?
2 hrs
KIC: This goes to timeline. I can say publicly that we have expanded the timeline down to 8 a.m. and between that hour and 2:26 p.
43 mins

Q: Sorry if this has been asked. When was the last time someone OTHER than Reinwand, Walton, Mitchell and Kunz saw DeOrr?
2 hrs
C: Yeah, and not vague "well, there might have been a child in store" sightings... When was the last time someone definitely saw him in Idaho Falls? The extended family have never said when they last saw him. And did he seem healthy and happy the last time he was seen?
2 hrs
KIC: There are none.
43 mins
C: Thanks.
42 mins
C: Klein Investigations and Consulting Wait - what? Surely the family would have seen him at some point before the trip?
34 mins

Q: Have they checked Jessica and Deorr's home? Or interviewed their other children?
2 hrs
KIC: No comment.
43 mins

Q: Had they taken pictures or video with their cellphones up at the campground before the disappearance? or made calls to anybody?
2 hrs
KIC: No comment.
43 mins

Q: The first private investigator had offered up a 20,000 reward i believe i heard, but the parents didn't want it. if they aren't guilty of anything, what could be their possible reasons for not wanting a reward at that time?
2 hrs
KIC: I cannot comment. Conjecture.
43 mins
C: Thank you for all your hard work Klein Investigations and Consulting!!!
42 mins

C: I had been making many awareness graphics and things for the family in their group Miracles for Little Man. but when all the news the past few weeks came to light my original bad feeling about the parents came back full force and I left the group as I just worry they aren't innocent frown emoticon
2 hrs
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
No more questions after this comment
☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆
We will allow Mr. Klein to answer all the questions he is able to till this point and after he is caught up we will allow more questions if he is able. Thanks!! - Admin
2 hrs

Q: Has one of the 4 that were at the campsite come forward to what happened?
1 hr
KIC: No comment.
40 mins

Q: I don't think I've ever seen this question but to me, it is a huge red flag: Doesn't it seem odd that little Deorr's father states something like he hauled down the road in his truck to get a cell signal? It seems to me that, if a small child was thought to be wandering around, he would be afraid of driving too fast and running the child over.

1 hr
C: So what was he really hauling down the road for?
1 hr
KIC: Again - that is one statement made. There are 8 others as well. It depends on what statement you want to believe.
41 mins

Q: Mr klein is there any new updates onThe miller Case any new evidence? if so can you please do a update thanks!
1 hr
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Per Mr. Kleins answer above: An operation will be undertaken with dogs being flown in from Georgia very soon. We do not want to annouce it. LE and our firm will be there. No public - and we do not need help regarding this one - we will be working with specialized dogs.
35 mins
KIC: please see above.
42 mins
C: Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Your doing a amazing job Mr. KLEIN AND THE TEAM
41 mins

Q: When and where was this picture taken? Has it been established beyond doubt that DeOrr was physically alive and well at timber creek on the morning of July 10th? What exactly was baby DeOrr doing when IR reports that he saw him at 1:00pm on July 10th? We have heard everything from getting ready for a nap, playing near the campsite with his hot wheel car, and sitting in a chair near the fire eating a candybar. Also, is grandpa too infirm to give a witness statement regarding baby DeOrr's presence at the campsite on July 10th at 1:00pm?
Photo of DeOrr in shorts in the water holding a stick.jpg
1 hr
KIC: Lot's questions X. No comment of the details. The grandfather did give 4 statements. Again - it depends on which statement you want to believe.
43 mins
C: That SPECIFIC picture is at Bear Lake Idaho, I live five miles from the lake...
25 mins

KIC: I am here - sorry I am late. Let's get started.
1 hr
C:How close are we from justice for Molly Miller?
1 hr
C: Thank you for the time!
1 hr
C: Thank you for the Q&A Klein Investigations and Consulting and Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children.
44 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Jeremy Sanner Per Mr. Kleins answer above: An operation will be undertaken with dogs being flown in from Georgia very soon. We do not want to annouce it. LE and our firm will be there. No public - and we do not need help regarding this one - we will be working with specialized dogs.
45 mins
C:Thank you for taking the time answer questions I know this case is so hard for everyone and so many emotions I rather it take as much time as needed for the case to be prosecuted right .I appreciate you taking time to try to answer so many questions I have faith you along with le are doing a great job and will be resolved thank you again .
33 mins

Q: When the weather is nicer will you guys search for Deorr again in the mountains :(???/
1 hr
C: Is there any signs that Baby Deorr was ever abused or neglected prior to this camping trip?
1 hr
C: Really wish he answered this..
16 mins

Q: Again I ask about the boy from cali was dna done to prove it wasn't deorr if not will there be and how do we know for 100 percent beyond doubt it isn't him
1 hr
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children That question was asked above and he will get to answering that I'm sure. Thanks
1 hr
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Link to interview with Sheriff Bowerman:
1 hr
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Link to interview with KID radio with Mr . Klein :
C: Thankyou for these links!!
59 mins

Q: Is the investigation open to the possibility that little Deorr never returned to the campsite following the trip to the store on Sunday.
49 mins
C: Were Jessica"s other children at the camp site? If not where were they? I apologize if this has been asked/answered before.
46 mins
C: The older 2 were not there. Jessica doesn't have custody of her other 2 kids. They were with their father.
56 mins
C: Thank you.
56 mins
C: X hum why does she not have custody of the other 2 children?
31 mins

Q: What happened to the DNA in the knife that was found in the Molly Miller & Colt Haynes case??
44 mins
C: I was wondering about the snake river slip up made by little deor Jr dad
43 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children He answers that above.
40 mins
C: Where was this question answered by klein? Im not seeing it anywhere
19 mins

Q: Klein says that they are on the same page with LE, does that mean the evidence they have recieved points toward parents being suspects as well? Does he think Isaac will be a suspect? Do you think Bowerman is correct for downplaying Isaacs role in this case?
38 mins

Q: Has Deorr's pediatrician been talked to?
38 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Great question imo. Hopefully, Mr.Klein will have time to answer this. I don't know how HIPAA laws would effect this. frown emoticon
35 mins
C: Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children thanks! yeah HIPAA is so strict so it probably can't happen but I wasn't certain!
46 mins

Q: Was DeOrr seen at the Silver Dollar Restaurant and Bar with the adults on July 9th?
35 mins
KIC: Thank you very much for your questions. My best to everyone. Please pray for the missing. Pray for their familes. And please continue to support groups like this. Our best to all. Philip R. Klein, TPLI-PPO / Lead Investigator
31 mins
C: Thanks Philip! Keep up the great work! I wish you the best of luck in Finding little DeOrr, Molly, Colt and all the other missing persons whom you are searching for.
39 mins
C: Thank you KIC for taking the time out to answer our questions ,, praying this case comes to an end soon and justice is served for the sake of lil DeOrr
35 mins
C: Thank you very much, Mr. Klein for answering these questions.
34 mins
C: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing to find baby Deorr! Thanks again for answering our questions
28 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Mr. Klein we appreciate your time so much. Thank you so much for helping clear up rumors and speculation. As you can see we stopped questions to be sure everyone's question got answered and that you had time to answer. I'm sure their will be more questions posted as there were some posted after the comment of no more questions. Again, thank you so much for your time and efforts you are putting forth to find baby Deorr. -Admin
19 mins

C: Thank you for taking your time to answer our questions.
26 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children From X: "Were drugs involved?"
I will ask Mr. Klein, in your investigation, do you feel like drugs were involved?
25 mins
C: Are there any searches on or around the mountain for Deorr Jr currently in progress or is it viewed as useless until the snow melts?
24 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children X law enforcement has been up there in snow mobiles. Please see post of interview with Sheriff Bowerman above. He states snow is a factor in the search not being able to take place currently.
21 mins
C: Thank you! I missed that interview...I'll review it now.
32 mins
Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children No problem. Thank you!
26 mins

Bella's Friends: Unidentified and Missing Children Thank you all so much for all the questions and for being respectful of Mr. Klein's time. We appreciate all of you so much. Hopefully, this q and a helped clear up some speculation and rumors...and above all helped get questions answered.
5 mins

I have to agree at this point. I just have not seen or read anything that makes me think the boy even made it to the campsite.

Which is really going to make it tough on LE + FBI + Klein. They may have to keep bumping the timeline back even further and further until someone can pinpoint when he was last seen alive.

I have always believed he DID make it to the campsite ... but after reading the q&a, I'm not sure of anything. I am inclining more and more towards something heinous happened to that little boy, and those two people know, and certain people in their lives are enabling them and failing little DeOrr, who should have been protected and cherished by at least one person in his world. I'm disgusted.

And yes, I'm reminded of both little Chance and Bella. I wish I wasn't.
Another thought in light of the revelations today is what were the drones recording back at the end of July? It was so odd that they talked of trials back then.

I thought that, too, at the time. They never released any of the drone information, but would only say the evidence gathered would be used at future trials. :hills:
Apart from the 4 at the campsite, you mean? AFAIK none of the family have said when they last saw DeOrr before the camping trip...

Has anyone asked Klein yet? He's doing a question and answer shortly.

Eta this was in reference to who last saw DeOrr alive.

I meant "at all". The LAST PERSON....campsite or no campsite.
OT: I am also glad to see progress being made the the MollyMiller/Colt Haynes case too.

I saw a flyer for Molly at my local Walmart.
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