ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #19

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I hope the parents are shaking in their boots.... Waiting for a knock on the door.

I hope so, too. I wouldn't think Klein would agree to do this Q&A without first vetting it with law enforcement. Hopefully they are getting closer to a press conference and arrest. I have a hunch...
Anybody have an theorys about what they think may have happened? I have my own

Other than the sad realization that he most likely is no longer with us, I keep drawing a blank when trying to figure out what could have happened.

Because any sort of normal and honest accident then 911 should have been called immediately even if the accident resulted in death. So the only thing that would warrant a coverup of this magnitude likely means some serious wrongdoing.

For example, lets speculate someone was driving drunk and wrecked the vehicle and the boy died in a car accident while driving drunk. Well then that would only be 2 people at most trying to cover that up. So what situation would involve all 4 people agreeing to coverup his death.

I don't know anybody who would be willing to risk going to jail and help in a coverup except for 2 possibilities.
1-The other 2 there were somehow culpable in the boys death too and are willing to help in coverup because of that. OR
2-They were fooled by the parents into thinking the boy was really alive there at the campground and by the time they realized they were duped they got talked into helping with the coverup.

I am leaning toward #2 but even with that I would have thought they would have fessed up by now if they were not culpable in the boys death. Nobody wants to go to jail for someone else's wrongdoing. Not even relatives and good friends.

This makes this really scare me. Now I see why others are scared of how bad this could be. Ugggggg.
I hope so, too. I wouldn't think Klein would agree to do this Q&A without first vetting it with law enforcement. Hopefully they are getting closer to a press conference and arrest. I have a hunch...

Go on, what's your hunch, CC?
Anybody have an theorys about what they think may have happened? I have my own

No theories about what happened.

But I do think that truck drivers have unique opportunities when it comes to getting rid of things.
ok, so Klein said 3 cell phone calls.. jessica, vernal and grandpa. Funny that Jessica and grandpa could get cell phone signals and Vernal had to haul off 1/2 mile.
I'm with you. I can honestly admit this is the first time I've had a sinking feeling in regards to this case.

I'm with you both, I had already gotten bad vibes, but it's much worse after today's Q & A.

I'm also wondering if something was going on in Idaho Falls prior to this incident. And if they knew IR before this trip why lie about that, what was going on that would need to be covered up ?
That's what I mean. The crime happened maybe at home in Idaho Falls and the disposal up at the campsite. Maybe the trip was planned, or maybe it wasn't.

I really even hate to speculate, but after today's Q&A with Klein, all sorts of ideas are coming into my head.

You really want to know what I think? The ONLY way these 4 adults could be in cahoots together in a cover up is if their was molestation going on. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR FEELING LIKE I NEED TO SAY THIS, BUT...could the feds be involved because the crime involved a molestation ring and these 4 were involved? It makes me sick even typing that...God, no. :-(

I didn't want to say it either, but I was thinking it. :(
Why would you bother making things so complicated, though. It makes no sense. Why travel so far and involve unnecessary people? It makes much more risky. And why didn't they get their stories straight in advance, if that was the case? If he had already passed before the camping trip, they could have just staged an abduction at home... I woke up and he was gone, or I was distracted in the kitchen and he somehow managed to open the front door and wander off...

Didn't Klein also say before that the case would be prosecuted in Lemhi County, not Bonneville and at the Federal level? I just remembered this, sorry I don't have the link .
Other than the sad realization that he most likely is no longer with us, I keep drawing a blank when trying to figure out what could have happened.

Because any sort of normal and honest accident then 911 should have been called immediately even if the accident resulted in death. So the only thing that would warrant a coverup of this magnitude likely means some serious wrongdoing.

For example, lets speculate someone was driving drunk and wrecked the vehicle and the boy died in a car accident while driving drunk. Well then that would only be 2 people at most trying to cover that up. So what situation would involve all 4 people agreeing to coverup his death.

I don't know anybody who would be willing to risk going to jail and help in a coverup except for 2 possibilities.
1-The other 2 there were somehow culpable in the boys death too and are willing to help in coverup because of that. OR
2-They were fooled by the parents into thinking the boy was really alive there at the campground and by the time they realized they were duped they got talked into helping with the coverup.

I am leaning toward #2 but even with that I would have thought they would have fessed up by now if they were not culpable in the boys death. Nobody wants to go to jail for someone else's wrongdoing. Not even relatives and good friends.

This makes this really scare me. Now I see why others are scared of how bad this could be. Ugggggg.

I didn't want to post # 1 b/c it is just so awful, but I couldn't help but wonder about it. [emoji17] I actually had it typed out about 15 times and decided against it each time.
Other than the sad realization that he most likely is no longer with us, I keep drawing a blank when trying to figure out what could have happened.

Because any sort of normal and honest accident then 911 should have been called immediately even if the accident resulted in death. So the only thing that would warrant a coverup of this magnitude likely means some serious wrongdoing.

For example, lets speculate someone was driving drunk and wrecked the vehicle and the boy died in a car accident while driving drunk. Well then that would only be 2 people at most trying to cover that up. So what situation would involve all 4 people agreeing to coverup his death.

I don't know anybody who would be willing to risk going to jail and help in a coverup except for 2 possibilities.
1-The other 2 there were somehow culpable in the boys death too and are willing to help in coverup because of that. OR
2-They were fooled by the parents into thinking the boy was really alive there at the campground and by the time they realized they were duped they got talked into helping with the coverup.

I am leaning toward #2 but even with that I would have thought they would have fessed up by now if they were not culpable in the boys death. Nobody wants to go to jail for someone else's wrongdoing. Not even relatives and good friends.

This makes this really scare me. Now I see why others are scared of how bad this could be. Ugggggg.

That's what I'm leaning towards too. I don't know about the other details, but I don't think IR and GGP were in on it or did anything to harm DeOrr.
I meant "at all". The LAST PERSON....campsite or no campsite.

Q: Sorry if this has been asked. When was the last time someone OTHER than Reinwand, Walton, Mitchell and Kunz saw DeOrr?
2 hrs
C: Yeah, and not vague "well, there might have been a child in store" sightings... When was the last time someone definitely saw him in Idaho Falls? The extended family have never said when they last saw him. And did he seem healthy and happy the last time he was seen?
2 hrs
KIC: There are none.
If the parents have taken 9 polygraphs between them (per Klein), then one of them must have taken an extra one. That must be the person who has broken down and told the truth!

(I believe that SB said they had each taken 4. Someone took one more...)
Klein's response here was worded weirdly to me:

I kept reading that he says the timeline is from 8am to the time of the time stamp on the receipt, and from that time until 2:26.
SB says the timeline is 4 hours, KIC is going with 3. Wouldn't this statement expand it to almost 7.5?

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Q: Sorry if this has been asked. When was the last time someone OTHER than Reinwand, Walton, Mitchell and Kunz saw DeOrr?
2 hrs
C: Yeah, and not vague "well, there might have been a child in store" sightings... When was the last time someone definitely saw him in Idaho Falls? The extended family have never said when they last saw him. And did he seem healthy and happy the last time he was seen?
2 hrs
KIC: There are none.

So no one's ever seen him. He never existed. Thanks Mr. Klein, very helpful. Clear as mud.
Other than the sad realization that he most likely is no longer with us, I keep drawing a blank when trying to figure out what could have happened.

Because any sort of normal and honest accident then 911 should have been called immediately even if the accident resulted in death. So the only thing that would warrant a coverup of this magnitude likely means some serious wrongdoing.

For example, lets speculate someone was driving drunk and wrecked the vehicle and the boy died in a car accident while driving drunk. Well then that would only be 2 people at most trying to cover that up. So what situation would involve all 4 people agreeing to coverup his death.

I don't know anybody who would be willing to risk going to jail and help in a coverup except for 2 possibilities.
1-The other 2 there were somehow culpable in the boys death too and are willing to help in coverup because of that. OR
2-They were fooled by the parents into thinking the boy was really alive there at the campground and by the time they realized they were duped they got talked into helping with the coverup.

I am leaning toward #2 but even with that I would have thought they would have fessed up by now if they were not culpable in the boys death. Nobody wants to go to jail for someone else's wrongdoing. Not even relatives and good friends.

This makes this really scare me. Now I see why others are scared of how bad this could be. Ugggggg.

It could be that they were all doing something illegal and something fatal happened to DeOrr (likely a result of negligence or worse...) and in order to cover everyone's butts they got rid of the body and claimed he just disappeared. Perhaps DK had IR assist him with the deed (burying him or whatever) to further implicate him and help insure he (IR) would be quiet (because he'd be an accomplice at that point). I don't know.... just a thought.... I'm very concerned about the lack of sightings of DeOrr, though, which leads me to question if he was even at the campground and takes me in an entirely different direction. :-(
So no one's ever seen him. He never existed. Thanks Mr. Klein, very helpful. Clear as mud.
That's what I got from it, also. Did JM & DKS kidnap the California kid for a few months, but then returned him? Everything else about this is ridiculous. Thought I'd throw something obscure into the ring, too.[emoji16]

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I cling to the photo of baby DeOrr with his mummy - he looked happy and loved in that one - unlike the photo of baby Chance - who probably never learnt how to smile - ever. That thought and the photo of Chance looking into the camera as if to say "save me" will haunt me to my dying day. Am thinking DeOrr at least knew some happiness - didn't he?
If the parents have taken 9 polygraphs between them (per Klein), then one of them must have taken an extra one. That must be the person who has broken down and told the truth!

(I believe that SB said they had each taken 4. Someone took one more...)

That 5th test would be to confirm that they are indeed now telling the truth. It would make sense and my guess would be JM given she hasn't got a lawyer (yet).
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