That is so neat you have studied them. I have been fascinated with Wolves just from what little I have read about them. I have never lived near a state that had any.
For this case when I read that searches spotted a wolf I had thought it was a lone wolf. Now I am shocked to hear that there are 15 wolves in the area. I suppose I should have expected more since I do know they are a pack animal.
There are 3 questions I would have for this case about the wolves.
1-Is it possible that 15 wolf pack has learned that this camping area sometimes has lefover food from the campers and they would visit it often for scraps?
2-If the boy had managed to walk off on his own and got far enough away from camp where he was isolated by himself, then wouldnt it be rather likely that they would go ahead and attack him?
3-If the boy was attacked by the 15 pack of wolves somewhere not too far from campsite, do the wolves drag off their prey to a safer more secluded spot to feed on it OR would they be more likely to just feed on their kill right where they killed the prey?