ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #3

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Someone posted on the Help Find Deorr FB page about a strange sighting (at a convenience store) of 2 "very smelly" older men in a red and gray pickup truck with matching camper, toting around a large amount of kids (both boys and girls of various ages) - the boys just wearing PJ pants. The kids apparently looked "scared or hopeless." Some kids came into the store, while others were still out in the car. This was in Benton City, WA (Southeastern WA State, not far from the Idaho border). Has anyone else seen this post? Does it seem strange/suspicious to you?

I saw that post several days ago. Yes it does seem very strange and creepy. Not necessarily tied to DeOrr, but something I hope LE looked into. I checked around at the time and didn't see any news reports about it.
Hi everyone.

The items he never separated himself from were in the truck. If he was napping in there I doubt he would have been able to open the door by himself. If he was able to, I would think he would have called out if he didn't see his parents or great grandfather. Was the truck door open or closed when he was discovered missing? If his parents opened the door for him upon arrival, one would think he would have grabbed his blanket and other items. If he was napping and was able to open the door, I don't think he would have closed it after getting out. If he was in the truck and abducted, an abductor would not have closed the door after removing him from the truck lest someone hear the door close. I also don't think an abductor would just lie in wait and hope for the chance to abduct a child with not knowing if a child would ever arrive. If he was outside the truck without his belongings, I would think that a wild animal grabbing him would have caused some sort of confusion with him yelling out in horror or pain.

I recently saw a TV show where a professional tracker was brought in. He was amazing and 100% spot-on. It was amazing in that he was able to track footprints on gravel and over stones. Sadly, scene would be highly compromised by now.

None of this makes any sense and it's driving me nuts.
It was two different stores on two different days. The clerk at the store in Leadore said she saw him on July 10, the day he went missing. The possible sighting in Ammon was on Monday, three days later.

Interesting though, because I believe the family has ties to Ammon.

Oh, ok. Missed that!! Thank you! I guess the sightings and times at the Leadore store are still ambiguous then.
Lots of non-conpliant sex offenders in Montana within close proximity to Idaho. Could it be possible someone went off radar and relocated to the area?
I know it seems unlikely, but in other cases I have followed on Websleuths, every angle is investigated.
None of this case makes sense. I don't think I would rule out even the most unlikely explanations at this point but that's just my opinion.
Does anyone know if this was a spur of the moment trip or was it planned for a while?

That's just it. We don't know anything. I wondered the same thing. I also wondered if they had ever camped at that location before. Were they familiar with the area? We just don't have those details, as far as I know. There had to be a certain amount of planning to have GGP and friend along though.
I also wondered if they had ever camped at that location before. Were they familiar with the area?

In the interview Deorr Sr. states he was not familiar with the area and expressed his concerns about Deorr Jr. and the creek prior to the trip.
Hi All....

Apologies if this has already been answered, but does anyone know roughly how many feet from the campsite (like the firepit) to the closest creek edge??

Like if our little guy walked himself....what was the distance?

In the interview Deorr Sr. states he was not familiar with the area and expressed his concerns about Deorr Jr. and the creek prior to the trip.

Hmmm... expressed it to who, I wonder. Deorr's mom? GGP? Who chose that spot? If concerned about the creek (and I can certainly see why, with a toddler), then why not just choose a different spot? Or if you decide to stay, despite your concerns, maybe watch him like a hawk once you are there, after you clearly see the dangers of the steep drop off to the creek. Sorry, these are just my rambling thoughts.
That's just it. We don't know anything. I wondered the same thing. I also wondered if they had ever camped at that location before. Were they familiar with the area? We just don't have those details, as far as I know.

Actually we do, in the interview Deorr Sr. states:

"And not knowing where he was in such a small area and not knowing, never been there I knew I was in trouble".
Hmmm... expressed it to who, I wonder. Deorr's mom? GGP? Who chose that spot? If concerned about the creek (and I can certainly see why, with a toddler), then why not just choose a different spot? Or if you decide to stay, despite your concerns, maybe watch him like a hawk once you are there, after you clearly see the dangers of the steep drop off to the creek. Sorry, these are just my rambling thoughts.

I believe SleuthMom was saying that he expressed his concerns during the interview. Here is a rough quote from the interview: DeOrr Sr. said "He's pretty small for his age but he moves pretty good, and that was our concern. He, uh, was right with us, where it's at, I mean I thought it would be perfect to go camping there because it's enclosed by walls and mountains, and there's not much space around there he could go, and our biggest concern was the creek, which was knee deep and a few feet wide, but he's a little guy."
Hmmm... expressed it to who, I wonder. Deorr's mom? GGP? Who chose that spot? If concerned about the creek (and I can certainly see why, with a toddler), then why not just choose a different spot? Or if you decide to stay, despite your concerns, maybe watch him like a hawk once you are there, after you clearly see the dangers of the steep drop off to the creek. Sorry, these are just my rambling thoughts.

Deorr Sr. stated:

"He's pretty small for his age but he moves pretty good and that was our concern. He was right with us...

thought it would be perfect to go camp in there because it is enclosed by walls and mountains and there is no much space around that he could go and our biggest concern was the creek which was knee-deep few feet wide but he's a little guy..."

The Parents are "OFF LIMITS". They haven't been named a POI/Suspect. Please stop with the insinuations.

I think that it was mentioned in the interview with the GM that it was a favorite place of GGP to camp,
I thought of Deorr yesterday while visiting a friend. She yelled to her daughter to "get her camo jacket" as she was going to wash it. The daughter returned with a hideous pink camo hoodie. The reason I thought of Deorr is because he was reported to be wearing a camo jacket, blue pajama bottoms and camo boots when he went missing. I have seen a few pics of him in in what appears to be a fleece camo brown/green jacket. Has it been confirmed that is what he was wearing and if the "oversized" cowboy boots were truly children's boots and just a size or more too big for him (and he didn't step into a pair of an adults boots that were at the campsite and start toddling around in them)? The pic of the little boy in large cowboy boots that was linked to a few pages back made me think of that.

Since camo jackets (and other apparel) come in the old-school brown/green colors as well as orange, pink, blue and who knows what other color "camo" patterns these days, it would be helpful to know exactly what Deorr was wearing when he was last seen. In many missing children's cases they show pics of the exact outfits the children were last seen in (or pics of exact or close replicas) but I have not seen that yet in this case.

One frustration with this case is the obvious lack of forthcoming information. While I can understand LE withholding certain info, there is no reason that I can think of to not release as much description detail as possible that might aid in locating the child, especially from the parents.

Their silence is most unusual to me. As far as I know there have been no appearances on the Today Show or Good Morning America as you usually see in these cases, especially while the case is in the early stages.

I too have seen the pictures of him wearing a fleece camo jacket. How hard would it be to say this is similar to the jacket he was wearing or even the exact one? Or as in some cases, find a stock picture of a similar outfit.

The same with the cowboy boots. They have said they are "oversized" camo boots. What does that even mean? Oversized can be interrupted different ways as we have seen on here...child boots that are a little loose? Or way too big to the point of falling off or even an adult boot he was playing in? Or the right size but oversized as in higher on the top than the average boot? Again, it seems finding a picture of similar boots would not be that hard to do.

I just find the lack of obvious details that might help lead to discovery of what happened to this baby not only frustrating, but I also question the motive behind it. I am not referring to things that could hamper an investigation. But if this were my baby missing I would be screaming out every bit of detail that I could get out to the public to anyone that would listen. Perhaps LE has just advised them to be quiet since the speculation is hampering the investigation.
How can the sheriff know 100% SURE that this baby isn't in the creek? The pictures i saw were of rushing water.. is that the creek? if so, then where does that rushing water go? River? Lake? I am new here so this may have been asked and answered 100 times already. After hearing such statements of hyperbole from the sheriff and others associated with the investigation i am thinking there is some psychological game going on here. Should I be reading between the lines? Are you?
How can the sheriff know 100% SURE that this baby isn't in the creek? The pictures i saw were of rushing water.. is that the creek? if so, then where does that rushing water go? River? Lake? I am new here so this may have been asked and answered 100 times already. After hearing such statements of hyperbole from the sheriff and others associated with the investigation i am thinking there is some psychological game going on here. Should I be reading between the lines? Are you?

Personally, I am not 100% sure that he is not in the water. Did the sheriff say that? I recalled during the interview he was asked and the first word he uttered was "Ummm". I know Deorr Sr. stated that the sheriff said that but this is what the sheriff said in an interview:

On a side note, can anyone who knows the family personally tell them about the wrong description about Deorr's eye color in the Missing and Exploited Children web site? I saw a few people telling the family but they did not say anything, perhaps someone who knows them can reach out to them? This is VITAL information.
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