ID - DeOrr Kunz, Jr., 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #30

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This is a great thought. Couldnt LE pin down if he was close to her or not when they were both talking to 911 at the same time? Maybe LE has. If not, they should try to do this.
From a bit of googling I am guessing that If V had a GPS phone E-9-1-1 would report his phone's exact GPS location.
But if he had a non-GPS phone E-9-1-1 would only report mast location, which would be useful only to automatically route the call to the relevant 911 call center (Salmon).
In the current theories of LE and PI investigations, as far as they have been released, what is the most likely time, and place, that something critical happened to the child?

5. We have now, due to the testimony of all witnesses including store employees, clerks, beer distribution drives, fuel handlers, and credible witnesses that have given credible testimony, that we cannot find any person that saw the child go up to the mountain either the day of the event – or the evening before. We therefore are now moving our timeline of the event back to 5 p.m. of the day before the 911 call was made.

The following are the hits (limited) :

1. “Diaper Tree Area” – This is the area to which it was testified that “a diaper” was hung in the tree in the campground.
2. 139 Feet East of the Cattle Guard in the camp ground – in a loose ground area.
3. 10 Feet Due East of camp site.
4. 2.24 miles due Northeast of the 15 mp stake, in the ravine near 221 southeast fence.
5. Camp site ground .75 miles due East of the camp ground.

Area 1 : There was no evidence obtained.
Area 2 : Excavation was undertaken by LE and KIC – this area needs to be further exhumed and was turned over to Law Enforcement for further investigation by their team.
Area 3 : This area was excavated by hand – and found that a previous animal had been buried at this location. During the burial the subject who did the burial cut his hand and bled into a towel wrapped around the animal.
Area 4 : Investigators have turned this area over to law enforcement.
Area 5 : Investigators believe this site may have been a “holding site” for some type of human body.

There was no other evidence found.
The 911 calls are, by definition, the very first statements, so all three are very important.
We websleuths, working with only one of them, are working with a third of a pack.
In Idaho, audio of 911 calls can be requested under the FOIA.
5. We have now, due to the testimony of all witnesses including store employees, clerks, beer distribution drives, fuel handlers, and credible witnesses that have given credible testimony, that we cannot find any person that saw the child go up to the mountain either the day of the event – or the evening before. We therefore are now moving our timeline of the event back to 5 p.m. of the day before the 911 call was made.
Great. Would that enable one to state something like this?
The critical event which happened to the child, definitely happened sometime within the period between 5pm Thursday and 2.28pm Friday.
Is it possible to narrow that period down? Does it need extending in either direction? All improvements welcome.
After time comes place. Is it possible to make any sort of conclusion about the geographical area within which the critical event, whatever it was, happened? Here are a few examples
? Definitely within 100 yards of the campsite.
? Definitely within 2 miles of the campsite.
? Definitely within 2 miles of the campsite or within 100 yards of the road between Leadore and the campsite.
? Definitely somewhere in Idaho.
The 911 calls are, by definition, the very first statements, so all three are very important.
We websleuths, working with only one of them, are working with a third of a pack.
In Idaho, audio of 911 calls can be requested under the FOIA.

Perhaps FOIA wouldn't apply IF "foul play" is suspected and/or IF "a" 911 call is determined to be possible evidence for a future criminal proceeding? But then again, perhaps the new Sheriff may feel differently and may agree to release VDK's 911 call.


Tricia: Do you think the 911 calls will be made public soon? Can a citizen request copies of them now?

Bowerman: I believe one has already been released and that was in the early stages of just him being missing, but now that we’ve determined that there’s possible foul play, I’ve asked my Dispatch Commander not to release any more copies of that but there are copies out there because I think it could be…it could be evidence.
Perhaps FOIA wouldn't apply IF "foul play" is suspected and/or IF "a" 911 call is determined to be possible evidence for a future criminal proceeding? But then again, perhaps the new Sheriff may feel differently and may agree to release VDK's 911 call.


Tricia: Do you think the 911 calls will be made public soon? Can a citizen request copies of them now?

Bowerman: I believe one has already been released and that was in the early stages of just him being missing, but now that we’ve determined that there’s possible foul play, I’ve asked my Dispatch Commander not to release any more copies of that but there are copies out there because I think it could be…it could be evidence.
Thankyou fo finding that TxJan1971. Useful. Is it possible that the PI's, like us, have access to only the one 911 call and not the others? If I had all 3 recordings my questions would be;
Exactly how many minutes was it from end of V call to end of J call? Is there engine noise in background of V call? Are there any background voices in V call? How was the question "how long has he been missing?" answered in the V and GGP calls?
Great. Would that enable one to state something like this?
The critical event which happened to the child, definitely happened sometime within the period between 5pm Thursday and 2.28pm Friday.
Is it possible to narrow that period down? Does it need extending in either direction? All improvements welcome.

I'm not versed (!! :blushing: ) but for me it would be more logical if the "event" took place before 5pm Thursday.
I'm not versed (!! :blushing: ) but for me it would be more logical if the "event" took place before 5pm Thursday.

If the critical event took place before arrival at the campsite it was illogical for 3 people to, almost simultaneously, call 911 many hours later.
I'm not versed (!! :blushing: ) but for me it would be more logical if the "event" took place before 5pm Thursday.
Great but what is the earliest possible day and time, in your opinion?
Also based on what they have publicly stated what is the earliest possible day and time in LE and in PI's current states of knowledge?
In the full 911 recording I now realize that "John...I ma(de the call)" is at 0:43 which is before V call began (V call reportedly began about 2 mins into J call).
In the background after "I ma(de the call)" is a different voice, and there is only one word of it which is clear enough to understand, the word "yes" at 0:49.
Is that sufficient to accurately identify the speaker with a high degree of accuracy?

I don't think Vernal's call began after J's call, ..rather before her call. When listening to the unedited 911 call, I hear another operator talking to a Vernal, and it sounds to me as if that call is ending, rather than beginning. .

Also KIC reported that there were 3 911 calls, and the times as, 2:22, 2:26, and 2:28.
KIC also said that (at a different time) V's call was first, J's second, and GGPA, 3.
I don't have the links handy, but this information can be found in our threads in late Jan. & Feb.

We know that J.'s call was at 2:28. KIC's 911 info leaves me confused.

Sheriff B. has said that there are are copies of the 911 calls out there, however after the parents were named suspects, he said that they would no longer be released, as they could be possible evidence.
Thankyou fo finding that TxJan1971. Useful. Is it possible that the PI's, like us, have access to only the one 911 call and not the others? If I had all 3 recordings my questions would be;
Exactly how many minutes was it from end of V call to end of J call? Is there engine noise in background of V call? Are there any background voices in V call? How was the question "how long has he been missing?" answered in the V and GGP calls?



Q: Why has Deorr Sr.'s 911 call not been released to the public, when Jessica's was?

Klein Investigations and Consulting That is not a question for us and more for LE. We will not release it. We are in possession of all of the 911 calls.
If the critical event took place before arrival at the campsite it was illogical for 3 people to, almost simultaneously, call 911 many hours later.
Probably, in the theory that it happened before arrival at campsite, the 3 calls would be explained as being all faked as part of a conspiracy? Needing 4 people in on it to make it work, and involving an intricately strange cover up plan, which is MOO a ridiculously complicated theory.
I am mentioning the AC case in NT Australia, strictly not for discussion here, but because it is the best example of an investigation which incorrectly completely ruled out a simple correct solution, and instead proceeded to create a ridiculously complicated theory, which was found many years later to be absolutely incorrect.
The solution to the DK case will, I suggest, be a simple solution, not a highly complicated one.


Q: Why has Deorr Sr.'s 911 call not been released to the public, when Jessica's was?

Klein Investigations and Consulting That is not a question for us and more for LE. We will not release it. We are in possession of all of the 911 calls.

Thankyou again TxJan1971. Looks like an FOIA would possibly be rejected.
Another thing I would put on wish list would be release of the helicopter FLIR videos. TBAR have released videos of some other searches, but I guess won't release DK FLIR until the case is solved.
It would be interesting to see the early search in progress, and too see how many IR sources are visible in the woods.
If the critical event took place before arrival at the campsite it was illogical for 3 people to, almost simultaneously, call 911 many hours later.
Not if it was all a rouse and or coverup. These people are not playing with full logic to begin with, if they were then we would not be discussing this case.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Real examples
"I've been towing a trailer off my CanAm Spyder"
"I have a 1989 Bronco and want to tow my camper off the bumper hitch"
"I tow off a 4.8 litre petrol Grand Cherokee"

In the real-life colloquial language Americans actually speak, in the context of vehicles and trailers......
"off" frequently means "hitched to"
Real examples
"I've been towing a trailer off my CanAm Spyder"
"I have a 1989 Bronco and want to tow my camper off the bumper hitch"
"I tow off a 4.8 litre petrol Grand Cherokee"

In the real-life colloquial language Americans actually speak, in the context of vehicles and trailers......
"off" frequently means "hitched to"

If the critical event took place before arrival at the campsite it was illogical for 3 people to, almost simultaneously, call 911 many hours later.

MOO: The "event" took place, there was fear of jailtime plus subsequences for more than one person and fear of losing reputation (family name), when the shock subsided (!!) someone with a mentally awake and also criminal mind began orchestrating a cover up. The cover up included taking IR on this very important trip and also included to call 911 soon after a trip "as a family" to Leadore. The smart orchestrator surely didn't plan to have 3 - three! - calls to 911 but each of the callers wanted to have the call done as soon as possible and urgently wanted to deliver her/his perfect spectacle as soon as possible. Even professional actors have a stage fright before their performance, so I think these 3 callers had it even more and thoroughly got in each other's way with their 911-act. Then they calmed down again because anyway the "event" was long gone and their nerves were relatively strong. Now they waited for the arrival of LE to act on their 2. part (to win an Oscar one day perhaps).
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