ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #7

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True. I guess the PI's comment combined with the comments made by TBC lead me to believe that they did arrive on Thursday. I don't understand why it's a big deal and why it hasn't been clarified at some point in the past month. Maybe the dad called in sick for work on Thursday or something like that. The only opther reasons for wanting to alter the timeline are probably sinister, IMO.

I don't believe anyone is trying to alter the timeline.
Does anyone else think the family has a deal with East Idaho News? I don't think it involves money, because EIN is such a small newspaper. It seems like something like "If you give us exclusives, we will only write positive things". Maybe those words were never actually said, but they figured that they can get the parents to talk to them if they never write anything negative and develop a relationship with the parents? I wonder if EIN is hoping for this story to be their big break. I feel like they try to act buddy-buddy with the parents, but they are a company that is looking for ratings and sensationalism when it comes down to it.
I don't believe anyone is trying to alter the timeline.

No one is trying to establish a correct timeline either, apparently. Letting everyone think they arrived on Friday seems misleading to me, but I guess that's just my opinion.
This is what he said: "they went into town the morning after they arrived to pick a few groceries up"

"the morning after they arrived" not "IN the morning after they arrived" or just "in the morning" or "later in the morning"

The pharse "the morning after" means the next day.

There is no other interpretation, in my opinion.

Thank you Desert-blue. That is what I heard in the interview.

Sorry, to the newcomers that thought my post was directed at them. I didn't mean it that way at all. It's great to have fresh minds join the discussion!
No one is trying to establish a correct timeline either, apparently. Letting everyone think they arrived on Friday seems misleading to me, but I guess that's just my opinion.

I agree.

The whole way the interviews and news about this case has come out seemed to be lacking details of what actually happened. Simple but very important details.
What exact day and time did they arrive at the campsite?
How many vehicles were taken there and who drove with who?
When he first went missing, did anyone leave in a vehicle?

The impression I got was things were purposely vague. Its just so bizarre because instead of this type of information being volunteered to help find the boy, it is like any information has to be pried out.

I dont understand why it is that way but it just doesnt feel normal.

I am just so glad we heard the FBI has the case. I put all my hope in them and only them.

Because there was rumors that the Sheriff had some sort of ties to the family so whenever there is bias in a case it just raises red flags that maybe certain things were not handled properly or investigated thoroughly enough.

And I can no longer trust the PI because of same reason. He has admitted personal ties so there is a declared bias right from the PI himself.
Hey everyone, I am just wondering, now that they have a tip line through the PI, will all of the information they receive be passed onto the FBI? How does that work? Are tips passed on at the PI's discretion, or are they required to pass on all info. This seems like it could cause some serious problems in terms of an official investigation. Sorry for my ignorance, I am not familiar with how PI's work. Thanks in advance!

That bit reminds me of the Madeleine McCann case, when the parents wanted all tips and calls to go straight to their private investigators, not through Police. Look how that ended up.
Thanks to those that linked the full interview. I didn't know about it!

There is so much to talk about from this interview but this is WOW IMO.

EIN: ..the GF, the friend, and um, thusfar, no suspects have been named. In the majority of cases is it, of abductions, is it normally somebody that knows the child? Or is it a stranger?

PI: Normally, it could be a, a, friend of a friend, of the family. Like normally break-ins, house burglaries, if somebody has been there before, and then but, is there friends there? With uh, with DEORR'S mom and dad, (clear throat) course they're suspect, in fact maybe they had a, there was an accident, and they decided to cover the accident up, because they couldn't explain the accident, so let's just bury the body and say he's missing, we have no idea...that, that investigation was a zero, that uh, there's no probability of that, so they want to do the people they have in hand first investigate because sometimes there are sinister things that occur.
Wondering if we may hear from LE soon if for nothing else than reminding everyone of their tip-line from their July 20th press release?

"We are asking the public to continue to report any information to the Idaho Fusion Center at 208 846-7676, or to the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office at 208 756-8980." Sheriff Lynn D. Bowerman/Chief Deputy Steve Penner
S, maybe on THURSDAY night when the family was other way to the camp ground.. They stopped around 7pm to get Deorr fries? And got him candy on Friday when mom needed pads?

Speaking of arriving on Thursday evening - Why would they still be "setting up camp" Friday afternoon? IIRC Someone said they were setting up camp...
Thanks to those that linked the full interview. I didn't know about it!

There is so much to talk about from this interview but this is WOW IMO.

EIN: ..the GF, the friend, and um, thusfar, no suspects have been named. In the majority of cases is it, of abductions, is it normally somebody that knows the child? Or is it a stranger?

PI: Normally, it could be a, a, friend of a friend, of the family. Like normally break-ins, house burglaries, if somebody has been there before, and then but, is there friends there? With uh, with DEORR'S mom and dad, (clear throat) course they're suspect, in fact maybe they had a, there was an accident, and they decided to cover the accident up, because they couldn't explain the accident, so let's just bury the body and say he's missing, we have no idea...that, that investigation was a zero, that uh, there's no probability of that, so they want to do the people they have in hand first investigate because sometimes there are sinister things that occur.

Interesting choice of words from the PI.... "in fact".
Hi all! :wave:
Before going on to page 4, I wanted to make some comments...

Jules71 said:
Someone asked if the video said they arrived on Thursday. No it did not.
Trip to store was Friday + video saying they went there the morning after they arrived at the campsite = they arrived Thursday. My conclusion.
I could read that either way...not clear to me.

Yes - very confusing...

I spoke with the PI about an hour ago. I think this may be a pro bono case for him. I made the remark I couldn't understand why LE wouldn't consider it being an abduction, "His reply was, I don't know either, that's why I stepped in to help them." I offered to help in anyway that I could and sent the published article to him about tracking my daughter. I also sent him the Missing Posters I had made. Nice guy...I think this is pro-bono work for him. He said he would be talking with the family tonight. We'll see. He also stated there was absolutely no reason NOT to network. So anybody got the number of the 18 Wheel Angels?

BTW: I had read somewhere...or seen somewhere very early into the investigation, that they indeed arrived late on Thursday night. It might have been from one of the grandmothers or a news guy. I'm not sure where.

BeeFriendly - since you've talked with this PI already - can you ask him to clarify WHEN they arrived at the campground?? Definitely confusing!! :waitasec: For now, I shall leave the Timeline as is until we "know" for sure!

snipped for space...
desert_blue said:
I am so confused and I really don't understand why the timeline is totally different from what has been released from day 1.

I'm going to leave the timeline as is, until we hear from "someone" on the exact time they arrived...

Wow,you did alot of work Thank you

:blush: Your Welcome!
@ Hatfield

There is that but noticeable to me was that this detailed scenario was given when the the question asked was about whether a abductor was a stranger or someone known to the family.

Given that all parties have complained about SM rumour I'm shocked he said it. I'd be on time out here if I posted such.
Some have speculated that the man with the dirty little boy at the store was the abductor and the little boy was DeOrr. IMO, there is no way in hell that would happen. If you're going to abduct a child you certainly aren't going to stop at a local store to buy the kid a candy bar and risk being seen with him.

Regarding the PI, he certainly isn't going to name anyone that he thinks might be responsible for DeOrr's disappearance. We have no way of knowing what he is really thinking.

Sadly, all we can do is sit back and wait and continue to ride our sleuthing merry-go-round.
Do you have children? Most are "picky" about what they prefer to consume. Have you ever fed your child their first jar of baby food? I have... if they didn't like it there was a squishy face and a bunch of no no head shakes. Some parents think the right thing to do is force their children to like it and be grateful. Tiny learning humans have minds of their own and they are all like snowflakes. Just because you prefer a certain preference does not mean you should force them to like what you like. and you have never been the parent of a two year old have you... They stay two forever and a day. Or at least that is what it feels like. I was not the type of parent to raise a drone. In kindergarten my youngest brought home a "what am I thankful for on Thanksgiving paper" He said he was thankful for Mom Dad and Toast. I was horrified because some breaking news had stated a parent was being investigated for neglect for only feeding their child bread. He would only eat toast for many years. Not because that is all I had to provide, but it was all he wanted. I even spoke with my family MD and others about it. I was told as long as he was consuming something all was good. He moved on to only wanting cheeseburgers and I would drive 120 miles away from home just to make sure he ate something. One of my other children loved Broccoli and other vegetables so much I made sure it was available at every meal. The bottom line is this... every case is like a snowflake. No two are the same just like freethinking people. You cant just jump to conclusions because it is something that happened before. <modsnip>
I have a two year old. He isn't picky. He could care less if his french fry was backed or was deep fried. I'd say most toddlers are not that picky its just a matter of figuring your child out and he likes.
I've also met kids who would eat nothing but toast and chocolate milk. That isn't as typical as a child who will eat chicken nuggets, french frys, fish sticks, mac and cheese, I mean most would consider these kids food for a reason.
I'm not sure why one saying most kids are not to picky would lead to them being acussed of not having a child ever or what any of it has to do with anything.
Some have speculated that the man with the dirty little boy at the store was the abductor and the little boy was DeOrr. IMO, there is no way in hell that would happen. If you're going to abduct a child you certainly aren't going to stop at a local store to buy the kid a candy bar and risk being seen with him.

Regarding the PI, he certainly isn't going to name anyone that he thinks might be responsible for DeOrr's disappearance. We have no way of knowing what he is really thinking.

Sadly, all we can do is sit back and wait and continue to ride our sleuthing merry-go-round.

You would think not, but if you didnt go out with the intention on kidnapping a kid, and your out of gas and this is the only gas station, you just might. And the candy bar might be a way to get the kid to quit crying. Just saying its possible.
The PI is talking about the various police departments that have been working on the case and then says "they initially suspect the parents." Then he goes on about how he knows Deorr from Montpelier and that he can't imagine him doing anything like that.


Sigh. Catching up so sorry if this was mentioned or anything. If the PI does know DeOrr Sr. and he is not certified as a PI (which I believe there are certifications for this, or licenses of some sort), would this mean that anything he says is merely speculation and opinion as opposed to fact as well? Like, yes if he states something in MSM we can quote the article, but because he's not officially LE, does that mean what he states is not true fact? In which case, he's not really adding much to any of the FACTS of this case in my opinion. Hope I'm not wrong or violating any TOS, just my opinion and based off of all the previous he said/she thus far.... Kinda like a rumor in MSM but that's it, no? :-/
@ Hatfield

There is that but noticeable to me was that this detailed scenario was given when the the question asked was about whether a abductor was a stranger or someone known to the family.

Given that all parties have complained about SM rumour I'm shocked he said it. I'd be on time out here if I posted such.

Yeah, the PI's statements falls into those Statement Analysis type websites that can either mean something or may not mean anything at all. So unless more actual evidence is uncovered in this case I am afraid it is going to sit in the FBI hands.

I am so glad the FBI has gotten the case. Just wish they would give an update or something. We probably will not hear any more information until they break the case.
Thanks to those that linked the full interview. I didn't know about it!

There is so much to talk about from this interview but this is WOW IMO.

EIN: ..the GF, the friend, and um, thusfar, no suspects have been named. In the majority of cases is it, of abductions, is it normally somebody that knows the child? Or is it a stranger?

PI: Normally, it could be a, a, friend of a friend, of the family. Like normally break-ins, house burglaries, if somebody has been there before, and then but, is there friends there? With uh, with DEORR'S mom and dad, (clear throat) course they're suspect, in fact maybe they had a, there was an accident, and they decided to cover the accident up, because they couldn't explain the accident, so let's just bury the body and say he's missing, we have no idea...that, that investigation was a zero, that uh, there's no probability of that, so they want to do the people they have in hand first investigate because sometimes there are sinister things that occur.

I'm glad the PI addressed accidental death/cover-up as a possibility & he doesn't seem to know if this avenue has been ruled out. At least that is what I took from his words.
I guess I am jaded, I recall the Anthonys having a PI also. I will believe something if LE says it or FBI but for now I'm taking what this guy says with a grain of salt. JMO
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