GUILTY ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell *Arrests* #77

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I just can't wrap my head around killing a child, talking about it, planning it, and the gruesome after math in CD's yard is beyond. That creepy video of them throwing their items in a storage unit. And then, not bothering to pay for the rent.

If CD was smart, (of course, we know he is an idiot), he would make a plea deal. Facing an Idaho jury, for the murder of Tammy Daybell, and conspiracy with the other two deaths, of Tylee and JJ. This trial seems like a slam dunk to me. He can't really deny anything with the bodies of children buried in his back yard. That is so incredibly stupid.
I really believe Chad figured the DP would be taken off the table. Lori played mentally ill and got DP removed in her case. Then he could scream “UNFAIR” and get it removed in his case. Well that didn’t work so well. I am pretty sure he will end up on death row and Lori will live long after. I hope she goes to the hottest prison in Arizona, right there with Jodi Arias and the bugs, etc. And when she is in Idaho, i hope she is in the coldest, most unbearable prison.
If Lori shot Charles, gunshot residue could have been found on her hands, while finding it on Alex wouldn't be unusual since they admitted he was the shooter. Lori would have risked too much, IMO. OTOH, they didn't take into account the police could recognize the second shot occurred when Charles was lying on the ground.
But did LE even look for gun residue? i thought they just took Alex at his word.
I’m sorry @Niner ! Now that @twall provided the link, I realize that of course I can access it- it’s the same site where I used to look up Kohberger stuff and very easy to navigate! I’ve stopped following that case for now. I’ve got too many distractions irl , but I will be on top of CD’s trial.
Tag me anytime please ;)

Okay - I shall - tag you if twall is on vacation... :)

So is this right?

1.) Lori Vallow's trial starts with jury selection in Maricopa County Arizona on August 1st 2024.

2.) Chad Daybell's trial starts with jury selection in Ada County Idaho on April 1st 2024.

You are correct!
Lori has a case management hearing on 4/25, a pretrial hearing on 7/25/24 also.

If Lori shot Charles, gunshot residue could have been found on her hands, while finding it on Alex wouldn't be unusual since they admitted he was the shooter. Lori would have risked too much, IMO. OTOH, they didn't take into account the police could recognize the second shot occurred when Charles was lying on the ground.
And it may be giving too much credit to LVD to think that she would have even thought about gun shot residue. We’re talking about a woman who says her ex was shot in her home in front of her and she just took the kids and left rather than calling 911 or waiting for police to arrive and didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. It didn’t seem to matter though as LE was too quick to call it self-defense on AC’s part and didn’t bother to do GSA testing on LVD. But I don’t think she got away with stuff because she was some great criminal mind but because LE dropped the ball on more than one occasion.
And it may be giving too much credit to LVD to think that she would have even thought about gun shot residue. We’re talking about a woman who says her ex was shot in her home in front of her and she just took the kids and left rather than calling 911 or waiting for police to arrive and didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. It didn’t seem to matter though as LE was too quick to call it self-defense on AC’s part and didn’t bother to do GSA testing on LVD. But I don’t think she got away with stuff because she was some great criminal mind but because LE dropped the ball on more than one occasion.
The police likely became aware early on that Alex did not do any CPR on Charles and that he waited for almost an hour before calling 911. Then there was the ballistic evidence about the second shot being fired with Charles already on the ground. IMO, LE likely suspected Charles' death wasn't self-defense, but they took their time with the investigation, thinking that Alex wasn't a threat to anyone else. Who would have thought about a conspiracy involving zombies?
The police likely became aware early on that Alex did not do any CPR on Charles and that he waited for almost an hour before calling 911. Then there was the ballistic evidence about the second shot being fired with Charles already on the ground. IMO, LE likely suspected Charles' death wasn't self-defense, but they took their time with the investigation, thinking that Alex wasn't a threat to anyone else. Who would have thought about a conspiracy involving zombies?

I agree that it would have been impossible for them to know right away about the whole story involving zombies but the fact that a witness fled the scene with her two children and casually returned later all giddy that her ex-husband was dead should have been enough to raise suspicions and they took statements from LVD & Tylee at the station so they should have had time to have gotten the reports CV had filed about threats to his life and zombies so they should have known that same day even if they didn’t have all that info at the scene.

In my opinion AZ blew it when they rushed LVD thru a mental eval and released her so quickly and that led to CV’s death and AZ LE blew it when they let LVD & AC go after his death and that led to Tylee’s & JJ’s death. I’m not blaming any particular LE officer - perhaps it’s the policies and procedures that caused the ball to be dropped but I think that LVD could have been stopped in her tracks before CV was killed and that he and Tylee & JJ should all be alive right now.

If I was going to try to pick a single person to hold responsible for allowing LVD & company to take so many lives, it would be whatever counselor or therapist or whatever that did that mental eval and let her walk out that day because she was already delusional by then and a professional should have recognized it despite her desperate attempts to blame everything on CV.
The police likely became aware early on that Alex did not do any CPR on Charles and that he waited for almost an hour before calling 911. Then there was the ballistic evidence about the second shot being fired with Charles already on the ground. IMO, LE likely suspected Charles' death wasn't self-defense, but they took their time with the investigation, thinking that Alex wasn't a threat to anyone else. Who would have thought about a conspiracy involving zombies?
I think you are right that LE was relaxed...but even if it were iron clad that he would ultimately be convicted of this murder, and would never commit another murder, it was beyond reckless to leave him walking around. In the absence of knowing what we know now, it was reckless.

The police did not have to know about zombies and angels and earthquakes and eternal polygamy to charge him with murder.

I would think that having him surrender his gun and formally commit to appearing in court by putting up bail would have been the minimum.

I agree that it would have been impossible for them to know right away about the whole story involving zombies but the fact that a witness fled the scene with her two children and casually returned later all giddy that her ex-husband was dead should have been enough to raise suspicions and they took statements from LVD & Tylee at the station so they should have had time to have gotten the reports CV had filed about threats to his life and zombies so they should have known that same day even if they didn’t have all that info at the scene.

In my opinion AZ blew it when they rushed LVD thru a mental eval and released her so quickly and that led to CV’s death and AZ LE blew it when they let LVD & AC go after his death and that led to Tylee’s & JJ’s death. I’m not blaming any particular LE officer - perhaps it’s the policies and procedures that caused the ball to be dropped but I think that LVD could have been stopped in her tracks before CV was killed and that he and Tylee & JJ should all be alive right now.

If I was going to try to pick a single person to hold responsible for allowing LVD & company to take so many lives, it would be whatever counselor or therapist or whatever that did that mental eval and let her walk out that day because she was already delusional by then and a professional should have recognized it despite her desperate attempts to blame everything on CV.
Charles reported Lori's threats six months earlier to another police department in Gilbert. He was murdered in Chandler. The police did notice Lori's and Alex's casual demeanor during their ride to the police station.
How are they supposed to explain away the kids being buried in dad's backyard?
They already hinted that the children could have been buried at any time, disregarding Alex's phone pings. Even with the pings, it was claimed that Chad could not see the back yard from the house. Since bone fragments were found in Chad's fire pit, it's very far fetched that Alex was burning a body there all by himself.
I agree that it would have been impossible for them to know right away about the whole story involving zombies but the fact that a witness fled the scene with her two children and casually returned later all giddy that her ex-husband was dead should have been enough to raise suspicions and they took statements from LVD & Tylee at the station so they should have had time to have gotten the reports CV had filed about threats to his life and zombies so they should have known that same day even if they didn’t have all that info at the scene.

In my opinion AZ blew it when they rushed LVD thru a mental eval and released her so quickly and that led to CV’s death and AZ LE blew it when they let LVD & AC go after his death and that led to Tylee’s & JJ’s death. I’m not blaming any particular LE officer - perhaps it’s the policies and procedures that caused the ball to be dropped but I think that LVD could have been stopped in her tracks before CV was killed and that he and Tylee & JJ should all be alive right now.

If I was going to try to pick a single person to hold responsible for allowing LVD & company to take so many lives, it would be whatever counselor or therapist or whatever that did that mental eval and let her walk out that day because she was already delusional by then and a professional should have recognized it despite her desperate attempts to blame everything on CV.
I can't help but think it was her giggling outside on the car and twirling her blonde hair and "Sorry neighbors" comment that caused those officers to drop the ball. Should have had female officers who wouldn't be swayed by her using her feminine wiles to get off.
Charles reported Lori's threats six months earlier to another police department in Gilbert. He was murdered in Chandler. The police did notice Lori's and Alex's casual demeanor during their ride to the police station.
And they ignored Charles over the giggling, hair-twirling blonde.
I can't help but think it was her giggling outside on the car and twirling her blonde hair and "Sorry neighbors" comment that caused those officers to drop the ball. Should have had female officers who wouldn't be swayed by her using her feminine wiles to get off.
It was a poopie show all around. I don't think gender was anyone's issue. A female officer was very deceived by the "victim" teddy bear interview room. While Tylee had to listen, support the story, and sing to herself to keep from breaking. :(

And they ignored Charles over the giggling, hair-twirling blonde.
She appeared sane at the police station with Tylee and MG in January. Of course she didn't confirm Charles' claim that she lost her mind. She reported that he stole her purse. But I would probably be weirded out by her giggling after Charles was shot six months later, unless it was attributed to a nervous reaction.

IDAHO FALLS — Larry Woodcock knows this trial will be different.

For one, the man accused of killing his grandson, JJ Vallow, and the boy’s sister, Tylee Ryan, is facing the death penalty.

The trial will also be live streamed for the world to watch.

But perhaps the biggest difference for Woodcock is while he knew Lori Vallow — JJ and Tylee’s mother — he has never met Chad Daybell and doesn’t know much about him.


“I’m totally confident that he’ll be found guilty,” Woodcock says. “If you took a picture of Chad on April 1 in court and you found a picture of him four years ago when he was in court, I don’t think there’s any change. His demeanor hasn’t changed, his attitude hasn’t changed – he’s so blasé and just a wimp of a man.”


“There are certain things in life I think are worse than death. Life in prison without the possibility of ever getting out and dying in prison may be worse than death,” Woodcock says. “I certainly don’t wish him the best.”


Those captions were inadvertently hilarious. My fave was the one they gave to a reporter: "Some Guy From Out Of State"
I like that one but also, "On They're Way To Winco For Lunch."

Guess it's a good thing I never got into journalism because I would scrape for any chance to inject absurdist/dry humor into something.

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