Found Deceased ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #74

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Who made LV & CD the keepers of everyone's dark (death) score?

It looks to me like it all started with Chad, per his claim to be getting revelations of "truth" about the future and the soon-to-come apocalypse that the faithful should be prepping for.

All of his supposed revelations were purportedly about the path of getting from here to there according to the revealed plan. It was BS-ery, of course, but to the believer, whatever Chad claimed to be told (in the revelations) became gospel. And then Chad told Lori (who told others) that she too had insight and a special mission ahead.

I really hate having to wade through these people's nonsense, to try to understand their actions and their culpability, but it seems like that's where we are. And each day offers yet another chapter of this tale of Chad and the World of BS, for us to have to wallow in.
The texts are really awful, deranged and disgusting. There seems no doubt now about Lori's involvement in the murders. I go back and forth about who was manipulating whom. I think there would have been more deaths if they weren't stopped.
They have brought me really more insight than I ever could have expected or predicted… though I think someone had previously 'strongly hinted', maybe in fact Nate... They are, IMO, great slam dunks.

Although I know we’re still a ways away from this, I have admit part of me is consumed with curiosity as to how his children are going to take some of those Chad texts... you know, the ones where Chad is all 'sweet bleeping Moroni, now the kids want to drag me out on an excursion... when all I want to think about is getting into your pants' (paraphrase).
no matter Lori's and Chads spiritual beliefs, at the bottom of the pile you will find a life insurance/social security benefits Ponzi scheme...Lori is a bad girl, she has killed before..she is suggestive in her texts as to what to do...she tries to draw Chad in so he can be a part of this and assist the same time chad is indicating it's time for zombies to die..they are speaking in code because all of this has been decided in real convo's ...seems like Chad was dragging his feet..Lori wanted
Tammy's man and Tammy's insurance-social security...Lori found vulnerable people in the fringe LDS groups..
she found people who were searching for guidance..she is a true sociopath and predator..

I think somehow she was going to rid people of their heirs..maybe take out policies on them and then create a narrative about how the person is scaling..maybe they are un-well..etc..then they die of pulmonary embolism.

why so many cell phones? any guesses? mOO
If that's how it was, how could she ever possibly be so gullible? Personally I buy the idea that power is an incredible aphrodisiac. The whole "Chad Revelations World" was painted to her as her pathway to being a goddess and a person of eternal importance in the history of the world. Once offered, the desire may have been so overwhelming that her ego was going to keep her pursuing, no matter where it went.

RSBM I agree. And, it's that same ego that won't allow her to admit any wrong-doing. The one thing she seems to genuinely believe is that she is amazingly special.
The texts are really awful, deranged and disgusting. There seems no doubt now about Lori's involvement in the murders. I go back and forth about who was manipulating whom. I think there would have been more deaths if they weren't stopped.


And agree.

These two killed those who aggrieved them or stood in the way of what they took to be their entitlement -- and that seemed to change on a dime, viz., the l/d scales.

They had already gotten away with it (CVD, Tammy), and this seemed to embolden them, although AC's passing removed their most committed if erratic soldier.

What was CD going to do once the end days failed to materialize and LVD, with her disdain for camping, was sulking in a hut in the desert? How would he keep her faith, continue to show his power and reward her investment in him? How would she burnish her goddess credentials as the long dull days wore on?

What do committed cultists to once backed into a corner, with access to weapons and a flock of vulnerable, disconnected people?

There would have been more.
@minazoe I don't know why LVD had so many cellphones, did she think she was more important than she was? It seems like she just ran around creating drama every where.

I read a lot of the texts to my spouse, we have never exchanged texts. He couldn't believe the "paper" trail they left with the text messages. The state has more than proved conspiracy charges INMO.
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