Found Deceased ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #74

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Don’t worry. I bet they made a decision before pizza. Their last meal as a group and will be there tomorrow morning to let the murderer know she’s going to prison.

And I’m glad Lori has to think about it all night. Was the storm worth it?

I agree. They wanted to decompress, talk about the trial together.
Just got caught up. It's really too much to ask that the jury come to THAT quick a verdict in such a complex case. Even if they each have decided she is guilty, they must go through the key charges and points to make sure they are doing their duty. Having said that...I expect that they won't want to linger over the weekend so I expect a guilty verdict by tomorrow.

I loved Lori's uncle Rex's comment to the press that he respects the defense, as they are an important player in the judicial system. He said (paraphrasing) they 'did what they could considering what little they had to work with'. I agree.

I'm feeling confident that the jury will find Ms StormChaser guilty on all counts!
I think others have gotten off lightly. (I'm looking at you Melaniece and Zulema.)

Thinking of JJ, Tylee, Tammy and Charles tonight.
Upon further reflection, I'm also thinking about the heroes...Kay & Larry, Adam Cox and Heather Daybell. They truly stuck their necks out for these victims. and then there are the other victims, who stood up to Lori, including Colby and Charles' sons. I want to wrap my arms around Chad's kids, siblings and parents. I can't imagine what they are dealing with.

So many victims.
Upon further reflection, I'm also thinking about the heroes...Kay & Larry, Adam Cox and Heather Daybell. They truly stuck their necks out for these victims. and then there are the other victims, who stood up to Lori, including Colby and Charles' sons. I want to wrap my arms around Chad's kids, siblings and parents. I can't imagine what they are dealing with.

So many victims.
Especially for Kay and Larry.

If it wasn't for them being persisent on welfare checks for JJ & Tylee, nobody would have spoken up (the ones that knew they are no longer around) or others even knowing that they were missing !!
Just got caught up. It's really too much to ask that the jury come to THAT quick a verdict in such a complex case. Even if they each have decided she is guilty, they must go through the key charges and points to make sure they are doing their duty. Having said that...I expect that they won't want to linger over the weekend so I expect a guilty verdict by tomorrow.

I loved Lori's uncle Rex's comment to the press that he respects the defense, as they are an important player in the judicial system. He said (paraphrasing) they 'did what they could considering what little they had to work with'. I agree.

I'm feeling confident that the jury will find Ms StormChaser guilty on all counts!
I think others have gotten off lightly. (I'm looking at you Melaniece and Zulema.)

Thinking of JJ, Tylee, Tammy and Charles tonight.
Ms. StormChaser is a perfect name. I wonder what her church membership of her now. To think that she once worked with a children’s choir in Hawaii.

I'm thinking about Chad’s kids and his birth family hearing the texts regarding his affair.
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I am interested in what will happen next, are CD's kids still going to be supporting him? Will he divorce LVD? Take a plea?

I have no doubt LVD is attempting to do her "spells". She is so narcissistic, she probably thinks her "spells" cursed Larry Woodcock. Pathetic.
Don’t worry. I bet they made a decision before pizza. Their last meal as a group and will be there tomorrow morning to let the murderer know she’s going to prison.

And I’m glad Lori has to think about it all night. Was the storm worth it?
I am praying that when the guilty verdict is read out, the entire courthouse stands up and cheers and Lori has to sit and hear it.
I am praying that when the guilty verdict is read out, the entire courthouse stands up and cheers and Lori has to sit and hear it.
It's unlikely to happen, as judges tend to caution before verdicts are read that strong outbursts of emotion will be cause for removal. There may be more emotions expressed in the overflow rooms, though.

Maybe she'll get a tatt in the big girl prison... "Storm Chaser"

Well according to one of the texts she has a storm too so there's that/ YIKES :eek:o_O:eek:

"Lori responds, "Just grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the ends of the universe."

Chad asks, "When might that be?"

Lori responds, "Wednesday evening, and then repeatedly and gloriously until Friday."
Forgetting an important part of this which is… Chad’s CHILDREN didn’t end up dead, burned, bound, and buried.
Chad’s wife Tammy was the last to be killed, clearly Lori was so eager to get rid of her ‘baggage’ that she needed her ‘problems’ taken care of first.
It is all so senseless. Charles wanted a divorce. If he made $400,000-500,000 a year she would have gotten a healthy monthly alimony payment, more than the social security she got. Charles would have taken custody of JJ. Tylee had about 1 year before she was of age and even at 17, she could have been enrolled in college and lived in a dorm. No one had to die. Except maybe Tammy.

A million dollars may seem like a lot but it would only produce income of about $40,000 a year. Lori probably would have gotten at least $5,000-$10,000 a month in alimony. That's $60,000-$120,000 a year. She would have been much better off financially from a divorce. Now, I don't think she is any kind of financial genious but, wow, to jump to murder is a very twisted leap. At least two of her previous divorces got pretty nasty we've heard but she had gone through three so surely she was familiar with the process.
It is all so senseless. Charles wanted a divorce. If he made $400,000-500,000 a year she would have gotten a healthy monthly alimony payment, more than the social security she got. Charles would have taken custody of JJ. Tylee had about 1 year before she was of age and even at 17, she could have been enrolled in college and lived in a dorm. No one had to die. Except maybe Tammy.

A million dollars may seem like a lot but it would only produce income of about $40,000 a year. Lori probably would have gotten at least $5,000-$10,000 a month in alimony. That's $60,000-$120,000 a year. She would have been much better off financially from a divorce. Now, I don't think she is any kind of financial genious but, wow, to jump to murder is a very twisted leap. At least two of her previous divorces got pretty nasty we've heard but she had gone through three so surely she was familiar with the process.

That's similar to the doubt that JA is trying to create while pointing the finger at CD. Why go to Chad? Made less, was uglier, etc...However, the logical parts would be what you stated, which didn't happen.

It only takes one juror.
Summary of tweets for Thursday, May 11th - Day 22

Rebuttal by Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood.

And Jurors are picked for deliberations. Deliberations started approx. 2:15pm to 6:30pm (15 min lunch) ~4 hours.

Nate Eaton
NEW THREAD: We are back in the courtroom. Lori has her back to the crowd and appears to be wiping tears from her face. John Thomas is close to her and has his arm on the back of her chair. She does not appear to be happy.

Jim Archibald has joined Lori and John at the table. It appears they are trying to cheer her up.

The prosecutors are at their table. Rob Wood will give a rebuttal in just a moment.

Boyce is on the bench. Jurors are being brought in.

Wood: "Ladies and gentlemen, the state has met its burden beyond a reasonable doubt. Reason and common sense. The evidence in this case is clear. The evidence in this case points to one common thread and that thread is Lori Vallow.

The defense says she's not a killer. She is a killer. Lori is the connection to the deaths. What connection does Chad Daybell have to Charles Vallow? Lori. Why did we talk about Charles Vallow? The motive.

The defense says the math doesn't add up. The defense didn't give you all the numbers."

Wood: "When Lori wants something, she finds a way to make it happen. She learned her lesson with Charles when she didn't get the money so she waited until after the money hit her back before she killed Tylee. You heard evidence multiple times - she called Tylee dark.

She learned her lesson and with JJ, she waited until after the money hit her bank to kill Tylee. When the whole word is out looking for your kids, does a good mom dance on the beach in Hawaii? No. Does a good mom bury her children in her ground and go bury a recent widower? No."

Wood: "She knew her children were dead because she helped plan it. She knew her children were dead because she encouraged it."

Wood: "Lori was tired of the obstacles. She was tired of JJ. She didn't want to deal with him so she found someone else who could and they buried him in the ground."

A graphic is shown on the screen that says "Lies Lori told - tell is what REALLY happened." There are 14 circles with statements in each circle - from Tylee Ryan attending BYU-Idaho to Charles Vallow dying of a heart attack to telling Melanie Gibb that JJ was with Kay.

Wood: "Remember the last thing Summer testified to you?Hher own sister? When she was asked if Lori had been honest with her about the kids? Her response was Lori had lied. Lori lied to cover her crimes. Repeatedly.

Does a good mom jet off to Hawaii when the rest of the world is looking for her kids?"

Wood: "The innocent don't need to lie. The guilty lie."

A slide is on the screen that says "show you the evidence." Wood tells jurors to listen to the jail phone call from Chad to Lori: "You will hear the guilt and the fear in her voice because she and Chad both know what the police are going to find."

He tell them to watch the body camera footage when she and Chad are chilling by the pool.

Wood pushes back on the defense that Lori's hair could have been on the sock, pajamas or in the bag. He says the hair was not in those places - it was on duct tape surrounding the plastic bag. "Lori knew exactly what was going on.

Wood mentions the storm text. "What does Chad say? 'Grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the end of the universe!' Not, 'Follow me, Lori.' Don't let Lori pin this all on one other person."

Wood: "When Chad Daybell is texting her about going into the light, we all know what that means. And what does she say? 'Let's not kill kids' - no, she says, 'That is sweet.' Lori's own words hold her words against her.

Think about the times she says she has no more patience." Wood shows slides of texts between the two about death percentages and romantic texts.

Wood: "When Chad says the kids are 2 or 3 percent, she's upset it's not zero. The defense says there's no text about killing the kids. (Wood now quotes) 'Do you think there's a perfectly orchestrated plan to take the children?'"

Photos of Tammy, Tylee and JJ are on the screen. Wood: "If she didn't intend for their children to die, what mother doesn't go report that they are missing or dead?

It makes no sense to say she is a good mom when she's not reporting the deaths of her children or that her children are missing. She intended the deaths. You have the evidence. You must convict her."

Wood: "When Lori would tell her friend (Zulema) that nothing she did in this life counted for her, that she could do whatever she wanted, she made a little motion. (he taps the podium and raises his hand and says, 'Doesn't count for me').

Well make it count for Lori Vallow that Tylee Ryan will never go to college. That her remains were buried and put in a bucket. Make it count for Lori Vallow that JJ Vallow, a boy with special needs, had a plastic bag over his head and fought for his life.

And make it count for Lori that Tammy Daybell had to die so Lori could get to that money. Ladies and gentlemen, reason and common sense. Reason and common sense. You must convict her."

Wood's arguments are over. Boyce addresses the jury and says only 12 of them will deliberate. The clerk will draw six numbers of who the alternates are. These people will go home and be dismissed but need to be reachable should they need to be recalled.

Boyce tells them they still cannot discuss the case until it's over. They can't talk to the media or anyone else until they've been notified that a verdict has been reached.

Boyce sincerely thanks them and now the clerk will draw six random numbers assigned to the juror seat numbers.

The following jurors will go home: 18, 1, 2, 17, 3, 7. All the jurors leave the courtroom and now the remaining jurors will come back in to be sworn in for deliberations.

Seven men and five women remain on the jury.

Two bailiffs are being sworn in to watch over the jury, keep communication from getting to them and make sure they will be secure. Boyce tells the jury the case is now in their hands.

Jurors walk out of the courtroom. Lori is whispering to her attorneys.

Boyce asks attorneys on both sides for their contact information in case something comes up. "With that, we will be adjourned until we hear back from the jury."

Jim Archibald is leaving the courtroom but Larry Woodcock grabbed his hand and is shaking it like they are old friends. Larry has told me in the past he knows the attorneys are doing their job and respects them. Around 50-75 people are mingling in the courtroom.

Sketches from today.

Sketch1.jpg Sketch2.jpg Sketch3.jpg

Jurors have left every day at 3:30 p.m. during the trial. Not today. They are still deliberating.

Lori's defense attorneys remain in the courtroom but the prosecution team left shortly after the jury did. Larry and Kay Woodcock are here in their seats. Just spoke with Larry - he thanks everyone for their concern and is feeling much better.

He's watching videos on his iPad as he waits. Kay is chatting with Tammy Daybell's aunt.

We're told jurors have stopped deliberating for a quick 15 minute dinner break.

Jury has adjourned for the day. Will be back tomorrow at 9.

Friday, May 12th:
*Trial continues (Day 23)-VERDICT WATCH! (Day 2) (@ 9am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) – *Lori Norene Vallow aka Lori Norene Daybell (46/now 49) arrested (in Kauai, Hawaii on 2/20/20) & indicted & charged (5/25/21) & re-arraigned (4/19/22) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6: Lori only: Grand theft (related to social security survivor benefits allocated for the care of minors Tylee & JJ). Plead not guilty. DA will seek DP. Was transferred to Ada County jail on 3/22/23. Fremont County
Conspiracy to commit destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence charges dismissed without prejudice on 7/29/21. Fremont County
Resisting or obstructing LE, solicitation of a crime & contempt of court. All charges were dismissed on 1/3/22. Madison County
Trial began on 4/3/23 with jury selection & ended 4/7/23. 12 jurors & 6 alternates (10 men & 8 women). 12 jurors (7 men & 5 women) will deliberate. Deliberations: 5/11/23 Day 1: ~4 hours total.
Trial began on 4/10/23 (everyday @ 8:30am to 3:30pm). Trial will be held in Ada County. (will last about 10 weeks) Trials have been severed. Trial ended on 5/11/23 with closing arguments. Jury started deliberations 5/11/23.
Arrest & Grand Jury & Competency & Court info from 3/5/20 thru 3/30/23 & Jury Selection Day 1-5 (4/3-4/7/23) & Trial Day 1-21 (4/10-5/10/23) reference post #568 here:

5/11/23 Thursday, Trial Day 22: Judge Boyce read the jury instructions.
For more info see post #614 here:
Closing arguments by Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood.
For more info see post #660 here:
Closing arguments by defense attorney Jim Archibald.
For more info see post #716 here:
Rebuttal By Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood. Jurors are picked for deliberations – 7 men & 5 women. Started deliberations about 2:15pm to about 6:30pm.
For more info see post #898 here:
Trial continues on Friday, 5/12/23 with jury deliberations @ 9am.

*Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 54) – Status hearing on 5/4/23. Trial was set to begin on 4/3/23 was vacated & reset in June, 2024.
just reading the texts between LVD and CD makes me feel unclean
the reason CD didn’t like Samantha or Summer is probably because abusive spouses always try to separate their partners from those closest to them - like their sisters
i wonder if, as her children got older, poor Tammy was depressed thinking of her future with the vainglorious manbaby that she had married
I know exactly how you feel MissTilly, total cringe fest. Reading years ago about Lana Turner whose love Letters were read aloud in Court at her boyfriend's Murder Trial was totally "Woah Cringe!
IMO Chad's and Lori totally passes the cringe level, to words and ears cannot express.......Gone on longer Miss Tilly I may have need the smelling salts or something stronger.....
Tammy may been struggling with depression doing all the work, restricted leasure time, no affection from husband even IMO children only gave her lip service of respect all of it went to their wonderful father. But she was starting to come back, running, Clomping being active in school and church, Tammy may have started taking medication for depression but she had stopped once she took up goals. (Chad was not happy, it I believe he put the medication in food or drink to make it easy to murder her that night)In my opinion, Tammy time was being slowly measured out from the time Chad sent "I shot a raccoon...Fun Times" text to her and IMOO she fired back her disgust "Good for You" Tammy fighting off the Gunman showed she was a brave woman, strong in her faith..I think she carried on putting up with her husband's immature behaviour problems as he had to work it out himself, but I think she may have known Chad was having a affair but did not confront him but I think cracks between Chad and the Church were showing do to his attitude. The fawning of his special groupies would gone to his big ego, given more time Chad would been caught out. Tammy was standing back she still love him and took her vows seriously, IMO
Sadly, Tammy underestimated the danger she was in.
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