I’ll likely be swimming upstream of the current with this, but I’m a bit disappointed with the State who appears they didn’t guide the victim impact statements too much. The case defense cited with their objections had a lot in its appeal about victim impact statements that provided information that went well beyond the scope of the laws guiding them. And they argued on appeals that the Court heard information beyond the scope and there wasn’t a surefire way to ensure that info wasn’t taken into account at setencing.
I know that her charges can bring life imprisonment here, and I’m more disappointed in this because I cannot imagine the shock of being cutoff midsentence and having to think on the fly (especially if the State did not provide assistance to help guide what can be said and not said). Thankfully they all seemed to think in the fly but I cannot imagine how much more difficult that would’ve made the already very difficult situation
With Vicki saying the prosecution kinda left her on her own to write her letter to the Court, and told by them that they don’t really represent the victims, I cannot imagine the difficulty on navigating the waters mostly on your own. I would be foolish if I said defense including this stuff on appeal would be some win or slam dunk at a new trial or something, but if it gives them anything additional to be able to argue, because the State didn’t guide them, I feel even more saddened for the victims and all of their family. JMOO