Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #50

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Going back to the original poster on this theory....that it maybe a person/family member in the sealed warrant. Could it be Zulema? We haven't heard boo from/about her.
I've often wondered why Zulema hasn't been brought into the mix. I still feel that she may be involved in AC's death. JMO.
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I’m truly puzzled about Pryor’s questions to MG about her not getting along with or not liking Tylee. MG visibly stiffened and looked extremely uncomfortable. Whether the questions were relevant or not, I think there’s some truth there. It could be Lori was filling MG’s head with horror stories (lies) about Tylee’s behavior and her becoming a zombie. If that’s the case, why would MG believe Lori? When Lori told MG about JJ’s “zombie symptoms” MG didn’t exactly buy into what Lori was telling her. She said JJ was acting the same as he always did. I just wonder why MG was so uncomfortable with the questions. I find it odd that MG, who is a mother herself, would dislike a teen girl to that extent. I would have liked an explanation from MG.
1. I tend to think that MG was in awe/a little bit in love with Lori ; and
2. IMO being the mother to teenage boys is very different to being a mother of teenage girls. As a mother of both, I can tell you there are plenty of teenge girls that I dislike.
indicolite22 said:
DW said in his testimony that himself, Lori, Alex, MG, Chad and Chad's realtor were present at the viewing of a piece of property near Chad's home on Sunday, September 22. I wonder who took care of JJ in the meantime.

I noticed a discrepancy when MG was asked the same question on cross she did NOT mention Lori so maybe DW mis-spoke and Lori was with JJ.

I do believe this one is still not clear. So I hope someone will chime in as to whether lori was there or not. Nate could just ask good friend Melanie!
Interesting that she still feels compelled to do interviews even though she is a witness. It still feels like she is trying to redeem herself somehow imo.

Now the “that date” wasn’t in July, but in August?

When asked what she would say to LV and CD if she could right now... I was surprised that her response wasn’t “Tell the truth and admit what you did”. Instead her answer reverted back to their beliefs, blah, blah, blah.

MG is an important witness. She already comes with some baggage as she initially lied to LE and waited 10-11 days before retracting what she said to them. I wish she would just decline anymore interviews.


MG will not be fully free of Lori and Chad until she can surrender the hope to personally save their souls and leave that to someone else. It was clear from that phone call recording played in the courtroom that Lori and Chad are not open to hearing anything MG has to say, EXCEPT to find some way to exploit it as means to continue to serve their own selfish ends.

MG was used by Lori and Chad, not just in late November 2019, but from that point in time when Lori first met her a year before, after Lori likely discovered a connection between her author-hero Chad and author-podcaster MG and hoped to exploit that connection to get close to him herself. Since that point in time, MG has just been used as window dressing for Chad and Lori to sell the cover that this is about religion and salvation, rather than Chad and Lori's lust for each other and their intent to shed those parts of their lives they're dissatisfied with in a manner which would not leave them poorer (as divorce and surrender of Tylee or JJ to others would have done), but rather would gain enough $ to fund their new life together at a desirable level.
1. I tend to think that MG was in awe/a little bit in love with Lori ; and
2. IMO being the mother to teenage boys is very different to being a mother of teenage girls. As a mother of both, I can tell you there are plenty of teenge girls that I dislike.
I think that MG wanted to believe that LVD was really hiding and protecting her children; and that's why she initially agreed to lie to police. I think that she discussed it with her more level-headed partner who set her straight.

I also feel that Kylee was sick of their far out beliefs and sick of being the babysitter for J.J. That's why she was rebelling. I can tell you that I would probably have been far more rebellious than Kylee was given the situation.

All my opinion, of course.
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re: Melanie's behavior/actions

Psychologically speaking, human beings like to feel special, and historically, many a religious cult leader has gained followers by claiming that they were part of a specially chosen people with hidden knowledge that only they were worthy to know or understand.

I think that Melanie was happy to go along with all the bizarre ideas at the time because it made her feel special to be part of this "inner circle" of people who have the whole, complete "truth."

Now, I think she's finally understanding that she was used and starting to put together all of the "red flags" that she should have seen. I think that embarrassment over falling for it is probably why she's been so eager to get her side of the story out there -- to try to salvage her own reputation.

For this part
"I didn’t get a sense that any of the things she said would happen so I didn’t take a lot of it too seriously."

Sorry but I think she is now downplaying how much she believed a lot of the stuff CD and LV was putting out.

I base that on the very first media interview we ever saw of MG where there was much more internal conflict that she showed as she struggled to realize everything she had ever been taught from them was probably a lot of BS.

Its ok if she was duped but dont try to now say she never believed any of it. Sorry I dont buy that. I think she was all-in for awhile.

Because if she was not, then any normal person would have shared concerns about the missing children and eventually go to LE about it like a normal person would. A normal person would not side with CD and LV and be against the grandparents when they started to try to find the missing kids.

A normal person would not initially lie to LE for them about where the kids were and take hours or days to eventually repair that lie.

I agree completely...from that first interview. She lied, she got scared for herself (not the kids), she did come clean and helped LE (that exhumation might have happened in part by Melanie) , so she feels no culpability and has immunity now.

This is why I think that Prior just wants to knock her off her damn pedestal. He is not going to let her be "some angel" in all of this. Chad and Lori know that she was more complicit in many of their actions.

My guess is she has a plea deal, for some of HER actions or lack therof, under her belt, right now.
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