Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #50

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Her ex-husband appears to have filed for divorce and has custody of the minor children.
Thank you, Synergizer Bunny.
My point is that MG's husband may have filed and have custody but that doesn't mean that MG doesn't have visitation rights. If she still has a relationship with her sons, then I wouldn't say she abandoned them. I was curious if there was an actual article, conversation or interview where it was revealed as a fact.
Others have commented before me that MG would not have been taken seriously if she reported (to whom?) that JJ was being called a zombie on that September weekend. Besides that, by the time she and DW left, JJ was dead.

You are actually correct. JJ was pulled out of school by his parent, no crime. He seemed a bit neglected, possible medical neglect, if LVD was not getting his meds. And LVD had no responsibility to take Kaye Woodcocks calls.

JJ did not meet any criteria for a CPS referral. No serious abuse or neglect compared to what we have seen with other abused children.

Sure, LVD was a religious nut case. Among other things. But there was not any actual tangible evidence that JJ was in danger of being killed by LVD. It wasn't until November that Kay Woodcock could get the police to do a welfare check.
It's been speculated that at least three people were involved in the attack on BB: Alex, Lori and Chad. MBP also knew about it, IMO. I see no need for outside help in that attack. The motive was life insurance and all could have stayed within the family. Alex also assisted MBP with her move to Rexburg and attempted kidnapping of her children. Again, no need or motive for involving strangers.

With respect, I was referring to the mental ability to plan what was a pretty slick ambush. I don't see any of the primary suspects having that ability. YMMV, MOO, and all that :)
Can you dig up those immediate Amber alerts? I'm 99% sure you are mistaken. I'd still like to see them. Jmo
There were many Amber Alerts for those children after Justin Lum began reporting on this story about a woman and her brother who shot and killed her husband on July 11, 2019 in Gilbert, AZ.

You can find those Amber Alerts for JJ and TR all over the internet with a simple google search, IMO.
She knew. Lori told her Tylee was at BYU. She knew Tylee was too young to be there. Why didn’t she and Lori go see Tylee while they were walking on the track at BYU?

She knew JJ was home Monday morning, yet he wasn’t. David asked to see him and Lori said he was at Uncle Alex’s. Why didn’t they call Uncle Alex so they could walk over and tell JJ goodbye? Because they knew he wasn’t there. He was already labeled a zombie.

MG just wants to save her own behind.
There are a lot of assumptions in your theory. I think the reason they never tried to visit Tylee was because Lori was too busy canoodling with Chad in front of MG.

They were a guest in Lori’s home. I don’t see any reason that would make them automatically assume that JJ was dead because they didn’t see him. IMO, that is fantastic leap.
I can't get clear on exactly where the two graves were. Also, the spatial relationship and distance tween the pond, fire pit, and pet cemetery. Anyone know of a map or sketch with these labeled? Or at least a good verbal description? Thanks!


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I get what you’re trying to say. Parents, especially mothers, who murder their children will sometimes wrap them in a blanket before they’re discarded like trash. As Lori isn’t capable of loving or caring for anyone but herself, it’s my feeling the wrapping of JJ was done for practical reasons. Perhaps to make the body as compact as possible so he would easily fit inside a trash bag. If they truly believe the zombie nonsense, perhaps the duct tape was used for some stupid reason to do with zombies. I’m pretty sure Chad knew it was all rubbish he dreamed up or co-opted from another source. I change my mind almost daily on whether Lori truly believed it or simply found it convenient.

The way they discarded Tylee was beyond egregious! Lori clearly had animosity for both kids but I think she had been fed up with Tylee for a while. Teen years are difficult for even the most loving of parents. I can’t imagine how someone like Lori managed to tolerate her kids as long as she did. Alex was probably a big help in that regard. As you stated, once Tylee wasn’t around to help, JJ became an encumbrance.

In this case, I’m afraid there will always be more questions than answers. We’ll never get an honest answer from either of them.

all JMO
As I'm reading this, it occurs to me that there has to have been more than one person involved in the duct-taping. It would require at least 4 hands, maybe 6 if the child is flailing: the body would have had to be rolled over, the duct tape would have kept sticking to itself, the face is a complicated thing to wrap if you don't want the duct tape to coil, stick to everything except the target spot, and the body wouldn't have rolled in one piece, while you're trying to keep the legs together, the tape would get messed up, etc.
There were many Amber Alerts for those children after Justin Lum began reporting on this story about a woman and her brother who shot and killed her husband on July 11, 2019 in Gilbert, AZ.

You can find those Amber Alerts for JJ and TR all over the internet with a simple google search, IMO.
The only Amber Alerts for JJ and TR I am finding are dated December 23 with an update on December 25, both occurring weeks after the attempted welfare check for JJ and after MG had notified RPD that JJ had not been with her at any time in November and that Chad and Lori had asked her to lie about his whereabouts.

FBI issues nationwide search for 2 children believed to be in extreme danger

Are you aware of any between July 2019 and the last week of November 2019?
I'm with you. I find her unlikable. I've yet to see her display the appropriate emotion on the murder of 2 beautiful children.
Kay and Larry Woodcock need her testimony and are being courteous to her but they understand her involvement. She desperately wants to be viewed as being in their "group" if you will, yet I still see her as part of the Daybell/Vallow/Cox group. Always will.

I think what's missing is anger. She is just so "que sera sera".
JJ did not go to school the next day (9/23) and his absence was unexcused. That means Lori did not contact the school to notify them JJ would miss school that day and did not respond to school representatives if and when they attempted to contact her because he was absent; (Lori had opportunity and concealed JJ's whereabouts by not responding to the school as parents typically are expected to.)

I admire this lengthy and valuable post, but one small quibble. Lori called the school 9-24 & said JJ was off to his grandparents. Oct 29, she called and claimed he’d be homeschooled.
There were many Amber Alerts for those children after Justin Lum began reporting on this story about a woman and her brother who shot and killed her husband on July 11, 2019 in Gilbert, AZ.

You can find those Amber Alerts for JJ and TR all over the internet with a simple google search, IMO.

You stated it as fact. I'm perfectly within TOS to challenge you to back this up. Please show me the immediate Amber Alerts. Thank you. :) jmo
I saw that too.

Nothing against LDS, but he may have sympathies for some of Chads beliefs. All of them seem a little too close. Maybe that’s where the false sense of security came in for CD and LD.
This is really unfair to Wood, who despite his halting speech, has been nothing but a consummate professional during the hearings. He is an officer of the court. He is not going to jeopardize his career or law license for a disrespectful idiot like Chad. Chad’s beliefs are offensive to the mainstream LDS. Chad snuck into a temple with Lori and did a fake DIY sealing ceremony. As Nate Eaton noted, this act is blasphemous for mainstream LDS.
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Click HERE for high resolution.
Thank you @vislaw. Just to be clear, this photograph (incl. the high resolution version) was taken AFTER the recovery of the remains, correct? It seems so since the bricks that had been surrounding the cirumference of the fire pit are now stacked off to the side.

If, for example, John Prior were to rely on this photograph to make the point that the "pet cemetery" was 20 x 20 by comparing the area of disturbed earth apparent in this photograph to the dimensions of the nearby barn, his point could be refuted because he would be referring to an area of disturbed earth as it appears AFTER both the recovery of the bodies and the replacement of soil after the recovery was complete.
I admire this lengthy and valuable post, but one small quibble. Lori called the school 9-24 & said JJ was off to his grandparents. Oct 29, she called and claimed he’d be homeschooled.
The more we learn the more apparent it becomes that Lori has long been her own Good. I know I am a rule follower to an extreme, but little things like JJ not showing up to school, her calling and saying he is at the grandparents, then later claiming he was home schooled. I would be so freaked out about gaps in his attendance, making sure I had records of everything, etc. She does not care one iota about the consequences. It does not even cross her mind that someone at the school might question her. First of all, her family pattern is that everybody needs to stay out of the Cox family business and second, if someone questions something, she'll wing it. She can spin a tale so quick and believe it and feel like others will believe. Moving from rental home to rental home, oh my gosh, that would freak me out. Deposits, credit rating, references, etc. She just lives by the seat of her pants and does not seem to have a care in the world. JMO.
I admire this lengthy and valuable post, but one small quibble. Lori called the school 9-24 & said JJ was off to his grandparents. Oct 29, she called and claimed he’d be homeschooled.

Thank you. That is true; however, by not calling until 9/24 (even though JJ was absent from school all of 9/23), Lori allowed herself and whoever might be working with her at least 24 hours to work without the risk of any authorities becoming alert or involved in relation to JJ's disappearance.

ETA: I guess my point is that her omission on 9/23 was one act of concealment that gave her and her conspirators time to do what they were doing at a CRITICAL point in their crime(s) - the burial of JJ. Her 9/24 lie about JJ going to his grandmother's was another act of concealment since it accounted for his continuing absence (so delayed investigation by school or LE authorities), and her 10/29 lie was another act of concealment since it accounted for ongoing absence after that point (effectively stopping any investigation by the school or any alert to LE or child protection authorities, unless she did not also do whatever is required by the state of Idaho to formally document intention to homeschool).
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I didn't think that she was smug. I think that she was nervous that the defense was going to try to delve into her outlandish beliefs and possibly cause a problem for her with the LDS Church.

I think that the prosecution was extremely careful as to what doors they would open with their specific questions and specific omissions.

She probably feels embarrassed and upset that she was being used by these two people that she considered friends. I know that I would be enraged. If she hadn't recorded their conversation, they could very well have pulled her into the disappearance and ultimate murder(s).

There are a lot of assumptions in your theory. I think the reason they never tried to visit Tylee was because Lori was too busy canoodling with Chad in front of MG.

They were a guest in Lori’s home. I don’t see any reason that would make them automatically assume that JJ was dead because they didn’t see him. IMO, that is fantastic leap.
It wasn’t like they all just met. MG was there to do a podcast with Lori. DW was there looking at land to buy. Like I said, MG was a part of the group before Lori joined. She knew about the zombies. I will leave it at that.
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