Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #54

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While just trying to "find the page" again, I re-read some previous posts. Particularly about the kids' deaths and burials. While I certainly hadn't forgotten, I was shocked all over again by what was done to them. Maybe we've all become a bit dulled to it now, but a trial would/will bring it back to the whole world in all its horror.
I’ve seen all sorts of predictions, like he’s trying to get taken off the case because he’s in over his head, or that he’s playing the long-term strategy of her going for an appeal on ineffective assistance of counsel, among other numerous [and all pure conjecture] options.

You could be spot on. Maybe the money train, ie...Tammy's insurance money has been tapped dry. Time to move on.

No one is actually this stupid. Even a guy with a giant bus on his webpage.
You could be spot on. Maybe the money train, ie...Tammy's insurance money has been tapped dry. Time to move on.

No one is actually this stupid. Even a guy with a giant bus on his webpage.

Wondering when we will start seeing motions for lawyers to get approved to represent their clients as public defenders. JMO
Wondering when we will start seeing motions for lawyers to get approved to represent their clients as public defenders. JMO

Or could they request to be replaced? I don't know. This is a huge amount of publicity for small town Idaho lawyers. I guess that if LVD and CD go away for less than 20 years it will count as a "win".

This case is probably eating money, considering the amount of attorneys that LVD and CD have been spending on. Remember that fancy team of corporate trial lawyers from Boise they had in the beginning? Those folks cut bait and ran from the mess.
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

Interesting filing by Chad Daybell’s attorney John Prior. A notice of submission of authority with the Idaho State Supreme Court case “State vs Nava” docket. Prior says “Nava sets for direction the court takes in determining whether consolidation is proper and how the court guides through the issue of severing a case and the two standards to be applied.” After being convicted on one count of lewd and lascivious conduct and one count of sex abuse, Quentin Nava appealed, arguing that the district court erred when it denied his motion to sever the two counts. The charges stem from a two-day period in July 2016 when Nava stayed at the home of a female friend who had a 12-old daughter, her 12-year-old niece, as well as other friends and relatives there. Nava was accused of inappropriately touching the pre-teen girls and was found guilty in May 2017. But he would appeal in 2019. Nava argued the similarities between the two counts did not justify a common scheme or plan to join the two charges. The Idaho Court of Appeals ultimately agreed and vacated Nava’s judgment of conviction. The State petitioned for review and found no reversible error in the appellate court's judgment, the Idaho Supreme Court affirmed. Full documents below: of Submission of Authority.pdf Meanwhile, the hearing for the motion to join Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow’s cases is set for 10/29 at 10AM. I expect Prior to bring up State vs Nava and its potential relevance to Daybell’s case. Remember, the dates of the alleged crimes connected to JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan’s deaths are two weeks apart (TR 9/9/19 & JV 9/23/19). Is Prior trying to have the charges of concealing, destroying evidence and conspiracy to do so between both deaths separated?


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You could be spot on. Maybe the money train, ie...Tammy's insurance money has been tapped dry. Time to move on.

No one is actually this stupid. Even a guy with a giant bus on his webpage.

Yea, I think the money $$$ or lack of could be a factor here. Early on, after extradition and other lawyers left her case, Means was on a small local radio show and did a brief interview where he didn’t reveal much of anything but he did say that at that time he was already putting weekly money into her account at the jail [I can’t recall the exact term he used at this moment, I believe commissary but it still all refers to the same thing]. One of the first thing many people thought when realizing her one attorney was from so far away and had no defense experience was that her finances likely limited attorneys willing to work for her, but I’ve also thought with all the multiple-hour traveling Means has to do, even with a much lower rate, I still wouldn’t say he is “cheap” but who knows what their agreement / arrangement is [they do, certainly not I]

While some defense attorneys might want to help their client out and put money in their account so they can get stuff in the jail, that seemed a little odd to me. I also wasn’t sure why he would say that but he seems to say weird/odd things at all of the wrong times...but he MEANS well! At least that is the joke I keep telling myself to get thru this absurdity.
Or could they request to be replaced? I don't know. This is a huge amount of publicity for small town Idaho lawyers. I guess that if LVD and CD go away for less than 20 years it will count as a "win".

This case is probably eating money, considering the amount of attorneys that LVD and CD have been spending on. Remember that fancy team of corporate trial lawyers from Boise they had in the beginning? Those folks cut bait and ran from the mess.

The primary rule is that a client is entitled to the attorney of their choosing. A corollary is that people should hire their own attorneys. The Courts often encounter requests, from attorneys, for a substitution of the attorney or for a change in the method of paying. They arise this way: the fee that the client and attorney agreed upon has either been expended before the completion of the case or the client cannot pay anything close to what the client promised. An attorney can request the court to either relieve him or her from further representation or ask that the public fund for indigent representation pay at the statutory indigent plan rate.
If judges, following an inquiry of the attorney and client during which the court cautions both not to reveal any confidence or strategy, determines that the client cannot pay anything more, can force the attorney to represent the client anyway according to their arrangement, relieve the attorney and tell client that, if in fact, no other attorney can be afforded, assign one from the approved indigent panel. Because giving an attorney to a client who did not select him or her can lead to appellate difficulties and purposeful delays by the attorney, the wisest course is to permit the attorney to be paid at the indigent rate and make him or her continue with the case until resolution by trial or plea.
The primary rule is that a client is entitled to the attorney of their choosing. A corollary is that people should hire their own attorneys. The Courts often encounter requests, from attorneys, for a substitution of the attorney or for a change in the method of paying. They arise this way: the fee that the client and attorney agreed upon has either been expended before the completion of the case or the client cannot pay anything close to what the client promised. An attorney can request the court to either relieve him or her from further representation or ask that the public fund for indigent representation pay at the statutory indigent plan rate.
If judges, following an inquiry of the attorney and client during which the court cautions both not to reveal any confidence or strategy, determines that the client cannot pay anything more, can force the attorney to represent the client anyway according to their arrangement, relieve the attorney and tell client that, if in fact, no other attorney can be afforded, assign one from the approved indigent panel. Because giving an attorney to a client who did not select him or her can lead to appellate difficulties and purposeful delays by the attorney, the wisest course is to permit the attorney to be paid at the indigent rate and make him or her continue with the case until resolution by trial or plea.

And would this be a matter of public record? In this specific case?
And would this be a matter of public record? In this specific case?
Yes, it would be on the public record. If a new attorney were appointed or hired that attorney would have to file a "notice of appearance' or a jurisdiction's similar document. Also, a closely followed "media trial" guarantees revealing matters such as this. If the court allowed publicly funded payment, that would be less obvious but the file would have an order authorizing payment which could be viewed upon request.
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

<rsbm> Nava was [...] found guilty in May 2017. But he would appeal in 2019. Nava argued the similarities between the two counts did not justify a common scheme or plan to join the two charges. The Idaho Court of Appeals ultimately agreed and vacated Nava’s judgment of conviction. The State petitioned for review and found no reversible error in the appellate court's judgment, the Idaho Supreme Court affirmed. Full documents below: of Submission of Authority.pdf Meanwhile, the hearing for the motion to join Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow’s cases is set for 10/29 at 10AM. I expect Prior to bring up State vs Nava and its potential relevance to Daybell’s case. Remember, the dates of the alleged crimes connected to JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan’s deaths are two weeks apart (TR 9/9/19 & JV 9/23/19). Is Prior trying to have the charges of concealing, destroying evidence and conspiracy to do so between both deaths separated?
BBM I feel like I'm missing something. Has Justin got this wrong or am I reading it wrong?

The documents filed by Prior read as follows: of Submission of Authority.pdf

"The judgement of the district court is affirmed"


"Quentin Nava appeals from the judgement of conviction entered against him [...]. The Idaho Court of Appeals agreed, and vacated Nava's judgement of conviction. The state petitioned for review, which this court [Supreme Court of Idaho] granted. For the reasons set out in this opinion, we affirm Nava's judgement of conviction. "
Melanie Gibb's response to this tweet from Lori Vallow Daybell's attorney: "Truth will prevail."
MM replied to Nate's tweet, pointing to the breaking news headline, published by Crime Online after Chad's preliminary hearing. That headline is old news, but Maybe MM is insinuating that MG was more eager to help Lori than previously thought? I doubt there were witnesses to that conversation that could come forward upon MM's appeal. Why doesn't Lori tell him who those potential witnesses are? IMO there are none that could help her defense.

It is going on more than 10 months since Tammy Daybell was exhumed. Even with the dysfunction of "Covid Time", I am sure that if anything had been found of significance, Chad Daybell would be facing Murder One charges.

Dang it.
I keep thinking that having had the FBI and their resources on board for such a long time, they have something. If there was nothing found, I'd think they'd have already said so like they did with AxcC. Perhaps they're still going through digital evidence and LE is withholding the results while still invesitgating the posibility that LV or AxC was connected to TD's demise. Since they have time on their hands, they could also simply be witholding results just to keep the pressure on CD and/or LV. Fingers are crossed.
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