Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #59

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I would think they both HAD to know it was wrong. Chad especially, but I think he wanted them out of the way of his new life and his new lover, and I think he convinced Lori they were dark.

Or, Lori is just as bad as he is--worse, in fact, to kill her own children.

Or, there's a remote, and I mean really remote, chance that Lori thought Alex and Chad were going to hide the kids with other churchgoers and then Chad did the killing while she thought they were safely somewhere else.

But, I'm sure it wasn't that, after all, she gave his dog away. Then again, why not give the toys away instead of storing them?

At this point, I'm wondering if we'll ever know the whole story. Those two lie like crazy.

I toyed with that really remote chance you mention the other day. It would sure explain the incompetence. JMO
Can I vote #2? She wouldn't be the first mother to kill her kids because they got in the way of a new relationship where the guy didn't want the baggage of the kids. Think Susan Smith and Diane Downs. Then again they also aren't the first couple to think up killing off their spouses to be free to be with each other, and (IIRC the Mormon religion frowns on divorce). There's also the financial gain from all these killings- Lori wasn't aware that Charles changed the beneficiary on the Life Insurance. And they cover it all up using excuses to justify the murders/disappearances (Charles was abusive, JJ was acting up, Tylee went off to college, Tammy died a natural death, as did Joe Ryan and Alex), and all were "zombies/dark spirits" that deserved it according to their beliefs.
Chad might have been the one to murder the kids, or help Alex do it. Alex was definitely planned to be the fall guy/trigger man. One more thought about this- when Lori told the police in Hawaii that the kids were "safe", I think that there's a kernel of truth in her belief/statement in that once the kids were dead (she knew), they were safely buried in the backyard and couldn't be hurt anymore. Also, she asked her friend Melanie to lie for her that JJ was with her, so she knew that the kids weren't stashed with anybody.
I think that they stored the toys to buy time, didn't think about the surveillance cameras at the storage rental place.
Reread my post and realized that I should clarify- in this case, I don't necessarily think that Lori did the actual killing, whereas Susan Smith and Diane Downs did, but I think that she was perfectly fine knowing that someone else would kill her kids.
Sorry if this has been discussed previously but I am really curious about the following:
"Please see Addendum F, which identifies two analytical reports provided to this office on April 29, 2021, by the Federal Bureau of Investigation;"

this was filed in the FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL DISCOVERY DISCLOSURE KMBT_C364e-20210507102621 (

for LVD's conspiracy to destroy evidence case it appears the FBI provided additional reports and IIRC they were camped out in Rexburg for months.

On April 28/29 we were discussing results of state testing of DNA found on tools at Chad's place and "possible blood sample taken from an apartment" (those state preliminary results came in around April 12) and the parties were filing motions and responses about DNA consumptive testing.

Could the two analytical reports provided to the prosecutor's office on April 29, 2021 by the FBI (and referred to in this FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL DISCOVERY DISCLOSURE as Appendix F) be related? For instance: Was DNA found on Chad's tools a match to DNA found by FBI Evidence Response Team on fire pit area? Did location analysis (via cellphone location or on site surveillance) put any particular defendant(s) in area where blood sample was found in the apartment at some key point in time (e.g. night MG and DW were staying over)? Speculative questions at this point.
One of the problems with this defense is that they seemingly discussed their victim's deaths even before they were declared zombies. For example, Lori and Chad talked about death percentages for Tammy and JJ in late July.

Please, what are death percentages? I think someone asked this before, but I haven't seen an answer (of course I may have missed it)

On April 28/29 we were discussing results of state testing of DNA found on tools at Chad's place and "possible blood sample taken from an apartment" (those state preliminary results came in around April 12) and the parties were filing motions and responses about DNA consumptive testing.

Could the two analytical reports provided to the prosecutor's office on April 29, 2021 by the FBI (and referred to in this FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL DISCOVERY DISCLOSURE as Appendix F) be related? For instance: Was DNA found on Chad's tools a match to DNA found by FBI Evidence Response Team on fire pit area? Did location analysis (via cellphone location or on site surveillance) put any particular defendant(s) in area where blood sample was found in the apartment at some key point in time (e.g. night MG and DW were staying over)? Speculative questions at this point.
Thank you kindly for the succinct info! I am very curious about what the FBI has to say, in conjunction with all of the info that the State has as I believe it will be a very difficult case for the defense to disprove. I am starting to wonder if the method to MM's "absurd" filings madness is just when you got nothing going for ya . . . distract and dance. At this point he is just frantically rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic (IMO).
@pizzaman12 It's under another case unexpectedly. BRB with screenshots and do an ETA for ya. Give me 5 minutes for ETA.

ETA: Source: Legal government site (You have to input Lori Noreen Vallow into the search to get it) Smart Search - iCourt Portal - Online records & payments for the Idaho courts.

Its under the original charges from 6/29/2020 of destruction/alteration/concealment from last year CR22-20-0838

( not the charges from this year CR22-21-1624 | State of Idaho Plaintiff, vs. Lori Norene Vallow Defendant.)


View attachment 301238

View attachment 301239

View attachment 301240

ETA: Corrected case numbers from last year/this year.

I agree with @montegrl in that the "second motion to compel".... it is a resubmission as to MG supeona the second item.

Thank you. Much appreciated. Out of town and working via a phone has its limitations
Please, what are death percentages? I think someone asked this before, but I haven't seen an answer (of course I may have missed it)
It's not yet clear what they meant. One possibility are mortality rates or something related to insurance. It could have something to do with their zombie doctrine as well.
Reread my post and realized that I should clarify- in this case, I don't necessarily think that Lori did the actual killing, whereas Susan Smith and Diane Downs did, but I think that she was perfectly fine knowing that someone else would kill her kids.
I always thought that LVD actually may have been the one to kill JJ…. by over medicating him or even poisoning him.

Alex was seen by MG and her boyfriend picking up JJ at Lori’s house and appeared to be asleep. He could have been there to pick him up after he was deceased, or another thought was that Lori called him in a panic because he hadn’t died yet, then Alex wrapped him in plastic bags to smother him at that point. Either way, she’s involved in his death.

Although JJ was decomposed, he was still intact unlike his sister. I wonder if they were ever able to get some tox screening from his body.
I always thought that LVD actually may have been the one to kill JJ…. by over medicating him or even poisoning him.

Alex was seen by MG and her boyfriend picking up JJ at Lori’s house and appeared to be asleep. He could have been there to pick him up after he was deceased, or another thought was that Lori called him in a panic because he hadn’t died yet, then Alex wrapped him in plastic bags to smother him at that point. Either way, she’s involved in his death.

Although JJ was decomposed, he was still intact unlike his sister. I wonder if they were ever able to get some tox screening from his body.

Alex brought him back to Lori asleep. You've got that backwards. :)
It still begs the question. Did Alex drug him? JMO
I wonder whether the children were drugged and then smothered/strangled or killed by poisoning (perhaps similar to Tammy). Presumably they were murdered at night. The perpetrator(s) wouldn't want to cause a comotion that could be heard by neighbors (in Tammy's case other house occupants). They would also probably want to minimize evidence (e.g. blood) left behind in the apartments.
It still begs the question. Did Alex drug him? JMO

I'm so glad that the charges are for conspiracy, and include Alex. Otherwise, MG could be a witness to just that Alex was the last he was seen with, and heck, could have been deceased and not really sleeping. (discounting the next day when LV said he was alive that am in the cabinets).

This case more and more reminds me of FCA case, and so many twists and turns and "white noise" iykwim to call squirrel by the defense at every opportunity.
I wonder whether the children were drugged and then smothered/strangled or killed by poisoning (perhaps similar to Tammy). Presumably they were murdered at night. The perpetrator(s) wouldn't want to cause a comotion that could be heard by neighbors (in Tammy's case other house occupants). They would also probably want to minimize evidence (e.g. blood) left behind in the apartments.

And why, why was JJ killed exactly the night MG and DW stayed over at LV's house? Wouldn't it be easier to do it when no one was there? Not that LV hoped for an alibi. Any ideas?
And why, why was JJ killed exactly the night MG and DW stayed over at LV's house? Wouldn't it be easier to do it when no one was there? Not that LV hoped for an alibi. Any ideas?

See post above yours. As with Casey Anthony case... throw spaghetti at the wall of who was around at the time and blame them? And when that person (plural as MG was not the one who stated under oath at prelim, she had her back turned IIRC per testimony.. it was boyfriend/now husband who said such) is on stand...attack mode?
We really don't know who killed Tylee and JJ, or the method of death. AFAIK, have the complete autopsies been made public?

Any verbal information from anyone connected with this case is suspect to me, including statements from MP and MG.
When MG did that first interview and said something like Lori won’t be able to look pretty again…that’s when she lost me.
I wonder whether the children were drugged and then smothered/strangled or killed by poisoning (perhaps similar to Tammy). Presumably they were murdered at night. The perpetrator(s) wouldn't want to cause a comotion that could be heard by neighbors (in Tammy's case other house occupants). They would also probably want to minimize evidence (e.g. blood) left behind in the apartments.

JJ's wrists were bound. So were his ankles. Bound means tied together. JJ could not kick, hit, struggle, stand up or run away. I do not believe he was smothered, strangled or poisoned before he was restrained,

CNN, August 3, 2020
-Rexburg Police Detective Ray Hermosillo, testifying Monday at a preliminary hearing for Daybell, said JJ was buried in a black plastic bag in red pajamas and black socks and with a white and blue blanket on top of him. JJ's wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape. (CNN August 3, 2020)
Detective describes unearthing children’s remains, DESERET NEWS, August 3, 2020
-Rexburg police detective Ray Hermosillo said “JJ” Vallow’s body was found beneath fresh sod, under which were three large white flat rocks in a row and then a piece of wood paneling. He said the body was buried in a black plastic bag covered in duct tape.

He said when the body was taken to the medical examiner’s office, investigators found a white plastic garbage bag over the boy’s head covered with layers of tightly wound duct tape. Hermosillo said the boy’s wrists and ankles WERE ALSO bound with duct tape, and that more duct tape bound together his forearms over his chest.

Detective describes unearthing children’s remains in notorious Daybell case <- link


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JJ's wrists were bound. So were his ankles. Bound means tied together. JJ could not kick, hit, struggle, stand up or run away. I do not believe he was smothered, strangled or poisoned before he was restrained,
He could have been drugged, bound and then smothered. IIRC, his head was also duct-taped. Or all the tape could have been added after death due to some religious belief/ritual.
Reread my post and realized that I should clarify- in this case, I don't necessarily think that Lori did the actual killing, whereas Susan Smith and Diane Downs did, but I think that she was perfectly fine knowing that someone else would kill her kids.

Since CD was a gravedigger , I can imagine he trivialized the end result
and resting place of JJ & TR. You know the - they are not really there, etc. The phone call with LVD from his car, right before his arrest...IMO she knew what was going down...just keeping it light cause it was being recorded.
IMO she knew.

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