Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #23

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Am posting the whole section about Island Park and the vision and move to Idaho in 2015 as it seems very relevant with all our discussions lately. This is from Chad's website,

14- Following the path to . . .Idaho?

September 9, 2015

My mother loves to organize family get-togethers, and in August 2014 she rented a large cabin in Island Park, Idaho for the whole extended family.

Garth and Mark enjoy the water at Island Park.

On the way to the cabin, we stopped at a gas station in the town of St. Anthony, north of Rexburg. As I filled the van with gas, I looked south back over the valley. A voice simply said, “You’ll live here soon.”

I was genuinely surprised to receive that message. We were firmly entrenched in Springville. I was still the cemetery sexton at that time, and Tammy had just taken a secretarial position at Springville High. I knew she wouldn’t respond very well to this new information, so I kept it to myself. Besides, what did “soon” mean? There was no need for Tammy to worry about it if we weren’t supposed to move for a couple of years.

We spent a few fun days at Island Park riding in the boat, playing on a wave runner, and just enjoying a much-needed break from everyday life. The scenery was beautiful, and everything was so calm and laid-back. The thought of living in Idaho started to really appeal to me.

After our vacation, I went to the Provo Temple to get a confirmation about the prompting. The Spirit assured me it was true, but I was still left in the dark concerning the timing.

I finally finished my latest novel after we moved to Idaho.

It was soon after the New Year that I received the promptings to publish books by Hector Sosa and Scott Mitchell, and I knew I would have to be in Springville to complete those books. However, I also had promptings I would be in Idaho when I finished my latest novel, “Days of Fury.” I’d also been told by the Spirit to start this blog once we were settled in Idaho. So there were a lot of conflicting scenarios being presented to me. I didn’t see how it would all fit together.

In early February I had another vision. I was walking down a path, and I came to a fork in the path. As I looked down the right fork, I saw in the distance a glorious city with a temple in the center of it. A voice said, “Moving to Rexburg will be a tremendous blessing to your children and your grandchildren.”

I glanced down the left fork and sensed it represented us not moving away. That path was filled with many lost opportunities. After this vision, I reread my children’s patriarchal blessings, and each one verified what I had seen. I was still waiting for the right time to even mention it to my family, though.

A couple of weeks later, as we were eating dinner the following words slipped out of my mouth, “When we move to Rexburg . . .”

I didn’t finish the sentence when I saw the look on Tammy’s face. She loudly said, “What?”

Things got a little tense after that, but I explained the feelings I’d been having and how I wasn’t sure how all of the projects would fit together. I said, “Maybe it won’t happen for a year or two. Forget I said anything.”

Tammy wasn’t thrilled, and I completely understood her feelings. Moving to Idaho would be a major undertaking that would uproot us from our families. So I tried not to bring it up again. Then after a few weeks she also felt impressed by the Spirit that it was what we should do. She started looking at real estate websites. One house in particular jumped out at us, and there was a second home that seemed like it might work, so we decided to drive up to Rexburg in late March. We had learned from past experience that if we were supposed to move, things would fall into place almost magically. If we weren’t supposed to move yet, nothing would work out.

I called up the realtor of the first home, and she agreed to meet us there the following Saturday. I mentioned the second home, and she arranged for us to look at it as well.

We went to the first house, and it wasn’t what had been advertised. We were very disappointed, but we decided to look at the second house. It was a lot like our home in Springville, except it also had four acres of pasture and a pond. The home needed new carpet and fresh paint, but as I walked through the pasture and discussed the house with my son Garth, we both really felt this was the place for us. Garth said, “I feel I could really thrive here.” Tammy and the other children agreed, and from that point on, everything came together quickly. We closed on the house in early June.

Tammy and I at the Upper Mesa Falls overlook, about a half-hour from our new home.

I still had those other projects to complete, though. We sent Scott’s book to press in April and Hector’s book in late May. Once we moved, I began working on my novel. It was a year overdue, but I started going to the David O. McKay Library on the BYU-Idaho campus each morning and working on it for a few hours at a time. The final chapters seemed to be dictated to me by the Spirit, and I typed as fast as I could. It was a unique experience to be writing about the BYU-Idaho Center and be able to see it out the library window as I did so.

There were many indications that this is where the Lord wanted us. The move has opened up many opportunities for me in the publishing world. We had been warned it might be hard for the other family members to immediately find good jobs, but Tammy was quickly hired as an assistant librarian at Madison Middle School, and Emma is working as a reading technician at Central Elementary in Sugar City while attending BYU-Idaho.

One of our new neighbors down the highway at Bear World.

Leaving our ward in Springville has been an emotional struggle. Tammy and I served in nearly every possible calling during our 18 years there. I served as a counselor in the bishopric for six years, and it was a true highlight of my life.

Our new ward members have treated us kindly, though, and the kids have been well accepted. Tammy is already serving as the first counselor in the Young Women, and I’m the new High Priests Group secretary.

We actually live a few miles north of Rexburg in rural Fremont County. There are less than 14,000 people in the whole county. We can see the Grand Tetons from our yard, and this past weekend we traveled to watch the Bar J Wranglers perform at their ranch in Wyoming. We also recently went to Bear World, so we’re gaining some new experiences and enjoying life.

We’re enjoying many new adventures, such as watching the Bar J Wranglers perform at their Wyoming ranch.

This is not an indication anyone else needs to move. It just happens to be what our family needed to do at this time. We’re excited about what the future might bring!

In my next post, I’ll share the miraculous experience my Grandpa and Grandma Chesnut had in the Manti Temple that shows how our ancestors in the Spirit World are very mindful of us.

"In early February I had another vision. I was walking down a path..." :D

I have to admit I was listening to the following song while reading this, and couldn't stop laughing: 2nu - This Is Ponderous start at 1:15, it will crack you up. This song is always going to remind me of Chad now. JMO

A few things jumped out at me. First, is how he (in my opinion) abused his authority as the head of the household (refer to Ephesians 5:22-24). You will notice that he did not consult with his wife, or ask for her opinion/thoughts. Instead, he justifies himself, and manipulated and coerced his wife into going with what he wants. There seems to be a pattern here.

He sure hears a lot of voices, and has a lot of "promptings". What are those voices and spirit saying now Chad? Wait, I think I hear them: WHERE'S THE KIDS CHAD! :mad:
You all heard that right? I think I am hearing voices too.:D

He states: "I served as a counselor in the bishopric for six years, and it was a true highlight of my life." That right there scares me. This tells me where he is in his head, he is seeking for power and recognition in the church, his identity is deeply rooted to how others see him (especially church members). Sadly, I know people like this, and I avoid them, enough said. JMO
Adam Cox is not Alex Cox. To this point we know nothing about Adam being a wolf in sheep’s clothing in these matters.
Adam has appeared to be living a normal life out in Kansas.... this mention of him will now open him up to so much more attention....imo. Sister Summer has shown her cards, but wow, now Adam.
I don’t see your point. As far as I can see, all that this KSL MSM video showed was Charles feeling comfortable sharing with Adam his concern about Lori’s behavior and alleged affair with Chad. This puts Adam in a positive light, in my opinion. sorry in the way I wrote that comment. NOT that he would be in a bad light. I just think he might have been experiencing SOME anonymity and now his name "is out there"..not just on a genealogy chart.
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Huge Question: How does CD or LVD know their kids are safe?
They have had LEO on them constantly, and I seriously doubt they contacted those who have the kids.

Whoever has the kids, hasn't come forward. If they are willing to hide them from LEO, what else are they capable of, if they get spooked?

I do hope they are alive, the word "safe" is a bit too ambiguous for me, that could mean in heaven for all I know.

Is this news report basing this off of the conversation Chad had with the lady from Hawaii?

If so, I think he was referring to his own kids. I would also say, if that is the case that this news report is misleading. JMO

There are two letters shown in the KSL news video. The second is the letter that Charles says Lori sent to Chad as if it were from Charles. You can see from the video that the letter presents a case that “Charles” wants to hire Chad to ghostwrite a book for him, and stay at “his” house for a few days to do it. IMO this is clear evidence that Lori is providing Chad with something to show Tammy to justify Chad going away to Arizona for a few weeks, to innocently earn money. Chad clearly knew this was all a lie.

I’m trying to paste a screenshot of the second letter from the KSL video, but I keep getting a security error.

I agree the fake email sender was to hide the real intention of the trip from Tammy.
Excellent refresher....put several things into perspective for me and prompts a few questions.

1. This confirms LV knew CV was in discussions (text/email) with AdC - goes to motive
2. AdC was also in town - why? Was the family going to stage an intervention?
3. LV contends TR was mad at her for always going back to CV? - Does that jive - what else do we know about TR relationship with CV - wish the friends from AZ would comment on this......What does CR think about all this?

1. Yes agreed
2. To talk to his parents? Possible they brought MBP up after her mum died so basically her parents too. So if hes getting emails from BB and CV. In his position I'd go to mine. MOO
3. Yes. From previous reports CV and TR butted heads regarding JJ. TR was his mum basically but I don't think CV understood that. She cared more but I think CV treated her like the child she is. Understandably. Moo
I seriously can not sort all of this out in my own head. I knew people as being well versed in scripture but is all made up stuff they have pieced together. It does explain why the Temple was so important in a prior email that was sent explaining this case to a Youtube. MOO

What really cracks me up, is somewhere in their pieced together teachings they specifically make a reference to "Watchers". So, we now have "Immortals" and "Watchers". :D

I think someone has been watching too much Highlander.:cool:
- (By the way I love the shows and the movies).

What really cracks me up, is somewhere in their pieced together teachings they specifically make a reference to "Watchers". So, we now have "Immortals" and "Watchers". :D

I think someone has been watching too much Highlander.:cool:
- (By the way I love the shows and the movies).

Don't forget "Gatherers"
Is this news report basing this off of the conversation Chad had with the lady from Hawaii?

If so, I think he was referring to his own kids. I would also say, if that is the case that this news report is misleading. JMO

In all interviews (to various news outlets) the lady from Hawaii said she asked Chad "Are your kids OK?" and this IMO definitely meant his own kids. The ABC report also mentions other declarations that the kids were safe, but they don't show any proof that he said that let alone that he was referring to Lori's children. I hope they show more footage later.
What would a key logger tell us here?
Something that they should be able to determine is which device and which isp the email was sent on. I dont think they would need a keylogger.
Given the dates i think at that timecjarles and lori were currently living in seperate residents. If lori sent the email from her homes isp or her device that will be known. Imo this is something that should be easily verifiable for LE.
What I wonder is once it is confirmed that she was impersonating her husband, can she be charged with identity theft?

A good keylogger is always running in the background, recording every keystroke, & every website visited. If you aren't super techy you would never know it's there.

So, let's say she sends emails via google, the keylogger has the history of the exact email. Even if the user was to erase the emails.

If the Search history is erased, it is still accessible with the keylogger program.

If she writes anything on her computer, and doesn't save it, the keylogger records it, every keystroke.

That is why a keylogger would be very valuable to LEO in this case. Not everything is recoverable in cyberspace.

Although they can salvage a lot using cybersecurity, it is very time consuming, difficult, and expensive. There is also no guarantee that they will find what they need. It is not uncommon to find files that are corrupted and unable to be repaired. JMO
How do you feel about AdamC and AlexC? This case involves so many people (and likely more to come). Sometimes, when I go later go back to review older threads in a case with many players, I find myself struggling to remember who the initials “ABC” represented. I guess I’m just old. Sigh....
Refresher - Lori's police statement when Charles was killed, pertaining to her version of the situation with Charles and Adam. There's an interesting line in it about Charles blaming Lori "for their marriage breaking up and other marriages around them, calling her a destroyer of families" and another saying "she was questioning as to why they talk and if they talk" [Charles and Adam]


ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION

I will say this anyone that has been married 3+ times raises a serious red flag for me. Proceed with caution.

This normally indicates one of two things. Either the person you are dating is the issue, or the person you are dating has been marrying the wrong people. Either way that is a serious cause for concern.

When Chad married LVD less than 3 weeks after his wife had died, it blew me away. I personally don't think that is even enough time to properly grieve. JMO

Add to that, the fact, that by this time Lori has had 4 husbands, Chad would have to be an immense fool to walk into that marriage within 3 weeks, completely disregarding his dead wife being part of the equation.

The very fact that both of these happen, I am convinced there was an affair going on this whole time. If that is proven in court, Chad isn't as safe as he may think he is. Even if he is innocent of TD death (doubtful), he could still be charged.
MMO- Lori opened the PO Box for Chad to help him conduct his “business” and activities and receive packages without anyone recognizing who he is. Sugar City is a close town near Rexburg.
A Rexburg PO would be too close and people (PO worker, neighbors and family, ward members, etc) could know him and see what was coming in the mail and cause suspicion.
Sugar city is just far enough away he could go to the mail box and check it without anyone knowing or suspecting anything and not being recognized. MMO

Chad's name isn't on it though so he would not be able to pick anything up would he? I can see it being used for Chad to send things to Lori but not the other way around. MOO.
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Ironic that in her police statement on July 11th she says Charles ripped JJ out of his routine and he only thinks of himself.

This is commonly called reflecting. She is probably talking about herself, but puts it on CV.

Looking at Lori's actions, thus far, it would seem we can all determine who has selfish motives behind all of this. It sure wasn't Charles. MOO
Hopefully CCTV however to prove that they were secretly communicating... moo

Devious thought: Now that Chad is in Rexburg, and Lori is in the slammer.

This would be a perfect time, for say a youtuber to (ahem- clears throat), leak a (fake) story that Chad is sitting down with local LEO to tell his side of the story and is distancing himself from Lori. He is going to tell his side of the story.

Then said Youtuber's video is picked up by the News outlets. Lori gets wind of this. ;)

This case gets blown wide open then. :D

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