Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #26

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Shouldn't Chad be worried he'll need that money for his own bail?

Yes, he should … pending the results of Tammy's autopsy / toxicology reports.

JMO but I have no doubt LE/DA has a strategy for releasing this IF the results come back with something other than "natural causes."

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I guess we would all like to know what residence that is if it isn't the one in Salem. I wonder if they have used some of the $430K to purchase another place. So we would be looking for one about $300k based on the balance he had left in his account a month or so ago. MOO.
And when??? It seems as if they would have only had that two-week period between wedding and escaping again to Kauai to take care of such matters. Has anyone looked at property records in the county yet?
Me too. It made me really angry when Lori's defense attorney stated "their children" and "their grandchildren" all live locally as part of the claim Lori has strong ties to the community. I wanted to shout at her: "No, they are not all local! Colby lives in another state and those adult kids with grandchildren in town are Chad and Tammy's kids!" I can't imagine the pain and anger Colby must have been feeling to have been completely ignored. :mad::(

It's at 22:14 in the video:
And ya know... a sharper lawyer would have had a "better comeback" on that one. Maybe we have to save sharp and sassy for the trial.
We need the source for the mortgage balance.

Is this ok? (Mods please delete if not)


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Lori's a curious one for me. I didn't realize she grew up LDS until I read about her childhood in an article. Even though she belonged to a faithful family and attended seminary, her life choices after high school abandon the mainstream mormon path of: mission, temple marriage, babies, raise a family, serve another mission as empty nesters, become mission presidents, die & go to heaven. (Slightly tongue in cheek, but that's the UT/ID/AZ stereotype. It's how my life went for the most part [minus the dying!] And most of my family members' lives as well.)

She's had multiple non-member husbands, never seems to have 'made it' to the temple, children from different fathers, etc. It's definitely not a typical mormon life story. Charles and his family say she seriously changed when she got into the end of times stuff. I'd be really curious to know what her church activity looked like before then. I don't think Charles or his family belonged to the church and I imagine she was inactive when she married him. It was her longest marriage so I'd wager they were fairly happy until she got involved with the extreme stuff.

Anyway, she just doesn't fit any of the profiles I have based on the people I grew up with and know through the LDS AVOW community. I am afraid she has some kind of undiagnosed personality disorder. I don't know what her motivations might be.

Edited to add: Another thing that stands out to me is that most of the people I know personally who get really into the 'chosen one' stuff are from very privileged backgrounds in their mormon communities. They come from 'general authority' stock and believe they have been very blessed because of their righteousness. They are proud of their pioneer heritage and have a certain brand of proud-humility about them... they talk a LOT about being thankful for god's blessings. These are the types of people IME who end up feeling like they're future prophets... not women with a messy marriage/divorce history and kids from different fathers. Not that redemption doesn't play a part in everyone's life story... it's just another difference I've noticed from the (I'm sorry to armchair diagnose) raging narcissists in my life who claim to have been grand beings in their past lives.

Chad is far easier for me to understand. He was raised LDS and walked the walk and talked the talk. I think he truly believes the things he's written and prophesied about, though I agree he doesn't *look* like the sharpest tool in the shed, especially lately in the news. What I don't know is why he abandoned the mainstream LDS path (married in the temple, kids mostly raised) to leap off a cliff with Lori. Was it really a mutual belief in these extreme things? Has she pulled one over on him? Is it a massive midlife crisis combined with some developing diagnosed mental issues? Did the 'specialness' he grew up with in the church give him delusions of grandeur? So many questions.
Top Rated Salt Lake City, UT Criminal Defense Attorney | Gregory Skordas | Super Lawyers

Lori's defense attorney, Greg Skordas, is hardly "local" to Rexburg, ID. In fact, he is an attorney from Salt Lake City, UT.

This must be draining the money very quickly. And, even more interesting, is the fact that local attorneys were not interested in this case.

I knew that his name was familiar. I won't say more, and defer to other WS'ers to do their own research and conclusions.

That's not her defense attorney.
Her attorneys are: Brian Leslie Webb, of Eagle; Mark LeRoy Means, of Meridian; and Edwina Eyre Elcox of Boise.
Lori Vallow-Daybell hires three new attorneys
Why do I have the impression, Lori isn't too concerned about "debts"? She has left several homes full of furniture behind her. What was in Chandler, what was in Charle's home (dont know status of his goods or business) Left the newlywed houseful of stuff in Rexburg to skip to Hawaii, then they junked all their belongings there to go back to Idaho. GEE that lifestyle is pretty wasteful, being a fugitive is expensive!
Can't you just see the two of them, C and L, sitting around with pads of paper and pencils, looking at each other with bright wide eyes...adding $1,000,000 and $450,000 and $75,000.... , and who knows --even waiting for ZP to deliver more...thinking they had just EVERYONE fooled.
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This is the next step:

Preliminary Hearing
The next hearing that happens is the Preliminary Hearing. If you are in custody, the hearing must occur within 14 days; if you are out of custody, the hearing must occur within 21 days. The judge at a Preliminary Hearing is also a "magistrate" judge. It won't necessarily be the same one that conducted the Initial Appearance; don't worry if it isn't. A preliminary hearing is the State's opportunity to convince a judge that there is "probable cause" to believe a crime has been committed and that you committed it. "Probable cause" is a fairly low amount of evidence; much lower than the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard required at a trial.

Nevertheless, the State must call witnesses to establish "probable cause" and the rules of evidence generally apply (with a few exceptions). That means witnesses with first-hand knowledge must come into court, be placed under oath, and answer questions. Although defense attorneys are permitted to ask questions, this is not a trial and many times the questions are limited. Not because they have to be, but because the defense attorney wants to "keep his or her powder dry" for trial. Because the "probable cause" standard is so low, it rarely does much good to call into question a witnesses testimony at the preliminary hearing stage.

It is important to note, if the State is not ready to proceed at the time set for the Preliminary Hearing, it can, in most instances, simply dismiss and re-file the case and that starts the clock all over again. It doesn't seem right, but it is!

If the State establishes "probable cause" you will be sent to appear in the district court. If the State fails to meet its burden, the case will be dismissed.
FAQ: What Are All The Hearings In A Felony In Idaho? | Kormanik & Sneed LLP
A similar thing happened to Michael Avenatti, in the Nike Extortion case, the DOJ reconfigured the charges and went from 4 down to 3. MA crowed about how weak their case was and how this was great news for him. He WAS convicted on all 3 counts. His $300k bailed was revoked when it was found he had a $1m payment redirected to himself directly, then hid the money by purchasing cashiers checks over and over, each time he cashed it in he took out just under $10k to avoid reporting requirements. There were a few felonies mixed in with this type of fraud, so he was revoked, apprehended and was sent to the MCC in NYC to attend his last trial where he was ultimately convicted of Extortion, wire fraud and Honest Services fraud.
Can't you just see the two of them, C and L, sitting around with pads of paper and pencils, looking at each other with bright wide eyes...adding $1,000,000 and $450,000 and $75,000.... ...thinking they had just EVERYONE fooled.
Collecting insurance funds? A good gig if you can find it. Only problem is throwing it out the jail window at your attorney as he drives by in his MBenz.
IIRC in Kauai indeed she claimed to not have a passport, her current attorney said she had one and it's expired. "Which is it"? Indeed should have demanded it be turned over, expired or not. lie lie lie

Same thing, isn't it? If it is expired it is of no use. Potentially she could have even destroyed it. As a passport it is, in theory, no different than not having one. Her current attorney is just making it clear that she has had one in the past, whereas the HI attorney didn't. MOO
Interesting. If he has a mortgage as you say then typically (I suspect there are exceptions) the mortgage company is going to collect money for property taxes and insurance as part of the mortgage payment and then pay those when due, specifically to help reduce their risk. I seems strange that they wouldn't do this or wouldn't have paid the property tax on time.

Would the bank stop paying taxes if Chad stopped paying the mortgage?
Thanks for pointing that out! Maybe her lack of bail is less to do with a bond company having ethics and more to do with the realization that funding bail won’t allow for funding legal representation. Perhaps she’ll not get out until she is sentenced and served her time.
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