Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #29

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The zombie angle enables them to justify murdering people. I've seen it mentioned in another source. Why would they want to be found out and risk being punished for their deeds?
I have seen it mentioned before in CV divorce papers but do they really believe that? We have seen CD and LVD supporters say that the media is blowing things out of proportion. MBP lawyer said that it was nonsense for us to believe something from someone's claim in a divorce. There has been unconfirmed leaks from CD children stating that the media is making up lies and people can't trust what they hear and so on.
This outline goes right along with what CV divorce papers stated and what he has told KVW. Do they really believe this? Are they doing this for life insurance? If they believed the world was ending soon then wouldn't they have a surplus of food and necessities? Did they want this leaked so they can continue to blame the media for making things up? Do they plan on denying this outline? Did Ian want this to be seen so that he can keep MBP trust while still helping LE? My mind is stills trying to understand this. How do you find this many people who have lived normal lives with their families and they suddenly believe in zombies and teleporting?!?
Planted by who? Are we going over words such as my use of smuggling? For all I know it's the wrong usage. Jmo
I think of smuggled as something secretly moved from one place to someplace else where it’s not supposed to be, or moved in a manner such that the mover doesn’t get caught. Ordinarily w/smuggling the parties at the receiving end knows the item has arrived.

IMO “planted” is leaving something somewhere for someone else to find. Often items are planted to mislead (as in planted evidence).
I’m still here. This train wreck is nearly impossible to turn from. I never knew Chad to be interested in anything like D&D or RPGs, or even much TV. He never shared anything with me that would have caused me to question his belief in the LDS beliefs. There is nothing in the recently published documents from IP that he ever mentioned while in Springville. I wish he had, because we could have staged some sort of intervention. While in Springville, things started getting weird when he started publishing JR books, followed by HS. He moved soon after that.

ETA - IMHO Chad figures he can become the next L. Ron Hubbard, with a major upgrade of libido/vibration fun. The more this garbage gets out, the more anyone involved in this garbage can hopefully shake out of it. And hopefully we can quickly get to the business of finding out the truth with all of the death and destruction around them.

Thank you. This is a great response and I agree with you. Exposure is critical for helping any who have been deceived. MOO
I’m still here. This train wreck is nearly impossible to turn from. I never knew Chad to be interested in anything like D&D or RPGs, or even much TV. He never shared anything with me that would have caused me to question his belief in the LDS beliefs. There is nothing in the recently published documents from IP that he ever mentioned while in Springville. I wish he had, because we could have staged some sort of intervention. While in Springville, things started getting weird when he started publishing JR books, followed by HS. He moved soon after that.

ETA - IMHO Chad figures he can become the next L. Ron Hubbard, with a major upgrade of libido/vibration fun. The more this garbage gets out, the more anyone involved in this garbage can hopefully shake out of it. And hopefully we can quickly get to the business of finding out the truth with all of the death and destruction around them.
Words of Wisdom
My guess is Melani’s a gullible sort, easily manipulated, and trusts and admires LD because she has always been a mother figure to her. Having lost her own mother at a young age surely compounded that. Alex is her uncle - someone she grew up with - they’re family. So probably hard for Melani to unpack everything in a rational way. Wonder if she recognizes the craziness at some point? At any rate, possibly, her “minders” (one is another aunt, right?) accompany her to ensure she doesn’t slip up. (Am I supposed to say MOO here? Sorry I’m kinda new!;) PS How do all these crazy people find one another? Doesn’t someone at some point think, “ummm...”
Melani was so blessed with Brandon and the kids. Lori stole her wonderful life from them all but she jumped in the cult with both feet. Sad.
So who all lived at this one apartment complex in Rexburg? Did Chad live there, along with Ian?
After Tammy was unceremoniously disposed of, Chad moved out shortly thereafter and the rest is history. He did move in with Lolo but I don't know the date. RPD questioned him about the kids and Lori there at the apt and he lied to them.
Since anti-government groups have been mentioned as possible supporters for LV/CD, I'm left wondering... Do members of those (anti-gov't) groups accept government financial assistance? I mean, Lori received government money for the care of Tylee and JJ, right? How do these groups justify accepting money from a government that they believe has no power over them? That is what they believe, isn't it??
It’s called hypocrisy.
I have over 12 pages to read before I'll be caught up on the thread. But I have something to say at this time that I feel is important: in one or two prior threads and in this one, I feel some here may have crossed a line when describing some of the beliefs of Chad and Lori, et al.

Firstly, let me say that I am not defending ANY of their beliefs - nor do I share any, for that matter. I also know that we aren't to discuss any religious beliefs; I respect that rule and very much welcome it. I do hope the mods will understand and not delete my post. If it is deleted, or even if I am banned, so be it - I feel strongly enough to risk it.

Given the recent documents released, I feel safe saying that CD and LVD's beliefs clearly stray far from any real, or known, religious or spiritual beliefs. However, in looking at their views as a whole, there actually are some things they believe that many would consider legitimate. For instance, reincarnation. Just as it is incorrect to describe their views as simply "Mormon", it is also wrong to describe their beliefs as simply "new age". Religious and spiritual beliefs are much, much more complex and far-ranging than that, and should not be compared to what CD and LVD are into. In another place online, not here, I've seen meditation, yoga and mindfulness described as crazy and dangerous. However psychiatrists, therapists, addiction counselors and other medical professionals recommend these to people suffering from depression, anxiety and even chronic pain.

As someone who has worked in healthcare 20-some years (and benefited from learning mindfulness and doing yoga), it is real a shame that some will continue to see yoga or meditation that way. But what is far more upsetting to me is to see certain spiritual or new age practices, or beliefs like reincarnation, described here as crazy, wacky voodoo or BS - even if you think they are. Some people think that Christian and Mormon beliefs are unbelievable, crazy BS, but they would never be allowed to post that opinion here - as well they shouldn't. Ideally we should allow others to believe whatever it is we want to believe, though we may not like it. From what I've read about the PaP type groups, there are hundreds or even thousands of people who share some of the beliefs as LVD and CD. Not all of these people believe the same specific things. And, no matter one may feel about where they belong in regards to the LDS church, these people are not murderous psychopaths.

Chad and Lori's beliefs are fair game. The ideas they have put forth (and have used to manipulate their friends and family members) are dangerous and murderous and sick. These beliefs have led to violence and specific harm that cannot be undone. I have a feeling, actually, that it was far less their beliefs that brought out their revolting behavior, and much more that they are greedy and callous, delusional and sociopathic.

I am a fan of every poster here. There is no one here that I disagree with all the time. I would never want to insult or start any issue with someone here, nor would I judge someone (a stranger on the internet) because of one post. I'm not asking anyone to change their opinions or beliefs. And I don't make the rules here; please feel free to ignore any and all of this if you disagree. Everything I've stated is my opinion only.

The crimes we are discussing here are harrowing and heartbreaking. I'm so grateful that I have been able to experience following this story with such a fantastic group. I hope we can all find some comfort in that. And no matter what you believe or don't, I wish you all peace and joy.
I thought it had been explained by other posters that reincarnation was not a Mormon belief. Also energy healings and multiple mortal probations have been frowned upon. JR was ex'd for it and HS warned about it in his PTZ closure speech. What Chad and Lori appear to be doing is setting up an offshoot and murdering those who stand in their way for the life insurance. I have seen noone speaking out against yoga and meditation on here or any religion. MOO
Yes, this was one of those things that heretofore could not be spoken of; because all we knew at the time about IP was a two-sentence paragraph in some affidavit.

Though I note, he's certainly making up for lost time now.

Yeah, that's super questionable, all right.

But I have no doubt at this point that they found Ian because he's got a knight-in-shining-armor complex (aka what the hardboiled detectives of the 30s and 40s would have called "a perfect patsy"); and I've also got little doubt that Melani is capable of putting on quite an act when she doesn't want to answer questions. Imagine being BB's father, and that comes skulking into your garage in the middle of the night. It'd be like something out of a horror movie with the keening succubus.

And while Melani is young, she's not THAT young - she's had 4 kids, after all. This sounds like a load of nonsense-biased interpretation from the point of view of a dingy (more 40s-era slang) Sir Lancelot; of some fake handwringing act on Melani's part. "Oh, I don't know! This is all so difficult! Just stop questioning me!"

It's not a bad idea at all, on the surface.

However --

Scratch that. I was going to try for something pithy, along the lines of "who would be so dumb at to maintain this, because they go into court and it's among the first question opposing counsel asks them"; but then I forgot who we're dealing with, and that they probably would be expecting to be believed.

A perfect patsy is a great description.

Autocorrect wanted to change that to a perfect pasty :)
I think of smuggled as something secretly moved from one place to someplace else where it’s not supposed to be, or moved in a manner such that the mover doesn’t get caught. Ordinarily w/smuggling the parties at the receiving end knows the item has arrived.

IMO “planted” is leaving something somewhere for someone else to find. Often items are planted to mislead (as in planted evidence).
He left it on the computer deliberately probably. However, NP had known about this for two months previously, based on her 4th December email shared by Justin Lum.
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Thank you!

Found a link, too

"Wood said that both Tylee and JJ received money from Social Security - benefits Vallow continued to collect even after flying to Hawaii without her kids."

'Tell us where the kids are': Lori Vallow appears in Idaho court, judge lowers her bail to $1 million

I was trying to say the money was from the children's dead fathers' (SS) entitlements. So not a free government handout as such, is what I meant. Different situation if she is still claiming but the children are not alive or she is not supporting them.
Melani was so blessed with Brandon and the kids. Lori stole her wonderful life from them all but she jumped in the cult with both feet. Sad.
Though we don't "discuss" social media... I found reading Melani's FB page pretty remarkable. All posts sooooooooo religious. I tried to see if there was "evil speak" within all her standard but very very heavy religious posts... I don't think so.....which begs the question "how did she get there from there????"
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