Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #32

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In this recent interview with EIN, it is very telling that Melanie says Alex's autopsy is "good news". When is an autopsy report ever good news? When it clears you or your family of charges you think you might face. That's when. MOO

lol I am so glad someone else caught that. When I heard that my coffee almost came out of my nose.

WHAT? Good news ?
Okay then ...
If there are more people involved in this, we will never be able to keep it straight. Can you imagine adding in more people with the same type of sketchy behavior? And that's also a horrifying idea to me, that there may be an even bigger wake of suspicious deaths and issues with minor children. Jmo
This posting is an effort to make sense out of some things that have been confusing me for a long time by constructing an admittedly highly speculative narrative. It draws extensively on information gathered outside the TOS boundary and is accordingly coy about certain names and descriptions. Please respect the TOS in any followup comments.

What Was The Plan?

OK, let's put ourselves in the shoes of Chad, Lori, and Alex up in Rexburg in early September. They still need a big score. We don't know why, but there are signs of some Grand Plan that requires upwards of a million dollars to carry out. They tried and failed to get this from killing Charles and so they have decided to murder Brandon and Tammy for their respective insurance payouts.

What About The Kids?

There's a problem: these actions will probably result in contact from the authorities and Tylee and/or JJ might break down under interrogation and spill the beans about the Chandler shooting. So the two children have to be isolated from the authorities.

The simplest solution, as noted here time and time again, is to just murder the children and bury the bodies in Yellowstone National Park. But maybe that is unacceptable, for instance by causing schisms in whatever larger group is involved in the Grand Plan. So for sake of argument let's say the problem reduces to one of hiding JJ and Tylee from the authorities for several months until the Grand Plan can be put in place. But making a pair of kids truly disappear off the face of the earth for a limited time in today's society is no easy task.

Does Being in Rexburg Help?

But by being based in Rexburg Chad and Lori had an option denied to most of us.

North of Yellowstone is an area of Montana that is very much a wilderness. If you put together zip code 59027 and the Western third of zip 59030 you get about 750 square miles with a population density (outside the two towns in the area) less than one person per square mile. Fly over the area with Google Earth and you'll see woods and clearcut fields crisscrossed with a maze of dirt roads and jeep trails and sprinkled lightly with individual houses and small compounds, some left over from a now-diminished New Age religious group that believed in building bomb shelters in preparation for nuclear war. A lot of empty dwelling places are listed for rent, and even more are probably available if you know who to ask.

Lori and Chad would then have to rent a cabin, or RV, or doublewide out on the end of a Jeep trail without leaving an evidentiary trail.

Could The Cox Family Help?

Here we enter an area that hasn't, in my mind, been given enough attention, and that is the politics of the Cox family.

That family has demonstrated an organized contempt for government authority, and at least one member of that family has impressive credentials to present to any like-minded individuals. And Montana is well populated with such individuals. It is plausible that, without any theology being involved, Lori and Chad could have had a suitably remote dwelling rented by a family member from someone with similar political views; someone who under no circumstance would cooperate with law enforcement, especially after being told by that third party the rental was to hide the children to keep them from being kidnapped by the government.

Wouldn't The Children Starve or Leave?

Being good preppers, Lori and Chad would have ready access to all the necessary survivalist rations and material to enable Tylee and JJ to stay out of sight with minimal or no contact from people who might be followed by law enforcement. And even if Tylee was not 100% sold on the idea of being isolated, being a city mouse out in the middle of the woods without even a compass (much less any wilderness skills) would be almost as good as a fence in keeping her and JJ from walking out to civilization.

Why Two Trips?

If (really big if) this was the plan, then after visiting Yellowstone on the 8th of September, Alex and Lori would have taken Tylee to the dwelling in the woods to get it ready and accept deliveries of supplies. (She was, by her own admission, used to being left alone at Alex's place.) JJ would have stayed visible in Rexburg to disguise what was going on and then been driven up to the dwelling by Alex sometime between the 24th and the 30th of September.

As I said, this is all pure speculation and opinion on my part. I have no evidence other than an absence of refutation. But I believe that this scenario, or some variation of it, is more plausible than one in which Alex kills Tylee in Yellowstone and then he and Lori wait two weeks to murder JJ (and dispose of his body) when they are in the middle of planning the shooting of Brandon and the attempt on Tammy's life. Sadly, most of Chad and Lori and Alex's plans went awry; and if this one did it would be just as tragic as if the children were murdered.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

I have been thinking about something along these lines all along. Of course not in the same scenario, but that TR was handed off first and JJ was brought to her later. I think that the last things that took place were last minute due to failed attempts and they were flying by the seat of their pants to complete whatever it was ther were trying to accomplish.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

I have been thinking about something along these lines all along. Of course not in the same scenario, but that TR was handed off first and JJ was brought to her later. I think that the last things that took place were last minute due to failed attempts and they were flying by the seat of their pants to complete whatever it was ther were trying to accomplish.
Do you think they would let a dark spirit (TR) take care of a light spirit (JJ) imo as to why I don't think Tylee is watching JJ
Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

New documents from the child custody battle between Melani Pawlowski and Brandon Boudreaux reveal alleged details and a potential witness tied to Lori Vallow’s religious group. #fox10phoenix

A GPS tracking device on their child. It is horrifying to have used their child in such a way. What will these people NOT do?

ETA: Imagine the psychological impact of that on the child if the shot had been successful in hitting BB and the child were ever to learn they had unwittingly played a role. Good lord.
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Foggy brain today....does anyone know if the upcoming custody hearing for BB and MBP (next week, I think? Maybe the 18th IIRC?) would be when MG may speak on behalf of BB/offer up information? And if so, what are the chances we as the public, will get those details, since it is a case that involves minors?
There won't be a public hearing but hopefully we will get a transcript of her testimony through Justin from BB's lawyers.
If there are more people involved in this, we will never be able to keep it straight. Can you imagine adding in more people with the same type of sketchy behavior? And that's also a horrifying idea to me, that there may be an even bigger wake of suspicious deaths and issues with minor children. Jmo
One interpretation is that it is a cult but Lori, Chad, and Melani went too far and other members like MG are coming forward while others remain silent yet still don't help Lori.
My theory if the kids are alive: they're in this house in AZ that Chad told a fellow passenger about on Sept. 19:

(from the Timeline) 19 Sept 2019 -The new nanny arrives to watch JJ; "When I walked inside, [Lori] mentioned how she was waiting for her brother to come and leave with her to the airport. She said she was going to the Idaho Falls airport. (Affidavit of Probable Cause Doc; East Idaho News, Fox13 SLC).

From MSM:

Rexburg woman recounts encounter with Chad Daybell during flight to Mesa in September (link)

The woman, who wants to remain anonymous, said she shared a pleasant conversation with Daybell during a flight on September 19 from Idaho Falls to Mesa.

"[Daybell] told me he was not writing those novels anymore about an apocalypse or something. He was just going in a total new direction in the books that he was writing," said the woman.

The woman said Daybell planned to help a relative in the Valley. A woman who needed to remodel her home.

"He said I hope we can get this work done in the time that I have before I have to be back," said the woman.
My questions:
  1. Who/where was the relative’s home in the Valley that he was going to help remodel?
  2. Was he a remodeler? I didn't know he had those skills.
  3. Where was the house?
  4. What did the "work" entail? Could he be retrofitting a residence for an anticipated long-term stay by the kids?
  5. Did he have help with the "work?"
  6. How long did he stay?
  7. What were Lori's mom, sister, Alex and Zulema were doing while he was down there?
I'm so glad you brought this back up.. When it first came out, it absolutely sent chills up my spine. I don't believe they are hidden in whomever's house this might be, but whatever he was up to absolutely has to do with their disappearance IMO.
As far as your questions, my comments would be:
1. I don't think he has any relatives there, so anyone he was meeting would have to be podcast people or Lori's relatives.
2. IMO the only physical job he has done is gravedigger. I am sure the terrifying implications of that are evident.
3. It could be so many different places.. I'm hoping the possibilities have been thoroughly investigated.. We should brainstorm as well.
4. Again IMO I don't think this is the case (kids staying there), but whatever it was, they believed Chad needed to be there in person, to oversee it. Maybe not building something, but covering up something that was already there?
5. I'm sure there was/is a lot of coordination with several different people.
6. I wish we knew when he either flew or drove back, but I don't think we have that info since he was sneaking around so much around Tammy's back. :mad:
7. Hoping LE knows, and is piecing together this time line of movement even better than WS members..
one of the friends’ mothers posted here in very early days (the teen friend who said ‘Tylee did not use text speak abbreviations’), but also said along the way that her daughter was starting to see the light of most probable outcome, and that it was stressing daughter-friend to near-hysteria to think about it :(:(:(

I think that this friend was from Hawaii or Arizona, I don't recall which.

Obviously, this was not the same friend, that Melani was referring to. Melani claims that Lori told her that Tylee was hanging out with her "friends", which may or may not have been the truth. Either Lori told Melani that, and was straight up lying to her, or Melani is making this up to cover Lori.

I don't trust Melani at all, she claims that Lori had nothing to do with her moving to Rexburg, yet she manages to end up in the same complex as Lori and her new future husband. As if, this is some major coincidence.

I am interested in this bit when Smith speaks. Is this the lawyer?

Smith: Nate, let me modify this just a little bit. Part of the premise of what our clients are saying, including Melani and Ian here with us, but also Summer (Shiflet, Lori’s sister) and Janis (Cox, Lori’s mother) – the premise of it is, first and foremost, they don’t think they’ve ever seen anything in Lori’s life that would give them any evidence that she could harm her children.

The next level is that they know that Lori had a basis and a belief that she needed to take steps to protect her kids. We don’t have all the details about that, but she had expressed at least that much to them. They were moving out of the state of Arizona, they were going away, and she had a reason for doing that.

The third thing is that they had experienced in Lori’s life this notion that she has a substantial distrust of the system because of its failure in her ability to protect her own kids. The system never was able to help her do that – the judicial system.

So it’s hard to go into Lori and say, “Just tell us where the kids are” when it undermines everything that I just set forth. They don’t think she did anything to the kids. They know she’s got a basis for wanting to protect them. She knows they know that she doesn’t trust the system. And so to go in and ask her to tell them where the kids are would undermine her ultimate purpose – which is to protect the kids. Everybody wants that question asked because they just want to see when the kids are, but that’s not what Lori’s goal is here. Lori’s goal is to protect them and saying where they are doesn’t protect them."

So this is Lori's defence? Why isn't Means saying this rather than Smith? Lori cannot divulge where the kids are because she is protecting them. From Kay.
In her last video, MP says: "Initially, Charles Vallow had brought over some of these documents that are now being surfaced, this is last — earlier in 2019 before he passed away. He would bring these documents over to my house — how he found these things and it was alarming, I didn’t know how to explain some of these things, stats if you will. Things about Tylee and JJ." (from the transcript). So if that's true, CV tried to contact and talk to her about that before July 2019.
Which unfortunately added to the list of reasons to get rid of him JMO
As others have posted, I’m still curious about money. How is Chad paying monthly expenses? Did his publishing business just go kaput after the death of his wife? How are Melani and Ian paying their monthly expenses? All of the people above (and I’ll add Lori to this) have attorneys, either active (child custody cases) or on retainer (Chad). Add in all the travel and moving in the past year.

I think Lori and Chad are using some of Taylee's money.
I am also not familiar with the area. Is Jackson anywhere near the place where they were pictured under the antlers recently? Forgive me for my ignorance, I can't remember the name of the place to look it up. They were standing under a huge trellis type thing with antlers . Thanks to anyone who can help.
Jackson Town Square has a Elk Antler Arch at each of the four entrances. A live feed webcam is present.
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