Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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So I’ve read through the first 3 parts of the timeline twice, and I’m really horrified at too much to post.
But one thing is really hitting me right now. I cannot believe the failure of the police in CV’s murder. It seems clear to me that the man was set up and ambushed. I can’t believe they got away with it. And I can’t believe how hard he fought to get away from her, did so much to protect and care for JJ, only to end up right back into the situation and his own demise. The woman is diabolical. Jmo
Yep, that Chandler PD failed big time. CV had proof that LV threatened him, nothing was done. JJ and Tylee would likely be alive if Chandler PD had done their job and maybe Tammy, too.

Comparing LV and CD's lives from the excellent timeline in the reference page:

LV. CD is her 5th husband. She had prolonged and major fallings out with two of her ex-husbands involving court cases, serious allegations about her mental health, going missing for periods, being sent for several psych evaluations which she would avoid, custody battles, citings of contempt for violating custody orders, threats of killing someone rather than giving in, physical attacks and killing by her brother, and former friends and family coming forward to state that she seemed obsessed or crazy. This one supposedly dates back the oldest:
2007 – CV’s 2nd ex-wife begins to have concerns about Lori’s mental health. “She just seemed off. There were a lot of strange goings-on at their home to the point that a judge ordered cameras to be put in their home to protect the children,” Cheryl says (East Idaho News).

CD. LV is his 2nd wife. Previously married for 30 years. No reports of conflict with anyone. Made his living mostly by writing books. Very interested in near death experiences, receiving messages from people on the other side, and having prophetic visions and voices.

I don't know how either of these two could be considered 'masterminds', because neither of them seem to act from any truly rational motives. I think LV was chaotic, but in general was motivated to take revenge against people, and would stop at nothing to get her own way. I think CD could persuade himself that he was part of a larger plan, and his desires were justifiable because he was a prophet.

OK I see your point. So maybe LV was always a little unhinged. Either way, CD found his perfect psychotic sidekick/muse in her, bringing out the absolute worst in both of them (and the worst for 5 people who are now dead in the wake of their antics).
Ugh. Just brutal to watch. Tylee (on paper) didn't have a long standing group of friends. Hard to watch this. Sad

Lori was the reason Tylee didn't have close friends, or a relationship with her Father. Lori moved Tylee around, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Hawaii, Arizona, Idaho. And vehemently fought Ryan from any contact with Tylee.

It was not so much that she didn't want Ryan to see Tylee, as LVD wanted to "control" the relationship. And further isolate Tylee, from her father.

LVD could have easily given JJ to the Woodcocks. But, she would have been giving up "control". And the issue of the death benefits. I also believe that she was involved with killing JJ as part of a sick retribution against Charles Vallow, for not being beneficiary of his life insurance policy.
I hate to say it but we should throw Covid-19 into the mix. Longshot, yes, but there is evidence now it wass circulating as early as last summer. Death from Covid-19 is from pulmonary edema as well as destruction of the small air sacs in the lungs. I don't think it is a high probability but I think it is higher than malachite poisoning!

No. In my very strong opinion I am respectfully disagreeing with you. I have Covid19. And I was coughing up pink frothy blood (sorry to be graphic) and they did do blood tests and a chest x ray to check for PE. Thankfully I did not have one.

Covid19 was not in Tammy’s area at the time of her death. And to my knowledge I cannot find anything to show that she travelled to China, where it most likely was not present at that time anyway.

The facts are this. Tammy is dead. And that death is being investigated as suspicious. Covid is not suspicious. Her husband went on to quickly marry another woman whose children were just discovered buried in his back yard. He murdered her. JMO
It's hard to tell if maybe one might have to "dissociate" in order to be a grave digger. Culture needs to be considered here, too. Back in the not too distant past when families buried their deceased on their own, and there was nothing illegal about it. People out west come out of pioneer stock, and it really was not long ago.

Hard telling what he was told about why a funeral could not be afforded? The same old lie about a natural cause of death? First one and then the other.

Why do we believe he was "told" anything? He cut up one of the bodies, if I'm understanding what I read correctly. That's not a DIY interment, that's destroying evidence, wouldn't you agree?
It's also the wimpy "can someone else fix my problems, I can't man up, talk to my wife and ask for a divorce, so I'll kill her instead" Or the poisoning attempt by CW with 80 Oxy's which didn't work out IIRC.

Not to mention the absolutely HORRIBLE way they treated the remains of children!

Watt's keeps stating (from prison) "I'm still a father" and Lori is clearly "A caring and Loving Mom"..... So you know...... If things don't work out with Chaddy..... They're perfect for each other. Maybe even matching jailhouse tattoo's..

Their religious views would never have allowed for divorce. When they believed in the after-life and end-of-life as strongly as they both did and felt the power of their God leading them towards each other, killing others in the name of God's will may have been an act of compassion under their delusions. If they foresaw the end of the world being as horrific as they imagined, perhaps a lethal herb would have been seen as compassion. Yet that contradicts the death of CV who clearly messed with their plan. If CD was so intent on the Preparing the people theories, etc., his children, TD would have had to share in many of those same theories, too, right? I would love to know if there were radical teachings in CD youth from his own parents.
What makes you feel like Chad was a master manipulator?

He’s an astonishingly poor writer and nothing I’ve read of his was even remotely persuasive. You can see proof of this in the fact that his books never caught on to anyone outside of LDS. And even then, it appears that they only appealed to the New Age/prepper segment that had already self converted to that stuff. If he was even a somewhat decent or persuasive writer, his books would’ve interested a wider audience.

He also only had a “flock” of seven people. So it seems like he attracted folks who were predisposed through gullibility and the desire to lean into fringe, goofy stuff.

If he was skilled at manipulation or even persuasion, he wouldn’t be the nerd prince of misfits.

LOL "the nerd prince of misfits". I'm going to have to use that expression, I love it!

You're right, "master manipulator" would imply he's extremely practiced at it, and that's not really what I'm thinking. It's more like a newfound superpower for him, even if among only a small number of people, including his prized audience-of-one: LV.

In fact, the more I think of it, especially in light of what you just wrote, the more this does seem like your average, ordinary crazy-people-have-affair-and-go-on-murder-spree story :)
Their religious views would never have allowed for divorce. When they believed in the after-life and end-of-life as strongly as they both did and felt the power of their God leading them towards each other, killing others in the name of God's will may have been an act of compassion under their delusions. If they foresaw the end of the world being as horrific as they imagined, perhaps a lethal herb would have been seen as compassion. Yet that contradicts the death of CV who clearly messed with their plan. If CD was so intent on the Preparing the people theories, etc., his children, TD would have had to share in many of those same theories, too, right? I would love to know if there were radical teachings in CD youth from his own parents.
They absolutely could have gotten a divorce, lots of very nice Mormon people do. I do not believe Tammy was totally aware, or a part of, Chad's super weird beliefs. Jack and Sheila Daybell are about as completely unradical as you can get. MOO
Their religious views would never have allowed for divorce. When they believed in the after-life and end-of-life as strongly as they both did and felt the power of their God leading them towards each other, killing others in the name of God's will may have been an act of compassion under their delusions. If they foresaw the end of the world being as horrific as they imagined, perhaps a lethal herb would have been seen as compassion. Yet that contradicts the death of CV who clearly messed with their plan. If CD was so intent on the Preparing the people theories, etc., his children, TD would have had to share in many of those same theories, too, right? I would love to know if there were radical teachings in CD youth from his own parents.
I think this is the story they are going to go with.
It certainly doesn't follow the 10 commandments (but then I have known LDS folks who consider the Word of Wisdom even more a commandment than the commandments - so there is that).
They clearly were not in the midst of a psychotic episode (that had been building) like the mom that drown her 5 children to send them to heaven.
Just not feeling the love for any of the "higher power told me to do this" sort of bull - they methodically planned all of these murders and they will get their Judgement here and in the afterlife as far as I am concerned.
Maybe you don't get this when reading about his life, but to me he seems like a liar and manipulator that has been going on since at least the 1980s when he started having his bs "visions." IMO not an authentic religious experience but simply a purposeful made-up story in order to control people. He uses people just like Lori has used people, but in his own unique, twisted way. He is no lamb.

I read it exactly the same way you do. I don't know why, but I have run across a lot of his kind of charlatan in my life. Possibly because a close relative of mine is a believer of a lot of fringe-y things. The minute I started reading about him, I felt like I knew him. The earnest, casual way of him telling you he knows about the supernatural as if it were no big deal. They lie as naturally as breathing. They have a neat way of avoiding personal accountability for anything that happens to them, or for whatever that they inflict on anyone else.
I make no claim to super sleuthdom but I do have a theory based on my detailed (and not shareable owing to many non-TOS sources) timeline. I believe Tylee was killed between September 8, when she was seen at Yellowstone, and September 19, when Chad was seen on an airplane to Arizona, Lori hired a babysitter for JJ, and Melanie Gibb came to visit. I believe JJ was killed between September 24 when he was removed from school and October 1, which would be the last time Alex could leave Rexburg and make his shooting date with Brandon on October 2. October 1 was also the day that Lori had a 90 minute phone call with her mother, the one in which the mother claimed to have spoken with JJ. After October 2 the Gang of 7 was just too busy to keep living children out of sight, murder them, and move and bury bodies. IMHO, as always.

I've settled on a very similar timeline. I never thought Tylee was killed in YNP. I think she was alive for a few more days. I do differ with you a bit on the burial. I think it happened after Tammy died. I am just not sure where the bodies could have been stored in the interim. I keep wondering if there are accomplices we don't know of yet who might have access to a meat locker or large freezer. One would expect this with a prepper group so I don't think that is too far out there. I just don't think Chad could have buried bodies while Tammy was alive unless it was when she visited her parents.
Spartygirl said:
There is also a court date thread and @Niner is AWESOME at keeping that up along with everyone else that keeps it updated.

EDIT--I am trying to find the link to the Court hearing/ Trial thread.
Apparently, I need to clean out my "Watched Thread" queue as there are too many pages and I need to update them LOL
I will keep looking and post it when I find it.

I have not done a Court hearing/Trial thread since March since the COVID-19 started as many had been cancelled. I shall start one for July though. Hopefully then most hearings/trials will start to be in session.

I am not up to speed for this case - but I'll take Michael0808 advise & read the first page of this thread - see if I can catch up.

Just not feeling the love for any of the "higher power told me to do this" sort of bull - they methodically planned all of these murders and they will get their Judgement here and in the afterlife as far as I am concerned.

I agree wholeheartedly with your view. As soon as ‘Judgement Day’ comes and goes at least one of them probably both will start singing the old ‘God made me do it’ insanity defense. Just one problem, besides the long string of bodies left in their wake, this act of desecration of the children shows deliberate planning and a cold heartless hand that carried it out. MOO.
There was a huge selling NDE book called The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven published in 2010. In 2012, one of the book’s authors revealed that it was a lie:

The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven - Wikipedia

There was another religious NDE book that raised suspicions that sold 10 million copies.

I think Chad stole this scam from these authors and made up his own NDE story in his 2017 book.

I also think Chad lied about all of the fruitcake religious stuff, from his own godhood to the veil stuff to the false prophecies to the insipid, derivative and childish zombie garbage.

He proved that he didn’t believe any of it by going to Hawaii instead of preparing for the apocalypse. As far as we know, he didn’t even have a food stash. This guy is a two bit liar.

The only question is, how the heck did he get involved in multiple filicides?

You're even more cynical than I am... and I love it! Also that's the essential thing I'm trying to get at in some of my other posts. Who's the finger and who's the trigger? I get what a charlatan CD is, but charlatans are a dime a dozen. Being a charlatan does not mean you're a murderer. I guess his kind of charlatan was apparently gasoline on her brand of psychotic fire? But even the first murder was not enough for him to say "Oh wow. Sorry Lolo, I'm out! Deuces!". Nor the second. Nor the fifth!

How much of this is willing depravity (Chad) vs. mental illness (Lori)? I think all this looks much worse for Chad in a way. Lori is only mentally broken. IMO Chad seems utterly morally broken. That's how he got involved in multiple filicides, a fratricide and a matricide.
Yep, that Chandler PD failed big time. CV had proof that LV threatened him, nothing was done. JJ and Tylee would likely be alive if Chandler PD had done their job and maybe Tammy, too.
yeah i sadly think your right about this.

imo there was the ol boys club mentality at play here.o_O

i think they treated charles like, well you must have deserved it.

think some old school policing having a tough time keeping up with current ideals and realities.
they stuck in the movment of about 30 years ago.
well you must have asked for know....woman power and all.....shes just gettin her own back.

which was 20 years behind the ol...nothing to see here folks turn a blind eye!!! mans home is his castle :confused: cops wouldn't intervene in domestic violence.

just all so unnecessary . charles did ALL the right things.....and is dead.

I have a question and I am searching the site all over and can’t find an answer. If I’m not supposed to ask it here please send me in the right direction. Is there a way to stop someone from sending messages to me in the inbox feature?
I don't know if you can stop them, but if the messages are inappropriate/harassing you can report them.
Also, you can flag/report your own post (such as your question here) so that a mod will see it and perhaps be able to answer. Of course you can send a direct message to any mod although you don't always get a reply.
I have not done a Court hearing/Trial thread since March since the COVID-19 started as many had been cancelled. I shall start one for July though. Hopefully then most hearings/trials will start to be in session.

I am not up to speed for this case - but I'll take Michael0808 advise & read the first page of this thread - see if I can catch up.

Please, please give me advice rather than take mine lol! Thanks for giving me a much needed smile! Can’t wait for your thread! Ps... I’m addicted to the first page, get your pencil and paper out :)
I've settled on a very similar timeline. I never thought Tylee was killed in YNP. I think she was alive for a few more days. I do differ with you a bit on the burial. I think it happened after Tammy died. I am just not sure where the bodies could have been stored in the interim. I keep wondering if there are accomplices we don't know of yet who might have access to a meat locker or large freezer. One would expect this with a prepper group so I don't think that is too far out there. I just don't think Chad could have buried bodies while Tammy was alive unless it was when she visited her parents.
I swear someone posted a photo of a large freezer in the barn? moo
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