Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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Forgive me if this has been asked or answered as I'm still 30 pages behind, but is the FBI mobile unit still in Rexburg? And if so how long do they typically stay on site? I'm just wondering if their presence (or lack thereof) could be used as a gauge for how far along their investigation is or if there's other people or evidence in the area they may be looking into now that the primary POI's Chad and Lori are both in jail.

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The wedding officiant is named in the witness list. Mods please edit if my post violates TOS but I thought something published in an official court filing is allowed.
Sure I understand that. This case is difficult to for me to sometimes know what’s allowed because there are so many players. There are a lot of people on the witness list, but I thought we couldn’t sleuth them. I’ll report my post and ask.
Thanks for the response. I just don't t think EIN would print something as important as that date without fact checking, especially after, as you said, she was a little hesitant. I even think the entire interview was run past LE before release, so I am comfortable that they have the right date. That is my own opinion.
As far as the theory, I'm just not following why they would now need to involve yet another person the murder; it seems between Lori, Chad, and Alex, they pretty much had more than enough evil to go around. Plus, they had clearly already murdered Tylee without needing such a "friend". Moo.
I also check EIN everyday. They have consistently had the best coverage of this entire mess. I am disturbed that they may be running interviews by law enforcement before publication. Do you know this as fact? This is not how journalism works. I will be very disappointed in Nate and crew if this is true. The in-depth interviews that EIN has presented are not presented as verified truth. These interviews are each persons perspective. If MP, or MG lies in their interview so be it. The information may be fact checked and/or analyzed later. If the MP interview was fact checked we would have seen very little of that interview.
Forgive me if this has been asked or answered as I'm still 30 pages behind, but is the FBI mobile unit still in Rexburg? And if so how long do they typically stay on site? I'm just wondering if their presence (or lack thereof) could be used as a gauge for how far along their investigation is or if there's other people or evidence in the area they may be looking into now that the primary POI's Chad and Lori are both in jail.

I've recently heard rumors that someone may have been coaching Chad on how to encrypt his phone and/or communication devices in an effort to thwart the investigation. If that is true then it would seem like others may have criminally involved themselves in this case by the obstruction of justice and/or becoming an accessory after the fact, which I'm sure LE would be interested in learning about (if they haven't already with the help of the FBI). Thus my curiosity. MOO.
The mobile unit was parked in front of Chads house when the search warrant was served.
Thanks for the response. I just don't t think EIN would print something as important as that date without fact checking, especially after, as you said, she was a little hesitant. I even think the entire interview was run past LE before release, so I am comfortable that they have the right date. That is my own opinion.
As far as the theory, I'm just not following why they would now need to involve yet another person the murder; it seems between Lori, Chad, and Alex, they pretty much had more than enough evil to go around. Plus, they had clearly already murdered Tylee without needing such a "friend". Moo.
I'm not 100% convinced they had killed Tylee by then. And I think they had plenty of evil in stock but they may have needed more guts. In other words, they may have decided to kill the kids but actually carrying out the deed might have been far more difficult to stomach and they may have brought in help. They are still guilty. Just hard to believe someone who has never even butchered and killed an animal goes straight to thinking they can kill a kid, dispose of the remains, and not get caught.
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Hm. Seems odd they wouldn't have ex-communicated him. Now I'm even more suspicious about a few things.

No, it is very typical in cases like this for the Church to wait for an actual guilty verdict before moving forward with any disciplinary actions, including excommunication. Also, it's essentially impossible for him to have been excommunicated before he returned to Idaho in February, based on the process involved (meetings, where he could not have been present since he was in HI). I think it very unlikely they would have moved on him before Covid lockdown because there were too many who were uncertain about the status of the kids (having known him and not being able to believe him capable of murder). Now that he's in jail I think it's very likely they will wait for the legal process to determine his guilt before excommunication, unless he confessed to a church leader that he was guilty or somehow made the effort himself to remove his records from the church.

ETA: occasionally people are excommunicated without being present for the meetings, but that is rare. I also think his local leaders would find it hard to believe the allegations against him and would not have moved on him over "allegations"--very much like innocent until proven guilty. I'd assume he's gotten lucky and not had to face most Church issues (even just regular interactions with people) since Covid shut things down.

ETA 2: this is not from the official manual, but from Wikipedia and I believe it is accurate:
"The LDS Church has instructed leaders that a disciplinary council is mandatory when evidence suggests that a member of the church may have committed any of the following offences against the standards of the church:[1] Murder; rape; sexual assault conviction; child or youth abuse; abuse of a spouse or another adult; predatory behavior (violent, sexual, or financial); incest; child *advertiser censored*; plural marriage; serious sin while holding a prominent church position; and most felony convictions."

So, this means that now that remains have been found, they may hold a council (meeting), but there may not be enough agreement to excommunicate until he's actually convicted. It happens at the local level, so it just depends who is on the council and how they feel about it.

MOO moo moo
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I wonder if any of them bought a freezer. I hope LE investigated that.

I believe it was in one of Nate's articles, that LE went back to LV's apt, and went beneath the subfloor. This was done after she moved out and there was a new renter at her apt. I would guess they did that at the other apts also. It was not mentioned the date of such, nor did it mention if cadaver dogs were present.
It's not that I don't think EIN is accurate. I check their site daily for updates on this case! It's that my recollection of the interview with MG is that she waffled about the specific date of her visit and it is possible that Nate or someone else simply assumed she was the friend who arrived on the 19th, possibly asked her to confirm and she said "Yeah, that must have been it."

My theory is simply that if MG visited the weekend before then someone we do not know about visited on the 19th and that is a key weekend! If there was another "friend" then I think it is very possible it was a hitman or someone to help them do the dirty deeds and/or clean up the mess. I wish the reporter had asked the nanny to describe the friend!

You stated in above post "I wish the reporter had asked the nanny to describe the friend!"

We do have a description of the friend.

In the transcripts by Fox13 Nanny statement to cops on Lori Vallow it states that the babysitter says re September 19th... that Lori went to the airport with her brother, and when returned "she introduced her friend (e.g. from airport pickup) to me and said that she does podcasts of some sort"

Who else would have been a female podcaster?
i could not respond to this post from @firstamendment because the thread was closed, but I find it to be very important to add these views to our thinking. (ha! I know..because they coincide with mine). BUT this is rural Idaho we are talking about. As I have stated, Lori and Alex certainly did not know anything about this geographic area, and actually neither did Chad, really. He was only there for a few years, and never seemed to be an outside-kindof guy. But something happened near Yellowstone. moo, imo, Chad had help. And probably from some unsavory characters. My guess is that even this could be hanging over his head right now. The type of folks firstamendment refers to, are not the type to come out to the media for 15 minutes of fame. But somehow, I feel there still may be debt to be paid.

@firstamendment stated:
I wonder if they are concerned about the old boys network themselves just as I am rather unimpressed by them. Chris Parrett has used this as an opportunity to do some new web design. I'd not trust this pile of people either. What they say vs. what they do are not suggestive of integrity.

Preppers are full of ex-cop, ex-mil, ex-intelligence AND current serving. Their aw-gosh-golly-gee-shucks clown face should be viewed with suspicion. Trained killers with world views that make Chad quaint among them should be concerning. That they ascribe to views that can house Daybell comfortably as not the most radical among them by far would be concerning to me if I was in the fbi's place.

Note none turned on Daybell, but they sure cleaned up behind themselves and him in case. I know I wouldn't trust this group to not do something to make things wrap up faster so the heat comes off but they can use it as advertizing.

Do you have any statistics on your claim that "Preppers are full of ex-cop, ex-mil, ex-intelligence AND current serving." ? TIA

Question, don't know if I missed it somewhere, I know IP wrote it down for MBP's lawyers but did he also give the police a statement containing the same information before he decided to tell MBP and her lawyers? If so that could be used as evidence?
I don't know if you've received your answer, so sorry if I'm repeating what's already been said, I'm catching up on the thread from where I left off last night.

He went to police with his ex-wife on Dec 5th, and it seems he told them what he knew at that date. MBP had been to see detectives without him on Dec 3rd. It would be standard procedure for police to record what he said in a statement, and we don't know if he gave them a copy of the zombie document or whose possession it was in.

From the trials I've watched police statements are not read or entered into evidence at trial, although they are available to counsel, however the witness (IP) would be called and examined, and pertinent information from what he told police will be drawn out by questioning. If what he says in court differs from what he told police he can be shown his statement to read back to himself and asked why his evidence now is different. That is when the jury gets to decide how honest he is being because usually early statements are the most reliable unless he had a very good reason to be lying at the beginning. Police officers who conducted the interview can also be called to impeach the witness, I believe.

When they went on TV recently they made these statements about it, so he may continue to try to draw back what he said to police, or (imo) come clean at trial in regards to what he knew. In light of the children's murders he might not want the roasting in court :

Select interview transcripts for anyone interested:

Interview with CBS:

IP: I didn’t know the FBI would be there. But um, you know, I was open to sharing everything that I knew at that point. And so at that point I, yeah, I shared, I shared all the information I have and I was hoping that I could, I was hoping the FBI, because the FBI was there, they would have information already, that there would be something that they knew that I could say that would make sense to them. That would, you know, be a piece to a puzzle instead of becoming a framework for them to build this investigation on. And it seems like the information I shared with them turned into this nationwide just frenzy. You know, so they gave me a recording device, you know, I recorded con.., some conversations with Chad and Lori.

<snip> For two weeks I’ve been thinking this through and looking at anything, looking for anything I could to try to figure out where these kids are and there’s just no evidence, there’s nothing, trying to figure out anything bad that’s going on. And I don’t, you know, I couldn’t find anything, I couldn’t find anything aside from just baseless accusations coming from her ex-husband. At the end of the day I put it into a memo when I conv.., when I confessed this to her. You know and I need to protect her to the best of my ability from the damage that I could, that I, that I have done to her. So I write down everything that I can remember saying to the FBI, how I explained it to ‘em, what her fears were, what my fears were. I write it all down, and give it to her lawyers.

MBP: this was early in December and so um I think it shows, if you read the entire document it starts out I’m terrified, and then it ends with there was nothing there and the reason this document is so important is because it’s basically, we’re trying to clear this up because this whole case is based on this, this document and this outline, of, you know, bits and pieces taken from everywhere. <snip> and you know he was taking everything so literally and when I first saw this document it was shocking like explain this, like I can’t explain it, and so, it’s good to come forward and explain where that comes from in the context and to look at it in its entirety.

Interview with Nate Eaton:

MBP: <snip> As soon as I returned after Thanksgiving, I went right into Detective Hermosillo and was like, “What’s going on? I’m here to get my stuff.” He asked me about my previous marriage, what was I doing here, and he asked me about Lori and Alex. I was an open book and said, “Here’s what I know.

Eaton: We can transition with that into everything you allegedly told Ian and what he wrote down. Ian, can you explain the background about how this document came to be?

IP: The whole purpose of the document was to send to Melani’s lawyers so they knew what I had gone in and told the FBI.

So I told Melani on Dec. 19 that I had been talking with the police and a little later, I told her I’d been recording her. It was after I told Melani that I had been working with the FBI and the police that I wrote this. The whole idea is to protect her. Her lawyers needed to know exactly what I said, how I said it and that’s how I wanted to present it to them. These are the fears I shared with them that Melani shared with me.

The document sounds a lot more affirmative than what I heard, but when I go into the police, I want action. I want this to be over with, basically. I went and I shared with the FBI everything that I heard, everything I was afraid of, and at that point, I thought the kids were in danger. I thought there was something dark and sinister going on. I was afraid.

So things came out when I talked with the FBI in a way that (I) shouldn’t have. And I kind of regret the way I presented it to them because I feel like it’s kind of blown this thing up a lot more than it should have. There wasn’t really a whole lot going on until my ex-wife and I went in and spoke with the FBI. Then, a week later, they’re starting to put out press releases and all these things. I don’t know if what we shared acted as a catalyst for that. Or maybe I’m just full of myself.

Eaton: For the casual reader seeing this, there is some shocking stuff in there. Chad and Lori apparently told you, Melani, that JJ and Tylee had been possessed and become zombies, that Alex may have to “take care” of the kids, he had “great faith” and “never wavered in his trust of the Lord.” Can you understand these writings are alarming, concerning and suspicious on all counts?

IP: Anybody who doesn’t know what’s going on, they’re going to look at this and go, “Yeah, this is insane.”

So Brandon contacted my ex-wife, Natalie, and basically shared the idea with her that Melani’s in a cult, Lori’s in a cult, Chad’s a cult leader, they tried to kill me, they killed Charles and there’s this whole plot. I’m hearing this and I’m going, “Holy crap! What did I get myself into?” And so anything that happens, anything I hear from then on, even if it’s something I’ve heard before, I’m looking at it through the lens of, “This could be a cult.” Something weird is going on, and I’m hearing this right after her door gets kicked in by the Rexburg Police and we see a search warrant looking for JJ.

So everything seemed really off at that point. I’ve described it like a Treehouse of Horrors episode of “The Simpsons” for Halloween. You see a shadow of a claw on the wall, and then the light comes, and it’s just a branch scratching on the window. Depending on how you shine the light, there are facts, but depending on how you shine the flashlight, the facts look different.

When I’m hearing all these things, I’m scared, and I think there’s a cult. As you go through the document, you kind of see my thought process of this is stuff that I’m hearing, and stuff I’m worried about. As I continue to look at it, I’m starting to see that there’s really nothing proving any of this. There’s nothing proving that Tylee and JJ have come to any harm. You can even see at the end of the document I’m still questioning why in the world do we not know where the kids are.

But as I’ve gotten to know Summer and Janis and heard more about Lori’s life and the experiences she’s gone through, I’m starting to see maybe there is some reasoning behind what’s going on. I have no clue what’s going on, but I know that Melani is a good person. I’ve loved her through this whole thing. I was never really concerned about her. But in the beginning, I’m like, “Holy crap, her uncles are into some shady stuff, and I need to try to figure out what’s going on. I’m going to record your conversations, try to get from point A to point B, get this thing wrapped up and over with so I can move on with my life and my new wife.”

MBP: <snip> Where it comes down to Tylee and JJ and this zombie idea – it came from a disturbing phone call I got from one of Lori’s old friends right after they took off to Hawaii. She told me, “Lori and Alex did something to Tylee and JJ, and we don’t know where they’re at, and Lori has lied to you,” and all these things that didn’t feel right. On that phone call, I felt a lot of fear and doubt, and that’s when I kind of went into this worrying phase.

I’m newly married, and I’m sharing these things with him and can’t sleep some nights. I didn’t know where they’re at, I didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t understand these things. And Ian, which I don’t know, is talking with Natalie and Brandon, and they’re telling him these terrifying things that aren’t true – that I’ve wanted to kill Brandon, and I’m in a cult. I have no idea what Ian’s doing behind the scenes, and I’m in a scared time in my life where I’m trying to figure out the pieces. I’m trying to know what’s going on with Brandon and his plans, and who he is working with, and where my kids are. December was terrifying – like we’re thrown into this boiling pot as soon as we get married and trying to just adapt as best we can.

Eaton: Melani, did you actually believe these things that Lori and Chad told you? Or were you telling Ian just to get it off your chest with the assumption you didn’t know what to think?

MBP: Lori and Chad did not tell me most of those things in the document. Those were fears I was hearing from other people, and never did I believe them. When you don’t have knowledge about something and you’re in a scary situation like this, you think the worst. And I’m an open book. I kind of say it how it is.

I didn’t know Ian was recording all these things and that he was talking to Natalie or Brandon. I had told him my history with Brandon, and I warned that Natalie’s probably going to try to get ahold of Brandan, and Brandon’s going to run with all these lies about me. Ian knew who I was, but the factor of Tylee and JJ going missing – he’d never seen them before and had only met Chad and Lori one time. He doesn’t know what I know about the past with Lori trying to do everything she can to protect her kids and people who have been threatening her.


Eaton: One other question about the document, Ian, and then we can we can move on. You mentioned in there that your whole intent was not to smear anybody. Your intent was to protect your family and helps solve the case of the missing kids. Can you guys address the public as to what you all are doing to help in the case?

IP: We, to the best of our knowledge, have cooperated fully with the FBI and law enforcement. Anytime they’ve had questions, we’ve answered. That’s all we can do right now. We’re trying to set people at ease a little bit. Right now, the kids are missing. We don’t know where they are, and there’s so much speculation because of this information that’s leaked in the accusations that Charles made in his paperwork, and people coming out of the woodwork to come after Chad or come after Lori.


MBP: Yeah. I had my first initial meeting with Detective Hermosillo, and then I invited FBI into my home for a few hours and told them everything that I did know. My first meeting with FBI, I shared a lot of these things I’m sharing with you, Nate, and they were like, “OK, this isn’t where we thought this was going at all.” We haven’t heard this other side of why Lori would be doing what she’s doing and why she does not feel safe to say where her kids are and why she needs to protect them.

Interview with 12News:

MBP: This entire document that was illegally obtained by somebody just trying to hurt — this is old news. This is something Ian put together to protect us. When he went in with Natalie and all these ideas, that turned this entire investigation to a frenzy, this document was put together to give to our lawyers. This is what he went in with. Now we have to explain this to the fullness of truth that it is. In its entirety, there weren’t any facts to this. These were fears, these were worries.

<snip> He’s hearing these things from our exes who are working together to try and drive a wedge in between us. December was really tough. There were a lot of things being thrown around and the things in the document were the things that were given to Rexburg Police in December to continue confusing this case and mix it up with speculation and rumor by these documents and rumors that might be released — because it just leads the public to have more questions and more reason to believe these crazy things. And unfortunately, the truth isn’t as exciting as these crazy things, so we keep feeding them. This is what people want.

(Interviews with links are in the media thread starting here and then scrolling down to posts below it for the additional interviews ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION )
Yes, and as I mentioned last night, the defense will do everything it can to keep the "loony belief system" under wraps. It alone is not enough to convict, but it sure would not help absolve him.

Yes, I agree. Keeping things out or playing down the things that don't sit well with the jury is part of any decent defense strategy. IMOO
Is there a chance that on Nov. 26 when CD and AC were confronted by the officers outside the town home units, that CD and AC were, in fact, at that very moment, relocating human remains?

As alleged in the Judge's Summary Charging statement: "destroy, alter and/or conceal human remains, knowing that said human remains were about to be produced, used and/or discovered as evidence in a felony proceeding"
I don't think so.

Chad went to California for Thanksgiving and then onto Hawaii and stayed there as far as we know until Lori's arrest. Alex went to AZ for Thanksgiving and then to Las Vegas, and stayed there for about a week, then died in AZ about another week after that. MBP said she was discussing with Alex on the phone bringing his things down to him from Idaho and meeting him halfway, but he wasn't up to it healthwise. I also don't think they'd have gone off and left the children's remains out of their control. I think Chad felt quite safe in Hawaii while there was snow on the ground back in Idaho.

Although I have no idea of course if he has recently moved them to his yard from elsewhere.

I read the article as there may be digital evidence, not that they have said that they definitely have it. jmoo
There's a link to this tweet in the article.

Kim Powell

10 Mar

#wherearethekids: Sources tell CBS News there is digital evidence that links Alex Cox to Tammy Daybell's death. Her autopsy results are still pending. Alex died in December before he could ever be questioned. #azfamily…

I think it may mean they have cell phone data from AxC linked to the Daybell property in some way. But they have not linked it specifically to Tammy's death.

Forgive me if this has been asked or answered as I'm still 30 pages behind, but is the FBI mobile unit still in Rexburg? And if so how long do they typically stay on site? I'm just wondering if their presence (or lack thereof) could be used as a gauge for how far along their investigation is or if there's other people or evidence in the area they may be looking into now that the primary POI's Chad and Lori are both in jail.

I've recently heard rumors that someone may have been coaching Chad on how to encrypt his phone and/or communication devices in an effort to thwart the investigation. If that is true then it would seem like others may have criminally involved themselves in this case by the obstruction of justice and/or becoming an accessory after the fact, which I'm sure LE would be interested in learning about (if they haven't already with the help of the FBI). Thus my curiosity. MOO.

It's not illegal, however, to encrypt a digital device. LE might threaten after the fact charges to insure they are being given all known information. But IMOO, merely helping someone encrypt their phone is not an illegal activity. Well, there can be gray areas. Do you have any additional info. on the encryption details? TIA

If there were text messages between CD and this tech friend in which CD references locking down info and keeping it from LE., that would be illegal though, MOO.
I have followed WS for a long time but this is my first post. Ever. My apologies for intruding into what has been a very interesting discussion.

I am curious about something and I am hoping others might help. I went through the prosecution's witness list and there are several names there that I don't recognize at all, even though I've been following this case from the beginning. I know we are restricted in what we can say on this site, but are others as bewildered? I am familiar with disclosure obligations (at least in Canada), so I would expect that sources for LE would have to be listed here.

If you type the names individually into the search box above your avatar (at the top right of the screen on my device) it should bring up any threads where they have been mentioned before. I haven't tried it myself for this particular search but I think we have worked out the relationships of most of the witnesses in previous threads. Some names also come up in a general internet search if you type them in with the name Vallow or Daybell.
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There's a link to this tweet in the article.

Kim Powell

10 Mar

#wherearethekids: Sources tell CBS News there is digital evidence that links Alex Cox to Tammy Daybell's death. Her autopsy results are still pending. Alex died in December before he could ever be questioned. #azfamily…

I think it may mean they have cell phone data from AxC linked to the Daybell property in some way. But they have not linked it specifically to Tammy's death.


Ah, thank you @tresir2012.
Thanks for those transcript excerpts, Tortoise.

Makes me think that Ian had pretty good instincts all along, and he’s probably pretty pissed off right now, and ready to scalp Lori and Chad.

Natalie’s role in all of this is fascinating, too. It looks like she set a great deal in motion. Add that to BB, Larry and Kay, and it’s incredibly fortunate that persistent and brave folks outside the circle of lunatics cared for JJ, Tylee, and the other children indirectly involved.
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