Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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What I meant was a former clot was not noted in the legs or the remainder of a clot was not noted in the legs. (Unless I missed it)

From here: BBM What is Venous Thromboembolism? | CDC
The most serious complication of DVT happens when a part of the clot breaks off and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs, causing a blockage called pulmonary embolism (PE).

The likelihood to me seems slim given all the other possibilities that his PE was natural occurring and not from a poison or toxin.

A 20-year review of data from 1979–1998 found that the age-adjusted death rate for PE was 94 per 1,000,000 individuals

From those people-

In fact, community-based epidemiological studies suggest that roughly one in five individuals die almost immediately

His risk was greater because of travel- from the link:

Any sort of travel has the potential to increase the risk of DVT/PE. Prolonged air, car, and rail trips where the traveler is immobile for long periods of time appear to bring about the greatest risk. In fact, travel by air, car, train, or bus for four or more hours increases the risk about twofold for several weeks after the trip 76. The risk is even greater for travelers with other risk factors.
I don’t profess to be good with numbers but let’s try the math.
94 in 1,000,000 = .0094%
his risk doubled because of travel - does that make his risk of death from PE .0282%?
Of those 1 in 5 die immediately

That to me seems a very, very, small likelihood.

You seem to be comparing the likelihood of death by PE to all other causes of death. That doesn't help us here. Let's instead compare it to what you believe is far more likely: death by murder (generally) and murder by poisoning (more specifically):

There were 5 murders per 100,000 people in 2018 in the United States. (FBI link: Murder).
5 in 100,000 = .005%
(50 in 1,000,000)

Want to hazard a guess at what percentage of murders are committed by poison? According to the Washington Post (i can't get the link due to a paywall) it's 1/2 of 1%. If anyone finds otherwise, I'll revise my numbers. But indulge me for now.
5 * .005 = 0.025 in 100,000 = .00000025%
(1 in 4,000,000)

I'm going to make an educated guess that the percentage of murders by poison that resulted in PE is even smaller than that, but I'm good with 1 in 4M.

Now that seems like a very, very small likelihood. (1 in 4M vs 376 in 4M)
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I am trying to get the timeline straight here.
The SIGHTING of the jeep in Brandon's neighborhood was in OCTOBER, that is when the shooting took place. IIRC
LVD and kids moved to Idaho the end of AUGUST
so did the JEEP stay back or did the shooter drive it back from Idaho to shoot at Brandon.
We know the Jeep was confiscated by LE at the time of Brandon's shooting, so LE has had it since then.
How do we know the Jeep was confiscated at the time of Brandon's shooting? I know no such thing. As far as I know, Jeep was confiscated from Rexburg, Idaho.
LE would still have needed to see proof of life, though. Jmo

No. They had absolutely no legal rights or standing to demand any type of "Welfare Check". The only way it would have happened is if they had convinced the State of Idaho child welfare to get involved.

Why? Because biological grandparents have zero rights to any contact with a child that was legally adopted. Not even a "Welfare Check".
It was never asked of Melanie, that I saw, if there was ever an idea that Melanie marry Alex? She didn't seem to have a partner, or never mentions one, in order to be part of the 144,000. JMO
I don't think Melanie is sleuthable so you won't see anthing posted here. But I think it is ok to say that you might find the first couple of pages of her book interesting. It can be found on Amazon.
Perhaps I can understand why some folks lay blame on MG, MBP, or Lori’s mom,’s horrific that the kids are dead.

But Chandler PD looks the worst, by far, here. Maybe this is hindsight bias, but if they had investigated the July 11 homicide of Charles in anything like a rational or professional manner, those kids would almost certainly be alive.

You hope those officers and Chandler PD get investigated for their atrocious negligence.
JMO and I don't know if it would have prevented the children from being murdered but I do agree Chandler LE really messed things up with the investigation of CV murder.
I am way behind in this thread but just wanted to interject here (before I forget about it) to say how much I appreciate your input here and how valuable your knowledge and expertise is! Kudos to you :D
DITTO-- we are lucky to have you here :)
chad burying the kids in his own backyard is so risky and stupid. have such an arrogant controlling personality that you see yourself fooling everyone and untouchable.

every time i picture dumbell i see the emperor with no clothes:D

what an idiot.

the fact he thought lori the looney was some kind of catch is a side note.:p

When I talked to my brother about this night before last, all he could say (repeatedly) was: "That would have been the first place I looked!"
Thank you so much @Gardener1850 for all of your hard work with these timelines.
It is a great resource to refer back to and we appreciate having them and you :)

And me! Especially in this devilishly :rolleyes: convoluted case. I think I'd have given up following it ages ago were I not able to catch up quickly with the timeline. It's like 40 threads in one!
I found that a tough read. So this is the devil's work. And don't dabble with energy healing and this pendulum business to determine light and dark spirits. Also multiple mortal probations and portals and listening to dead spirits is dangerous as you are opening up a conversation with the devil.

I cannot believe this as I am not religiously inclined. I do believe there was evil here but it was in the minds of Chad and Lori and Alex. Why Lori and Alex were susceptible to these ideas from Chad I cannot understand. Also we know others believe in this as she mentions in her letter to AVOW.
Is this the cult? I.e. those who believe in energy healing, multiple mortal probations and communicating with dead spirits through the veil.

I tend to think this is criminal behaviour to gain money and power through lies and deception, and ultimately by way of murder. I am also wondering who MG is talking about when she says she was able to convince a woman of the dangers of this energy healing and am wondering if she is talking about JR or ZP.


I couldn’t get to the end of it. She’s full of crap. Melanie G is waist deep in this mess, Melani P is neck deep in it. I’m not feeling sorry for MG in the least. She allowed herself to be sucked into this sick world. How can you be so emotionally weak? They all need serious mental health therapy.
I didn’t see anything in the autopsy of a history of a clotting disorder. If that was confirmed it would’ve been reported as a contributing cause of death. Poisoning would also cause him not to feel well in the days preceding his death. Also, at least 80% of my patients have some form of hypertensive heart disease by age 51. I guess the only thing Ive seen so far that would give me doubt as to whether it could have been caused naturally was that he was a truck driver. MOO

Agree about the clotting not being listed, which was why I said "allegedly". <modsnip: removed info not supported by link>

You're the medical professional, would they have tested for that in an autopsy, or mentioned it for any reason? Do you read a lot of autopsy reports? Genuinely curious. The more professional opinions here, the better.
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In my deepest reach for conspiracy theory he’s a deeply inserted FBI agent... but then there’s the baby.

The baby just seals the deal! It's like street gangs: "Blood in, blood out!". In order to secure his cover, they had to have a baby! I'm kidding, of course, but this would make a great TV show. Poor Ian. I don't know what his level of involvement is, but I can't help feeling a little bad for him. (If he's a co-conspirator, I'll take it all back later)
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Tricia Griffith
I totally agree... I get sick hearing the “I didn’t ask but I was thinking about it” bs. No sympathy from me. She was in a “pickle” by not answering phone, and not telling for 11 days... she’s all cya, imho and weak at that.

What gets me is everyone associated with Lori is like that. Am I the only one that notices that? Jmo

Let me see if I can say this somehow....

First of all, you're not wrong.

Everyone that has ever known Lori is (or should be) looking at their own interactions with her and wondering if there was some point at which they should have said "Y'know, Lori, I just don't think that is a healthy way of looking at this. The reality is {insert reality here.}" Though it should be noted, Charles tried. He ended up looking crazy himself to some people. (So, thank goodness he's totally vindicated by his own death:rolleyes: -- I think we all know what a hollow victory that is.) Anyway, Charles tried and he got murdered.

Still....pretty much everyone should be revisiting how they responded to her and wondering if they didn't further her descent into being a part of murdering her own children. Thinking about that just about does me in. Her children were murdered, and she's a part of it.

It's not an easy thing to consider where this went so very wrong and whether someone could have intercepted it. I don't think so - the honest to goodness truth is that the responses to her always ranged between "I'd love to be a part of your craziness" to " you." Being arrested in Hawaii was probably the first time in her life anybody threw down on her behavior. (Even when she was being questioned immediately after Charles' murder, I thought the cop she was dealing with was gonna invite her out for dinner just as soon as he finished his shift.)

Anyway, you're not wrong for thinking that everyone who enters her sphere ends up raving mad.
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From Gardener1850's timeline at the beginning of the thread; the source was CR interview w/Justin Lum Fox10 Phoenix:

30 Aug 2019
– Lori, Tylee & JJ drive up to Colby’s workplace in Tylee’s Jeep. He comes out to talk to them briefly and they tell him they are moving the next day. CR says when he hugged them goodbye he did not know they were leaving AZ nor where they were moving to, but he thought it was good that Lori was getting the kids out of the house where CV died. Lori also told CR she got a new job but did not mention where the job was or what she was doing. Tylee seemed sad to be moving away and didn’t say much. (CR interview w/Justin Lum, Fox10 Phoenix).

ETA: However, note that this just says the three of them drove the Jeep to say goodbye the day prior to their move; it does NOT say the Jeep is the vehicle they drove to Rexburg. It could be that they loaded another vehicle for the move and just used the Jeep for the short trip to Colby's workplace.
Yes..I am curious about the Jeep-- did it go to Rexburg with them end of August and then back to AZ when the attempt on Brandon occurred??
Or did it stay in AZ and someone drove or flew back to AZ, got the jeep for the shooting attempt, but we know the wheel from back of it and the back seat were removed and put into Jeep must have been in Rexburg for them to remove those items before going to AZ for the shooting of Brandon
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