Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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Police searching for Rexburg children believed to be in serious danger | East Idaho News

I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 - TIMELINE ONLY *NO DISCUSSION*

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Thread #40


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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

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Hey everyone,

Plunder is not an approved source here, and what is discussed in the nightly youtube chat is not held to the same TOS standard that this WS board discussion is. Please don't bring what is discussed in chat to this thread.

Please move on from discussing various personality disorders.

We do not have any VI psychologist / experts in the thread and Lori has not been diagnosed so it is really off topic in this discussion at this time and, at times, comments made are offensive to some members.
Hey everyone,

Due to a busy workload behind the curtain today, there is a delay in getting to all the Alerts that have come in. In the meantime ...

Rumors are NOT allowed. You can't make a post and say to the effect "I know it's rumor, but ...."

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There seems to be some confusion and concerns being expressed about Timeline posts not being linked in the Opening Posts.

Mods, Admins, Coordinators ... we've all had discussion about this over the last year and we just don't know why or when members started requesting WS staff to make all these additions and changes to the Opening Posts of new threads. We are a very limited staff and this is something members have historically done on their own that doesn't create any extra work for WS staff.

It is a very simple system that was set up years ago and has worked well in the past. We don't need to duplicate effort or reinvent the wheel here.

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As you can see, any member can start an appropriately titled new timeline thread within such a forum and make or copy their Timeline posts and all subsequent revisions or updates into that thread. It can be titled something like Vallow & Daybell Media, Maps & Timeline (or just Vallow & Daybell Timeline thread if they want to keep it separate and apart from Media and Maps). If the thread gets titled Media, Maps and Timelines, all members have to do is use the search feature within that thread for the word Timeline. That's what these features are for.

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If nobody else is going to do it for this case, when one of us gets time (not sure when that will be), we will set up the timeline thread for you in this case and copy all of Gardener1850's timeline posts into it. We will update the link in the Opening Post and it will never have to change after that.

Truly hope this clarifies.
I too was surprised when AC's autopsy results were finally released and indicated that he died of natural causes. Seems there shouldn't even be such a thing as a "natural" cause that would take someone's life at age 51. That's not natural.

But if AC's death WASN'T due to natural causes, I would've guessed suicide way before I guessed murder. Other than ZP (or JM?) there just weren't any other murderous "conspirator types" around in the week leading up to his death. Yeah, I suppose you could try to trick him with some supplement pills or "new" meds that you'd slipped him earlier, but that'd be a tough switch and sell. And I think it's much harder these days to mix up a drink containing antifreeze and have it not taste like, well, antifreeze. And coroners, I think, are catching on to that one.

No, my guess is that AC was enormously stressed. Stressed to the bone. Not a happy camper. No longer a clown. Feeling nothing but extreme guilt, shame, and fear - and beginning to think he just might wind up spending the rest of his life in his own private Idaho cell. I think there may also have been some deep seated self-hatred pathology stuff going on as well, but that's jmo.

Alex had just committed several unconscionable and heinous crimes. He might've convinved everyone in the cult that he was on board and faithful with all that LV, CD, MB, MG, ZP, and others were spewing about mortal probations, the 144k, zombies and stuff, but I don't think he really really believed. He just wanted Lori's approval. He just wanted attention. He was lost and just wanted love - and as a kind of sociopath (IMO) he'd do anything to get it.

So the crimes had to be weighing on his concience. He'd just gotten married to a woman he didn't love (and who certainly didn't love him). His sister appeared to be gone from his life (again) forever (and forever again?). The cops were surely closing in. And Alex Cox didn't even want to be Alex Cox anymore: he changed his last name to Pastenes. What a mess he had made of things.

And based on MB's reports of their last phone conversation, I strongly suspect that AC either knew he was dying, or knew he about to die, when the two of them were speaking on the phone. I think at that moment he was either already in the process of killing himself, or was just about to begin the process of killing himself, and MB could sense it.

The autopsy report has definitely been frustrating to a lot of us. I have almost felt that this particular autopsy report should have been beyond reproach or question, because if there was ANY death in this whole bizarre case that authorities (and a respective coroner) would've and should've KNOWN to look especially hard for any hard-to-find, difficult-to-detect, kryptonite, periodic-table-type poisons, THIS WAS IT! They couldn't have missed it! Could they?

Immediately after the (disappointing) results were posted, I suggested that Alex's PE could possibly have been caused by injecting air into a vein (an air embolism). Air injections/embolisms have been used in many suicides and murders in the past, but it's not the easiest method, mainly because it apparently takes a good bit of air. That aspect of it might complicate things in a murder, but it probably wouldn't deter someone attempting suicide.

And a suicide-by-air-injection-resulting-in-PE definitely doesn't fit into a nice package crime involving poor TD (using the same method, only for murder). You would have had to first somehow sedate her, and then inject her with the air. Even if the air embolism PE method couldn't be detected, the sedation drug probably could. But I don't really know what I'm talking about, so I think I'm going to bed.
IF you go to that video and listen she says it like she can barely remember the name and says it haltingly. So she insinuates she barely knows the name. But it does have a package that provides the tux and gown rental. jmo
I read the transcript, I didn't watch it. But I could see how it would sound odd if she said it haltingly.
The baby just seals the deal! It's like street gangs: "Blood in, blood out!". In order to secure his cover, they had to have a baby! I'm kidding, of course, but this would make a great TV show. Poor Ian. I don't know what his level of involvement is, but I can't help feeling a little bad for him. (If he's a co-conspirator, I'll take it all back later)
This is not so far fetched. A case in the UK where an undercover agent with a false identity infiltrated an extreme organisation and had a relationship and a child while undercover came out several years later and I believe the mother sued and won. Have to check the details and link. Here it is.

The undercover cop, his lover, and their son
I missed some pages so I apologize if this is repeat info. I am glad MG shared her story and some insider details.I didn't know these existed until I just googled it tonight. This is very foreign to me.

I wonder if this $11.95 pendulum is what CD was using.

After reading the reviews, I think this one is a little nicer/better reviews for $21.95 and it's Egyptian.

Could have made stones with light/dark ratings like these in the photo? How a Healing Pendulum Works | Kheops International

I wonder what other divination tools that he used? I wonder if these things were confiscated by LE? MG statements would be backed up if they found those types of items in his possession.
This reminds me of an old wives tale where you put a pendulum over your pregnant belly to determine the sex. If it swings in a circle it is a boy if it goes back and forth it is a girl. We don't need this now with scans of course.
Thanks for the links! I didn’t know these were a thing either until reading about them here. There was discussion here about a week ago and people who know more than I do talked about pendulums being part scams and sleight of hand tricks used during the seance and spiritualism craze of the late 1800s thru the 1920s. Pendulums are still being used it seems. There was also discussion of dousing sticks, but I don’t think Chad used one

If you mean water dousing sticks, they work. I have used one to find the path of our underground water pipe. Very weird but they do work. I missed the previous discussions.

So I’m going to bed. Tried walking the pup today and it kinda put me down. Covid19 has proven hard. Please bear with m

This is a very confusing post as far as I’m concerned. You’re painting both as villains and for me it seems like a very disoriented post

They are both villains (Lori and Chad).
1. Did the employees actually have to file lawsuits to get paid, I can’t remember?

2. The dog trainer said he saw the Infiniti packed and ready to go when he picked up the dog on the 1 or 2 I believe. So I don’t think the Infiniti was left in AZ.

If the Infiniti was owned (debt free) I could absolutely see the sale of it paying for a rogue and few hair salon trips on top. I have sold a few cars with trade ins and left on the same day with a car. (No need to have tylee’s Jeep) I’ve walked in to a car max and traded a car and left with a new one in under 2 hours.

But I said a couple days ago and still stand by it, that I’m curious what happened to the Infiniti and when and why that was.
It has just occurred to me that the jeep being in Arizona without its rear seat and wheel on 2nd Oct clearly indicated Tylee no longer needed it. So who was using a dead girl's jeep and driving it in October and November? Alex? MB?
It was recovered in Rexburg so who drove it back? Didn't they wonder why Tylee didn't need her jeep anymore?
I read it too... was just continually saying to myself.. this is what you want to say?

This part was interesting to me:

“ Chad and Lori were so anxious to be together that Chad developed a plan and called Lori to let her know that Charles was taken over by an unclean spirit and was no longer Charles anymore. These unclean spirits would later become zombies. I was there when this happened and Lori seemed a little overwhelmed by this idea but wanted to believe Chad.”

So, my question. What was the plan? Did you know about this plan then, before Charles was murdered?

2. She acts like in her letter that she now has all this new knowledge about why you shouldn’t fall for the things that she fell for. I have to believe that these things, scriptures, she was taught prior to the last six months. It’s not like she’s got new knowledge all the sudden. She made some mistakes, got caught, and is trying to show renewed faith based on premises and teachings that she already knew but put aside for Chad’s teachings. I almost get the feeling of the quiet girl that wants to be a part of the popular crowd so she alters her views to fit in, then she realizes the popular crowd didn’t look so good after all. IMHO

3. I don’t understand the “secret combinations” terminology. I thought that was code for CIA, FBI, but it’s obviously not.

4. I was sick after the first paragraph of of poor CP.... should’ve started with TR and JJ!

Linking the letter again. READ: Melanie Gibb's 7-page letter posted on AVOW | East Idaho News
She did know back in Jan/Feb 2019, because of the stolen purse incident and Charles being locked out by Lori. MG was one of the people Charles called to tell her about the Ned Snyder crap. Even after Charles murder in July she didn't think something was odd about it? With friends like MG and Chandler PD, who needs enemies?
I would really love for this to be it, but MOO it's not likely. He would have to be taking 2 psychiatric medications, and we don't have any indication that they had access to paliperidone :(
One of those cases was only taking Risperidone and then used cocaine which seemed to create the PE. This is good research.
It has just occurred to me that the jeep being in Arizona without its rear seat and wheel on 2nd Oct clearly indicated Tylee no longer needed it. So who was using a dead girl's jeep and driving it in October and November? Alex? MB?
It was recovered in Rexburg so who drove it back? Didn't they wonder why Tylee didn't need her jeep anymore?
Clearly 'they' knew she was dead.
She did know back in Jan/Feb 2019, because of the stolen purse incident and Charles being locked out by Lori. MG was one of the people Charles called to tell her about the Ned Snyder crap. Even after Charles murder in July she didn't think something was odd about it? With friends like MG and Chandler PD, who needs enemies?
I noted that too - I wish she said what the 'plan' was!!
I have a question that has been bothering me. In the MG interview, it was said by Nate that they calculated that Lori would be getting close to $6,000 per month as a single mum. Can anyone shed light on how this amount can be calculated? Is it from their fathers life insurance policies or a form of social security?
If you mean water dousing sticks, they work. I have used one to find the path of our underground water pipe. Very weird but they do work. I missed the previous discussions.
I'm a scientist. I am HIGHLY skeptical of this. But I have also personally witnessed numerous situations where dowsing seemed to work. I remain open minded but think it probably has something to do with human intuition in many cases and the fact that in many areas, wells are always productive if you dig deep enough.
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